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bizi 04-04-2019 08:59 AM

It is interesting and helpful to look back over my weight
report over the past year.
I was at my lowest weight for the year right before our
christmas vacation= 170.6...
2 weeks of eating and drinking freely put on about 17 pounds...
how can that be?
After I came home I started dieting again and I lost some weight...
then we had 2 weeks of mardi gras partying and
I gained all of the weight back and then some=190.8.
Had not been that heavy in 15 years!!!!
I am either on a diet or gaining weight.
At 177.6 this morning I am still 7 pounds heavier
than before christmas.
No wonder I don't feel any lighter. Numbers don't lie!
It is obvious that when I drink I eat freely and gain weight.
When I don't drink alcohol then I am more aware of my
eating and able to diet.
The end result is that I lose weight.

Last night, I decided to have a smoothie right
when I get home before dinner.
It is a concoction of superfoods, supplements and protein.
I mix it with half cup of almond milk and half cup of organic milk.
This one cup has 23 grams of protein and 210 calories.
I am accustomed to coming home and having a piece of cheese
and nuts before dinner. Now I will have this smoothie instead.
It is much healthier. and the taste is ok.

My goal of 169.9 is doable before 5-1-19.
(That is 8 pounds in one month)
Between Intermittant fasting and following a lower carb diet
I think I can do this!
wish me luck.


OhKay 04-04-2019 01:46 PM

I am so sorry about Hattie :hug::hug::hug:
The second opinion is worth the consideration since, if I recollect correctly, she is a pretty young kitty. I'm happy to hear that she seems like she isn't in pain tho :hug::hug::hug:

You lost 12 pounds in less than a month, so I think you can get to your goal weight (four pounds less) before May 1st. Of course I wish you luck! :):):)

The smoothies seem like a good idea. Can you add anything to make them tastier without adding too much (or any calories)? Are they filling?

Dmom3005 04-04-2019 04:02 PM

How about like banana.

I'm liking the idea of a smoothie. I think I'm going to start
working on that too. I am supposed to be on a low carb
diet but I don't follow those kind exactly well.

So I am working on finding things I like that I can do with

Donna :hug::grouphug:

bizi 04-04-2019 05:15 PM

They are sweetened with stevia already

but I could add even more if needed.
There is some amount of sugar with the

almond milk and fat free milk=11 grams of sugar.

The reason that I started drinking milk again is that my pdoc said I should not be taking more than 400mgs of supplements of calcium.

(I am taking about 700mg, I was taking 1,400). That I should get the rest from food. I will have to look up food sources of calcium.

So this gives me an extra 400mg from the milks which totals 1,100mg a day.
the calcium from the almond milk is added and is calcium carbonate which is not very readily absorbed so not the best source. I think when I am done with this almond milk I will just use regular non fat milk.
I just made a smoothie with all of the mixes and

additives and it tasted awful! Only 210 calories but I think I would rather eat the cheese and nuts.....
I will get used to the taste.


bizi 04-06-2019 09:12 AM

I wrote out a long post then lost it.
now I don't feel like retyping it.
Have a great weekend.

bizi 04-06-2019 10:05 AM

Here goes:

The smoothies taste awful.:eek:
They contain super foods/greens:
Moringa, amla, collagen, aspen "slim",
4oz of almond vanilla milk,

4 oz of fat free organic milk.
All in all have 210 calories,

23 grams of protein and only 15 carbs.
It definitely cuts my appetite and is good for me.

I have started taking the supplements

of tart cherry and boswellia and turmeric

for inflammation along with my other

supplements at noon after lunch.

A few weeks ago I started taking a

large dose of thiamine.

Because I drink, I thought I needed that.

But looking at the label am not sure it is

really is called L-theanine.

It is made by sports research promoting

relaxation and focus.

It came up as one of the top sellers on

amazon when I searched for thiamine.
I ordered it and am taking it with out

researching it out first. I should do that!

I am trying to drink more fluids...this morning already,
have had 3 cups of coffee and 2 cups of

sweetened water with stevia.

And it is almost 10am here.
I got up at 7:30 this morning,

had to pee and wanted to weigh loss just a gain.

Need to try and not get discouraged.

It is important that I remain alcohol free,
Eat well and try to take care of myself as best as I can.

On thursday I got my nails done, a manicure, clear gel

polish that should last for weeks.
I am trying to stay sane and not worry about

the board of nurses issue for now.

If I lose my license then I will worry about our finances.
I was going to stop the vitamins that I have been taking

because they are expensive.

But I feel that I need them.

It is almost 2 weeks until easter.

Wonder if I will drink then?
I have been happy with the weight loss
thus far. And I know it is because of not drinking
fattening dark/sstrong beers.
I know this is true for me.
The lure/seduction of moderation keeps calling my name.
I have tried this before and have failed.

I am an all or nothing kind of gal.
No moderation in this vocabulary.
I guess that is the bipolar in me.:rolleyes:

Have a great weekend and hug and kiss your loved ones!

bizi 04-06-2019 11:47 PM

Well here I am again....have been on line for hours. Hubby went to join his friends for drinks after the concert tonight. He dropped me off back home because I am not drinking right now and did not want to be out around people with out a drink in my hand. I have social anxiety issues.
Alcohol lubricates those awkward moments.
After mardi gras I was at my highest weight. so decided to give up alcohol and started dieting for lent.
so far have lost a good 12 pounds in a months time.
So that is good.
I am still 7 pounds heavier than what I was before christmas break.


I will get there.
so working on 2 out of 3 addictions.
At least I am working on some of my problems.

bizi 04-07-2019 12:49 PM

There is another student concert today at 3pm...jazz combo with a mixed media student.
His instrument is the base.
I think I will go to the NAMI (national association for the mentally Ill.)connections support group meeting at 6pm.
They have meetings the 1st and 3rd sundays of the month.
I have a small amount of paper work to do before the concert.
WE will eat before the meeting.
This morning I actually put make up on, a concealer to hide my red nose and other pimply areas and eye liner and blush. Maybe I will go look for some lipstick...have never really worn lipstick but it might be fun! and maybe I will get some mascara for sensitive eyes, and I need a new eye liner. I wonder if I should go to the clinique counter in the mall???
Think I will go!

Dmom3005 04-07-2019 05:01 PM

I'm so glad you are looking up to so many things Bizi.

Dale took Derrick back to town tonight. After he spent the
weekend with us. And I'm relaxing. Dale has been doing taxes.

He has been procrastinating for a few years. And has got to catch
up. But that doesn't seem to be happening so I'm hoping he does
we will see.

But he is taking Derrick grocery shopping too. Which is good.

Donna :hug::grouphug:

bizi 04-07-2019 05:25 PM

it is raining with heavy winds.
not cold though.
went to the mall and bought 4 make up items.
an almost grape lipstick, brown/black mascara,

and black/brown eye liner and make up remover.

The clinique make up remover upset my eyes
as did the mascara. so I returned them both.
I kept the lipstick and eye liner. they were very nice about
my return and completely understood my problems with their products.

bizi 04-07-2019 06:49 PM

After dinner tonight of pizza, Had real cravings tonight. Hubby saved me by reminding me that our friend paul who goes AF every lent to prove to himself that he is not an alcoholic, he would not be happy for me. So we did not go to whole foods for the beer that I wanted. Not today....maybe in 2 weeks at easter..

OhKay 04-08-2019 08:40 AM

I'm glad that you got a manicure and your nails look nice! But I can't believe you were wearing makeup! :)
When you feel good, you want to look good, so does that mean you feel good?

I'm glad they allowed you to return the products you were allergic/sesntive to- that's what they should do. I use Neutrogena liquid eye makeup remover, which works very well, and doesn't irritate my very sensitive skin or eyes.

I'm so glad that Jeff reminded you that Paul gives up alcohol for Lent too, and that stopped you from heading to Whole Foods for a beer :hug:

You can make it to Easter (or beyond if you want to) :hug::hug::hug:

Did you go to the NAMI meeting, and if you did, how did it go?

Dmom3005 04-08-2019 09:04 AM


Even if you start to drink again. I hope you can start to find
a way to slow down on the amount. I know its been a problem
with you. I've got to start slowing down on the amount of
diet coke again too. I over did it for both my birthday and
the small vacation I took. But I'm back to the tea and the water.

I didn't stop the water though. I twas just hard to get the unsweetened
tea. I like sweetened tea when we are in restaurants so I did do
that. But its not really good for me. But I did do the unsweetened once or

And since I don't like Pepsi I only had one Pepsi at the inservice on
Friday and didn't drink but part of it. THen had tea and sweetener.

So I was good there. And had tea and one Diet coke the day before.

Donna :hug::grouphug:

bizi 04-08-2019 09:11 AM

Thanks kay.
I did not make it to the meeting due to not wanting to deal with the rain.
Lame excuse I know....
My nose is healing quite well. just redness and some little bit of peeling from the benzolperoxide use.
Now I have a rather bothersome pimple bump under my left eye...the part that my glasses hit. Because I picked it, It looks terrible and I need to leave that alone. It is different from my usual rosacea acne. so am afraid it is permanent. it looks a bit purple this morning.
I need more coffee this morning.

I should just break down and go to a dermatologist. I have a suspicious mark on my face. When I had those BBL broad band laser treatments and cyro treatments they did not get rid of that is why I think it may be precancerous.
I never got orders to see a client of mine for this morning need to call the hospice nurse to see if she can intervene.

OhKay 04-08-2019 09:37 AM

It sounds like going to the dermatologist is a good idea :hug::hug::hug:
That is the pot calling the kettle black tho. I'm loaded with suspicious moles, and haven't had them checked in years. I have one on my chest that I know needs attention.

I don't think that not wanting to go out in the rain is a lame excuse for skipping the meeting. As far as I know, I don't think you NEED to go those meetings right now, so why go out in shitty weather?

I hope that the hospice nurse is able to help you out with the doctor's order for your client this morning. If things work there, like they work here, she should be able to get a verbal order for you pretty quickly.

bizi 04-08-2019 11:22 AM

Thanks kay,
shortly after I called the nurse at the docs office she faxed over signed orders yeah!....but I had already canceled her visit...and will see her when I can work her into my schedule. She doesn't know we had an appointment today.Dementia client.

bizi 04-09-2019 09:00 AM

14 pound loss since 3-6-19 =190.8pounds
Tried to do a plank this morning could only hold it for 12 seconds...
I am so out of shape.
Hubby held it a minute.
Need to get back to walking at least.
Last time I walked I could only walk 1 mile.
Good news, I took a shower this morning and washed my hair!

Dmom3005 04-09-2019 09:14 AM


I don't know what a plank is but I would think if its anything like
what it sounds 12 seconds is good for 1st time in a long time.

And I'd just work on upping the time if I were going to try doing
them. I also need to get back to walking.

I think your doing good with the weight loss and things so keep
it up.

Good job on shower and hair wash too.
Donna :grouphug::hug:

bizi 04-10-2019 07:54 AM

Planks: I used to be able to do them and had done them up to 2 that was several years ago and at a much lighter weight.
I hate doing crunches/sit ups because I have neck issues.
My overall body is out of shape completely.
I also have balance issues. I fell onto my towel rack and bruised my upper arm the other day. Very painful, simply getting out of the shower.
I fell 2 months ago going up a curb and hurt my ribs.

I really need to work on my balance. I have exercises to do and should do them.

bizi 04-10-2019 08:03 AM


Originally Posted by Dmom3005 (Post 1274300)

I don't know what a plank is but I would think if its anything like
what it sounds 12 seconds is good for 1st time in a long time.

And I'd just work on upping the time if I were going to try doing
them. I also need to get back to walking.

I think your doing good with the weight loss and things so keep
it up.

Good job on shower and hair wash too.
Donna :grouphug::hug:

A plank is yoga pose. kind of like a push up except you are on your elbows with your hands/arms resting out in front of you. Then you get up on your toes and being as straight as you can hold that position. It is supposed to work your stomach "core" muscles.
It is very hard to do.
I just did the plank with hubby and held the pose for 25 seconds. hubby held it for 65 seconds.
Better is better.

OhKay 04-10-2019 09:46 AM

176.9!!! That's f'ing awesome, Bizi!!! :):):)

Planks sound really hard! :eek:

I'm glad that you got the doctor's order you needed. Is it easier when you can work directly with nurses to get those and bypass the office staff?

Dmom3005 04-10-2019 02:01 PM

Glad you are getting more time in the planks. I wont be trying
that it isn't something I could do.

But that is okay. I've got to get out walking again though.

Soon soon

Donna :hug::grouphug:

bizi 04-12-2019 06:04 AM

Jeff has a sinus infection too.
Went to the walk in clinic down the road. Just hit him acutely. His maxillary sinuses, even his teeth hurt him. He is sleeping right now which is good, he did not sleep well the night before.

They gave him amoxicilian, flonase, steroids to take and a cortizone shot in his butt. They confirmed his prediction.

I don't like the way they prescribed the steroid use. 30mg x 4 days then none.
He has 20 pills I told him to taper off them.
30mg x 2 days then 20mg x 2 days then 10 mg x 2 days, perhaps then 5mg x2 days then none.
What do you think about this Kay?

I am up too early this morning...anxious to weigh myself.
stuck at 177.4.
I had cream in my coffee so broke my fasting guidelines....rationallizing what harm can half and half do?
It is mostly fat so has few carbs.

Last night I got home early and baked some chicken thighs wrapped in bacon. Put them in the oven to cook. Then jeff came home sick and decided he had a sinus infection so he drove himself to the walk in clinic. and I drove to the minute med clinic and gave him our hsa (health savings account)card. It is a pre tax savings card for medical purposes.

Went home and the chicken was over cooked. Jeff had said he wasn't hungry so I ate the over cooked chicken throwing away the hard areas.
It was late by the time jeff got home. Went to the grocery store to pick up yogurt and cottage cheese for him, I ended up going to popeyes for chicken for him to eat. He went to bed early, hoping he slept well.

I got up at 5am this morning...onto my 3rd cup of coffee.

Every day I check onto my yahoo email account with a little bit of anxiety. Worried that I will get a note from my lawyer about the board of nursing stuff. So far none. So I just have to wait on the board. I could wait a long time. Which is fine by me.:(

Had to let go of another client of mine because she doesn't have a doctor. She uses walk in clinics if she needs care.

Yesterday I worked in the yard a bit. Pulling up dead leaves and pruning stalks of cannas. A type of flower that grows and spreads fast. I had not done that in a years time and it was awful looking. Cut it all down to the ground then raked the leaves up to. It is all ready to grow, a fresh start even pruned back the shoots that had started to grow because some of the leaves were damaged from some cold weather that we had a month ago.

Now what to do it is almost 6 am and I don't have anything that I need to do. I guess I could clean the house a little. Last night I used endust on the coffee table in the living room. Wiped down 3/4 of it. There was paper work and a file folder on top of the corner that I did not move to dust under that. So I will finish that today.

It has been 5 weeks since I have had cream in my coffee.
It is just lovely! I missed it.
Have a good day!

OhKay 04-12-2019 07:43 AM

Bizi, I would just have Jeff take the steroids as prescribed. They are giving him a steroid burst to get rid of the inflammation quickly, and since he won't be on them for long, it's okay to forgo the taper. I hope he gets better soon. It sounds like he has one hell of a sinus infection! (((HUGS))) to Jeff

I'm sorry about the chicken. I hate it when something I cook doesn't come out the way it should. Wrapping the bacon around the chicken sounds like a lot of work :hug:

If you drank 7 cups of coffee a day like me, I would worry about using cream because the fat and carbs would really add up (I just use a splash of fat free milk). But since (I think) you only drink 2-3 cups a day, I wouldn't worry about it, especially if you don't use a lot or do it all the time. It's really not a big deal, so enjoy your coffee! :)

You did A LOT yesterday between cooking, doing a little cleaning, working in the yard, and taking care of things for Jeff. I can't believe you woke up so early! You must be exhausted!!! :hug::hug::hug:

I'm glad that you haven't heard anything from your lawyer... no news is good news!!! :)

Have a good day, Bizi! :)

Dmom3005 04-12-2019 10:40 AM

I hope Jeff feels better soon.

Donna :grouphug::hug:

bizi 04-12-2019 11:12 AM

I just had a bad feeling about jeffs symptoms.

They came upon him so quickly.
Yesterday he did not have chest congestion, today he does.
He said he slept good. Hope he can make it thru today, short days on fridays. and then the weekend to recover.
The literature that he came home with made it sound like he is contagious. I did not think you can "catch" a sinus infection from some one????

I saw a client earlier than normal so I could make it to sandras in time for the lobster! right out of the oven. I think that was the best lobster I ever had and told the cook just that. It was delicious!
It had a spinach stuffing on top and came with collards and a bowl of corn chowder that was terrific, just enough spice/heat that I like.
Before leaving, I picked up some of the pre marinated salmon and will freeze them, also bought a quart of veggie soup for the weekend some time. They were out of tabouli rats.


bizi 04-12-2019 11:40 PM

request that this thread be closed.

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