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OhKay 06-08-2019 11:22 AM

Yesterday while I was sitting outside in the sun, I could see how thick the pollen was in the air. I'm not having classic symptoms, but my allergies are usually pretty bad, so maybe that's what the shortness of breath is from after all? I bought Rhinocort nasal spray because I remember taking it many, many years ago when it was prescription only, and everything else either hasn't worked, or has caused side effects like drowsiness, headaches, etc.
I took it yesterday afternoon. I haven't noticed any shortness of breath yet this morning, but that may be a coincidence. We'll see.
Maybe I have just been feeling shitty otherwise because of the MS relapse? IDK.

I have a neurologist who follows me for my MS. Right now my right arm and hand are just profoundly numb and the the pins and needles sensation is a lot worse than usual. It's weaker, but I still have full function, so I don't consider it a big deal. It's not something I would not take steroids for if I could (I can't because they make me bat s- crazy because I'm BPI). So, there's no need to contact him since we're not going to do anything about it anyway. I'll tell him about it when I see him on the 21st. I know I'm due for another MRI, so he will probably order one, and I get my Tysabri infusion after the appointment with him.

I had 3 prescriptions to pick up yesterday and was surprised to see that they had filled ALL of them for a 3 month supply. I ended up paying a lot more than I thought I would, and I guess they ran out of large pill bottles, because I ended up with 6 of them. The case I keep my pill bottles in is bursting.

Those little s- kids are intent on riding their bikes over a little bump in the pavement and onto our patio, so sometimes the kid upstairs will just stand in front of our slider looking into our apartment trying to see if we are home (we keep our blinds mostly closed but can see outside), so he can try to see if he can get away with it. Other times, he and his friend will just ride their bikes back and forth in front of here repeatedly.
I called the office to ask if we could put plants/flowers outside, and what the guidelines are, and I was happy with the response. I'm going to put out a big pot of something or other out there that will block that spot on the patio so the little s-t's can't ride up onto it anymore :):):)
I hope that will be enough of a deterrent, and we'll have less problems with them after that.

bizi 06-08-2019 01:51 PM

I am happy you don't have SOB today.
Good idea about a plant that is if they don't knock it over. They may disrespect your things too.

OhKay 06-09-2019 09:29 AM

I didn't notice any shortness of breath at all yesterday :)
It may have been a coincidence, but I doubt it. I think it was the Rhinocort that helped. I guess if I get SOB again, I should go get some extra help with my asthma again. I haven't needed to be on a controller med for over a decade.

I've thought about the possibility of the kids f'ing with the plants/flowers. I'm going to save all my receipts to give to the kid's father in case they do any damage. They're not too bright tho, and haven't caught on to the fact that we are, or at least I am, usually home, and can see what they're up to. We'll probably catch them if they do do something. That would probably be the last straw for Corey, and he would want to get the office involved.

I may go buy flowers tomorrow. I'll have to see how I feel.
I have to renew my license soon. I don't know when I will do that. It's probably more important than buying flowers tho.

Despite the Mirilax, and the fact that everything is D, I am constipated. I'm NOT surprised tho. At least I've gained weight. The scale said I weighed 137.5lbs this morning! :eek:
But I'm eating a TON of ice cream!!! :D:D:D

We have to do laundry today, and Corey's on-call, so he'll be an a-hole. Not looking forward to it at all, but we skipped last week because I wasn't feeling well, so we have to go...

And then I'll drop him off at home cuz I have to go out and buy more ice cream lol.

bizi 06-09-2019 11:50 AM

If you are having D then how do you know you are constipated? Can you feel it in you intestine? Are you in pain?

Dmom3005 06-10-2019 11:08 AM

I wish I had an answer for those little guys.


donna :hug::grouphug:

OhKay 06-11-2019 11:12 AM

I just wanted to check in to say I am okay.

I had a very bed day yesterday, and am running behind this morning.

I will post and read on the forum tomorrow. I hope everyone is doing okay :grouphug:

bizi 06-11-2019 12:29 PM

I am very sorry to hear about your bad day....really hate to hear that.
Post when ever you are up to it....thanks for the check in...we worry when we don't hear from.


Dmom3005 06-11-2019 12:35 PM

Just checking in is fine.

Reading and posting when you can is all we need.

Love ya.
Donna :hug::grouphug:

Mari 06-12-2019 01:42 AM

Thanks for the check-in, Kay


OhKay 06-12-2019 11:57 AM

Constipation is infrequent, hard to pass, or hard stool.
When I wrote my last post, I was having bits of D that were hard to pass.

Bizi, to answer your question about if I can feel if I'm constipated, I can- easily. The large intestines kinda hold everything in. When they're removed, the small intestines hang rather loosely, and I don't have much abdominal fat, so I can feel where everything is by gently pressing on my abdomen. I could feel a mass like a mini football in my lower left quadrant. It has happened on and off in that place since I had the surgery.

Monday was terrible. I had tons of diarrhea early in the morning, which is fine. Let's get rid of everything... But then I had 9 HOURS of just terrible unrelenting S*** pains and a strong urgency to use the BR without any results. I have no idea how many times I sat on the toilet. Then I went through a couple of hours of that again yesterday.

That mass in my abdomen is gone, which is a very good thing :)
But I'm not taking the Mirilax for a few days in case it could be contributing to the symptoms I've been having. I have to go out to get grocery shopping done today, and have morning appointments tomorrow and Friday. I hope that I'm making the right decision. I will obviously be keeping a close eye on things.

I've been having pain on my mid-to-lower right side by where the obstruction was since I woke up this morning. So, now I'm going to have to worry about THAT. And I was still having the other issues this morning so I'll be going out to do the shopping late today.

My friend sent me an email, which I replied to. In her reply, she let me know that she had sent 3 emails before that I had never responded to. I NEVER GOT THEM, though I would have been VERY happy to have had, and don't know why. The only reason I can think of is that I may have put an email from that chain in the spam folder instead of the trash by accident, but IDK. Since it was 3 emails, she doesn't believe me. I sent her an email to kinda defend myself and say I was sorry that I never received them and that had worried her. I feel really miserable about the whole situation, but that's about all the energy I can manage to put into the matter. I hope that my word is good enough.

I'm just very overwhelmed....

I do not feel well at all, and it worries me A LOT. And I've been stuck at home because I've been glued to the toilet.
I have a colposcopy tomorrow morning because of the abnormal Pap smear.
And I have an appointment with the hematologist/oncologist on Friday because of the funky results from the biopsy of my lymph node.
All those things I need to do, but have not been able to, are just piling up, making me feel pressured to get them done.

I'm still not 100% on the mental health front, and none of this s*** is helping. I'm doing my best and hanging in there tho.

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