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Old 10-22-2009, 08:18 AM #1
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Arrow Common Acronyms/Abbreviations

general internet acronyms

LOL - Laughing Out Loud
ROFL - Rolling On the Floor Laughing
ROFLOL - Rolling On the Floor Laughing Out Loud
ROFLMAO - Rolling On the Floor Laughing My A-- Off

family acronyms (examples)

DD - dear daughter
DH - dear husband
BIL/SIL - brother/sister in law
FIL/MIL - father/mother in law

etc you get the idea.

health professionals and related

T is often used for Therapist
tdoc also used for Therapist
pdoc - psychiatrist
epi - epileptologist

mdoc or GP - one's general medical doctor

RN - Registered Nurse (cannot prescribe)
NP - Nurse Practitioner (can prescribe meds) - some see an NP instead of a general doc

dx - diagnosis
sx - symptoms
tx - treatment
rx or script - prescription

illnesses and related terms:

BP - "traditionally" used here to mean Bipolar or Bipolar disorder. people sometimes think of the word in two parts and may even write "Bi Polar."
BP I - type 1 bipolar, episodes of severe depression and of full mania
BP II - type 2 bipolar, episodes of severe depression and "hypomania" (NO full manic or mixed episodes)

bear in mind that in the literature the typical abbreviation for Bipolar Disorder is BD.

PD - Personality Disorder
BPD - Borderline Personality Disorder NOT Bipolar Disorder
NPD - Narcissistic Personality Disorder
PPD - Paranoid PD
et al.

OCD - Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
ADD - Attention Deficit Disorder, a.k.a ADHD
ADHD - Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

E - Epilepsy - on forum, not in the literature!

RSD - Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy, a.k.a CRPS
CRPS - Complex Regional Pain Syndrome a.k.a RSD
MS - Multiple Sclerosis

PTSD - Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
PCS - Post-Concussion Syndrome
TBI - Traumatic Brain Injury

NOS - Not Otherwise Specified, eg:

PD-NOS - Personality Disorder, Not Otherwise Specified (no specific disorder applies accurately)

Bipolar NOS - Bipolar Disorder, Not Otherwise Specified (i.e. not type 1 or 2)

SI - Self Injury

meds and related terms

AD - Antidepressant, eg. Zoloft (an SSRI), Effexor (an SNRI)
AED - Antiepileptic Drug (many used as mood stabilizers) eg. Depakote, Lamictal
AP - Anti[psychotic (or neuroleptic) medication - eg Zyprexa, Risperdal

SSRI - Specific Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor - a class of antidepressants.
SNRI or SSNRI - (Specific) Serotonin and Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitor - a class of antidepressants.
TCA - Tricyclic Antidepressant

NSAID - Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drug

other treatments and related terms

CBT - Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
DBT - Dialectical Behavioral Therapy
EMDR - Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing

VNS - Vagus Nerve Stimulator (surgical implant used in Epilepsy, Bipolar and Migraine treatment)


OBT - (old behavioral therapy LOL, kidding). This stands for Old BrainTalk - the online community several of us posted to, in reference to its 2005 and older incarnations.
BT - BrainTalk, the current incarnation.


please add to this thread any other forum acronyms & abbreviations not yet listed! thank you.

~ waves ~
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