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ginnie 10-15-2011 11:50 AM

Hi waves
Hi waves. I was wondering if you have any side effects from zoloft. I was just put on that medication a few weeks ago, and I feel weird, kind of jittery. I was taken off one called seroqeul as it is hard on your stomach and he replaced it with this zoloft. ginnie

waves 10-15-2011 11:58 AM

yes Ginnie, it can make you feel jittery. if it is uncomfortable or causing you not to sleep, call your pdoc. also call if you are bipolar.

going from Seroquel which is very sedating, to Zoloft, is a very big change also. how long have you been feeling jittery?

how bad is it, and are you having any other symptoms (what)?
are you taking any other antidepressants, cough medicine, or any herbs?
was the Zoloft stepped up slowly from a starting dose ?

i often don't have side effects at lower doses - but i have at higher doses. i have taken up to 200 mg. but each of us has a different sensitivity, and reactions also vary to specific drugs.


~ waves ~

ginnie 10-15-2011 12:26 PM

hi again waves
My primary care physician thinks I am bi polar, but not my psychologist and those who live around me. Most think I am just depressed. I developed barretts esophogus and they took me off all medications that can cause stomach trouble. so they switched from seroquel, to zoloft. No I can't sleep eithor, nor stay asleep. I took an over the counter sleep aid to no avail. I was also taken off meloxicam for my arthritis, and now all my joints are much worse. can only take tylenol, no good.... I go in on wed. for the pain meds. and I will go over my medications with that doctor. I do have zanax but I hate to take it at all. I am jittery however from something, so I imagin it was the zoloft 50 mgs. I am deeply depressed I know that, and going from one doctor to the other, and trying to keep them all straight in what they want is difficult. One doctor does not talk to the other doctor. All I do is send records back and forth. I am taking the zanax to the exact specification of my doctor and that helps the jittery feel, but now I worry that medication will become a problem. I will tell the doctor about the changes this wed. and hopefully it will straighten out. I am on low dose of morphine, and trying to get off it as well, while still having some quality of life. My two spinal fussions didn't leave me pain free that is for sure. I feel like a train wreck. ginnie

waves 10-15-2011 02:10 PM

Dear Ginnie

if you are not sleeping that is really not good. i would call your doctor first thing monday and let him know this is happening, and tell him how long it has been going on (you didn't say in your post).

these side effects can be temporary, and if you started at 50 mg it might take a couple of weeks getting used to but i would not expect sx to go beyond that. i would call on monday and not wait.

secondly and importantly:

if you experience any of the following -
-excessive sweating,
-feeling overheated or fever,
-excessive musculoskeletal rigidity

please go to ER or an urgent care clinic. these sx could indicate Serotonin Syndrome which is a medical emergency.

~ waves ~

bizi 10-15-2011 03:28 PM

hi ginnie,
could you just take the zanax to sleep at night. 1mg would do the trick...
sleeping is number one priority!
good luck juggleing your doctors.

Dmom3005 10-15-2011 03:55 PM

You can do this good luck. Take the time to call the doctor as they have recommended. Sorry my words are weird. Computer still wont give some words.

ginnie 10-15-2011 04:30 PM

Re: will call
I will call the doctor on monday. I didn't know if the symptoms were from the zoloft or from the narcotic. eithor way I am miserable. I won't wait to call him. thanks waves, all these pills are a pain in the butt. ginnie I have been on zoloft for just two weeks.:hug:

ginnie 10-15-2011 04:33 PM

Hi bizi
Hi bizi, Yes, I am taking the zanax to sleep. only 0.25 was given, and I can take up to two pills. I find myself having to take them to sleep at all. I wake in the middle of the night and then read till I get sleepy again. It is a low dose, and I wish it were higher. I appreciate your responce. I hope you are doing OK too these days. ginnie:hug:

waves 10-15-2011 05:02 PM

Sending hugs Ginnie. :hug::hug::hug:

glad you will call the doc on monday. the one to call your psychiatrist or whoever prescribed the Zoloft and Xanax, though (i presume it wasn't your pain doc?) But remind him/her as to changes in your pain meds that occurred near the time Zoloft was added.

i hope. if your pdoc feels it is the Zoloft causing this, that they can tweak it and/or your Xanax temporarily, so you can feel better and get some decent sleep.

you can get through this. switching multiple drugs at the same time is a real juggling act. i hope the Zoloft works out for you though.

let me know what your doc says. hang in there. :heartthrob:

~ waves ~

waves 10-17-2011 07:20 PM

Dear Ginnie

did you call your psychiatrist about the zoloft? what did he say?

~ waves ~

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