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Old 10-28-2014, 07:24 PM #1
frankdavid frankdavid is offline
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Default finding my way

After two years on heavy medication I found myself responding less and less to the meds and the side effects literately killing me. Was I going to choose a managed life tied to prescribed uppers or wildcat my life and try to find a way to rewire my brain. Thanks to the add behavior of risk taking, I threw caution to the wind and cancelled my doctor's appointment and went cold turkey on the speed. That was 18 months ago and after a hellish withdrawal and much research and trial and error I have finally found the cure. It really works for me. It was as though I had been training and exploring my whole life just to come to this. I have been practicing for over a year with only healthy side effects and excellent results on the add behaviors. No drugs . No supplements. Nothing magical. I am convinced I have found the cure. If anyone is really interested it what the practice is just ask and I will explain it. If not so be it.
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Old 11-25-2014, 06:08 PM #2
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Default what exactly is adhd?

I think what we have here is brain damage. Damage to that part of the brain that has evolved culturally over the past 10,000 yrs. That is, since the agrarian revolution. That's why we have so many causes, i.e. pollution, developmental defects etc. That's not to say that all evolution is a good thing. It just is positive for the culture. Its really not good or bad . It just is. I don't think it has anything to do with intelligence but rather how the culture measures it. The part of the brain that this evolutionary development occupies is located in the same area of the brain that deals with movement stimulus. The movement becomes a pacifier in some cases for the recipient. That's why there are so many causes and no cures. The only real cure is to learn to live with it or wait until the culture goes back to hunting and gathering. Any comments?
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Old 11-26-2014, 10:22 AM #3
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Welcome frankdavid.


"It is what it is."
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Old 11-26-2014, 04:46 PM #4
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Originally Posted by frankdavid View Post
I think what we have here is brain damage. Damage to that part of the brain that has evolved culturally over the past 10,000 yrs. That is, since the agrarian revolution. That's why we have so many causes, i.e. pollution, developmental defects etc. That's not to say that all evolution is a good thing. It just is positive for the culture. Its really not good or bad . It just is. I don't think it has anything to do with intelligence but rather how the culture measures it. The part of the brain that this evolutionary development occupies is located in the same area of the brain that deals with movement stimulus. The movement becomes a pacifier in some cases for the recipient. That's why there are so many causes and no cures. The only real cure is to learn to live with it or wait until the culture goes back to hunting and gathering. Any comments?
If you mean society when you say culture, then society often presents a shallow, somewhat blinded view.

The "Neanderthal" theory and the hunter gatherer theory have been around a very, very long time and have been discussed infinitum especially since the internet began and people with some of these conditions mentioned in these theories (e.g. Tourettes Syndrome, Autism, ADHD) finally were able to find their voices.

Actually it was probably only the risk takers of Northern Europe who ended up moving out of their regions and settled in far off lands anyway because hunters and gatherers I would imagine were quite simple people living quite simple lives, especially compared to how the world is today.

There is no way that our world could go back to pre-civilized hunting and gathering with no agriculture etc., so the best thing to do, in my opinion, is to work on the practical issues and find practical day to day solutions that can make life more comfortable in the here and now, and to stop thinking of ourselves (or others) as flawed, and rather think of ourselves (or others) as just ... different.

If you walk down a street and see 100 people they will all be different. They all have different genetic makeup/backgrounds. They all eat different types of food. They all have had different life experiences. For all we know all those people could have a condition or syndrome or have sustained some type of injury and the main thing is that they're just different... not flawed.

Just my thoughts.

Last edited by Lara; 11-26-2014 at 05:53 PM. Reason: for clarity
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Old 11-26-2014, 06:35 PM #5
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what I am saying is that culture is driving evolution instead of the environment. humans are evolving as to what the agrarian and industrial culture is deeming desirable. The latest growth in our cerebral area deals with these traits. For what ever reason if this latest developmental area is damaged or genetically suppressed you end up with the condition. It's not the condition that is so negative but the disorders that develop because of the social demands of modern life. Now, if we accept it as damage then we can proceed to correct the impairment by getting the brain to rewire itself with physical training.
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Old 11-28-2014, 08:19 PM #6
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the way to rewire your brain is with mindful meditation coupled with movement on a daily basis. i.e. meditate while you exercise. Get rid if the medication and all the side effects. There is research to prove what I am saying just no money to be made. You will see the results immediately. if you want me to be more specific just ask.
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