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Dmom3005 05-09-2020 04:40 PM

Thank you Bobby

bizi 05-09-2020 10:43 PM

Well hello Donna, how have you been thus far? we slept in most of the morning!

need to get to bed!

Mari 05-10-2020 01:53 AM


Sending hugs.

:hug: :hug: :hug:


Dmom3005 05-11-2020 04:13 PM

I had a pretty good mothers day. But started getting sick with a headache
In the evening. Have spent most of the day in bed

bizi 05-11-2020 07:25 PM

sorry for the head ache....
sending healing thoughts your way.

GeeLuv 05-11-2020 08:12 PM

glad you had a pretty good mother's day. I have actually been thinking good thoughts for you all week since reading your other post on the matter. (((hugs)))

mymorgy 05-12-2020 03:13 AM

I am so sorry you didn't feel good. Hope today is better!

Dmom3005 05-13-2020 02:56 PM

Today of course is Wednesday finally feel better. Sometimes these things get really bad


bizi 05-13-2020 04:06 PM

glad that it is finally starting to give you a break.

mymorgy 05-14-2020 03:59 AM

thank goodness

Dmom3005 05-18-2020 05:46 PM

It's finally a little warmer here. Yah.

Today is also a very nice milestone for Harmony. Many of you know she is delayed and her mother has had to really work to get her to do things. She walked at about 2 and 2months, and today she is finally drinking out of a cup. Her mother finally got her to figure out how to tip the cup back. This is such a big thing. Many think we just never tried till they watched her. Her mom has been worried from the beginning people would say she hadn't tried.

She learned at preschool conference they believed her. When not only I gave the trials but her first step therapist. And she really worried about the bottle cup. They had told her not to worry they would try too. They then told her right away they saw what she meant.


bizi 05-18-2020 06:58 PM

congratulations to harmony and her mom!

Mari 05-19-2020 06:53 AM

That's great, Donna.:)

Good luck to Harmony.


GeeLuv 05-19-2020 08:45 AM

That's beautiful! Is Harmony a client of yours Donna? Those children are the sweetest! But much appreciation for the parents and caretakers as I know that is a lot of work! I babysat one summer for a boy severely behind (it's been many years now, i forget the details). He couldn't walk and struggled with eating. (gosh! i can't even remember his age at the time. 3 is coming to mind, but i think that was after I was working with him hmm) Actually, I think we were even trying to teach him to crawl (??) and just stand on his own. He had to stand in this contraption to keep him standing, and if left to his own devices, he would just scoot along on his back. It got so bad, he needed a helmet to keep from losing his hair! Eating was also an ordeal. Had to be very particular foods and he took no less than an hour to eat and many times would get sick after. :( And similar with language... but when we could just laugh and play, boy, what a sweetie! His laugh and smile-precious! :)

Can't, it was PC that I mentioned this. I have an adopted cousin with bipolar disorder. and her little girl (well, a teenager now omg!) is also developmentally delayed. Well, the little girl is just the light of my life. She still struggles with speaking, but has certainly come a long way. Actually, she was a blessing for both me and my husband as she took to him when she was just a little thing (2 years I think). gah! tears in my eyes of those precious days! I knew her since she was like 2 months (??) yeah, so she really is like "my baby". (i hope I haven't said too much. this is kinda personal. there's one more thing I can add, but maybe I should do it privately, if I haven't already said too much eek!)

bizi 05-19-2020 09:38 AM

Dear Gee,
The beauty of this forum is that we are strangers getting to share in each others lives. I feel blessed to be a part of this smallish forum. Only been posting some 20 years with some of the regulars here. Over the years we have become closer....this is a save place to post anything. If it triggers some one then we warn before posting.Like I get triggered now with too much talk about the corona virus. So I don't read a paper or listen to the news much either. I listen to alison krauce in my car. Being bipolar can be a full time job.
While in Indy for my mother in laws funeral. I spent 2 1/2 hours ($4000.00) in the hospital then psych ward because I took 5 unknown doses of klonipin to get to sleep. it could have been 10mg...not sure. I wasn't trying to over dose. Just wanted to be sure that I slept. over kill on my part.Jeff has the extra klonipin in a locked chest.
we welcome newbies and are thankful every day for the friends that we have become, like your self. It is unlike psych central at all. I could not keep up with anyone. So here I stay.
comfortable bizi

Dmom3005 05-19-2020 08:43 PM


Harmony is my Granddaughter. And she has an developmental delay and very possibly autism. She is doing very well know. Has been behind in many things and her mom Kortni's works hard to get her to do the things she should. Like she has worked very hard on all things even feeding therapy.

She eats more now than she ever has

bizi 05-19-2020 08:53 PM

Thanks for the update!

GeeLuv 05-20-2020 11:32 PM


Originally Posted by bizi (Post 1286490)
Dear Gee,
The beauty of this forum is that we are strangers getting to share in each others lives. I feel blessed to be a part of this smallish forum. Only been posting some 20 years with some of the regulars here. Over the years we have become closer....this is a save place to post anything. If it triggers some one then we warn before posting.Like I get triggered now with too much talk about the corona virus. So I don't read a paper or listen to the news much either. I listen to alison krauce in my car. Being bipolar can be a full time job.
While in Indy for my mother in laws funeral. I spent 2 1/2 hours ($4000.00) in the hospital then psych ward because I took 5 unknown doses of klonipin to get to sleep. it could have been 10mg...not sure. I wasn't trying to over dose. Just wanted to be sure that I slept. over kill on my part.Jeff has the extra klonipin in a locked chest.
we welcome newbies and are thankful every day for the friends that we have become, like your self. It is unlike psych central at all. I could not keep up with anyone. So here I stay.
comfortable bizi

only 20 years, Bizi?? lol i was only first learning about the internet 20 years ago. can't imagine being on a forum that long!! It's great there's a place for us though <3

edit: also, I was actually wondering if my overshare was too much overshare for my own comfort. eek! but it's alright i suppose. ;)

GeeLuv 05-20-2020 11:34 PM


Originally Posted by GeeLuv (Post 1286487)
That's beautiful! Is Harmony a client of yours Donna? Those children are the sweetest! But much appreciation for the parents and caretakers as I know that is a lot of work! I babysat one summer for a boy severely behind (it's been many years now, i forget the details). He couldn't walk and struggled with eating. (gosh! i can't even remember his age at the time. 3 is coming to mind, but i think that was after I was working with him hmm) Actually, I think we were even trying to teach him to crawl (??) and just stand on his own. He had to stand in this contraption to keep him standing, and if left to his own devices, he would just scoot along on his back. It got so bad, he needed a helmet to keep from losing his hair! Eating was also an ordeal. Had to be very particular foods and he took no less than an hour to eat and many times would get sick after. :( And similar with language... but when we could just laugh and play, boy, what a sweetie! His laugh and smile-precious! :)

Can't, it was PC that I mentioned this. I have an adopted cousin with bipolar disorder. and her little girl (well, a teenager now omg!) is also developmentally delayed. Well, the little girl is just the light of my life. She still struggles with speaking, but has certainly come a long way. Actually, she was a blessing for both me and my husband as she took to him when she was just a little thing (2 years I think). gah! tears in my eyes of those precious days! I knew her since she was like 2 months (??) yeah, so she really is like "my baby". (i hope I haven't said too much. this is kinda personal. there's one more thing I can add, but maybe I should do it privately, if I haven't already said too much eek!)

Donna, this was the post I was referring to in my message to you, fyi.

bizi 05-21-2020 08:31 PM

what a lovely story you shared with us.

GeeLuv 05-24-2020 02:10 PM

I shared this with Donna privately. Not anything I'm worried about with this group knowing, but I'm nervous about outside onlookers...but I'm going to share it anyway. So it's my aunt (kinda obvious) who adopted this cousin/family, because the daughter at the time was a client of my aunt. She's an occupational therapist (I think OT), basically teaching young kids with special needs extra guidance in all kinds of daily functioning (not just a specific specialty, like speech for instance). So that is how that family came into our life as well as how I got the summer gig with that boy. :)

bizi 05-24-2020 02:48 PM

selfless woman!

GeeLuv 05-24-2020 06:40 PM

She IS very giving! Ill give her that! But she can also get on my nerves too. Hehe. I think it's a fault of hers that she wants to help too much sometimes and often gets her nose into places it doesn't belong. :P

Dmom3005 05-26-2020 08:57 PM

This has been an great night. Finally got our air conditioner fixed this afternoon.


bizi 05-27-2020 04:28 PM


Originally Posted by Dmom3005 (Post 1286638)
This has been an great night. Finally got our air conditioner fixed this afternoon.


yeah for air conditioning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dmom3005 05-29-2020 11:22 PM

I'm doing ok. And so is everyone else.

Derrick is ready to go back home. So He will go back next week. I'm hoping to figure out we're a nice place to take a small vacation is. For hubby and I.

Since Derrick doesn't want to stay here and feed animals. I'll have to make sure someone comes and makes sure kitties have food. My dog will stay in town with him.


bizi 05-30-2020 08:02 AM

are you going to fly or drive?

Dmom3005 05-30-2020 03:50 PM

Probably drive. We don't usually fly anywhere much.


mymorgy 05-30-2020 04:20 PM

that because I am so afraid of the virus.

Dmom3005 06-01-2020 04:16 PM

Derrick has been wanting to go home for a while now. I had finally gotten to the point were I could see it was probably going to be okay. I thought Dale would take him tomorrow, but he got called back to work. So took him today. But as things would go there was a peaceful protest with a riot by. Another group after last night. Which is scary. My comment to Derrick just stay home after 6pm, I kind of revised that later to probably 8pm. But there isn't much anyway to do when you don't drive so.

But this morning when he was waiting on dad, his comment if I'd known this all was going to happen I wouldn't have kept asking. He is such a caring kid. Told him, you know to call if there is trouble. Keep on your weather radio, and you know the emergency number for your helpers. So you'll be fine, and of course if it's late call Shannon who is my friend in town.


Dmom3005 06-12-2020 09:58 PM

Hi everyone,

This is what should have been special Olympic weekend in Terre Haute. We're doing virtual games instead. We had torch run today, opening ceremony, and a dance party. It was nice.

Derrick and I will be doing the virtual games since I'm a volunteer a now. I get to participate and help the club.

Anyway, I'll be checking on everyone. But later this next week going to Kokomo to visit my sister's and their families.

Yesterday was the two year anniversary of my mom's death.


bizi 06-13-2020 12:20 AM

anniversary dates are always hard. can't believe it has been 2 years already.

Dmom3005 07-01-2020 01:34 PM

I'll be gone for a few days probably starting tomorrow night. Just a weekend away. Don't even know we're yet

Dmom3005 07-21-2020 04:44 PM

Hi everyone

We got some storms today. Some areas had tornado.warnings no idea if they had any. But many with power out and trees down. I'm doing good and as far as I know the whole family is.


bizi 07-21-2020 05:37 PM

thanks for the up date. sorry for the storms, folks had a very old limb fall during one of the storms that came thru a few weeks ago. it was really big!
hoping that your property is safe and sound. as well as your family.

mymorgy 07-22-2020 04:02 AM


Originally Posted by Dmom3005 (Post 1287742)
Hi everyone

We got some storms today. Some areas had tornado.warnings no idea if they had any. But many with power out and trees down. I'm doing good and as far as I know the whole family is.


wow does that ever sound scary. so glad you are fine.

Dmom3005 07-22-2020 01:57 PM

Well Indiana will be mandating mask
On monday

bizi 07-23-2020 07:56 AM

donna, does that mean out in public or just with shopping or all of the time when out and about?

Dmom3005 07-23-2020 01:28 PM

More coming, but it's at all times other than exercising and eating. I think I can get away with walking without one. But have to be careful

bizi 07-23-2020 07:07 PM

donna if you have breathing troubles like copd or asthma then you are exempt from having to wear a mask.

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