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bizi 11-13-2018 08:29 AM

I don't really no what I did to my back but it really hurts. It started hurting a bit last night. Had hubby put one of those lidocaine patches. Which I think is helping. I could hardly turn over in bed. Could hardly put on my pants, had to sit down to do that.
What/how am I going to be able to work????

OhKay 11-13-2018 08:41 AM

Sometimes all it takes is an awkward sleep position or turning the wrong way to tweak your back, especially if you have had issues in the past as you have. I hope the pain goes away soon :hug::hug::hug:

I'm glad you had such a nice weekend. You deserve it :)

You are doing so well... 11 days AF and mostly sticking to your diet, which is really all you can ask of most people in the world. I'm so proud of you!!! :):):)

mymorgy 11-13-2018 09:17 AM

I am so sorry about your back. try emu oil. it really works

bizi 11-13-2018 10:09 AM

I wonder about the CBD oils that are legal here and sold at sandras...I will look into this today at lunch.I am using a lidocaine patch and too a flexeril and 2 alieve. I can't sit up straight with out pain...

OhKay 11-14-2018 08:08 AM

That sounds awful, Bizi (((HUGS)))

Have you considered going back to the chiropractor?

bizi 11-14-2018 09:52 AM

Thanks kay. It is muscular. I slept on a heating pad but sleep on my side so it really did not get to my loser back just my side. The warmth still felt good in the house is a bit chilly at 69 degrees.
need to get going...
it helps to use good posture.

bizi 11-14-2018 06:17 PM

day 14 for me. I just had a craving on the way home and just let it slip away as I drove on by fat pats. My diet has stalled already which it would magically go down!
stuck at 181
Lunch today was 8 oz of chicken salad,spice it was very good! then went to sandras for a bowl of veggie soup that I ate while visiting with karen.
We are going to eat at whole foods, she says it is the only place that she can get romaine lettuce and organic eggs on the salad bar.
Then we are going to hear my hubby's band play, the cypress lake sextet all faculty members play jazz for about an hour.
It should be good. We are going early so we can be insured to get a seat.

bizi 11-14-2018 10:58 PM

Whole foods for dinner went great! She loved the food that she picked off of the salad bar. I enjoyed my meal too, stayed low carb. (shrimp, marinated red peppers and yellow ones and mushrooms with spinachand cheddar cheese and Parmesan cheese then microwaved it until the spinach was cooked). Delicious.

The concert was great!

Karen really enjoyed herself, so did I....

except for restless legs and I had long underwear on because it is cold here, and they were getting itchy. I could not sit still. I hope I did not bother anyone. This happens at most events but it was bad tonight. ugh!

OhKay 11-15-2018 03:23 PM

So glad you enjoyed your dinner, the concert, and the company! :)

You get restless legs while awake, too?

bizi 11-15-2018 08:42 PM

Thanks kay.
It seems that the restless legs comes on when ever we are at a concert for some reason. I don't know if it just anxiety, I can't sit still.
karen noticed it last night. I asked her if I bothered her and she said no....
I noticed that the klonipin suppressed the restless leg issues when dr. orazio changed me from klonipin to trazadone.

I asked our hosts for thanksgiving if I could bring her and she said yes so that is great! I will tell her tomorrow at lunch. :)

I just realized that I get restless legs at the computer, too.
Antzy and falling asleep, I should stay off the computer!

I forgot to tell you mom and dad were vacationing in new orleans, I could not take off to visit with them.
They had taken the train. Mom was sitting in the seat for too long When they got off the train her foot was not working right.
The next day it was some better they went to the WW11 museum and loved it!
She was dragging her foot and ended up falling and banged up her knee and sprained her ankle and hit her shoulder. She bled a lot. poor mom.:(

Dad lost his phone and was able to locate it using moms find phone app on her phone. It was 5 miles away. He had left it at the bus stop and A nice man had it. Dad took a $57 taxi ride out there to get it back. He tipped the guy $20.
They leave on the train tomorrow.
I texted mom this evening and she said she was better. So am glad to hear that.

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