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mymorgy 11-09-2015 09:42 AM


bizi 11-09-2015 11:43 AM

I live in my scrubs 5 days a week. so only have to "dress" myself on the weekends or if we go to a concert mid week but then most times I just go in my scrubs then too.
so this out fit is for the holidays when we go back to Indiana for christmas.
The new boots will take up half of my suit case, may just bring a small bag to bring them in. I have regular snow boots because we never know what weather we will run into.
I slept like crap again last night...I guess my drinking moderately is not working out. I got up at 3 and took more geodon and klonipin. sigh.

I know we said that it can cause hypomania when you first start taking it. at the small doses. What do you think about it as a mood stabilizer?
I am afraid to take the 100mg in the morning...afraid it will make me hypo again. I have just been taking it 200mg at night.

OhKay 11-09-2015 12:18 PM

I've been taking 200mg of lamictal twice a day for 8yrs. It was the 1st mood stabilizer they put me on and it didn't induce mania (which I'm obviously very prone to) when I started it. It's hard to say how well it works for me as a mood stabilizer because as you know, Bizi I'm on 4 right now.

I loved wearing scrubs to work. No muss no fuss. No ironing either.

bizi 11-09-2015 09:04 PM

kay did they start you out on lamictal alone?

bizi 11-10-2015 08:54 AM

slept better last night, with out any alcohol that is.
really need to address the reasons why I drink...
went into whole foods the other day and was very social even before I was drinking my beer with the bartender....then I chatted with the deputy sherrif who was sitting there.
So much for social anxiety.....
I am still feeling better with less geodon in my system.
Will need to keep an eye on my sleep.
moving onto my second cup of coffee.
Thinking of you kay. Death is hard....
I will not regain this weight that I lost....gave away my bigger clothes to the good will.
still have some pants that I would like to get into.

OhKay 11-10-2015 09:49 AM

Yes they started me on just Lamictal and the Klonopin I was already taking.

I understand that I drank because it helped with social/general anxiety and caused euphoria or enhanced euphoria when I was hypomanic. I also drank when I was unhappy. But I didn't see the whole picture until that really bad agitated mania started. I was MISERABLE but felt better the first night night when I drank 4 beers, but when I decided to stick it out sober it was hell on earth. It made me wonder how long I was drinking those kind of symptoms away without knowing it.

There's a lot to consider when you evaluate your drinking. It's different for everyone. I'm glad you're doing it. :)

Thank you Bizi :hug:

bizi 11-10-2015 09:21 PM

thanks kay, you are sweet.
I have been analyzing my drinking behavior for over 4 years.
Basically I have social anxiety issues.
I drink to feel social and to deal with other people. just getting ready to drink put me at ease...the anticipation put me at ease as well.
I really like beer. good beer. and many other alcoholic drinks. but my need for good sleep wins. I had one beer tonight at whole foods and quit with the bartenders help. She poured me a big glass of water which I drank before leaving. Picked up a spagettti squash and raspberries.
Hoping that the one pint of beer doesn't interfere with my sleeping tonight.
We went for a brisk 2 mile walk around the neighborhood, did not have a huge dinner ate at a good time.
I should sleep tonight with my regular meds.
If not then maybe something is amiss.
I also really do not want to regain all of the weight that I lost.

Had a great lunch of chicken schwarma and hummus and lentil rice and tabouli yummy! Ate with my friend Paula, none of the guys showed up.
I think our lunch gang is breaking up.
Dinner tonight was sauteed lemon pepper talapia with edemami, like lima beans but soybeans.
2 pieces of chocolate...will have an apple later.
Having my girl friends daughter over for dinner and she is going to help me do labels on my billing papers. A job that I hate doing. She is a freshman at the university here and has helped me before. I pay her $10 an hour, she is so worth it!


bizi 11-11-2015 03:09 AM

I could not I got up and took some more klonipin
another 1mg total.
Hard to believe that one beer did this.

Lara 11-11-2015 03:17 AM

I hope you can get back to sleep soon bizi.


OhKay 11-11-2015 08:21 AM

I'm sorry it seems like the lunch gang is breaking up. You've mentioned them a lot in the past. That must be disappointing.

Isn't it weird that 1-2 can interfere with sleep? I hope the extra 1/2mg helped you.

bizi 11-11-2015 09:29 AM

I am going to be AF tonight and see if I can sleep with just the .5mg of klonipin. I am afraid that I need the 80mg of geodon which I don't want to go back to that.
I feel better with the decrease dose.
I was able to get some sleep last night.
thanks lara.
yes I am sad about the lunch bunch breaking up.:(

OhKay 11-11-2015 10:25 AM

I hope that your med plan works out tonight and you get a lot of sleep :)

Dmom3005 11-11-2015 03:25 PM

Question for everyone. Seemed the right place to ask this.

Does anyone take something to help them sleep, plus melantonin.
I am trying to figure out the next step for Will my 9 year old grandson.
He already takes 10mg of amtrypline and I'm a little worried to go
up to 15 mgs. I am not sure if there is a 5mg pill. IF there were I
could split that. but would then need two prescriptions. which is

But I'm also considering since melantonin is supposed to help them go
to sleep. Not exactly stay asleep, but it did for him. IF I would be
smarter to see about adding some of this.

Donna :hug::grouphug:

bizi 11-11-2015 10:02 PM

talk to your pharmacist before giving the melatonin. '
It may not be appropriate for children.
I don't know.
sorry not much help
Well I did not have any beer tonight and we just got back from a 2 mile walk.
Made dinner tonight.
an indian dish.
masala sauce with green beans and cubed sweet potatoes with shrimp.
A one pot wonder! Also chopped up some apple and a pear with key lime yogurt, which was tastey!
Well actually I sauteed the shrimp in a pan and then added it to the big pot of veggies and sauce.
Both hubby and Abigail liked it. I thought it was good medium spicy dinner.
Abigail is doing some paper work for me. yeah!

I hope I sleep tonight!

Mari 11-12-2015 07:57 AM

Please check with doctor and pharmacist first.

This is how Elavil (amitriptyline HCl comes:
10 mg, 25 mg, 50 mg, 75 mg, 100 mg.
Re Melatonin:


Dosing: In general, I would start at a low dose (0.5–1 mg) and increase slowly. Recognize that melatonin, unlike other medications, is a hormone, and that lower doses are sometimes more effective than higher ones,

Melatonin has to be taken 1.5 to 2 hours before bedtime for it to work.

Many people do not realize that the optimal time to dose melatonin for shifting sleep period is actually a few hours before bedtime– that is to say, before the DLMO.

bizi 11-12-2015 08:54 AM

138 this morning.
Well I slept much better last night, woke up once or twice but was able to go back to sleep.
I think better sleep wins over beer!
Finally getting into the shower, can't remember when that happened last....geesh!
This must be some disorder.

OhKay 11-12-2015 10:02 AM

I tried melatonin in the past to help regulate my sleep cycle. It didn't work for me, but somehow I doubt I was highly motivated :)

Better sleep wins over beer! Sounds like a newspaper headline lol.

Dmom3005 11-12-2015 04:07 PM


I should have explained, He took melantonin before the Amtryplinne.

But because I know that with my husband and my son(Will's dad) it
leaves a sedating feeling in the morning. If it gets to high. So I'm
working to decide how to go with this.

I also realized but thank you for the 1 1/2 to 2 hours before bed. We
did that last time. The thing is before he got on way to high a dosage.
So I'm debating what I want to ask and try.

Thanks for the ideas.

Donna :hug::grouphug:

bizi 11-12-2015 10:44 PM

I am very proud of my self.
Went to a musician's talk where little Nat talked and played.
It was very entertaining!
There was free beer there, none that I liked so that was easy to pass up.
But then I saw the mango margaritas....oh my favorite!
That was a test.
Good sleep won!
It was a no brainer for me!
I did not feel deprived at all. I happily made the choice.

Mari 11-13-2015 02:23 AM


Originally Posted by Dmom3005 (Post 1183311)

I should have explained, He took melantonin before the Amtryplinne.

But because I know that with my husband and my son(Will's dad) it
leaves a sedating feeling in the morning. If it gets to high. So I'm
working to decide how to go with this.

I also realized but thank you for the 1 1/2 to 2 hours before bed. We
did that last time. The thing is before he got on way to high a dosage.
So I'm debating what I want to ask and try.

Thanks for the ideas.

Donna :hug::grouphug:

According to my sleep neurologist, it only works at low doses:
between 0.5 to 1.0 mg.


Mari 11-13-2015 02:25 AM


Originally Posted by bizi (Post 1183373)
I am very proud of my self.
Went to a musician's talk where little Nat talked and played.
It was very entertaining!
There was free beer there, none that I liked so that was easy to pass up.
But then I saw the mango margaritas....oh my favorite!
That was a test.
Good sleep won!
It was a no brainer for me!
I did not feel deprived at all. I happily made the choice.

Good choices, Bizi!!!! :hug::hug::hug:

Have a good week.


OhKay 11-13-2015 08:04 AM

It sounds like a great night Bizi! And kudos to you for passing on the margaritas! :)

Donna, I recommend consulting your grandson's pediatrician about the melatonin since he's already on a script for a sleep med. IMHO I think it's the best route to take.

Dmom3005 11-13-2015 10:24 AM

Thanks everyone.

He has a appointment with his pediatrician on the 23rd. It was supposed
to be this last Tuesday but safety won out. I had vertigo so had to cancel
both his appointments.


I'm so glad you feel you made the right choice. Maybe you have found
a reason now that fits better.

Donna :hug::grouphug:

bizi 11-13-2015 11:53 PM

I should be in bed now. I decided today that I will do the cajun cup 10K tomorrow morning.
I need to finish registering so I can get an official timing texted to me. I did it last year and completed it in 1 hour and 33 minutes. I had stopped training in june when I had the injury to my right thigh muscle following the 5k memorial day run....was so depressed about that.
that i stopped training for 6 weeks and got out of the habit of going to the gym and had all kinds of excuses to not go.
Today my girlfriend talked me into signing up.
Wish me luck!
it starts at 8am!!!

OhKay 11-14-2015 09:18 AM

I'm happy you changed your mind and decided to go!!!

Best of luck, and I hope you have tons of fun! :):):)

bizi 11-14-2015 11:51 AM

I finished 11 minutes faster this year at 1 hour 20 minutes for 6.2 miles.
(13 minute mile)
I am very sore now. Maybe I should get a message? my hips are really sore.
thank you for the nice words.
I guess it was fun...I really pushed myself the last mile, my hips were hurting and I thought they hurt when I walk so I might as well jog!
I sprinted the last .2 thighs were quivering.
There was music and food at the finish park.
Looked for a beer but they were gone. Had a great bowl of jambalya, rice and meats and gravy sort of dish. yummy. and part of a banana and apple. I am full!
My friend who encouraged me to run ended up one minute slower than me, which really surprised me. She ran the marine marathon last year but she has been having a pulled back muscle for the past couple of months.
A nice lady let me park right in front of her house which was lucky because I was trying to find a place to park. And I remembered where it was parked to come home LOL.
Anyway, I am very happy with the morning and how things turned out!!!

bizi 11-14-2015 03:22 PM

I ended up going to whole foods and having 2 healthy pints of coffee milk stout!
and then tonight was art walk with free wine and sangria to drink makes for a DD day.

bizi 11-14-2015 10:22 PM

I am so sore.....
heating pad for my hips
advil and tumeric for my joints/muscles....
jeff said I will be worse tomorrow.

Lara 11-14-2015 10:28 PM

ouch bizi. I wondered how you'd be after that very long run.
Drink lots of water and take it easy tonight and tomorrow too.

bizi 11-14-2015 10:40 PM

thank you lara!
now my shoulders are hurting from being on the computer too much.
have a good day!

OhKay 11-15-2015 09:34 AM

Congratulations Bizi! I'm so happy you had a good day!

I love the heating pad... but I think you've earned yourself a good massage ;)

bizi 11-15-2015 11:00 AM

I planned to drink and enjoyed myself.:)
Hubby drove last night and I got a bit tipsy, very friendly and talkative. loved feeling that way, no social anxiety issues when I drink.
or rather they have lightened up since I have had the medication change. Felt hypomanic when the day was said and done. Hubby mentioned it. Need to keep a lid on that.
No harm done.
I bought a pair of gray jeans and a pretty pink and gray sweater for $30 after using my kohls cash and coupon.
not bad.
So I have 3 new sweaters, new leggings and a pair of jeans for our winter trip up north next month.
Not too hypomanic!

Dmom3005 11-15-2015 01:26 PM

You'll need those clothes in Indiana. So you did great with your buys.
Especially for Kohls, I buy a lot in there on clearance. I love their

Donna :hug::grouphug:

bizi 11-15-2015 11:11 PM

I did not sleep well last night due to the sangria....:rolleyes:
I knew that would happen. So perhaps I will limit my drinking to just weekend nights when I know that I don't have to get up early. Sounds like a good plan.
Ate a good lunch of meatloaf stuffed with spinach and monterary jack cheese and bacon...oh so good! Had mac and cheese and green beans.

I was so sore that I decided to lay down after lunch on a heating pad. That felt good but really did not help.
It is just going to take time... I took some advil and tumeric and I think that helped. Will do that again tonight at bed time.
This afternoon jeff and a friend went fishing.
He caught several fish one of which he was very proud of and there is now a picture of this fish and his smiling face on face book!

I had crock pot pork left overs for dinner and went to the 6pm meeting of our NAMI support group. My new friend stephanie was there, I sat next to her. There were a lot of people tonight, many different emotions....
I talked too much I think....
We will have a potluck dinner in 2 weeks to celebrate the holidays. It is the sunday after thanksgiving. I will have to come up with something to make.

Did 2 loads of laundry today and cleaned out the kitty box. I have been on the computer a lot today. Sad news....
It doesn't hurt to sit and type.

Jeff just asked if I wanted to watch x-files so I will sign off.
Have a good week and thanks for reading.

Mari 11-16-2015 02:51 AM


How do the NAMI meetings go?
What benefit do they have for you?

Have a good week!


OhKay 11-16-2015 09:15 AM

I'm glad you're not feeling "too hypo."

Just drinking on weekends seems like a good idea if you're still losing sleep after a couple.

I'm sorry about your sad news.


bizi 11-16-2015 10:10 AM

The NAMI meetings allow everyone in attendance time to check in and briefly talk a bit about what is happening with them.
I think I talked too much...I know it was too much...sigh
My pdoc wants me to go to them and I like going now that I am comfortable with several of them there.

The sad news is just what is happening all around the world. Paris....etc.

I slept like crap last night.:(

have a good day yall.

bizi 11-16-2015 09:07 PM

I am going to try to only allow myself to drink on friday and saturday when I am not working.
see how that goes.

Mari 11-17-2015 05:39 AM


I am impressed with your evaluating and trying new plans.


OhKay 11-17-2015 08:47 AM

I usually split my daytime TV between cartoons and the news. I'm trying to watch more cartoons. What happened in Paris was awful :grouphug:

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