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Gethprime 05-10-2019 11:03 PM

Got a new VW Tiguan (turbo 4cyl) with some nice wheels to boot :)

Mari 05-10-2019 11:23 PM

So nice! Enjoy. :):):)

bizi 05-10-2019 11:31 PM

very nice!

Like the tires, too.


OhKay 05-11-2019 09:12 AM

Nice car! I like the tires, too! :)

OhKay 05-11-2019 09:13 AM

How's it going, Bizi?

bizi 05-11-2019 11:05 AM

We had company over for dinner last night.
I cooked crab cakes, premade just had to be reheated. Zuchinni noodles and mixed veggies. Garth brought these wonderful brownies which I ate one before dinner. and some green chocolate mint ice cream. yum!
Slept in late and am now finishing up my 2nd cup of coffee.
looked at the alarm and woke up earlier and said why bother getting up ....
Jeff has been productive, trimming bushes and other yard work.
He said he cleaned up 9 cat throw ups. He thinks it is hazel.
He put the food up maybe she ate something she should not have.
We are expecting more rain.
My rosacea is flaring up, new spot on my left cheek. Red, pimply, itchy which is new.
I made an appointment with the derm for next month, soonest she could see me.There is a small patch on my right side that I think is precancerous...that I want her to look at as well.
I should get going.
Have a great day yall!

OhKay 05-12-2019 07:49 AM

It sounds like you had a lovely dinner! :)
I love mint chocolate chip ice cream! Corey had some waiting for me when I came home. I should try some with a brownie! :)

9 spots of cat puke! Poor Jeff! I can sympathize. The kitties really like to spread things around when they get sick. I hope Hazel has gotten it out of her system and feels better now.

I'm sorry that your Rosacea is flaring up again :hug::hug::hug:
But I'm glad that you made the appointment with the dermatologist. Maybe he/she can help you with preventative measures and maintenance. And it's good that you are going to get that precancerous spot looked at :hug:

bizi 05-14-2019 08:46 AM

Made it AF one day last night.
There was free wine and beer at the awards ceremony, and I resisted!!!!
Great accomplishment for me. I drank water.
The food was just fair. I ate a piece of cheese and 2 slices of ham before leaving home.
There was spinach dip, some veggies and 2 small egg rolls, a piece of cold catfish and
2 small quiches and a small petite fore cake which was very good.
I ate it in the bathroom because I knew I would get it all over me!
Ate too much but hey I remained AF.
I looked so fat...sigh, I did not get this way over night.
182.6 this morning.
I would like to remain AF until memorial day, that is 2 weeks.
I can do 2 weeks.
We are going to a dinner tonight, was invited along with faculty/friends. and
at that last minute was told that we were to contribute money for the crawfish.
Who invites people over for dinner then later asks them to help pay?????
We are still going and bringing potato salad (store bought).
Woke up feeling great at 8am with the alarm, turned it off then rested for about
10 minutes and got up clear headed.
Was going to do Noom for weight loss but it is done on your phone
and I am not that good about doing stuff on my phone,
Barely got the app loaded on my phone, decided against
joining so canceled the membership right away.
I thought they had live meetings, they don't.
I know how to lose weight have done it before.
Need to not drink alcohol and Intermittant fasting, low carb.
Keto is too hard for me.
Some of the recipes look good though!
I could eat chicken salad for lunch if the menu doesn't
look good at sandras health food cafe where I eat most lunches...
This party we are going to will be a challenge to not drink due to
my social anxiety issues.
We have another end of the year party to go to tomorrow.
So another night of not cooking.
yay! Another chance to over eat.
Hope yall have a good day.
Hug your familys because you never know what the future
may bring.
thanks for reading!

Dmom3005 05-14-2019 10:52 AM


You can do it, even ig i cant tyie


bizi 05-14-2019 09:03 PM

did not beat the social anxiety at the party tonight.

bizi 05-14-2019 11:10 PM


Originally Posted by bizi (Post 1275411)
did not beat the social anxiety at the party tonight.

I drank 3 beers and ate way too much food.

OhKay 05-15-2019 08:52 AM

That's a lot of parties/dinners close together!

I know it's fun to get out, but it's also a lot of pressure because of your social anxiety. I have problems with that, and was an alcoholic, so I can totally understand how hard it is to go to events like that without a drink in your hand :hug::hug::hug:

I know how disappointed you must be, but this just wasn't the right time or the right conditions for you to be AF. I know when the time is right, you will be able to do it again (((HUGS)))

I'm glad that you are not going to do a Keto diet. It's not healthy. I think your intermittent fasting was working really well for you :hug:

How is the advertising for your business going?

bizi 05-15-2019 09:22 AM

The publication comes out in a couple of weeks. we shall see if it produces any clients.
Thanks for asking kay, you are a good friend!:hug::hug::hug:
love bizi

OhKay 05-15-2019 09:36 AM

You are a good friend, too Bizi! (((HUGS)))

I hope that it will yield some good results. I think it will. The seniors in my area read those things religiously.

bizi 05-18-2019 10:29 AM

We are actually doing something today!
Gumbo for lunch at 1130, then pick up paul to take him to the airport. He is flying out to see his girlfriend who lives in hong kong.
They canceled his first flight, was supposed to leave at 6 am now 2;30 pm.
so he is very unhappy about that. There are storms predicted all weekend, I hope that doesn't affect his travels any more... He flies from lafayette to dallas then direct flight to hong kong.

We are going out of town to see an art exhibit" impressionists" in the Shaw center in Baton Rouge.:)
But First we will see the old state building, supposed to look like a castle. It is open until 3pm from what the web sight says., so we will do that first. There is a brewery that we can check out and of course our favorite restaurant : (The Chimes) for dinner. Love the New orleans style BBQ shrimp that I always order.

So a full day.
The drive is about 1&1/2 hour so not too too bad.
I slept in late this morning.
Work has been slow. I have been drinking too much.

Not good.

I need to get some more clients.
The ad comes out soon in the les bon jour senior newspaper. I am running an add only once to see if I get any clients. It is $80 a pop and the paper comes out every 2 months/6 times per year.

WE are still watching episodes of LOST every night, some times 2 back to back. It is something that we do together.

WE are on the final is so good.
It ran for 6 years, 120 episodes in the entire collection.
Jeff says no more after this...we have seen the entire series 4 times over the years. I waited patiently when he said this 3 years ago. lol

My rosacea is finally calming down just a few scruffy areas where there is some scabs from popping the pimples and such. The redness is going away in one area which is good. and is very red in another area. But over all it is better.

OhKay 05-19-2019 08:54 AM

It sounds like you had a very busy day yesterday! I'm glad that you got to sleep in! :)

I hope that you enjoyed the art exhibit and seeing the statehouse.
How many times do you think you have dined at Chimes? I hope it did not disappoint this time! :)

I think that the ad in the seniors newspaper yields some good results for you. I think it was a great idea, and I'm very optimistic :)

bizi 05-19-2019 10:30 PM

My rosacea started to act up again.

This morning I have 2 new areas that

are painful and have small bumps on them.

There are at the same place as the ones

that are healing up so more redness and

pimples in a day or more.

Sleep was awful....night sweat.
Bad sleep, kept dreaming but can't remember them now.
I could not get comfortable in bed then I realized

I had forgotten to take my night meds so got up and took them.
Had stayed up and watched 2 episodes of lost.
Yesterday was a lot of fun. There was a festival of oysters as an added bonus! Had some really good ones.
The art was good, the old state capital was good.
The brew pub was small and quaint.
The chimes was great food as always.
They cook the shrimp just perfectly.
I love it!!!!!

have a great day yall!
Jeff just gave me some coffee,

am deciding if I take a shower or not.
I think not.

I will take one tomorrow morning.

I should get moving, the rains held

off yesterday to today.
Our friends plan got grounded and

cancelled due to weather.
It has been raining today and will all day.
He will have to fly out monday to hong kong.
Jeff and his friend mike are flying out to

colorado for their vacation. Paul is not going of the delay.

This time Garth did not want to go because

Paul is so obnoxious and gets hammered.
But now that he is not going.....

Jeff asked garth wanted to go but he had made other plans
well have to go.

Mari 05-19-2019 11:08 PM


I got confused. Did you say that Jeff is going away on a trip?

Will you be staying home?


bizi 05-19-2019 11:26 PM

sorry if I was unclear about that....:o
yes Jeff is going to colorado with his friend, it is usually 4-5 of them this time just 2...and maybe a 3rd will meet up in colorado. He will only be gone wed to sunday, I think. he leaves in a couple of weeks.

Mari 05-20-2019 12:50 AM

I see.
Will you be doing different things while he is gone, perhaps making plans that
you otherwise might not do if he were home?


OhKay 05-20-2019 10:32 AM

I'm so glad that you enjoyed your time out on Saturday! :):):)

We know you hate being left alone, Bizi (((HUGS)))
I know it's slower at work than usual. I hope that doesn't make things harder. But you didn't mention any anxiety about Jeff going away in your post, so I will take that as a good sign...?

I hope Jeff and his friend have a good time, and his other friend can make it there, too. The more the merrier!

I'm sorry that your rosacea is flaring up again (((HUGS)))
I wish that your appointment with the dermatologist was sooner. When is it again?

bizi 05-20-2019 12:27 PM

my derm appointment is in 3 weeks if I remember correctly.
You are right, I don't like it when he is away.

Had scallops for lunch today they were tasty!
had to drive jeff to the airport to pick up his friends car to only find out that the key did not work(it had been driven over and broke the plastic, paul had tried it on the door and It opened the door but he did not try to start it)
So turned around and drove back to the airport and dropped jeff off at school.
then I went on to my first appointment. After lunch jeff called again needing a ride back to the house.
It all worked out well because I had time and had gotten up earlier than I would have liked. Did not sleep well.
Did not have time to have a cup of coffee nor take a much needed shower.
Think I will shower tonight, and have to do laundry tonight too.
Have a basket full of socks and undies to fold from last week. Have been too lazy to put them away.
Maybe I will have a quick cup of coffee if there is any old left.
Have a good day.
Will catch up with the forums tonight.

OhKay 05-21-2019 08:15 AM

I'm sorry about the poor night's sleep, lack of coffee, and all the driving around. It doesn't sound like a great start to the day yesterday (((HUGS)))
To your credit, it seems like you took it all in stride tho. Most people would be really b'ing about it :hug:

I'm glad that you enjoyed your lunch tho :)

I leave the basket of socks and undies unfolded forever! It's a job I hate to do for some reason. I try my best to keep the basket away from the kitties because they love laying in it, and I don't like furry socks and underwear either :o

I hope you have a good day, Bizi! :)

bizi 05-22-2019 07:16 PM

thanks kay,
We went out to eat at a Vietnamese noodle house tonight for brisket pho. It was very good. Had these little sandwiches for an appetizer and lemon drop martinis which were very good.
I am stuffed!!!!

OhKay 05-23-2019 09:29 AM

I love Vietnamese food!!! We have a large Vietnamese population in the area, and there are a couple of really good restaurants in the area, but I haven't gone to any in a while because they're all downtown. I HATE having to go downtown because of the parking and walking.

I'm so glad that you enjoyed your dinner and drinks! Back in the day, I would have loved to have had one of those martini's with you! :)

OhKay 05-24-2019 09:34 AM

How's it going, Bizi?

bizi 05-24-2019 12:08 PM

HI kay,
sorry I am ok.
gaining weight every day.
I know what to do but it is so hard to reel it in.
We have been eating out A LOT!
Over spending.
Don't have any plans for the weekend, I even scheduled off for monday.
Tonight is trivia so we will eat there.
I have thawed talapia, pork chops and chicken.
We should cook this weekend.:)
love bizi

OhKay 05-25-2019 11:49 AM

I'm glad that you are doing okay :hug:

As I'm sure you already know, you have to be in the right place before you can really hunker down and start dieting. You'll be ready when you're ready (((HUGS)))

I hope you had a good time at trivia last night, and ate well while you were there.

Is having no plans so far for the weekend a good or bad thing?

bizi 05-25-2019 01:27 PM

I am getting ready to rake up a few leaves from the magnolia tree in the back yard, front yard too, that is if I don't get blisters from raking and have enough yard barrels to fill up.
Then I am going to go see Doris my friend that is if she is up for a visit. Before then I think I will go look at an antique store, I have not done that in ages. I don't need a thing but it is fun to go look every now and then.
For lunch, we had our usual trip to chris' po boys. I had the chicken and sausage gumbo and jeff had half a muffalotto, Had a couple of really small bites. It was delicious! Of course my gumbo was great, lots of meat and a great roux.

Jeff has his gig tonight with the 20 piece big band. They play this dance every other month. It doesn't pay well at all, the musicians love the band/ music and play any way. They play from 7-10. Not sure what I am doing....
Don't know what we will do for dinner as we are both full from our latish lunch. We should eat the talapia which is lite.
I need to get going if I am to do all that I want to do. It is humid outside and 90 degrees. Hot and humidity is expected for the week. It is nice and cool in the house.
Have a great memorial weekend.

OhKay 05-26-2019 02:01 PM

It sounds like you have a full day planned! :)
I hope that the yard work goes well, and Doris is up for a visit. Maybe she will want to go with you to the antique store?

I’m glad you enjoyed your lunch at Chris’. It seems like the food there is consistent... always very good! :)

Have a great day, Bizi! 😘

bizi 05-26-2019 07:55 PM

Thank you kay for responding to my thread!
We are having a couple of people over tomorrow for memorial day. they are coming at 5pm we will have pork chops and chicken, corn on the cob and green salad and fruit and then abigail is bringing a home baked apple pie.
Jeff is BBQ ing, mike is bring his own meat to throw on the grill.
it is supposed to be hot tomorrow, 90's, hello summer. hardly any spring.
It is almost june!
I hope you have a nice monday...
a lot of people have off work off I presume??

Gethprime 05-26-2019 09:52 PM

had to post this pic from today :D

Mari 05-27-2019 03:52 AM


Originally Posted by Gethprime (Post 1275739)

Great cat picture!!!!!

Mari 05-27-2019 03:53 AM

Bizi, Enjoy your cookout!


mymorgy 05-27-2019 05:33 AM

How nice

OhKay 05-27-2019 09:24 AM

What a cute picture, Gethprime! :):):)

OhKay 05-27-2019 09:25 AM

I hope you have a wonderful BBQ today Bizi! The food sounds fantastic!!! :)

It was 86 here yesterday. We barely got a Spring either, but I'm willing to bet you are getting a great deal more humidity than we are right now.

Stay cool and have a fabulous day! :)

Gethprime 05-28-2019 09:23 PM

Think my cat likes the new fishtank lol. he was pawing at the new pleco(algae eater) i got earlier that day :)

bizi 05-29-2019 10:07 PM

Well I met with my pdoc today.....
Dr.O is going to hook me up with a substance abuse counselor. She is with the center called victory and they utilize a 12 step program which I do not want to use and pdoc knows that.:(
Also, she too is cutting out my klonipin.:eek:

She said it is just not right her prescribing it since I drink.:o

I am at .5mg at night but wants me to go to .25mg at night for 3 weeks then discontinue that. I think that is too quick.

I have enough to taper it slower than that.

Like 1/2 and 1/4 pill=.375mg x2 weeks

then .25mg x 2 weeks

then .125mg x 2 weeks

then discontinue. That is 6 weeks, not 3.

She wants me to start taking the regular melatonin one hour before bed time(let it dissolve in my mouth first then swallow)

then take the long acting one right at bedtime.

She thinks the zyprexa should make me sleepy enough.

I am nervous about this.:(
I have been on klonipin for almost 2 decades! and regular melatonin never helped me before.
I guess I have to at least try.
Jeff is gone until saturday.

On a different note: I accidentally met up with a "meet up" group of women who let me join them while I was at fat pats.

It is a social group that go out to dinner/a meal twice a month. There were 10 of us and they were very nice and friendly. Some were drinking beer others just drank water. And the woman right across from me was eating her burger with out the bun. I asked her if she was doing a low carb diet and she was. So maybe I could join these ladies and do something different. Hey I might even make a friend!:)
The organizer of the group helped me get the app on my phone...I would have never been able to do that so I thanked her.

Her name is Nina. I met a jennifer and a molly. Don't know the rest of the gals names. Nina seemed to be the oldest in the group.
Will see how that goes.
who is doing a load of scrubs and it is beeping at is done drying!:rolleyes:

OhKay 05-30-2019 11:56 AM

I'm sorry that Dr. O is forcing you off your Klonopin. Since you have enough pills, doing the taper your way makes sense to me. I want you to be as comfortable as possible :hug::hug::hug:
Melatonin never worked for me either, and I've tried more than once.
Have you tried Trazodone? Just an idea. Never worked for me either tho :rolleyes:

I know you don't like 12-step programs. Why are you agreeing to see the councilor?

I'm glad that you met those women! I hope that things work out and you can meet up with them again soon! With 10 ladies in the group, the odds are good that you will get along really well with at least one of them! :):):)

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