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Dmom3005 06-11-2019 12:38 PM

I know I haven't posted yet that in the next month probably
July sometime. Derrick will be getting the newest VNS the 2016
version that also monitors the heart beat. So that when it goes
up really fast, because that is considered to make a seizure probable
then the vns does a like swipe of the magnet.

And this is good because he hasn't had a way to know in the middle
of the night that he was going to have a seizure. So were hoping this
will be a good way to counter that.

I talked to VNS nurse today so she has all the permission. And is
making the contact so the appointment can be made soon.

So it will be made.

Donan :hug::grouphug:

Mari 06-12-2019 01:40 AM

That's great for Derrick!:)

mymorgy 06-12-2019 05:06 AM

that sounds so great!

Dmom3005 06-12-2019 12:24 PM

This has been a day from where who knows.

Anyway, the things keep going.

First the road in front of Derrick's house he is moving in is closed.

So I'm concerned about his meeting in two weeks being there.
We need to have about 6 cars, and that is about impossible.
So we could do his apartment, or the park across the street.
But the park is probably not going to have an open area.

And the apartment will either be hot or to small.

Then to top this off, I got a call this morning, my mom's house
closes this afternoon, at 4:30pm. But to top it off we were supposed
to have 30 days to make sure everything was out. We were getting
the rest of the things out for our end this weekend.
Well the other sister that is a pain sometimes. Calls me this morning,
the lawyer says we need it all out this afternoon, well gosh why
didn't they tell us that when they set the closing so everyone would
know the date changed. ANd time frame.

I live 90 minutes away or more from this house. My husband works till
4:30pm and the truck is 30 to 45 minutes away from his work.
Luckily my sister and her husband will bring the couch and love seat,
and my other brother-in-law who still has things to get out. Will try
to get our other things tonight. One of the big things is my dads
Tools. Which we don't just want to lose.

The plan had been to get together this next weekend and sort through.
Since special olympics was last weekend, and his sons graduation the
weekend before. If they really wanted to change the rules then we
should have changed the closing date to next week. THis would
have simplified things for us all.

Donna :hug::grouphug:

bizi 06-12-2019 04:49 PM

YOu have every right to be ****** off.

OhKay 06-13-2019 07:43 AM

I'm so gad that the bad weather held off, and the Special Olympics went so well! :)

It's great that Derrick is going to get the VNS monitor. Will the monitor lower his heart rate once it is swiped over the magnet to hopefully prevent the seizure from happening, or will he have to call medics in case a seizure is impending?

I'm so sorry about the timing of the closing. You definitely should have been given more notice. I'm glad that it seems like your sister and her husband are trying to work things out. I hope that everything goes okay... so much unneeded stress (((HUGS)))

Dmom3005 06-13-2019 09:44 AM

Derrick is getting a whole new VNS device and all.

The new one will hopefully stop any seizure that will happen.
If it doesn't then the magnet will be used.

My sister and her husband brought the couch and loveseat.
And we all went to dinner. We bought. It was good dinner
and visiting.

My other sister that had told me we would have a month
called last night, the table and chairs are in the garage so
they can still be picked up. And their are curtains and
some tvs if anyone wants them. So if someone wants
they can get those.

Anyway, I think husband and boys are going this weekend.
Not positive. But the sister that had changed it is the
one that didn't think we should do anything. Didn't want
to help, then just changes things at the last minute.

But it still got me upset.

Donna :grouphug::hug:

OhKay 06-14-2019 02:33 PM

I'm sorry for the frustrating sister. I do not blame you for being upset at all :hug::hug::hug:

I'm so happy about Derrick's new VNS device! It sounds wonderful! Thank you for explaining how it works :hug:

Dmom3005 06-15-2019 07:55 PM

Not sure but with everything else going on I don't believe I told
everyone else. That I went to the ortho, and was released.

I've now got orders to make sure I don't put to much weight on
my arm but to gradually put more on it in the next couple months.

I am working to get it back to normal, it will take a while. It still
hurts a lot in some areas. But that is okay.

But anyway, I am still taking tylenol pm. Because I've got the pain
at night if I don't.

Donna :grouphug::hug:

OhKay 06-17-2019 10:49 AM

I initially thought that you had broken your arm, and didn't know it was your elbow, which is really tough :hug::hug::hug:

I hope that your recovery goes well, and as fast as possible. I'm glad that your pain seems to be much more tolerable than it was before, tho I wish you were not in pain at all (((HUGS)))

Dmom3005 06-17-2019 02:59 PM

Yes, it is or was my elbow. Its always a pain in any part.

But its been painful in the elbow today. So we will see what
happens later. I think it will slow down. Over did it I think.

Anyway, I went and had lunch with Derrick yesterday.

And today I had a meeting with the family with twins. One
has been placed, and I'm hoping the second is being placed

Looking pretty good.


OhKay 06-18-2019 12:05 PM

I'm glad you got out to have lunch with Derrick. How is he doing?

I hope everything works out with the both of the twins :hug:

Dmom3005 06-18-2019 12:23 PM

Derrick is doing really good. he is having a great month.
Even in all this rain. Ugh, rain, rain and more rain.

Oh well, He is getting a new provider soon. And this
one will be good for him. More to do with getting
out and exercising and doing things than any he has
had. He really needs some one to encourage him.

I really had a shocker when I opened up my facebook
this morning. Someone I've known for years, passed
away this morning I'm guessing from a massive heart
attack. I'm just glad that she went to the thing I
know she really enjoys this last weekend, and Red Hat
event. And I know that she heard from all her son's over
the weekend too. She had raised them pretty much herself.
So mother and father both was she. So her kids and grandkids
were a lot of her life.

Really brings home how life can change in a few minutes.

Donna :hug::grouphug:

OhKay 06-19-2019 10:08 AM

I'm so glad that Derrick is doing so well, and you are looking forward to even better things for him when he gets his new provider :)

I'm so sorry about your friend :hug::hug::hug:
I'm happy that you said she had such a great weekend tho. I hope that she passed away peacefully, and I hope that her sons are okay dealing with her loss :hug:

Dmom3005 06-19-2019 10:53 AM

I forgot to mention This is pride month. And Derrick has
considered himself gay or whatever it is when you like both
guys and girls for years. I can't remember the name.

Ugh, any way the other day he came out on facebook, with
a video that he is gay. And that is totally fine with me. But
he had kind of broke down, in the end talking about if anyone
was not okay with it they could just remove themselves from his
page. Well my husband texted me while he was working somewhere
and told me that he was having a meltdown. So I had called him and
asked if he had seen the video. And yes, that was what he was talking
about. I told him no, he was fine, just a little upset thinking he might
lose some friends. Anyway that is the newest.

And no its fine with us. Not sure about the hubby at times, but he will
adjust. My biggest problem with it is he needs to learn when not to
bring a purse, and not to be upset when I suggest leaving it in my car.
Not because I'm upset he has one. But because were eating at a
all you can eat, and I'm not taking mine in either. And no one wants
to watch a purse for anyone period.



bizi 06-19-2019 08:43 PM

Derrick sounds like he is bisexual.
But he carries a purse?????
Has he ever dressed in womens clothing?
Just curious.

Rain shower 06-20-2019 09:39 AM

I am sorry about your friend.

It is good you are so supportive of your children.

I hope your elbow is healing well.

Dmom3005 06-20-2019 07:42 PM

Yes Bizi,

He loves to dress in drag for drag shows or for the pride days down town.

And he has clothes for them. He is interesting when he does that.

I'm honestly not sure why he all the sudden thinks the purse is something
he wants to carry, its odd. He has always needed to keep a pouch
because of the magnet and things. Or a backpack.
So it somewhat makes sense.

I wouldn't mind if he didn't get defensive about it. Its okay, its
just he got defensive, like I didn't want him to have it. And I personally
don't care. I just know that in many situations its not something
to carry.

Like an amusement park.

Anyway, he is in a really good spirit and place right now.
The neuro, upped his Lamictal about 10 days ago. And I can really
tell a difference. Its really making a difference not in just seizures
but I believe his mood too. So this is promising. I'm worried though
because any higher and it might cause cognitive problems.

Donna :hug::grouphug:

Dmom3005 06-20-2019 07:44 PM

Now for me, I volunteered to critique for lack of a better word.

And I'm really feeling like I'm not going to do a very good job.

Some video's and transcripts of things we use in INSOURCE.

We will see. I'm not very good at this, but i'm going to
start trying to work on them soon.

Donna :hug::grouphug:

bizi 06-20-2019 09:14 PM

Donna, I am sure you will do just fine.

OhKay 06-21-2019 01:25 PM

Good for Derrick for coming out on Facebook and telling anyone who has a problem with it to unfollow him, or whatever they do on FB. That took a lot of courage! :)

I’m so happy you and Dale are so accepting :grouphug:

I think he may be like me as far as the purse goes... I’m so attached to mine I even carry it to bed with me at night!!! It has all my essentials in it, and I just can’t be without it.

Dmom3005 06-21-2019 01:27 PM


I can understand that. But we have to figure out how he can not
be with it at times. Just like tomorrow. Were going to an
amusement park. I wont be carrying mine. And I wont carry
his around either, while he goes riding. But because he has to
carry his pouch with his magnet, I will carry that at times.

But its to hard to make sure i keep ahold of his purse too.

So its just the one thing.

So we will compromise tomorrow. I did let him know.

So he is okay with it.

Donna :grouphug::hug:

OhKay 06-22-2019 07:27 AM

I think it's time to go shopping, Donna! Or go on Amazon.

There are cross-body bags that lay very close to the body. You can't keep a ton of things in there, but you can fit the essentials in. You could even wear one on a rollercoaster...

He could keep his regular purse, and just switch bags for outings. I think that is a good compromise :)

Mari 06-23-2019 02:49 AM

That's helpful, Kay: CrossBody Bags.

I would not have known what to call them. :)

Dmom3005 06-23-2019 01:55 PM

yes, thanks.

He d:hug::grouphug:id some shopping with his new provider on Friday.

She is going to be good for him. She is married to an
an female, who used to be male, she had the surgery.
Sorry can't spell the name. Anyway they really hit it
off and he got new high heel shoes he says he likes at
good will. And other things at the 5 and below store.

Not sure what all yet. It was for his drag queen outfit

bizi 06-23-2019 02:01 PM

I think Donna, she is transgender.
How long have you known Derrick to be bisexual?
just curious....

Dmom3005 06-23-2019 10:27 PM

Yes, that is the word. I just can't spell it.

I believe about 3 or so years. Not positive.

Donna :hug::grouphug:

bizi 06-23-2019 10:39 PM

It is wonderful that you are so supportive.:)

Thank you for sharing here with us.

Rain shower 06-24-2019 09:14 AM

Thank you for being such a good mom.

Dmom3005 06-24-2019 05:50 PM

Thank you ladies. I try to be. Sometimes I'm not sure I am.

But its life.

Donna :grouphug::hug:

OhKay 06-25-2019 10:32 AM

I don't know what you found out when, but it's a lot to digest, and I think that this may be a process. What's most important is that you are open and trying, Donna :hug::hug::hug:

I'm so happy that Derrick has a new provider that he really likes, and who can accept him for who he is :):):)

Dmom3005 06-25-2019 10:38 AM

Its been raining, raining and raining around here.

Ugh I'm tired of the weather. Oh well.

Yesterday I took Doby and Derrick home. We had Will with
us. We went to eat at Hardie's and then went to Goodwill to
look around, because it was sprinkling and raining off and on.

And wasn't making my plans good right then. But Derrick had
picked up a pink box that would keep cosmetics or jewelry or both
nice. I wasn't sure if he was keeping it to help with his move.

Or was planning to use it as a christmas present, and didn't ask.
But Will was putting his nose up because it was pink. And Derrick
is a guy, Derrick says real men wear pink. And I intergetic that
Derrick also buys presents for girls or Women for christmas. So
Will has no clue is this is a present for Meluvja or Kortni or even
Meluvja's daughter. And this gets him to think and move on.

THen Derrick has to go back and get the jewelry box he had found
because its definitely going to be a christmas present. He is now
only looking for one more for one of the girls. He gave one to
Meluvja's Daughter last year. So he will have given to all three
if he finds one more.

He says you know these are expensive so this is the way I can
get these nice ones.

Oh then its nice out and we go back to the parks really nice
zoo. Right across from were Derrick lives. We see lots of
animals, and butterflies. And even see a authentic rooster
call. Wow, I've never seen that many roosters in one place
I counted at least 7 or 8 at one time answering the first one.
They crossed the road way to come out and go to their areas
to do the call out to each other. It was so neat listening to the
rooster call as I call it.

You could tell the employees were used to it. THey didn't even
react. But the kids were enjoying it.

Donna :hug::grouphug:

Mari 06-26-2019 03:47 AM

I like roosters too. They are so cool to watch.

OhKay 06-26-2019 06:58 AM

Aside from the rain, it sounds like it was a nice day :)
I'm glad that you got to spend some time with Will :)

bizi 06-26-2019 09:06 PM

How is Will doing? How old is he now?

How are you doing? Elbow?

Dmom3005 06-27-2019 11:10 AM

He is 12 To me he is doing well. Of course not to the one
that likes to complain all the time. I'm so tired of the way she
complains. I think she needs to complain.

He will be leaving soon to go see his mom. So I will have to
wait till he gets back to spend time with him again. My own

My elbow has been a pain the last few days. Think it decided
the rain would like some company in being a pain.

Anyway, I don't know what to tell the lady. Will is just that
Will a kid with his own issues. And we will get him through.
But she needs to let him be just that a kid first.

Donna :hug::grouphug:

bizi 06-27-2019 12:26 PM

I can't believe that will is 12!!!

sorry that your elbow is still hurting when do you have another exray to see how it is healing?

Dmom3005 06-27-2019 04:53 PM


I don't have any more appointments. My elbow is healed its
just going to take some time.

Donna :hug::grouphug:

bizi 06-27-2019 07:19 PM

Donna, do you have OT for your arm?

Dmom3005 06-28-2019 02:17 PM

No he didn't order it. And I didn't ask I'm waiting to see
if it gets better. I'm hoping I just over worked it.

Its better today.

Also it was interesting this morning Derrick called me as
he was out with his new provider. I realize they do some
things for his pride things.

Well I'm guessing he thought of a piercing in his ear. He
called me wanting to know if it was okay to look at the things
and to think about getting one. I told him yes, but he would
need to wait on the money. i'm sure he doesn't have enough
today. He said, yes he was just looking.

I had hung up, had to call him right back. In case he thought
he had enough. ANd tell him he had to wait either way, till
he had his surgery because of chance of infection and that
the jewelry would have to come out for the surgery. And
I didn't want to him to have to take a chance of having to have
it done twice. I know he can handle the taking care of the ear
and things. But without knowing when he will have surgery
I'm not comfortable with it yet.

So he was fine. But he had called me because of the guardianship.
I honestly didn't do guardianship for this kind of thing. But I'm
glad he or his provider thought of it. I wouldn't have agreed
to an tattoo. Only because my husband would have thrown a fit.
And the bigger they are the worse for employment.

Donna :hug::grouphug:

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