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Mari 07-14-2019 09:13 AM


I had a stroke in my sleep about ten years years ago one summer.
I was in the hospital three or four nights because they kept me in until a Monday when a cardiologist could do this:

"A TEE test allows doctors to get detailed pictures of your heart. A transesophageal echocardiogram,
or TEE, is a test in which, under moderate sedation and a throat-numbing medicine, people have an
ultrasound probe inserted down their throats
to take pictures of their hearts behind their ribcages.

I had memory problems for a few weeks / months but I was good enough to go back to work in August.

I had a little bit of therapy but the place sucked and I could not keep track of
the appt times so I only went once

That same thing happened when I was supposed to see a nuero.
I hated the one in the hospital and would not go to his office.
With a second neuro, I kept missing the appt time and the address to
get there.

I should have had more help than I did but at the time I thought
I could mostly manage.


bizi 07-14-2019 11:24 AM

I know that was a scary time for you Mari.

Dmom3005 07-14-2019 02:28 PM


We will be here to listen when you need it. I don't know a lot about
the extra skip of the heart. But I have a heart murmur that has
been there since I was born. It used to scare me. As a child because
the doctors all told my parents to make sure I was on a antibiotic no
matter whether I was just a little sick or whatever. So I went to the
doctor a lot. IF my sister's got sick I was on antibiotics too.

It now at 61 is just there. All three of my kids have one too. Or at
least I believe Devin does too. I know the other two do. Two for sure
of my grandkids do. Not positive about Ethan. Anyway, I have a sister
that has what I'm guessing you have. She takes a medicine for it.
It is all that they said was needed.

Donna :grouphug::hug:

mymorgy 07-14-2019 02:39 PM

my mother had one and lived to be 87! She just didn't want to live any longer.

bizi 07-14-2019 04:00 PM

I had a bit of an irregular heartbeat some years ago.....premature contractions...pvc's they are called. not to be alarmed about though they said it was stress induced....they went away on their own.

Brokenfriend 07-14-2019 08:42 PM


Originally Posted by mymorgy (Post 1277669)
I had a stroke about three years ago.. It screwed up my short term memory so I think it was three years ago. Now I have trouble with spelling and math and I used to be great at those. My balance is is off now so I
have a very hard time using my digital scale and I can't stand in one place for long. It really affected my right leg and right hand. Now my handwriting is almost illegible and I need a cane because my right leg is weak and I can only walk two blocks. I had physical therapy and the woman had me do an exercise that now gives me lower back pain. The stroke must have happened when I was asleep. I had two operations. In one they tried to put in a stent in my caratoid artery but it was 99.9 clogged so they couldn't do it. The next week they operated again and cut open the artery and cleared it out. The scar still itches. I could have been paralyzed . I thank God for everything.

Bobby I'm sorry for your suffering. I'm not paralyzed either. I've been told that I'm lucky. I believe that the Lord helped me to not become paralyzed. I have a little sensitivity in my lower right lip. It's very small and hardly noticeable.

I still put a chair in my shower, and I place a phone neer the shower. The stroke happened so fast, and I wasn't prepaired for it, and there was nothing that I could do about it. I prayed in the ambulance and asked the Lord to help me if it was the end of my life. It wasn't my time. BF:hug::hug::hug:

Brokenfriend 07-14-2019 08:55 PM


Originally Posted by Mari (Post 1277675)

I had a stroke in my sleep about ten years years ago one summer.
I was in the hospital three or four nights because they kept me in until a Monday when a cardiologist could do this:

"A TEE test allows doctors to get detailed pictures of your heart. A transesophageal echocardiogram,
or TEE, is a test in which, under moderate sedation and a throat-numbing medicine, people have an
ultrasound probe inserted down their throats
to take pictures of their hearts behind their ribcages.

I had memory problems for a few weeks / months but I was good enough to go back to work in August.

I had a little bit of therapy but the place sucked and I could not keep track of
the appt times so I only went once

That same thing happened when I was supposed to see a nuero.
I hated the one in the hospital and would not go to his office.
With a second neuro, I kept missing the appt time and the address to
get there.

I should have had more help than I did but at the time I thought
I could mostly manage.


I'm sorry Mari. That sounded like a horrible experience. BF:hug::hug::hug:

mymorgy 07-15-2019 04:55 AM

you were so lucky! I just take baths because now can't balance myself to take a shower. Although my hand and leg aren't paralyzed I have trouble using them again because of the stroke. I used to be very bright and the stroke took that away. It caused so much damage and now I am terrified I will have another one. I didn't like the two operations.

OhKay 07-15-2019 09:20 AM

BF, Mari, and Bobby,
I know that you were all "lucky", but I'm sure that it didn't make your strokes less scary, or the after effects or obligations insignificant. I'm so sorry all of you had to go through those experiences (((HUGS)))

bizi 07-15-2019 11:35 AM

What The Science Says About The Best Foods to Prevent Stroke
  • Nuts. In one study, adding an ounce of nuts per day seemed to cut the risk of stroke in half. ...
  • Greens. ...
  • Chocolate. ...
  • Citrus fruits. ...
  • Whole grains. ...
  • Garlic. ...
  • Tomatoes. ...
  • Coffee and green tea.

Brokenfriend 07-20-2019 12:24 AM

I feel like my case manager is not leveling with me. She said assisted living facilities usually have 2 people in a room. That sounds like a nursing home. She's trying to discourage me from going into one.

She advises me to live in a one room, shared bathroom, place in another county with other people. That would be the end of some of my hobbies. It's sounds like they share the shores. I don't want to clean up after other people anymore. They have a shared kitchen. That means I'm not going to get the diet that I thought that I was going to get, and I probably will end up on dialysis.

I hate this new developement. I don't know why she dropped this idea on me on a Friday. I will be worrying about this all weekend. BF:hug::hug::hug:

OhKay 07-20-2019 07:16 AM

You are right, two people in one room does NOT sound like an assisted living facility to me either. Maybe there are brochures. If it is really an assisted living facility (or something else) there should be one.
You are way too young and active to be in a nursing home, and need your own space and privacy.
You need to REALLY press her for more information and transparency.

I would not like the idea of having to share common areas with other people and splitting up chores either. You never know who you will get for a roommate(s).

But I highly doubt that there would be shared cooking, and I think you could label your food, so you would not worry about that living situation altering your diet and effecting your kidney function tho (((HUGS)))

I'm so sorry that she dumped this on you on a Friday. I would be thinking about this whole thing and my anxiety would be sky high all weekend, too :hug::hug::hug:

Dmom3005 07-20-2019 05:48 PM


I would be asking around for assisted living arrangements with other people.
Because around here they I believe are rooms by them selves with kitchens that you can use if you want. They sometimes are in the same area's as
Nursing facilities. But they aren't in the homes themselves exactly.

They are just in the same area. So that if the person needs more care they can get it.

Donna :grouphug::hug:

bizi 07-20-2019 08:56 PM

she doesn't know what she is talking about....
assisted living homes are not nursing homes. they are private apartments where you have your own room and you could have your cat. They have meal plans that you can purchase or not. Look into them. They can be very nice though expensive. Any where from $2K to $4K a month.
keep in tough!

Brokenfriend 07-21-2019 12:03 AM

I don't have that kind of money on Social Security, and Medicaid. BF:hug::hug::hug:

OhKay 07-21-2019 08:44 AM


Originally Posted by Brokenfriend (Post 1278042)
I don't have that kind of money on Social Security, and Medicaid. BF:hug::hug::hug:

That's what would make me suspicious about her saying you may be going to an "assisted living facility."

I hope you can get some straight answers out of her tomorrow. I know that with my anxiety, I fare much better the more information I have :hug::hug::hug:

mymorgy 07-21-2019 09:01 AM

can you start goggling and look for places near you for people with little money? I don't know why you need assisted living.

BlueMoon1950 07-21-2019 09:15 AM


Originally Posted by Brokenfriend (Post 1277980)
I feel like my case manager is not leveling with me. She said assisted living facilities usually have 2 people in a room. That sounds like a nursing home. She's trying to discourage me from going into one.

She advises me to live in a one room, shared bathroom, place in another county with other people. That would be the end of some of my hobbies. It's sounds like they share the shores. I don't want to clean up after other people anymore. They have a shared kitchen. That means I'm not going to get the diet that I thought that I was going to get, and I probably will end up on dialysis.

I hate this new developement. I don't know why she dropped this idea on me on a Friday. I will be worrying about this all weekend. BF:hug::hug::hug:

If you have Medicaid, you should be able to get all day, daily care from an Aide. Just went on Medicaid myself and my neighbor who is housebound also is on Medicaid and has a daily Aide. We talked about this yesterday and if it wasn't for his Aide, he would be in Assisted Living.

It always happens on the eve of a weekend before you can do anything about it. I don't know why that happens, perhaps Murphy's Law?

I just found out late afternoon on Friday that I am on Medicaid, but that conflicts with the denial letter I got several months ago. Now I have to wait throughout the weekend to verify this, so I have been on pins and needles over this.

Understand about shared bathrooms and bedrooms and not having your privacy. I qualified for Section 8 in my county and am living in a county owned building. Could your case manager look into this for you?

I get it about food. I had to go on Meals on Wheels for the last 12 months and my AIC went from 4 to 6.8 and everything is starch so I gained 30 pounds as well. It's not the best food, but it's food and I try not to complain.... much.

Good luck tomorrow in finding out resources for you !!


mymorgy 07-21-2019 09:27 AM

can you ask for kosher meals? I am getting them soon. That is so scary about a1c. That is all you need besides everything else. So sorry about the weight gain. You poor thing.

BlueMoon1950 07-21-2019 11:22 AM


Originally Posted by mymorgy (Post 1278065)
can you ask for kosher meals? I am getting them soon. That is so scary about a1c. That is all you need besides everything else. So sorry about the weight gain. You poor thing.

Hi Bobby ~ Didn't think about asking for Kosher meals, will ask and see. Thank you !! You have such good ideas (( Hugs ))


Dmom3005 07-21-2019 05:45 PM


The assisted living is different cost for different kind of living
people. So it would be dependent on your income. But you
should qualify for it under other ways.

Donna :hug::grouphug:

Brokenfriend 07-24-2019 11:52 PM


Originally Posted by BlueMoon1950 (Post 1278062)
If you have Medicaid, you should be able to get all day, daily care from an Aide. Just went on Medicaid myself and my neighbor who is housebound also is on Medicaid and has a daily Aide. We talked about this yesterday and if it wasn't for his Aide, he would be in Assisted Living.

It always happens on the eve of a weekend before you can do anything about it. I don't know why that happens, perhaps Murphy's Law?

I just found out late afternoon on Friday that I am on Medicaid, but that conflicts with the denial letter I got several months ago. Now I have to wait throughout the weekend to verify this, so I have been on pins and needles over this.

Understand about shared bathrooms and bedrooms and not having your privacy. I qualified for Section 8 in my county and am living in a county owned building. Could your case manager look into this for you?

I get it about food. I had to go on Meals on Wheels for the last 12 months and my AIC went from 4 to 6.8 and everything is starch so I gained 30 pounds as well. It's not the best food, but it's food and I try not to complain.... much.

Good luck tomorrow in finding out resources for you !!


Meals on Wheels serves horrible food. Most of the time it's food that is dangerous to eat. Corn dogs, hot dogs, and a large hot dog type of thing with sour crout, and foods like that. My doctor said before my stroke that he's concerned about my cholesterol. He was right. Now I'm on Lipitor and aspirin.

I really don't know why they serve us food that is so bad for us. How do they get away with it? I know that it's free, but why junk food. BF:hug::hug::hug:

Brokenfriend 07-24-2019 11:56 PM


Originally Posted by Dmom3005 (Post 1278103)

The assisted living is different cost for different kind of living
people. So it would be dependent on your income. But you
should qualify for it under other ways.

Donna :hug::grouphug:

I was told that most assisted living places have two per room. Forget that. My dad was in an assisted living place and he had a room by himself.

I'm starting to hear conflicting stories now. BF:hug::hug::hug:

bizi 07-24-2019 11:56 PM

Friend Thank you for posting.
I am fine.
I am so sorry this change is being forced upon you. I wish your family was more supportive of you. It looks like you are isolated and going thru this alone.I am sorry you had a stroke.

Brokenfriend 07-25-2019 12:00 AM

Thank you bizi. Yes. I'm on the spot. I can't do anything about it. BF:hug::hug::hug:

mymorgy 07-25-2019 04:42 AM

I hope you get lucky. Can you ask for veggie burgers? That is what I get. I am so sick of them I don't eat them anymore,

BlueMoon1950 07-25-2019 09:56 AM


Originally Posted by Brokenfriend (Post 1278233)
Meals on Wheels serves horrible food. Most of the time it's food that is dangerous to eat. Corn dogs, hot dogs, and a large hot dog type of thing with sour crout, and foods like that. My doctor said before my stroke that he's concerned about my cholesterol. He was right. Now I'm on Lipitor and aspirin.

I really don't know why they serve us food that is so bad for us. How do they get away with it? I know that it's free, but why junk food. BF:hug::hug::hug:

Friend ~ I get the hotdogs and corndogs too, and lots of fried food. But mostly it's all starch. Some food I avoid as I know I will have stomach pain for two days after I consume that particular meal. Now they are serving international food which is highly seasoned which I cannot eat along with soups which are very salty.

I filled out a survey and put all this down. My county uses a catering service, but one would think better qualify food.

Now I understand the term "rubber chicken".


bizi 07-25-2019 08:17 PM

hugs to you friend

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