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Mari 07-16-2018 04:56 AM

Nice anniversary! Good luck with the air conditioning.


OhKay 07-16-2018 10:35 AM

I had a meltdown yesterday.

We went to do laundry, which is always a great time. And I was exhausted, in pain, not feeling well... and HOT.
This weekend Corey has been dragging a- so we have been going out when it's hotter out, and I should be/need to be napping. Being overtired didn't help matters.

I started folding our mountain of laundry while Corey was trying to recharge the AC (I had to buy another can earlier cuz he f- ed up and discharged the contents of the other one on the pavement). When he came in and told me he read the directions this time around, but it still didn't work, and we would have to bring the car in to be repaired, I just lost my f-ing s-...

About all I could manage to communicate were growls and strings of curse words, with the exception of telling him not to speak another f-ing word about the f-ing AC to me again. Even tho I told the KING of meltdowns I wasn't mad at him, he freaked out because he "isn't used to seeing (me) like that". I think with everything I have been going through, I WAS DUE. It was just that AC problem that put me over the top.

There are a lot of rational reasons why I had the meltdown (But I wasn't exactly being rational at the time). I guess this is the abbreviated list:
#1 MONEY: the repair and a $250 copay for tomorrow's MRI
#2 Not knowing when I could bring it in cuz of a million appt's
#3 Having to drive around in the high 80's all week w/o AC until I can get it fixed
#4 Constant health problems, tests, and appointments, and still feeling shitty
#5 Having high anxiety and just being overwhelmed in general

I don't have an appointment today because there was an issue with my insurance company approving my Tysabri (MS med) infusion that I was supposed to have at 10. The new appointment they scheduled is unacceptable, so I will have to reschedule it.

After dinner, I took a look at the rest of my appointments. My MRI is at 7:40am tomorrow, and I just have a manicure on Wednesday, which could be easily rescheduled. I will call the auto shop to ask if I drop the car off around 9 tomorrow morning they can have it fixed by the end of business Wednesday cuz I have a PT appointment at 9am Thursday morning that I don't want to miss. That's the only way I can see how I can swing it. Next week is lousy with appointments, too.

My anxiety is still REALLY HIGH. I have to go out to run two short errands, so I've only taken 1 1/4mg of Klonopin, but will take more when I get home. I have to shower so I can get going.

bizi 07-16-2018 03:26 PM

You deserved to have a melt down!!!!!!!

mymorgy 07-17-2018 03:46 AM

you definitely need a break. this is way too much.
love and big hugs.

bizi 07-17-2018 07:53 AM

good luck with your MRI.
I am sorry, I am trying to keep up...
what are they checking you for again?:confused:

OhKay 07-17-2018 11:16 AM

I just got a call back from the mechanic, and it will cost f-ing $950 to fix the f-ing AC in my car!!! The compressor is gone, and they won't have the part in until Friday.

I'm f- freaking out... $950. $950. $950...

They won't have the part until Friday, but my car is drivable, so I can pick it up anytime now, but I need a ride, and would rather not pay more money for a cab, but Corey doesn't know when he will be home. I'm waiting for him to call me when he has a better idea (GOD knows when), but I may just call a cab anyway to put the issue at rest for the day so it's not hanging over my head driving me batty.

I have an appointment with my neurologist on Friday, so I can't bring the car in until around 11am. I guess the job will take about 3hrs, so I won't be waiting, and will have to deal with cab rides again... MORE MONEY... UGH.

When my dad called me on my birthday, he asked for my address because he said he wanted to "send (me) something." I hope it's money. :o

I had the MRI early this morning.
My PCP wanted to check for possible neurological reasons for my dizziness and lightheadedness in particular. I had a relapse of my MS several weeks (months ago now) before the onset of those symptoms (and others), so my neurologist will be interested in taking a look at it, too.

I have software on my old computer that allowed me to look at MRI images, but it's really outdated, and I can't find a download for it that's more current and fREE, and it's between $600 and almost $3K to buy now. Imaging has finally advanced to the point where I can't see s- now, which is very disappointing.

I should be able to at least view the radiologist's report within 3 days, but I'll see the neurologist the same day, so...

FUN DAY so far.

mymorgy 07-17-2018 02:08 PM

I hope it is money too! why couldn't have happened in the winter time.

bizi 07-17-2018 06:32 PM

I had to fix my ac too. last month and it cost me about what it cost you although I think he said it was the condenser. What ever that is, am afraid there is something wrong still, It is acting fine and we did fine on our trip to IN.
I am sorry for the added taxi trips. Uber an option?

Mari 07-17-2018 11:27 PM

Hi, Kay.

My car a/c is out now too.
Whatever they did the last time did not work.

Good luck with the MRI results.


Dmom3005 07-18-2018 01:11 PM

Sending some hugs.

Hoping you get a break soon.

Donna :grouphug::hug:

OhKay 07-18-2018 01:14 PM

I have calmed down about the cost of the AC repair...

Some things are just out of my control, and even though I am worried about our finances, I should be grateful that we have enough money to repair the AC in the car. Some people are not so lucky.

I finally sent a message to my PCP about the swollen lymph nodes above/behind my collar bones because the ones on the right side are larger now (much larger than the ones in my groin that he had ordered the u/s for). Today I got a message back from his RN saying that the surgeon I'm seeing on August 14th has my recent medical records and will evaluate me. I think it's a blow off, but I don't really care. My PCP has no clue what's wrong with me. I just hate to have to wait for so long for the consultation.

I think I would have to have something major going on before I would message my PCP again or ask for an appointment with the NP. I think that's pretty f-ed up.

bizi 07-18-2018 05:38 PM

did you get a nap in wednesday?

OhKay 07-19-2018 12:08 PM

I'm sorry I missed part of your post, Mari. I think it's hot where you live? So, I'm really sorry you don't have AC in your car either :hug:

Our water is absolutely filthy AGAIN! I got tipped off after I got out of the shower and found the bottom of our white tub covered in black sediment. I was just thrilled. I just happened to run into the rental agency manager when I got home, and asked her about it. I guess that it is because they are doing road work in a neighboring town, and we can expect these issues until NOVEMBER!!! It would have been nice if someone had told us that... the last message I got from the town water department said the issue had been resolved, and that was weeks ago.
I asked Corey to pick up a few gallons or a case of water on his way home. We both drink a lot of water, and I drink A LOT of coffee.

I have been napping every day. I needed a little help to settle down on Tuesday when I found out about the cost of the AC repairs tho.

Today I had PT, and overdid it a little. Then I had to go to the hospital to have blood drawn and submit a urine sample for my nephrologist appointment next week. I wrapped things up by stopping at CVS and playing the lottery up the street. So, I will probably take an early and long nap today.

OhKay 07-19-2018 12:39 PM

I forgot to mention that my car is telling me to "change oil soon" now :rolleyes:
I suppose I should get that taken care of when I have the AC fixed...
I don't know if I'm low on oil, or if the guys at Jiffy Lube just didn't do the reset the last time I had it done.

bizi 07-19-2018 07:13 PM


Originally Posted by OhKay (Post 1265424)
I forgot to mention that my car is telling me to "change oil soon" now :rolleyes:
I suppose I should get that taken care of when I have the AC fixed...
I don't know if I'm low on oil, or if the guys at Jiffy Lube just didn't do the reset the last time I had it done.

I am sure they just forgot to change the indicator, when did you get your oil changed last? You can drop by auto zone and they can run a diagnositics free on it if you are worried.

hope you have a good weekend!


OhKay 07-20-2018 12:58 PM

I just told them to do the oil change when I dropped off my car. Fortunately, I found a $10 off coupon online. The flakey lady gave me a ride home, and Corey will give me a ride back over there to pick up the car when it's ready so we don't have to pay for more cab fare. It should be ready soon. I'm sure it will cost us well over a grand when you throw in the oil change and taxes...

I awoke from my nap yesterday to BLACK water in the toilet when I went to the BR, and sure enough, it was coming out of all the faucets, too.
I called our town water department to ask why we were never given any notice (for at least the second time). They said we were having problems because we are so close to the town line where the work was being done- and notifications were only being sent to residents in THAT town. She suggested we get on the notification list for said town too, but I tried to sign up for them, and I cannot do it because I don't reside there. I'm not done making phone calls...

We still have shitty blackish water, but not as thick or dark, and now our tub drain is clogged from trying to flush out the pipes, and we have very low water pressure in the facets in the sinks because the little screens in them are so clogged.

We ordered out last night because the water was not safe to use for anything- not even hand washing.

And I sucked it up and took a dirty shower this morning because I had to go to the neurologist... yucky :o

mymorgy 07-20-2018 02:41 PM

I am so sorry this is happening to you-what a streak!

bizi 07-20-2018 08:49 PM

how did the neurologist appointment go?

Dmom3005 07-20-2018 08:59 PM

When did your illnesses start? How long ago.

And then how long ago did the water issues with the things go?

Is there any chance that the two are connected in any way.

Donna :hug::grouphug:

bizi 07-20-2018 11:58 PM

how disgusting...I can't even imagine how mad you must be about the black water.
just think of the people in flint michigan.

Mari 07-21-2018 12:59 AM

What a mess! They should provide a temporary solution of some kind
that gets you free and clean water.


OhKay 07-21-2018 09:31 AM

The newish medical problems started before the water problems.

The lady I spoke to at the Water Department said I could come pick up some "Red Be Gone," but that s-'s useless because there are so many solids in the water.

The water is still not suitable for drinking or cooking because it's still discolored and has undissolved solids in it. Fortunately due to MY plunging, the tub is draining much better (for now). The screen in the bathroom faucet has to be taken out and soaked in CLR, or maybe replaced... close to no water coming out.

I finally caught a break!!! With tax and the oil change, the cost of the car repairs was only $930! It's still a lot of money, but it's a lot less than I anticipated :):):)
There were some misadventures when I went to pick up the car, so I wasn't very happy, but it's not worth going into detail about tho.

I was not really worried about the MRI or the appointment with my neurologist. I have a couple of new lesions, but that's not unexpected. There were changes to my physical exam compared to the last one, but that wasn't a surprise either, since I had a relapse since the last time I saw him. He was happy the PT is going well, and I caught him up on all the other crap going on. I see him again in 3 months.

I got to take a look at the results for the tests my nephrologist ordered. They are pretty much unchanged since the last time I had them checked, so I am VERY HAPPY.

bizi 07-21-2018 11:33 AM

I am very glad that you are happy with the results.

OhKay 07-22-2018 08:04 AM

I keep forgetting that as of Friday I am now 3yrs sober.

I don’t know if I forgot because I was wrapped up in all the business with the car, or if I forgot because not drinking is just business as usual for me now, and “anniversaries” like this just aren’t as significant anymore. Maybe both.

mymorgy 07-22-2018 08:08 AM

That is utterly fantastic!

PurpleFoot721 07-22-2018 09:25 AM

Congratulations on your 3 years of sobriety. That is great news.

bizi 07-22-2018 10:35 AM

congratulations Kay!!!!!!
You are awesome!...time flies by doesn't?

Dmom3005 07-22-2018 11:41 AM


3 years is fantastic. I'm so proud of you.

Maybe now you can also think of getting your a/c fixed as the gift
of the 3 years.

Donna :hug::grouphug:

Mari 07-23-2018 02:39 AM

Congrats, Kay!

Celebrate every success.



OhKay 07-23-2018 08:46 AM

Thank you all! :)

At long last, we have clear water again!!! :):):)
That doesn't mean that I won't be calling the water department, or city hall today tho. At the very least they have to notify us ahead of PLANNED repairs.

Our tub is REALLY clogged. I have to call the office to get someone from maintenance over to here have it fixed. I want to shower beforehand, and tidy up a bit cuz I don't want anyone in here if the place is too messy...

I decided I needed a nap on Saturday, and I slept for about 5hrs. But on Sunday, Corey told me I looked like I needed to go lay down, so I did, and I slept for about 4 1/2 hrs.
So, we never got to the laundromat. Taking a small load myself seems unlikely because I've been feeling so miserable.

I was feeling so shitty, and had no answers, I stopped taking Allegra a while ago because it was the last med I had added before my sx started. I didn't notice any difference tho. At some point (just) my heart palpitations went away... it had to be the Allegra cuz I started taking it again, and after 5-6 days on it, the heart palpitations came back. Obviously, I won't be taking it anymore.

My gastro called me yesterday while I was sleeping (odd to call on a Sunday, right?) to ask how I'm doing, and to ask why I haven't set up an appointment for a surgical consult (for the colorectal surgery I need) yet. I will call him tomorrow to let him know what's been going on.
I haven't been taking mag. citrate to go to the BR as often as I should because even if I sip it slowly and space it out, it has been making me throw up, and I have to sleep sitting up on the couch... and I thought there was no way it could be more unpleasant lol.

OhKay 07-24-2018 09:20 AM

One of the maintenance guys came promptly to fix the tub drain. They are all overwhelmed with these kind of calls because all that crap is clogging everyone's tubs, sinks, and faucets. They guy who came yesterday said he was on call one night over the weekend and got 37 service calls :eek:

I called town hall and left a message for the town manager. She called me back very quickly to let me know that our water actually comes from a private company, so they have little to no authority over them.

I called the water company, and the same dumb b- answered the phone. I told her I needed her to escalate the call. I got the superintendent's voicemail and left a long message. He also called me back very quickly. He was a fast talking slippery SOB full of excuses, but I managed to get my point across. He promised they would do a better job next time, but I doubt they will.

There is a meeting of the "commissioners" of the water supply company tomorrow, but I cannot speak publicly, so there's no point in me going.

I have an appointment with my nephrologist today. I hope that after reviewing my records, he has some idea of what's causing/has caused my kidney failure... and maybe there's a treatment (doubtful)? I also want to ask him if my mysterious illness and all these swollen lymph nodes could be connected?

My appointment is at 2:30pm, which is a terrible time for me, but you have to take what you can get when it comes to specialists.
I think I'm going to try to take a nap now so I won't be so out of it later today.

bizi 07-24-2018 09:46 AM

good luck with the nephroogist today.

keep us posted.
hope you had a good nap.
glad that the maintenance guy came.

Dmom3005 07-24-2018 12:02 PM


Write down what you want the commissioners to hear.

And send it to them. That is what I would do.


bizi 07-25-2018 08:29 AM

How are you today? what did the doctor say yesterday?
I know that you have many things going on with your body.
I hope one of them would settle down and give you a break.

OhKay 07-25-2018 09:12 AM

I could email one or all of the commissioners via the water department website, so maybe I will do that if I get a burst of energy. Thank you for the idea, Donna :hug:

I did not feel well yesterday. I tried to nap, but I maybe got an hour's worth of sleep before my appointment.

I got that familiar dizzy and lightheaded feeling while walking from the waiting room to the room where the medical assistant took my vitals. When she took my BP with the automatic cuff, it was 102/33... NOT a typo.
The dumb s- medical assistant was going to just have me walk back to the waiting room! But I wasn't going anywhere until my BP went back up because that's dangerously low. I had her send for the RN to do a MANUAL BP, and by that time, it had gone back up to 110/70, which is normal for me.

That's the first time anyone's caught me when I've been symptomatic and there's been OBJECTIVE evidence of why I feel so f- shitty... I hope that my PCP catches it in my nephrologist's notes.

I took my BP this morning after getting lightheaded and dizzy, and it was 92/60 and my pulse was 137.
All the cardiac testing, including the tilt table test, came back normal... WTF is wrong with me?!

My nephrologist was happy with my recent test results, and said that people can live in stage 3 for many years, but "no promises."
He is having me do a 24 hr urine, but this time he wants me to send it away to a private lab. They will send me the collection materials, but I don't know how sending it back will work out. I guess I will find out. I have to have more blood and other pee tests, but those can be done at the local hospital. All of these tests are in the interest of trying to pin down a diagnosis.
I see him again in 4 months.
At least I'm holding my own in the kidney department :)

Dmom3005 07-25-2018 09:23 AM


I'm sorry no one is figuring this out. THis has to be so frustrating.

I sure wish I knew what kind of doctor you need to go to.

Donna :hug::grouphug:

bizi 07-25-2018 07:24 PM

I wonder about your swollen lymph nodes.
who is supposed to deal with those?

Mari 07-26-2018 01:08 AM


That's good about your kidneys.

I hope your water gets worked out completely and soon.


Rain shower 07-26-2018 07:23 AM


Please look into postural orthostatic tachycardia POTs.
I have similar symptoms and am being evaluated. I must keep fluid and salt intake high. Helps some with symptoms. Table tilt test was normal. I think you have to pass out before they consider abn results. Of course standing from a seated position must by very slow to help the body equalize before standing.

Take care. I hope it is not POTS. It can be difficult to diagnose in early stages.


OhKay 07-26-2018 09:21 AM


Originally Posted by Rain shower (Post 1265759)


Please look into postural orthostatic tachycardia POTs.
I have similar symptoms and am being evaluated. I must keep fluid and salt intake high. Helps some with symptoms. Table tilt test was normal. I think you have to pass out before they consider abn results. Of course standing from a seated position must by very slow to help the body equalize before standing.

Take care. I hope it is not POTS. It can be difficult to diagnose in early stages.


Thank you, Cindy. I'm sorry that you have POTS :hug:

When I looked it up quickly, one thing that struck me was that there is a connection to the digestive system...
I had a lot of abdominal discomfort during the tilt table test, which I thought was odd. I did tell the RN who was observing me.

I also have MS.

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