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mymorgy 05-07-2020 05:58 PM

I will look him up.sounds interesting. Out of tune pianos are the pits right? lol

Waking Light 05-07-2020 09:30 PM

My goodness Bobby, so much interesting stuff! You & GeeLuv both! For one thing, the fact that you studied Latin & Greek feels very meaningful to me. Can you explain what caused your interest in the first place? Rene Descartes wrote in classical Latin. Did you by any chance get to read any of his meditations in Latin? So, you have always been musical & still love it. By the way, I also love Josh Groban's voice. A gift, for sure. Thank you for all this Bobby. So interesting. :hug: :circlelove: Hugs & love!

mymorgy 05-08-2020 12:54 AM

I am so glad you love Josh Groban's voice. Do you know why it is so special.? I think I will turn it on now.
I never read Rene Descartes.I have forgotten most of my Latin, You have me curious. I read like Horace,Catullus,Plautus ,Seneca,Caesar,
Cicero and Virgil. I don't know if I skipped any. I went to the university of Penn and most of my classes were very small. I loved two teachers and took every class Dr. Palmer had to offer. The Plautus was a graduate course and I would get so anxious that I would have to take a nap before the class. One fellow was a genius and I was so in awe of him. He could sight read Latin and I found it hard, He would skip classes. Dr Palmer who might have been a genius got angry at him so fixed him one time by giving a test on material from only discussed in class which the guy didn't attend lol. I think Dr. Palmer was one of the youngest full Professors in the country. Dr McDermott(sp) was so sweet. He found it too painful for us to read the letters in exile by Cicero. He had a daughter Grace and he wanted her to communicate with Cicero lol and supposedly somebody's daughter in the middle ages. When I later visited Penn and saw Dr Palmer my legs started shaking. I couldn't to wait to tell him I saw a temple outside of Split that said something like don't pee on me or the Gods would get you. I had originally read it in one of the courses he gave. He had a wicked sense of humor.
I was obviously bipolar because when I graduated there were no jobs.
Love and kisses


GeeLuv 05-08-2020 02:05 AM

Firstly, sorry for taking over your thread with this WL. I'll be done with this soon. Or Bobby and I could take it to one of our threads...unless you don't mind. :)


Originally Posted by mymorgy (Post 1286157)
I will look him up.sounds interesting. Out of tune pianos are the pits right? lol

Yeah, actually I was rereading the summary about Cat Stevens/Yusuf, and I think he actually has maybe more of the impressive story. Eh! Actually, maybe it's not even fair to compare really. Nevermind. Scratch that! I dunno!

But this Brian Welch aka "Head" was a hard rock n roller type (nu-metal genre to be exact) and has tattoos and dreadlocks. He got really bad with drinking and drugs (forget the details), but came out of it when he discovered his faith. Anyway, I won't go into details, but just wanted to say that I messed up the book title and even the subject matter possibly. With My Eyes Wide Open: Miracles and Mistakes on My Way Back to KoRn (2016) is the title. And I'm not really sure it's so much about bipolar, but more with raising his daughter who also struggles with mental health issues (maybe even bipolar too). It was just a very sweet tale of father and daughter love...

but I also wanted to try to find that interview (at least for myself). Maybe that was about the bipolar?? or maybe one of his other books??

hmm, just found this. havent read it yet, but will now.

Brian “Head” Welch Walks Through the Door | Psychology Today

not sure if i will find the interview tonight.

edit: hmmm, maybe he doesn't have bipolar (??) this makes it sound more like unipolar depression, but i could have sworn i read bipolar somewhere. hmm

mymorgy 05-08-2020 02:50 AM

my friend told me cat stevens really partied. she met him once and he gave her the greatest kiss but then her husband came behind her and cat stopped. supposedly he was out swimming and a big wave got him and he started drowning. he made a deal with God and said he would devote himself to religion if he lived. I had trouble getting into brian welch.

GeeLuv 05-08-2020 02:44 PM


Originally Posted by mymorgy (Post 1286167)
my friend told me cat stevens really partied. she met him once and he gave her the greatest kiss but then her husband came behind her and cat stopped. supposedly he was out swimming and a big wave got him and he started drowning. he made a deal with God and said he would devote himself to religion if he lived. I had trouble getting into brian welch.

Yeah. Oh he was drowning? Makes me think more of Jonah than Joseph/Yusuf, but I guess he later developed more of a fondness for Joseph later. Interesting man, no doubt!

Trouble with Brian? Did you not like the music (I haven't actually even listened to any of his solo stuff) or was it his story? I found the bipolar reference late last night. It WAS in the book I read. He would feel a rush of energy and excitement and happiness when going onstage, but then it diminished to depression. He merely suspected bipolar but never got tested. I think if he's doing well on antidepressants, then maybe he's lower (?) on the spectrum if at all (kinda like me!)

Basically, in short, his story is about finding God and finally overcoming addiction as a result. But he found that trials are still always going to be there, but his faith helped him press on through it all. He has become a great role model for his daughter, in my opinion, who also had to come to terms with trials and learn that sometimes what's best for us isn't always easy, but we come out better for it.

I dunno. Perhaps it's a generational thing. This band Korn was very influential to me and my peers, so it's more relatable to me maybe.

No worries. It's all good! :)

GeeLuv 05-08-2020 02:51 PM

How are you, WL??

I'm still watching B&B and this week was wedding week. Kinda made me sad to think how all these folks married making promises to be together forever, like really really sold it that they would do this and yet, as we know, most of them (if not all) end up divorced and remarried. I was feeling really sad for Steffy in particular (but also Eric's ex wife) when Hope and Liam had their wedding and Steffy had the worst day ever.

But then I realized it's just a stupid show. I mean, no offense, but you know. It's not real life.

So yeah, it's almost comical to think of how Brooke was once married to the father of her current husband. (If it weren't so gross! Lol Sorry, maybe not gross...but kinda gross to me. No! Sorry! Lol)

Sigh! Hugs! Hope you're alright! :)

mymorgy 05-09-2020 04:36 AM

How are you doing Waking light? Your interests are amazing.
love and kisses,

Waking Light 05-13-2020 05:30 PM

Hi, everybody, I am doing a lot better. I think about all of you. God bles s you!

bizi 05-13-2020 07:13 PM

God blesses us every day, just look and you will see.....blessings be.


mymorgy 05-14-2020 03:55 AM

that is so great.
love and kisses

Waking Light 05-15-2020 04:19 PM

I'm sorry I've been gone a day or more. God knows I am thinking about you all the time.

mymorgy 05-15-2020 04:53 PM

how sweet
love and kisses

Waking Light 05-17-2020 04:32 PM

I have my ups & downs. So many things I want to do & should be doing. I think the main problem is not enough sleep. It's a dilemma. I wish I had more energy & could get back to my routine, which worked so well for me. But I'm not even doing my exercise routine, which was so beneficial for me. I miss my routines. Why can't I get back to them? Maybe the pandemic is adding too much stress so everything seems a lot harder.

mymorgy 05-17-2020 04:42 PM

I am so sorry! I can't get myself to exercise and I have no energy. I think the virus is just too stressful and bipolar people have a hard time dealing with normal stress. I wonder if a glass of wine or two would help.
Love and kisses

mymorgy 05-17-2020 05:17 PM

I was just thinking. no caffeine and drink chamomille tea. That should lessen stress. I am going to try it. little tv.
love and kisses

bizi 05-17-2020 10:07 PM

the virus was just about what tipped my sanity.
I can only take the news in small bites.
It has become a trigger for me.
I had to leave the room tonight at dinner they kept talking about the virus and I just could not listen to it any more. I will tell jeff to try to not talk about the corona virus.

Waking Light 05-18-2020 12:21 AM

Thank you very much, bobby & bizi. I also try to stay away from the news, but I do get some of it, to see what's going on. Then I look for something like a travelog tv show & sort of get away, visiting a beautiful place. I don't like wine, but I like water with some vodka in it. I drink coffee, which I love, but I do limit it to 2 or 3 cups a day. I think I need it to lift my spirits a little bit. I'm sending you wishes filled with love & good energy! :grouphug: :hug: :circlelove: :) Hugs & love to you!

mymorgy 05-18-2020 01:13 AM

coffee is my favorite but today I didn't have any. usually drink four or five cups. I looked up more medications but I can't stand the side effects. I am chronically constipated. drink more vodka with water if that helps. we are going through the worse of times and now i am so irritable. yuk.
excellent about the beautiful places. take good care
love and kisses

Waking Light 05-18-2020 01:56 AM

Thank you Bobby! God bless you! :circlelove:

mymorgy 05-18-2020 05:03 AM

thank you so much/ It really helped when you reminded me that this should also pass- I hope you meant trump too!
love and kisses

GeeLuv 05-19-2020 08:32 AM

God yes! I too have been struggling with my exercise! It's partly from the pandemic and partly from this past month's extra stressors. I still try to incorporate a few yoga poses and stretches, but some days I can't even manage very much. I just want to sit or lay or sleep!

Speaking of...I'll have to get back to it here pretty soon. Woke up a few times in the night and took too long to get back to sleep, so I got too hungry and had to get up and eat. sigh! and I had lots planned for today. Now I worry I'll sleep through it all...we will see.

Oh yea, I'm also thinking of skipping coffee too because I was super anxious yesterday and probably didn't even need it anyway, it's just habit. Maybe green tea. That's relaxing...or even decaf version, but either is still better than coffee.

ok, ok, i'm rambling now. :D *hugs

bizi 05-19-2020 09:25 AM

GEE, I hope you get caught up in your sleep. It can be such a relief if you are a poor sleeper. hubby tossed and turned most of the night, he forgot to put in his ear plugs, I snore and he said he was lazy for not putting them in.
I always feel guilty that I snore and keep him up.
have a great day!

Waking Light 05-20-2020 10:16 AM

I've been a bit off, not doing very well, but seem to be getting back up on my horse, so to speak. I've been catching up on a few things. I'm glad about that. Thank you, all of you, for posting on my thread & letting me know how you're doing. I think about you all the time & I appreciate you very much. :grouphug: :hug: :circlelove: Lots of hugs & love to you!!

mymorgy 05-20-2020 12:31 PM

are you anxious or depressed? I am glad you are feeling better. I hope you are not feeling both.
love and kisses


Waking Light 05-20-2020 01:08 PM

Thank you Bobby, yes, both depression & anxiety/stress. But a lot better today. I have goals for today, & so far I've been doing pretty good. I hope very much that your day is going well, too. Hugs & love to you dear friend!

mymorgy 05-20-2020 01:43 PM

I think you hold a lot in. I think you are also extremely bright. You don't seem to want to complain. Just look at my posts. I think it really helps me. Nobody passes judgment and we share a lot of the same problems. we are understood.
Love and more kisses

GeeLuv 05-21-2020 12:24 AM

hear, hear!! <3

bizi 07-12-2020 03:43 PM


Originally Posted by Waking Light (Post 1286504)
I've been a bit off, not doing very well, but seem to be getting back up on my horse, so to speak. I've been catching up on a few things. I'm glad about that. Thank you, all of you, for posting on my thread & letting me know how you're doing. I think about you all the time & I appreciate you very much. :grouphug: :hug: :circlelove: Lots of hugs & love to you!!

you are so sweet and supportive, definitively welcome you here.

Waking Light 07-13-2020 06:20 PM

Thank you very much, bizi, for your very kind post! You are also sweet & supportive for everyone & a pleasure to know. :) :hug: :circlelove:

mymorgy 07-14-2020 04:59 AM

I so agree.

GeeLuv 07-20-2020 09:28 AM

WL, new the Bold and the Beautiful start today!!! Hope you are well. :)

Waking Light 08-07-2020 09:55 PM

Hi, everybody! :) I'm sorry I don't post very much. I think about you a lot! I hope you can forgive me. I do pretty good much of the time & I hope you are doing fine! It feels like family here. I wish I could open up more & be the way you are with each other. I value your honesty & sharing thoughts & feelings very much. :grouphug: :hug: :Heart: :circlelove:

bizi 08-07-2020 10:02 PM

You can trust us. nobody is here to judge you.
we will support you.

these are support groups. that is what it is all about!!!!


mymorgy 08-08-2020 02:19 AM


Originally Posted by Waking Light (Post 1288195)
Hi, everybody! :) I'm sorry I don't post very much. I think about you a lot! I hope you can forgive me. I do pretty good much of the time & I hope you are doing fine! It feels like family here. I wish I could open up more & be the way you are with each other. I value your honesty & sharing thoughts & feelings very much. :grouphug: :hug: :Heart: :circlelove:

don't worry. most of us have been here for years and after years it is so easy and feels so safe to open up..
love and kisses

Dmom3005 08-08-2020 11:52 AM

Waking light

Its honestly fine to just be here. To talk when you want. To tell us
what you want. We all have done that at some point.


bizi 08-08-2020 04:12 PM

One thing that you can do is look at the top right under private messages. It says "my mood" at least I have that. you could choose a mood to post. I forget about that mood thing. I have been more things than fine over the past 6 months. I have run the whole gamete of bipolar emotions ranging from base line to hypo manic to manic to psychotic back to hypo then now stable, little depression which is abnormal for me. my mood says I am fine. which is true now!
well hell! I just tried to change my mood and it is not working for me!

GeeLuv 08-12-2020 07:56 AM

Can't remember if I tried the mood thing here or PC and I couldn't work it out. Thinking PC because I used to change it there before and then was surprised I couldn't anymore. Hmm

Also, WL, I echo the others. Just nice that you are here, but don't hesitate to share. Just share what you like to do in the day or how you manage to keep so positive! :D *hugs

Waking Light 08-12-2020 11:44 AM

Thank you everyone! :) I've been feeling sad much of the time lately. I seem to be one of those animals that lick their wounds in seclusion for a while. I have been watching travelogues on tv, playing games, reading a variety of things to lift my thoughts, & learning a little bit about things new to me. My heart feels a little sore, like there's a bruise in it. I think a lot of it is related to our pandemic, which is worldwide & therefore inescapable. So anyway, thank you again. And I hope we all continue getting better. :grouphug: :hug: :circlelove: Hugs & love to you all!!

mymorgy 08-12-2020 12:27 PM

i am so sorry I hope you are not reading the news. I wish you had a kitty cat.
love and kisses

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