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bizi 07-07-2017 10:18 AM

I work all weekend, still playing catch up from our vacation. Going to art walk saturday night though so that should be nice, although it is extremely hot and humid lately.
Have a good weekend all.

Dmom3005 07-07-2017 01:25 PM

I'm having lots of trouble with the heat. So I'm trying to stay home most
of the time.

Bizi, Your activities always sound like fun. Have a great time.

Donna :hug::grouphug:

bizi 07-07-2017 08:49 PM

donna, I hope your air conditioner is working well!

bizi 07-07-2017 09:09 PM

My best friend will be leaving soon. I said good bye to her daughter tonight and got teary eyed when I said good bye to her daughter. and her for 2 weeks. She will be back then for some medical issues, possibly surgery. She is going through a divorce and her soon to be ex has been arrested for child pornography and is on house arrest with his mother.
I then cried one of my friends shoulder....she was supportive at whole foods bar where we played trivia.
I work this weekend.
have a great one@!

OhKay 07-08-2017 05:51 AM

I'm so sorry that it was so hard to say goodbye to the little one...
I know she will be back in a couple of weeks, but it must be a hard reminder that she and her mom will be moving for good soon :hug::hug::hug:

God bless your friend, she is going through hell! Surgery on top of everything else... I hope it's not anything serious. I will say some good words for her, and for her daughter :hug:

I'm glad that your other friend was there for you when you needed her. I hope you felt better after venting, and having a little cry, and that you managed to have some fun at trivia.

Enjoy the art walk tonight :)

ger715 07-08-2017 10:45 PM


Originally Posted by bizi (Post 1246690)
My best friend will be leaving soon. I said good bye to her daughter tonight and got teary eyed when I said good bye to her daughter. and her for 2 weeks. She will be back then for some medical issues, possibly surgery. She is going through a divorce and her soon to be ex has been arrested for child pornography and is on house arrest with his mother.
I then cried one of my friends shoulder....she was supportive at whole foods bar where we played trivia.
I work this weekend.
have a great one@!

I would think loosing a good friend like you is going to be difficult for her as well. She really is dealing with so many issues. You will be close regardless of the distance. The relationship appears to be lifetime for both of you.


bizi 07-08-2017 11:08 PM

thank you geri.
I will miss her and know that I am just a phone call away.
She is now living with her parents and the dog and her daughter....They will freak out when the dog leaves scratches on the hard wood floors.

ger715 07-09-2017 01:45 PM


Originally Posted by bizi (Post 1246747)
thank you geri.
I will miss her and know that I am just a phone call away.
She is now living with her parents and the dog and her daughter....They will freak out when the dog leaves scratches on the hard wood floors.

They may have to put "doggie booties" on the dog's feet.


bizi 07-09-2017 10:21 PM

doggie booties???
I should look this up! thanks

Mari 07-11-2017 05:17 AM

Hi, Bizi,

I hope today is a good day for you.:):):)


bizi 07-11-2017 08:20 AM

Thanks Mari.

Busy day scheduled. 6 clients when I am used to 4 on a regular day.
So I won't be home until 63-7pm. Then have to do laundry 2 loads of uniforms, out completely!
Mari, I hope you have a good day too.

OhKay 07-11-2017 08:38 AM

It sounds like you will have a VERY busy day!!!

I hope there are no bumps in the road and you have a good day tho :hug:

bizi 07-11-2017 09:09 PM

I am a little concerned about my self.
Over the past week, I have hurt myself on a scalding chili dog the roof of my mouth still hurts! I rammed my head into the kitchen cabinet bent my glasses and have a painful area on my left temple area.
Almost ran off the road, I was distracted while driving. I have been being distracted by signs etc. for a while now.
My drinking has increased and so has my internet usage. My picking has been bad also. My rosacea flared up and I could not stop picking at it. I have been picking at my cuticles etc.:(
I really need to be careful.
Have not been to the gym, my weight is the highest it
has been IN YEARS!!!!!
I stopped practicing my banjo was an impulsive buy.
heavy sigh
I am not happy.:(

ger715 07-11-2017 11:04 PM


Originally Posted by bizi (Post 1246967)
I am a little concerned about my self.
Over the past week, I have hurt myself on a scalding chili dog the roof of my mouth still hurts! I rammed my head into the kitchen cabinet bent my glasses and have a painful area on my left temple area.
Almost ran off the road, I was distracted while driving. I have been being distracted by signs etc. for a while now.
My drinking has increased and so has my internet usage. My picking has been bad also. My rosacea flared up and I could not stop picking at it. I have been picking at my cuticles etc.:(
I really need to be careful.
Have not been to the gym, my weight is the highest it
has been IN YEARS!!!!!
I stopped practicing my banjo was an impulsive buy.
heavy sigh
I am not happy.:(

Do you think the additional clients are having an effect on you maybe causing additional anxiety...????


OhKay 07-12-2017 05:27 AM

:hug::hug::hug: Bizi :hug::hug::hug:

From all your symptoms, it sounds like your OCD is out of control :hug:

Usually when my OCD flares up there's a reason, or reasons. As Gerry pointed out, you have been very busy. You also have a couple of close friends, whose lives are in disarray, who are going to be moving soon. Those are good reasons why your anxiety could be up, and may be in part why your drinking and internet usage have increased along with the other OCD behaviors :hug::hug::hug:

I have a picking problem, too. I ended up putting lower wattage bulbs in my vanity so I can't see as much or find as much to pick. And when the habit gets bad, I won't allow myself to stand close to the mirror at all, or in it look as often. I know it's still hard not to do it, especially because of the flare up of your Rosacea... :hug:

Since you've been easily distracted, try your best to stay present while you're driving, so you stay safe :hug:

I know, like me, you can't take SSRIs for treatment. I've had mixed results with Klonopin, but limited and only for some sx, and only if my OCD is acting up because my my general anxiety is out of control. I know you only take it at night and are tapering it tho...

It may be a good idea to see if you can get an appointment with your tdoc to see if she can help you improve some of your symptoms. You may find that just venting helps a little.

I would like to see you happier... soon. :hug::hug::hug:

mymorgy 07-12-2017 08:30 AM


bizi 07-12-2017 09:31 AM

Thank you!

You are right kay.
I think my OCD tendancies are acting up. Which maybe hypomania in my case.
Restarting 5mg of abilify today. It is a major traquilizer.
Have to get going, running behind schedule, slept in late felt good.
Will try to be really present and on task.

My cuticles and face don't look that bad so will try to leave them alone.
The roof of my mouth has an ulcer on it, I looked in the mirror.It two is healing slowly thank goodness. I was considering going to the walk in clinic.
Have a good day yall.
feeling better today after a good nights sleep.

Dmom3005 07-12-2017 06:23 PM


Ugh, I can't spell the face thing. But mine is also acting up.

Just wanting to keep it under control. I'm working on that
with my cream.

Donna :hug::grouphug:

OhKay 07-13-2017 04:55 AM

My dad has bad rosacea and takes minocycline when he has flare ups. He just washes his face with baby shampoo to dry things out and doesn't use any creams. It works for him.

I'm glad that your rosacea is getting better :)

And I'm glad you are going back on the low dose of Abilify :)
I think it will help with your anxiety once it kicks it, and if I remember correctly, it kicks in pretty quickly.

mymorgy 07-13-2017 07:12 AM

how did you get the ulcer? It sounds painful.

bizi 07-13-2017 08:12 AM

Thanks bobby.
I burned the roof of my mouth when I ate a scalding hot chili dog on the 4th of july. It hurts to even swallow my siliva,
but it is much better than it was.
Thanks for asking.:)

Dmom3005 07-13-2017 10:54 AM

Those are a pain and take time.

I'm not sure but doesn't abilify also help with Attention.
For some reason I think some of the kids I've worked
with were on this for that along with other things.

Donna :hug::grouphug:

bizi 07-13-2017 10:52 PM

I need to get off this computer!!!!!!!
I have been on here for hours. I should have done billing it is way behind.
I keep going from one forum to face book to e-mail to forum is driving me crazy!!!!!!
I need to get ready to go to bed, hubby is already there.
I have been picking again...both my face and fingers.
I can't take antidepressants because they make me manic.
I got unstable taking trazadone....
I need to go to bed.

bizi 07-13-2017 11:45 PM

I finally put moisturizer on my fingers/cuticles and they look much better...only three of them have wounds.
I am done with this computer and am heading to bed....

OhKay 07-14-2017 04:47 AM

I'm sorry that the computer is sucking you in like that! :hug:

I'm surprised that at 75mg, the Seroquel isn't making you sleepy enough to head off to bed earlier...

I started using Gold Bond hand cream again because of my hand washing and all the cleaning I've been doing have taken a toll, and it's doing a good job. It's not greasy and doesn't wash off as easily as most hand creams. It may help you with your cuticle problems.

Dmom3005 07-14-2017 03:35 PM

Wondering if you could use gloves for part of this problem.

I wish I had some answers. The billing is it on your computer.

Donna :hug::grouphug:

bizi 07-14-2017 09:26 PM

My billing is all done by hand.
I am old school.
The cuticle cream is good for my fingers.....if I would just use it.
I believe we are going to a play tomorrow night downtown.
Maybe we will go with some friends.
Still picking at my face and fingers but not as bad.
Went to whole foods for trivia and dinner. Had 2 grain burgers with pepper jack cheese and balsalmic vinegrette and a side of salad with ceaser dressing.
very good and filling.
I have the weekend off. (I worked 12 days in a row)

ger715 07-14-2017 10:53 PM


Originally Posted by bizi (Post 1247108)
I need to get off this computer!!!!!!!
I have been on here for hours. I should have done billing it is way behind.
I keep going from one forum to face book to e-mail to forum is driving me crazy!!!!!!
I need to get ready to go to bed, hubby is already there.
I have been picking again...both my face and fingers.
I can't take antidepressants because they make me manic.
I got unstable taking trazadone....
I need to go to bed.

Have you been taking anything containing or too much caffeine? i check the labels; can't believe things that contain caffeine. I remember some time ago taking an over the counter med including, some of the cold meds.....caffeine and then more. Add that up and wooooo!!!!!

My coffee is half/cafe. A few days ago I started using the regular; my anxiety started up; agitated, etc.... Back to the half/cafe.....

Hope you soon get some relief.....


bizi 07-14-2017 11:34 PM

hi Geri,
I do drink 2-3 cups of coffee in the mornings.
I don't think that I have other sources of caffeine during the rest of the day usually.
My biggest problem area is my right thumb.

mymorgy 07-15-2017 06:40 AM

you really have been having a rough time! hope things get better fast. sounds like you have been working too hard.

OhKay 07-15-2017 08:20 AM

I'm so happy you have 2 days off! :)
You've been working very hard and deserve it!
I hope you can enjoy it! :):):)

bizi 07-15-2017 10:48 AM

Thank you!
I stayed in bed until 10am just because there was nothing to get me out.
Then the thought of a cup of coffee got me up.:)
I am happier with my fingers/cuticles.
Even though I am still picking them a little, they are so much better.
For the past 2 nights I have been applying(I know this sounds weird)
Bert Bees moisturizing lip balm, like chap stick but better.
This has really helped. and it is easy to apply. (only my thumb is an issue)
My face is better too. It will take longer to heal.
I was on the computer for hours again last night after trivia.

Jeff just told me of a sink hole in florida north of tampa that there is a sink hole that has half swallowed 2 homes so far, something to do with the aqua fore.
How awful and scary!!!!

Dmom3005 07-15-2017 12:59 PM

That is awful Bizi.

In Indianapolis they have been trying to fill a sinkhole in the road since
the flooding on a highway.

An town close to me also lost a bridge, the weird thing is its one they
just fixed.

Donna :hug::grouphug:

Mari 07-15-2017 03:02 PM

Sinkhole swallows homes in Florida -

Here's the link, Bizi.


mrsD 07-15-2017 03:17 PM

Sinkholes are not confined to Florida:

We have one here in Michigan that is tremenedously large:

Life near Fraser sinkhole: Dirt, drills, stench — and higher assessments

If you read the article the gov't has raised the property taxes for those many homes that are GONE!

When you hear the word infrastructure on TV on the political news this is what it means. Our infrastructure is crumbling everywhere across the country.

mrsD 07-15-2017 03:17 PM

Sinkholes are not confined to Florida:

We have one here in Michigan that is tremenedously large:

Life near Fraser sinkhole: Dirt, drills, stench — and higher assessments

If you read the article the gov't has raised the property taxes for those many homes that are GONE!

When you hear the word infrastructure on TV on the political news this is what it means. Our infrastructure is crumbling everywhere across the country.

Gethprime 07-15-2017 09:46 PM

I go to my very 1st psychiatrist doc visit on Monday. Though it will be with one of his PAs but Im told the Doc will be seeing me as well. Last few days have been really nasty. Yesterday morning I have been suffering really nasty sleep starts for hours. Went to sleep Thursday night around 1130, errr tried to. From then to about 530am Friday morning everytime I was about to fall asleep I would get a sleep jerk. I was crying, was really irritable and easily angered and was crying:(.

bizi 07-15-2017 10:32 PM


Originally Posted by Gethprime (Post 1247236)
I go to my very 1st psychiatrist doc visit on Monday. Though it will be with one of his PAs but Im told the Doc will be seeing me as well. Last few days have been really nasty. Yesterday morning I have been suffering really nasty sleep starts for hours. Went to sleep Thursday night around 1130, errr tried to. From then to about 530am Friday morning everytime I was about to fall asleep I would get a sleep jerk. I was crying, was really irritable and easily angered and was crying:(.

I am so sorry.
sleep is so important to us.
It sucks when we can't sleep.
hugs to you

bizi 07-15-2017 10:46 PM

drinking a beer and feeling good.
Have to do paper work tomorrow, billing, have to be paid!
There is no one to help me.
so I have to do it all myself.
Being self employed is hard. sometimes I hire a friends daughter to help me with filing. I need to call her to see if she can help me.
I have 2 friends going thru is difficult.

OhKay 07-16-2017 06:14 AM

The lip balm is a good hack. I'm glad it is working :)

I now how you hate doing your paperwork... I hope you aren't too far behind and have too much to do. I guess it may be easier to do it on the computer, but I would go the same route as you and do it the old fashioned way. I hope your daughter's friend is free to help :hug:

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