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abbydabby 08-22-2010 11:57 PM

I had surgery for 11.8 Chiari in Nov. 2009...Developed a CSF leak and had to have the whole thing done all over again in Dec. 2009. I still have to lay down several times a day and some days just can't do anything at all. I am terribly off balance...If I tilt my head to one side or the whole body tips in that direction and I have to grab onto something to catch myself from falling!

Originally Posted by AllChiariOut (Post 369497)
Hi there,

Living this whole thing has been nothing more than a nightmare to say the least. How are we expected to still be mothers, wives and employees when we can barely take care of ourselves ? I have so many questions and the surgeons office doesn't really have answers.... I had my surgery Sept 3,2008 and my head still at times feels fuzzy like before the surgery. Is that because the swelling inside is still slowing down the spinal fluid? Dis you have any of that. ? Is it normal for your scalp on one side to be numb-like, is it normal when you try to tilt your head toward your left or right shoulder that your balance / off feeling. I don't want to say vertigo - but sort of dizzy... How about walking around- is it normal to still be tired after a bit...? I know it has only been 12 days for me. Yesterday was an excellent day but last night, I didn't sleep much and it pretty much kept me on the couch all day. I think 5 hours wasn't enough for recovery.. what is normal ? what do other people feel ..? I am looking for information or anyone to help or talk to..... seems like there is no one that has had this surgery around here..... any advise would be nice..... THANKS !!!

Noggin 09-12-2010 07:32 PM

Feelin great
I just wanted to post here for people like me who came on here before their surgery looking for information. All I saw were people who were still having problems or were sorry they had the surgery. I had surgery on 9/2/2010 and a week later I am doing GREAT! Sure, the pain was awful the first 2 days like you would expect, but for the first time since I was a kid, I can take a shower with my eyes closed! Growing up, I would fall over in the shower when I closed my eyes to wash my hair. My desent was 16mm and I had terrible headaches, balance issues, swallowing problems and I would drop things all the time. Now, I am feeling fantastic and so glad I had the surgery. I am so sorry for all of the people who are still having problems and wish you luck and peace soon. When I came on this sight, I seriously gave surgery a second thought because all of the feedback was negative. I'm glad I weighed my options and glad it has all worked out. :)

chreliwei 09-17-2010 01:31 PM

i had my chiari decompression 7/29/10 after being diagnosed with chiari malformation type 1 last summer. my neurologist told me i did have a bit of a syrinx but it would likely cause no further problems and i wouldn't need to do anything about it. so, he set me up for an MRI 1 yr. later to see if it was getting worse. the symptoms that brought me to my neurologist were that i had numbness from the top of my head to below my breast and only on my right side. straight down the middle. (i found out my syrinx was asymetrical, which is why i was having only the right side issue) i've had that since i could remember but always hated the doctor when i was little, so i never told my parents. (which i regret now) i developed pain in my forearm on the right side these past few years which got a lot worse this past year. because of the pain and because they didn't want to operate because my neurologist said the risks of surgery would outweigh the benefits of surgery, i went to a pain clinic to see if i could get it under control because the pain got unbearable. they were going to try some injections so they wanted me to get an mri first. i got the mri and my primary called me in to discuss because he got the reports. he said the syrinx had gotten much bigger and i needed to consult a neurosurgeon right away. i went to dr. john mullen and dr. stephen haines. both who are on the list for top 100 doctors in the country. i was very lucky to be able to choose between the two. i did choose dr. haines at the university of minnesota medical center. he is a very nice person and a great doctor. his whole team at the hospital cared so much for me and did everything they could to help me and my family out. i am so greatful for them. anyways, surgery was 7/29/10 and of course, expectedly i was very sore, tired, in a lot of pain after surgery. especially the first two days. i did get out of the hospital two days later. i ended up being re-admitted the next day for severe headaches. apparently, they didn't give me the right medications for discharge. so i stayed again for two days. left again. the NP gave me too much flexeril, i was taking 3 pills within 8 hrs. which i was supposed to take 1 pill every 8 hrs. so i ended up blacking out and falling on my head. went to the er and was checked out. and they gave me another med. schedule, taking the flexeril once every 8 hrs. i ended up getting very, very sick. vommiting whenever i ate one little thing, chills, shaking, headaches, blurred and double vision, couldn't walk straight, everything you can imagine.. and went in and was told i am having withdrawls and a UTI. left that day and i actually had a big pocket of fluid on the back of my head that had been there since surgery. that burst that following saturday which was about 3 days after i left on my readmission. i went to the hospital and they admitted me again. i found out i had menengitis when they tested my CSF. had to have a lumbar puncture (worst awful horrible pain of my life, i'd rather have the surgery again than that) and they kept that in for 5 days to test my fluid. was on IV drugs for a little over 2 weeks. had my mom doing my IV at home. i had a PICC line put in so i didn't have to be in the hospital. i left 1 week after i was re-admitted that second time. went back that same night! for a leak in my incision. (that's probably the third time i went back to the ER for a leak!) after that ER visit, i went back to feeling good. i got the PICC line removed at the time of my follow up visit on the 1st of september. i was doing pretty great. back on my own to my own house and getting back in the swing of things. the only things i noticed were some dizziness, headaches and of course the neck is still a little sore. i do have some draining of this sore on my neck, NOT CSF!! and they are keeping and eye on it. they took a sample yesterday so i will find out whats going on hopefully today! but if not monday. they might need to debreed it. but we'll see. when i had my MRI on 9/1 the dr. said everything is progressing how he would like it to and its moving along nicely. they did not get an MRI of the spine to see if the cyst/syrinx was gone, but that will be done on my 10/6 visit. so i will really see then. BUT if it's not going down, that means another surgery so they can put in a shunt. but i'm not worrying about that until and IF it happens. i'm just taking it day to day right now. the main thing i think the surgeon told me was it was NOT guaranteed that the problems (numbess and pain) would resolve. it was to prevent further problems. he said if i didn't have it i would likely have walking/swallowing problems among others. so, i obviously had no choice. i would say the surgery was worth it. just even thinking about having problems like that in the future, i couldn't even risk it. i do not take my ability to walk and ride my bike and do things on my own for granted now. i know how hard it was to recover and there were so many people in the hospital that were a lot worse off than i was. i think about it everyday. yes, i had many issues after surgery, but now i know this was all worth it.

baledo 09-19-2010 10:45 AM

Recovery from Chiari Surgery June 15, 2010

Originally Posted by momof4 (Post 347374)
I am curious--if anyone reading this has had surgery for Chiari I would like to hear how you've done. It would be interesting seeing some response on this because there is so little information available! Good or bad, please share your story!

anyone reading to response, please be patient, never done this before. I had a C1-C-2 Laminectomy & Decompression Chiari w/Doral Reconstruction on June 15, 2010. I was in ICU for three days, barely remember. I went home the fourth day. did everything neuro surgeon told me to do. for the last couple of weeks my symtoms came back but worse. My doctor put me on different types of pain medicine kept telling why am I having all these problems. She kept telling me it was not my Chiari. My last comment to her was I did not say it was. I know she fixed me, but why is she fighting me and telling what is the problem. I am getting an mri and xray on Monday.
my symtoms are tingling on the right side of my head followed by numbness behind the ear then comes the pain of the century. if feels like heavy pressure crawling up my skull. Sometimes I have to lay down for a couple of hours for the pain to stop. Sometimes when I'm work and they start feel sick.

rnforgod 09-28-2010 08:34 AM


Originally Posted by momof4 (Post 335817)

I am new here and have been searching for more information regarding recovery after surgery.

My story: I had mild headaches with an occasional "big" one for several years but in July '06 they blew up. They became intense daily with very severe headaches every couple weeks. The daily ha intensified to the point that I couldn't handle any noise, movement made it worse and of course light sensitivity increased. After several doctors treated me with no results I was referred to Diamond Headache in Chicago where I took loads of drugs but the headaches continued to worsen. I lost feeling in my fingertips, had increasing difficulty swallowing, the right side of my face sagged, daily toothaches, ringing in the ears, loss of balance, etc.

Against my Diamond's doctor's advice, I found a neurosurgeon that said that I had a "small" chiari and pulsating artery in my spinal cord that needed more room. (I may not be describing this in correct medical terms!) The surgeon is fabulous at surgery and I would recommend him in a heartbeat!

I woke up from surgery in February with a huge relief to my headaches. My struggle has been the recovery. My neck is so weak and I feel that I have come to a standstill. If I am up too long my neck will become sore and feel inflamed in the back to the point that I can't move it at all and it feels like my head will fall off. If I push it to far, I will get a headache although not nearly to the intensity that I had before. If I really overdo it, which means that I don't lay down 3-5 hours of the day and sit at my office desk for about 3-4 hours in the morning or try other activity, I may be totally flat in bed the next day in misery.

It has been just shy of 6 months since surgery and I am starting to wonder if something has gone wrong. The surgeon is caring and intensely intelligent but doesn't seem to like the follow up issues. The nurses will sometimes say that this is normal and sometimes will say that I should be doing better. I am not getting a clear answer. The dr finally authorized physical therapy but limited to only flexing my shoulderblades and stretching my chin in and out. (my chin doesn' go "in") He said no aerobic excersize or any other neck strengthening activities.

What do I do? The surgeon lives about 8 hours away and travel is difficult. He doesn't seem to think that I need to come back. I am longing to become stronger, both in body and neck and am starting to wonder if it will get better. I am healthy, just 39, average weight and no other health issues. I would love to hear your thoughts!


I fully understand your frustration!! I am a registered nurse and I am personally horrified at the lack of compassion I have encountered from the health care professionals. I have been told not to give up, even though I feel like it. So, all I can say is, keep at them and if they won't listen to you then find another doctor. Do your research and make sure that they have a clear understanding of your diagnosis. There are many doctors out there, but obviously not many that understand Chiari. I have to admit, I have gotten very upset with the doctors and nurses, but I am going to take that anger and frustration, ball it up, and keep fighting for my rights as a patient to be heard!! You do the same. Keep going!! :D

msdoo 01-18-2011 02:57 PM


Originally Posted by momof4 (Post 335817)

I am new here and have been searching for more information regarding recovery after surgery.

My story: I had mild headaches with an occasional "big" one for several years but in July '06 they blew up. They became intense daily with very severe headaches every couple weeks. The daily ha intensified to the point that I couldn't handle any noise, movement made it worse and of course light sensitivity increased. After several doctors treated me with no results I was referred to Diamond Headache in Chicago where I took loads of drugs but the headaches continued to worsen. I lost feeling in my fingertips, had increasing difficulty swallowing, the right side of my face sagged, daily toothaches, ringing in the ears, loss of balance, etc.

Against my Diamond's doctor's advice, I found a neurosurgeon that said that I had a "small" chiari and pulsating artery in my spinal cord that needed more room. (I may not be describing this in correct medical terms!) The surgeon is fabulous at surgery and I would recommend him in a heartbeat!

I woke up from surgery in February with a huge relief to my headaches. My struggle has been the recovery. My neck is so weak and I feel that I have come to a standstill. If I am up too long my neck will become sore and feel inflamed in the back to the point that I can't move it at all and it feels like my head will fall off. If I push it to far, I will get a headache although not nearly to the intensity that I had before. If I really overdo it, which means that I don't lay down 3-5 hours of the day and sit at my office desk for about 3-4 hours in the morning or try other activity, I may be totally flat in bed the next day in misery.

It has been just shy of 6 months since surgery and I am starting to wonder if something has gone wrong. The surgeon is caring and intensely intelligent but doesn't seem to like the follow up issues. The nurses will sometimes say that this is normal and sometimes will say that I should be doing better. I am not getting a clear answer. The dr finally authorized physical therapy but limited to only flexing my shoulderblades and stretching my chin in and out. (my chin doesn' go "in") He said no aerobic excersize or any other neck strengthening activities.

What do I do? The surgeon lives about 8 hours away and travel is difficult. He doesn't seem to think that I need to come back. I am longing to become stronger, both in body and neck and am starting to wonder if it will get better. I am healthy, just 39, average weight and no other health issues. I would love to hear your thoughts!


I just had the same surgery 6 weeks ago and am experiencing pretty much the same thing with having to rest my neck and head after about 4-6 hours of being up at one time. My neurologist told me that was normal and that it could last anywhere from 6 mos. to 1 year. I was told it's a very slow recovery, but he told me that I was doing great so far. I started working 4 hours per day again last week (office) and tried to start 8 hours this week but it's not working. My doc just put me back to 4-6 hours as tolerated until I see him again in February. I'm hoping this doesn't last for 6 months, but I'm being very patient with it since I'm pretty much out of the pain I've been in for the past 15+ years. I've always had bad headaches every day in the back of my head, neck and shoulders. That has pretty much disappeared. Good luck to you!

andriss 04-03-2011 09:47 PM

i just had my surgery completed on march 3 2011. so far i have migraines still, but not like they use to be. i have hearing problems still. no surgery is gooing to be 100% proof. i have filed for ssdi ( social security) and waiting to go to my hearing in may 2011. its a shame how the government makes you go thru all this crap. i have damaged nerves and unbearable pain. i was told that afetr surgery, you will continue with the doctor for at least a year or more.
i don't quite understand how people can work with this going on, and be at work with some of the drugs you have to take for the pain....i cannot do it.
but hang in there. it can only get better.

pisha 05-01-2011 03:39 AM


Originally Posted by abbydabby (Post 687758)
I had surgery for 11.8 Chiari in Nov. 2009...Developed a CSF leak and had to have the whole thing done all over again in Dec. 2009. I still have to lay down several times a day and some days just can't do anything at all. I am terribly off balance...If I tilt my head to one side or the whole body tips in that direction and I have to grab onto something to catch myself from falling!

had my decompression on the 25th march, 2011, mine was 12mm, i have developed a leak on the inside so there is now a bump on the out side, surgern waiting to see if compression badage will work,

caligirl408 05-03-2011 01:17 PM


Originally Posted by momof4 (Post 347374)
I am curious--if anyone reading this has had surgery for Chiari I would like to hear how you've done. It would be interesting seeing some response on this because there is so little information available! Good or bad, please share your story!

i just recently had the Chiari Decompression surgery on March 7, 2011 and the week after I got of the hospital was the worst week of my life. I was placed back in the hospital on three different occations. The first time was that I was vomitting blood over and over again on my first day home. The second time I was back at the hospital was when I started to lose my vision and balance. The third time i was at the hospital was my fifth day back home i feinted and my blood pressure went down to 98/30. I amd still on the road to recovery cause my surgery is only a month old but, since the surgery, I still am unable to turn my neck. Almost every night its hard for me to get into a position comfortable. But the surgery was also benificial. For the most part, I have not had anymore headaches but lately they have been coming back. Im am only 15 so i hope it helps me eventually.

luvly1218 05-04-2011 03:32 PM

Month after surgery
My name is Melissa. I had the Chiari Malformation surgery on April 1st. I am still sore and stiff.. and today I am having pains on the back right side of my head. I was wondering if anyone has gone threw this? Has anyone had anything like this? I didnt even start my PT yet. I am scared and alone. I even feel like a jackass calling the doctor to see if I am ok.

chreliwei 05-10-2011 02:06 PM

please don't be afraid to call them for ANYTHING that seems not normal. i had so many complications after surgery, it's a scary process and it the worrying doesn't stop until you are fully healed, and never completely stops, to this day. it's been almost a year since sugery. if you want to talk, e-mail me if you'd like.*** hope all goes well!

MelissaA 05-10-2011 08:57 PM


Originally Posted by babiigirl81104 (Post 633069)
Hi, I am 20 years old, and had the chiari malformation surgery Nov. 11, 2009. I have yet to return to work due to severe headaches. I have been put on a headache preventative, but it hasn't helped me. I have had an mri done in Ja, and my doctor said everything looked great, but i still almost feel the same as I did before the surgery. Does anyone else have that problem? I hope someone can help me out, due to still not working and its been 4 months and still feel like crap. The pressure and everything is back, right by my incision area, where the headaches were before. I would appriciate any help. Thank you. ~Stephanie

Hi Stephanie, Im sorry to hear about you still feeling like **** after the surgery, i too got my surgery a couple months ago and I FEEL AWFUL! i talked to my dr today and told him how i was feel the same and more. I hope you get back on here if you want to email me please do! Missy.

Tsgreen 05-19-2011 03:28 AM

Sister had surgery and recovery isn't good
My sister and I were very close, attached at the hip since she was born until we got into our fortys and she was diagnosed with chiari syndrome at Loma Linda Medical Center. She was sent to Neuro out of Long beach Univ. Hosp. for surgery.

She has changed so much, I don't know what to do for her. She hates me and almost our entire family, she is in pain, has terrible anxiety and worries excessively about her occipital area being injured so close to her brain. It is almost like she gained a split personality with this syndrome.

I am so grieved over losing her, I can't hardly breathe sometimes.

res5562965 06-20-2011 08:07 PM

If you have had Chiari Decompression surgery and still have a constant headache, you may also have Arnold's Chiari. This is where the spinal fluid still will not flow after the surgery. I was diagnosed with both at the same time. I had a shunt put in first to allow the fluid to leave my head. After that I still had the Chiari symptons and eventually had the Chiari Decompression surgery. I am telling this because even after Chiari Decompression, the aquaducts to the brain may be too small (as in my case) to allow the flow of spinal fluid.

Novaember 06-30-2011 09:21 AM

New to this
I have recently been diagnosed with Chiari. I am a 50 yr old female that started having severe headaches to the point where I have been unable to work on some days. I am scheduled to see the neurosurgeon tomorrow and I'm a little anxious. I am not afraid of having the surgery, I'm just not looking forward to the recovery. I was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis 12 years ago and some of the issues I have been dealing with I now learn are symptoms of the Chiari and not the RA. For that reason, I am excited about having the surgery done.
I am curious as to how large an incision has to be made and how long I will have to be off work. I know I can get these questions answered by the doctor, but sometimes they don't tell you everything. I am reading the posts on here and that has been very helpful. I want to thank everyone who has contributed information through their posts. I plan to also contribute as I travel through my journey to a better life. That's what this surgery means to me, and I hope I don't learn otherwise, is a better life for me, my husband, my children and my grandchildren as I work toward being more able to enjoy time with them.

res5562965 06-30-2011 06:10 PM


Originally Posted by Novaember (Post 782650)
I have recently been diagnosed with Chiari. I am a 50 yr old female that started having severe headaches to the point where I have been unable to work on some days. I am scheduled to see the neurosurgeon tomorrow and I'm a little anxious. I am not afraid of having the surgery, I'm just not looking forward to the recovery. I was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis 12 years ago and some of the issues I have been dealing with I now learn are symptoms of the Chiari and not the RA. For that reason, I am excited about having the surgery done.
I am curious as to how large an incision has to be made and how long I will have to be off work. I know I can get these questions answered by the doctor, but sometimes they don't tell you everything. I am reading the posts on here and that has been very helpful. I want to thank everyone who has contributed information through their posts. I plan to also contribute as I travel through my journey to a better life. That's what this surgery means to me, and I hope I don't learn otherwise, is a better life for me, my husband, my children and my grandchildren as I work toward being more able to enjoy time with them.

Are you having a shunt inserted or the Chiari Decompression surgery? I have had both, that's why I ask so I can tell you more about how mine went.

sacrdsweet 07-20-2011 02:16 AM

I understand. From what my surgeon told me was that in some cases it doesn't get rid of the headaches, it just shouldn't get worse. For me it did but also there are some things we did to help. One we bought a chiari pillow. It keeps you cool through out the night. Also realized heat would bring them on a lot. We bought these bands that have crystals inside and when it gets hot I place it in water and will it will keep me cool for hours. For me I also have syrinx so there is nerve damage. I'm just trying to learn to deal with. Which is very hard. I hope I helped

Jarredddd 07-29-2011 04:17 PM

My Story Arnold Chiari Malformation
OK! I am a 22 yr old male. I used to do a lot of gymnastics and i did a lot of stuff on trampolines! i think thats how i set off my ACM i was diagnosed with it 06/2011. I am at the point where i am trying to decide if i want to have surgery or just live with this for the rest of my life. Symptoms=
INtense vertigo that flares up once about evry 2 or 3 months- mild vertigo thats almost always apparent aka if i look somewhere reqqally fast or if i close my eyes while standing- Headaches oh god the headaches!- Insomnia... this just might be the worst symptom because it seems that the more sleep i miss out on the worst my dizzines and headaches are. - fatigue... i am 22 and i am usaully exhausted after 2pm. i am still in good shape and even though it kills me i still work out about 3 times a week.- BLoody noses (i am not sure if this is related but i do get them all the time- Arrousal issues... again not sure if it is related but i have a whole lot of dificulty gettin my manhood up even with a viagra. Bottomline is this, I am a cop so i run and chase bad guys all day and its so difficult to maintain focus driving writing reports and physically having to fight with bad guys while i am dizzy and have a horrible headache! so far it looks like 95% of the people on here regret having there surgeriess so i need to know if its worth it! I am 22 and i dont want ruin my life cuz its the only one i have!

chiarichic 07-29-2011 10:59 PM

I was diagnosed at 34 and had Decompression Craniectomy, with C1 Laminectomy at 35. I had disrupted CSF flow so my surgeon had to open the dura membrane and lyse the arachnoidal adhesions and then he used a dural patch to close the opening. The best advice I can give to you is to find yourself THE BEST Chiari Specialist around. You have youth on your side.....every young person I have spoken to with Chiari has healed much faster than us "OLD" folks..... Good Luck and keep us posted !!

Jarredddd 07-30-2011 08:01 PM


Originally Posted by chiarichic (Post 791044)
I was diagnosed at 34 and had Decompression Craniectomy, with C1 Laminectomy at 35. I had disrupted CSF flow so my surgeon had to open the dura membrane and lyse the arachnoidal adhesions and then he used a dural patch to close the opening. The best advice I can give to you is to find yourself THE BEST Chiari Specialist around. You have youth on your side.....every young person I have spoken to with Chiari has healed much faster than us "OLD" folks..... Good Luck and keep us posted !!

thanks! i need all the help i can get! does anyone know about a fundraising for the surgery and recovery time?

how much does a normal AMC surgery cost?

fishersgo 08-16-2011 02:32 PM

I wish I had found this site a year ago. I had my surgery on 7/30/10 and after reading a lot of the posts here, I know definitely that I had a good outcome. I was in the hospital for 4 days and dizzy/nauseous and constantly tired for at least 2 wks after that. Thankfully my mom came to take care of the household chores. I am now a little more than a year out from the surgery and doing well. I still have neck pain and headaches from time to time, but the headaches are not nearly as bad as before the surgery. I was told I had to have the surgery because the CSF flow was blocked and not getting through, so for me it was not whether to have the surgery, but just how well would I do afterwards. I have already had my follow up MRI and there is only a minor Chiari malformation now. From what I understand, it is not possible to make it completely "normal", but mine will require no further surgery, thankfully!

Dogomom 09-22-2011 10:41 AM


Originally Posted by Novaember (Post 782650)
I have recently been diagnosed with Chiari. I am a 50 yr old female that started having severe headaches to the point where I have been unable to work on some days. I am scheduled to see the neurosurgeon tomorrow and I'm a little anxious. I am not afraid of having the surgery, I'm just not looking forward to the recovery. I was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis 12 years ago and some of the issues I have been dealing with I now learn are symptoms of the Chiari and not the RA. For that reason, I am excited about having the surgery done.
I am curious as to how large an incision has to be made and how long I will have to be off work. I know I can get these questions answered by the doctor, but sometimes they don't tell you everything. I am reading the posts on here and that has been very helpful. I want to thank everyone who has contributed information through their posts. I plan to also contribute as I travel through my journey to a better life. That's what this surgery means to me, and I hope I don't learn otherwise, is a better life for me, my husband, my children and my grandchildren as I work toward being more able to enjoy time with them.

I had Chiari decompression surgery on November 12, 2010. I also have RA (diagnosed about 5 years ago). Many of the Chiari symptoms I was experiencing were attributed to my RA until the symptoms got so severe that my Rheumatologist determined they could not be part of the RA based on the treatment I was receiving and referred me to a Neurologist. Because I have RA, I'm more suseptable to acquiring other auto-immune system disorders so it was a relief when the MRI showed Chiari I malformation with a 1.7cm protrusion into my spinal column as the diagnosis.

I was barely able to walk before the surgery, complete lack of balance, had nearly constant eye twitching and also had occasional episodes inability to swallow and of difficulty breathing (felt like I ran a marathon and couldn't catch my breath when I hadn't done any physical activity) I only had severe headaches when I sneezed or coughed so I'm grateful I didn't suffer the severe constant headaches that others have.

Thankfully, I have a great primary care physician and she and the Neurologist researched Neurosurgeons and found a fantastic one in my medical system. She specializes in Chiari I malformation in both childrens and adults. I'm also extremely thankful (after reading through posts on this thread) that she does NOT believe in cutting into the dura lining unless it is absolutely necessary. She did tell me that there is a risk during surgery that the lining ruptures because of the fluid pressure and she would then (obviously) have to do the patch. Luckily, the surgery went very well and my lining stayed intact.

I had surgery on Friday and was home on Monday. I actually felt so much better right after the surgery, even considering they cut through my neck muscles, because of how severe my symptoms were. I still have to deal with the RA but that is relatively minor compared to how I was before the surgery.

My neurosurgeon said I would experience some of the symptoms for 6 months to a year, possibly a little longer, but the symptoms would grow more infrequent and less severe. They have - I still experience occasional symptoms but they are more and more rare as time passes. My neck still hurts if I do too much but that also is SLOWLY getting better with time and hasn't affected my ability to live life. The anti-inflamatory medication I have to take for my RA seems to deal well with the neck pain so far.

The symptoms I am dealing since the surgery that I'm finding difficult are that I cry at the drop of a hat (I have never been someone who crys easily). A sappy song will come on the radio and I find myself in tears. I also have tons of anxiety now. I feel a bit like and emotional basket-case, easily overwhelmed and not as able to deal with stress. I have dealt with my RA for 5 years, the Chiari symptoms that got so horribly bad, and the surgery pretty well so it seems odd and irrational that I would become a bit of an emotional trainwreck AFTER the surgery that helped me so much. Anyone else dealing with emotional issues or am I just a nut case?

Anyway, I am overall extemely happy with the outcome of the surgery and my physical recovery.

res5562965 09-23-2011 06:27 AM


Originally Posted by Dogomom (Post 808028)
I had Chiari decompression surgery on November 12, 2010. I also have RA (diagnosed about 5 years ago). Many of the Chiari symptoms I was experiencing were attributed to my RA until the symptoms got so severe that my Rheumatologist determined they could not be part of the RA based on the treatment I was receiving and referred me to a Neurologist. Because I have RA, I'm more suseptable to acquiring other auto-immune system disorders so it was a relief when the MRI showed Chiari I malformation with a 1.7cm protrusion into my spinal column as the diagnosis.

I was barely able to walk before the surgery, complete lack of balance, had nearly constant eye twitching and also had occasional episodes inability to swallow and of difficulty breathing (felt like I ran a marathon and couldn't catch my breath when I hadn't done any physical activity) I only had severe headaches when I sneezed or coughed so I'm grateful I didn't suffer the severe constant headaches that others have.

Thankfully, I have a great primary care physician and she and the Neurologist researched Neurosurgeons and found a fantastic one in my medical system. She specializes in Chiari I malformation in both childrens and adults. I'm also extremely thankful (after reading through posts on this thread) that she does NOT believe in cutting into the dura lining unless it is absolutely necessary. She did tell me that there is a risk during surgery that the lining ruptures because of the fluid pressure and she would then (obviously) have to do the patch. Luckily, the surgery went very well and my lining stayed intact.

I had surgery on Friday and was home on Monday. I actually felt so much better right after the surgery, even considering they cut through my neck muscles, because of how severe my symptoms were. I still have to deal with the RA but that is relatively minor compared to how I was before the surgery.

My neurosurgeon said I would experience some of the symptoms for 6 months to a year, possibly a little longer, but the symptoms would grow more infrequent and less severe. They have - I still experience occasional symptoms but they are more and more rare as time passes. My neck still hurts if I do too much but that also is SLOWLY getting better with time and hasn't affected my ability to live life. The anti-inflamatory medication I have to take for my RA seems to deal well with the neck pain so far.

The symptoms I am dealing since the surgery that I'm finding difficult are that I cry at the drop of a hat (I have never been someone who crys easily). A sappy song will come on the radio and I find myself in tears. I also have tons of anxiety now. I feel a bit like and emotional basket-case, easily overwhelmed and not as able to deal with stress. I have dealt with my RA for 5 years, the Chiari symptoms that got so horribly bad, and the surgery pretty well so it seems odd and irrational that I would become a bit of an emotional trainwreck AFTER the surgery that helped me so much. Anyone else dealing with emotional issues or am I just a nut case?

Anyway, I am overall extemely happy with the outcome of the surgery and my physical recovery.

I had chiari decompression surgery feb 2011 and I am also very emotional . Anti depressants did not help but I am also paranoid (I had total 8 surgeries prior to decompression on the VP shunt in my head to relieve the pressure. 9 brain surgeries in 14 months have made me paranoid, not knowing when the shunt will malfunction again.) Seroquel has helped me be able to sleep instead of laying awake worrying. This has helped tremendously...not being sleep deprived. Hope it helps knowing you're not a nut case.....I am too..Ha Ha! Take care and talk to your doctor about all your symptons. Don't stop talking til they find something that helps you. Good Luck, Donna

Dogomom 09-23-2011 08:32 AM

Thank you Donna! It does help knowing I'm not a nut the very least, I'm in good company:) LOL I truly hope your shunt continues to work properly and you don't need to have anymore surgeries. The uncertainty is a HORRIBLE feeling!! Take care. Amy B

Knkbrown81 10-09-2011 10:01 PM

4 weeks after chiari and decompression surgery I had a major set back, at first I started getting headaches again which required a shot at the dr office, then I had clear fluid run down the back of my neck, it was spinal fluid, because I wasent in enough pain I was sent hone with bandages. I went back to the er because more fluid kept seeping out, they put a stitch in my head so it wouldn't leak. Well they were right it didn't leak but I woke up that night in so much pain and I couldn't lift my head, my husband called 911 and I was rushed to the hospital where I was made to suffer for 2 hours before they figured out I had a spinal headache with staph and meningitis from my surgery wound. I was taken into surgery and they cleaned out the infection and fixed the mesh patch and I was good to go. Its now been a year since surgery and I am back to where I was before in constant pain. I found a new neurologist and am going to go through a series of tests this week. Fingers crossed someone can help me.

KatC 11-02-2011 01:39 PM

Chiari surgery is OK!
Hi! Hope this isn't too late to help! I was diagnosed at 18, I am almost 23 now. I had my surgery in Feb of 2008, I was only 19. The recovery process wasn't fun! I was in ICU for 5 days, came home and a week later was sent back to my surgeon for a leak in the patch he put in my dura. After that set back I started recovering quickly. I was not allowed to be in a car for 2-3 weeks except to go to the dr, out of work for 3 months(not sure why so long). I am a competitive barrel racer and was told I would be out 6 months - 1 Year. I was released to begin riding horses again at my 6 month check up! I still do suffer from migraines, and I still have a syrinx. However, I was told by the surgeon if I neglected the surgery I would have become paralyzed before the age of 30. Everyone is different and everybody recovers differently, but if I had to go back and do it over again I would still do the surgery!! I think you asked about cost, without insurance my surgery would have been $ was a huge help and only had about $2K out of pocket.
So again, even though I still suffer from headaches, migraines, sometimes dizziness 3 1/2 years later, this is nothing compared to what I went through before my surgery.


Originally Posted by Jarredddd (Post 790919)
OK! I am a 22 yr old male. I used to do a lot of gymnastics and i did a lot of stuff on trampolines! i think thats how i set off my ACM i was diagnosed with it 06/2011. I am at the point where i am trying to decide if i want to have surgery or just live with this for the rest of my life. Symptoms=
INtense vertigo that flares up once about evry 2 or 3 months- mild vertigo thats almost always apparent aka if i look somewhere reqqally fast or if i close my eyes while standing- Headaches oh god the headaches!- Insomnia... this just might be the worst symptom because it seems that the more sleep i miss out on the worst my dizzines and headaches are. - fatigue... i am 22 and i am usaully exhausted after 2pm. i am still in good shape and even though it kills me i still work out about 3 times a week.- BLoody noses (i am not sure if this is related but i do get them all the time- Arrousal issues... again not sure if it is related but i have a whole lot of dificulty gettin my manhood up even with a viagra. Bottomline is this, I am a cop so i run and chase bad guys all day and its so difficult to maintain focus driving writing reports and physically having to fight with bad guys while i am dizzy and have a horrible headache! so far it looks like 95% of the people on here regret having there surgeriess so i need to know if its worth it! I am 22 and i dont want ruin my life cuz its the only one i have!

Kim41 11-20-2011 11:33 PM

I had my surgery many years ago. After, I felt great! But with each passing year I seem to get worse or a new problem. I'm constantly sleepy, bad stiff pain in neck and shoulders, depression, anxiety, emotional, nervous, ect. Does any of this sound familiar?

razzle51 11-21-2011 01:50 PM

Please everyone if you have a new symptom go to the dr. dont assume everything is chiari related . I was decompressed in 1999 and doing really well . I do have SM so on meds for it .

pratt4 11-22-2011 09:44 AM

Does anyone diagnosed with Chiari have emotional issues also? I ask because I find myself in the last few months being very quick to anger and I am generally not like that. I am super sensitive to sounds and with 2 very active boy's, I want everyone to be quiet and I know that is not possible, but it's not just that, I either want to cry or freak out, not much in between. So if anyone can help me with this I would greatly appreciate any feedback. Thanks

angiegiese 01-04-2012 11:28 PM

New to this...
Hi my name is Angie. I just recently had the Chairi Malformation type I Decompression surgery 11/10/11, and am now having more complications with the disease than I had before the surgery. I feel the doctor werent listening to me, and never gave me an MRI after my surgery. I switching doctors, whos ordering up an MRI for me finally... but Im so scared about the thought of another surgery to fix the leak causing the build up of spinal fluid, if thats what is has to come down to.

Any have any ray or hope on this situation?

Im so scared and feel so alone in this even tho my mom and boyfriend have been by my side the whole ride.

feel free to email me....

angiegiese 01-05-2012 12:06 AM

Post surgery complications...
Hey everyone. Im angie, 22. I had my decompression surgery on 11/10/11. I felt great the first three weeks after. Got my staples out and was excited to start PT, get life back to normal! Then all started to go down hill.... headaches came back worse than ever before, dizziness, definitely EMOTIONAL! cannot control it!! eye sight was better after surgery, not it seems worse than before. My neck is constantly swollen and stiff. I switched doctors because the one who gave me the actual surgery, I never saw again, and his assistant never ordered me the MRI after the staples were removed. (which i complained to er constantly about) So switching doctors, they are ordering me an MRI, but he says theres definitely alot of fluid backed up and is afraid there is a leak. Im scared to death to think about going in for another surgery. Of course im getting ahead of myself not having the MRI yet, but u can always seem to tell when theres something wrong.. and I do.. Does anyone have any hope, or spare light to shed on my situation. Im so scared.... :'( Just want to live life again

res5562965 01-05-2012 12:35 PM


Originally Posted by angiegiese (Post 838021)
Hey everyone. Im angie, 22. I had my decompression surgery on 11/10/11. I felt great the first three weeks after. Got my staples out and was excited to start PT, get life back to normal! Then all started to go down hill.... headaches came back worse than ever before, dizziness, definitely EMOTIONAL! cannot control it!! eye sight was better after surgery, not it seems worse than before. My neck is constantly swollen and stiff. I switched doctors because the one who gave me the actual surgery, I never saw again, and his assistant never ordered me the MRI after the staples were removed. (which i complained to er constantly about) So switching doctors, they are ordering me an MRI, but he says theres definitely alot of fluid backed up and is afraid there is a leak. Im scared to death to think about going in for another surgery. Of course im getting ahead of myself not having the MRI yet, but u can always seem to tell when theres something wrong.. and I do.. Does anyone have any hope, or spare light to shed on my situation. Im so scared.... :'( Just want to live life again

I can uderstand you being scared. Hopefully you have a great neurosurgeon this time and they can repair any leak and you will be on your way to getting back to normal. I had my decompression surgery Feb 2010 at Emory Hospital in Atlanta, GA by Dr. Daniel Barrow. I am lucky to have had absolutely no problems with the surgery. however, I have had 8 prior shunt surgeries so I do have constant pain that I deal with. It is easy to become depressed but try to have a positive outlook and don't stop talking about the problems you are having until you find a doctor that has done LOTS of these surgeries and listens to symptons you are having. KEEP TALKING AND MAKE THEM LISTEN!

EKKM0817 01-05-2012 12:42 PM


Originally Posted by momof4 (Post 336562)
Thanks for your reply. My struggle is that he doesn't seem to think that I need to go back, so if I do will he think I am crazy? Do you know if it is normal to be this weak? Should I still need to lay down several hours a day? Am I just being impatient? I appreciate your advice. :)

I had Surgery in August 2010 for Chiari. It is normal for your neck to be weak, I had to rest mine as well. If the surgeon deosn't think he can do anything he should refer you to a physical therapist or someone who can help. When it comes to your health, who cares if you keep asking questions you HAVE to. :)

cmartin1129 01-10-2012 11:23 AM

chiari recovery
I just had chiari surgery November of 2011. I was diagnosed with chiari in 2007 however I had been dealing with the symptoms since 2000. It has been 6 weeks and I'm still trying to regain my strength and full range of motion in my neck. My head still feels heavy at times and my scalp feesl numb in one spot. I had a lot of fluid build up in my spine which caused alot of nerve damage. I had a great surgeon and would do it all over again. The headaches, the pain in my arm and back, the sleepless nights have all DRASTICALLY lessened to almost non-existence. I realize I'm still healing but I'm hopeful. I would definitely recommend you going back to the doctor. My step sister a good friend of mine had chiari surgery a few years ago and they are doing wonderful. They have regained full motion in their neck with no stiffness. My friend has had no symptoms since the surgery and my sister deals with occasional back pain when she is stressed or if she has been doing to much, however this is relieved with advil and a good night's rest. This is a definite change from what she was going thru before the surgery. Like I said I hopeful, if it worked out for them it will work out for me... Seek help from your doctor or see another doctor that can and will help you.. don't give up! i don't believe that is normal.

kwiley 01-15-2012 10:16 AM

Continuous CSF leaks after surgery
Hello All,
I recently had a Chiari I decompression surgery on Dec. 9th 2011 by a well respected and liked surgeon. In fact he has actually done 2 neck fusion on me prior to this. However, since Dec. 9th I have had to go back in to surgery 6 times due to CSF leaks. In fact I think I may be leaking again and I just got out of the hospital 2 days ago. My headaches now are so intense and unbearable. I have uncontrolled vomiting that doesn't help the headaches. I am so tired of going back to the hospital for more surgeries. I was told that my dura is quite thin and its having a hard time keeping a seal with the dura patch. It has only been a month and it scares me that I have been cut open 6 times. I have pretty much laid flat for over a month and the rest of my body is feeling the pain from that. I wish I hadn't had this surgery but the symptoms I experienced prior were pretty bad too. Does anyone have any suggestions of what could possibly be done different so that I can avoid more surgeries. I am terrified off infection, there has to be a way to fix this. Thanks

deana 02-04-2012 02:43 AM

Is there anyone still listening?
My name is Deana and I have been through hell since this past March. Three brain surgeries, a front three level cervical spine surgery and a shunt revision from my stomach to next to my bladder. My last surgery was on January 12th 2012 and it was Chiarra Malformation. I was supposed to have a laminectomy at the same time, but the surgery took too long and so that is something else I have to look forward to . I am in so much pain, and feel like there is no light at the end of the tunnel. My headaches are bizarre...they are all over the place, the base of my skull, the top of my head and right into my right eye. It feels just like when I had hydrocephalus, and I can feel my vision and memory getting worse. Is there anyone out there going through the same thing as me? I feel so alone. My boyfriend tries to minimize everything I say and it is so frustrating! I am in California, and I have one of the best NS, my hospital is UC Davis. This all started with an unbearable headache that lasted for 3 weeks, went to the ER and was diagnosed with a pineal gland cyst, which then lead to many more problems. With each surgery I hope and pray that this is it and my pain and other symptoms will be gone. But so far, the pain is just getting worse. Is there anyone out there going through this? And has anyone heard of a new VP shunt that regulates with some type of bb's to control gravity. I would appreciate anyone's opinion or story so I don't feel so alone. Thanks...Deana

deana 02-05-2012 09:54 PM


Originally Posted by punkies187 (Post 508974)
so its been 7 months after my surgery. i went back to my doctor today i told him that ive been out of no where throwing up, i have stabbing pain in my arms that come and go i have some pain in my neck and back. none of my feeling came back still numb. i have to go back in a week to take another mri but for the pain and stuff he wants to put me on neurontin i was wondering if anyone has taken it and how it worked for them please let me know thank you.

Neurontin is horrible, it makes you feel like a zombie! I have been through so much, and the last surgery I had was the chiari. It has been just under a month and I feel terrible. I'm hoping that with time things will get better, but after reading everyones blogs I'm not to hopeful! Deana

queenvikki 02-07-2012 04:54 PM

i have it easier having read other peoples similar stories, i feel so alone with this condition, i myself had surgery for arnold chiari malformation in 2007 so has been just over 4 years now, id suffered since i can remember, i recsll having intense unbearable headaches evenat the age of 7 or 8, it was only almost 20 years later i was diagnosed, it all happened so fast between diagnosis and the surgery that i still dont fully understand what exactly they did, i was very poorly and in intensive care for almost 2 months after the surgery, and a week after discharge i was taken back via ambulance with a bleed on the brain, im ok now however i still get occasional headaches, though nowhere near as bad as before the surgery, and my neck has never been the same, ive been told i only have 60% of my neck movements now, if i look inany direction apart from straight ahead for even more than a few seconds my neck ends up in agony and usually causes a severe headache, i also have problems now with my hearing in my left ear and often get earache, does anybody else have hearing problems? i am awaiting an appointment with neurosurgeon to see what is going on with my neck, im vey worried and scared

Zipperhead09 02-15-2012 11:54 PM

I could really use some advice if anyone is willing. I am a stay at home mo of 3 and can't care for the kids the way I want and need to. I was diagnosed with Chiari in November of 2009 after being misdiagnosed for about 3 years. I had a posterior fossa craniectomy and also a partial c1 and c2 laminectomy on Dec 16th 2009 and was in the hospital for about 6 days and then went home. 4 days after I was released from the hospital I found myself in the ER with an excruciating headache which turned out to be a CSF leak. I was in the hospital and was just medicated with dilaudid until Christmas morning when I was released..supposedly healed. 3 days later I was again headed to the ER barely able to move bc of how bad my head was pounding. They did another MRI and found out that not only did the CSF leak worsen but I now also had blood on my brain. I was not doing well. The dr's were telling my family that they weren't sure if I was going to make it and they all were there to "say goodbye" to me while I was transferred by ambulance to UCI hospital in Chicago. I was then informed that I had developed MRSA and spent the next 3 days in ICU and then moved to the level below ICU where I was constantly monitored for the next 22 days. While in there I had to put a PICC line in bc my veins kept collapsing, woke up with CS fluid all over my pillow the size of a basketball, then had to gt a back drain put in, then my kidneys started to fail bc of the 3 antibiotics they had me on for the MRSA. I was finally released from the hospital on Jan 23rd and thought my whole ordeal was over until about a year ago when all my symptoms started coming back and now I'm having these symptoms: worse headaches then before especially when turned my head or eyes, dizzy all the time, shortness of breath, and just over the last 3 months I have gotten weakness in both my arms which is now to the point of not being able to hold my 15 month old or sometimes even be able to lift a pan. Just had an appt with my reg dr who said he thinks it is either my Chiari worsening or scar tissue from the surgery. I see yet another nuerologist march 6. Anyone going through anything like this or have any words of wisdom...or hope? Sorry that was like a novel!

razzle51 02-17-2012 09:13 AM

first what is MRSA? also why are you seeing a Neurologist ? They are absolutly useless when it comes to Chiari .... Have you have any recent MRI of your chiari . I would have your family dr order a MRI and then take it from there , if you need to see your surgeon again your family dr can get you in sooner...

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