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Lara 12-28-2021 10:07 PM

What a wonderful sounding family get together Donna. I'm pleased you had such a great time.

mymorgy 12-29-2021 03:17 AM

that sounds so fantastic.

Dmom3005 12-29-2021 09:05 AM

It was. We get together as a whole family once a year since my mothers
death. But I go to Kokomo to see my sister's and anyone else that I can a few times a year. But the nieces and nephews aren't usually available.

My son Devin isn't usually available to join us, but he was this year it was so
nice to have him too.

Donna :hug::grouphug:

Dmom3005 12-30-2021 01:27 PM

Something has been going on with the little bus that takes Derrick
to work last week and this week. It seems someone has been
dropping the ball and not scheduling his bus.

But I had him call this morning when he didn't get his reminder to
make sure he was scheduled to be picked up. And he wasn't
on the schedule for this week. So he explained to the woman who
answered that he wasn't picked up last week for his scheduled rides,
but that since I was here he just had me take him. It was technically.
Easier with it being the holiday.

This week he was scheduled today and tomorrow one way. And I told
him this morning he had to call because it couldn't just keep happening.
Because I really realized he wasn't wanting to report it. Because he doesn't
like conflict. But once he started he did fine. And he has a ride tomorrow.
I am his ride today, it was to late to get it scheduled today.

And she double checked and he has rides next week. So it should come through with reminders. As it was before.

So it should return to normal.


GeeLuv 12-30-2021 08:14 PM

Hey Donna! Sounds like you had a fun family visit. Thats nice!

Sorry about the bus stuff, but it sounds like you and Derrick are working it out. I hope! Good luck!

Dmom3005 01-01-2022 10:50 AM


Yes, they are trying to work through some problems with a new system
and its messing up for everyone.

So hopefully it will get fixed.

Donna :hug::grouphug:

Dmom3005 01-05-2022 01:19 PM

Thought I'd come in and say Hi. Its so quiet in here.

heehee, but its really windy outside my house. We have a wind
advisory in the area. So its also really cold too.

I have been home since Monday and am doing good.

Donna :hug::grouphug:

Dmom3005 01-06-2022 02:23 PM

Well at about 6:00pm with lots of wind, I knew my being home
was at a stop at least for a while. Then I decided not till this morning.

I wasn't driving in 30mph or more weather. SO this morning I got
in the car at 8:00 am and went to Derrick's he had no bus this
morning, or evening.

Then he hadn't been able to reach the bus. So he tried again when
I got here. The girl tried telling him he hadn't scheduled it. And kept
trying. I could tell he was getting upset. So I took his phone, and
told her. Look he called last week, and after scheduling the unscheduled
days, asked you to make sure the days this week were scheduled. Whether
you remember or not. And you did, said they all were. Gave him dates and
times. And all. What else can we do. She still didn't get it.

He is scheduled now, but is also scheduled next week, want to bet he
isn't next week when he calls to schedule next week.


Dmom3005 01-07-2022 01:13 PM

Hi Bobby and Everyone

I just got back from picking Derrick up at his cooking class.

I am so glad he has another avenue to enjoy life now adays.

Its so nice he has so many good role models. The weather isn't
too bad, other than being freezing up here. But that is our
weather in Indiana.

He goes to work at 4pm and I get the dogs all to my self. Which
is totally okay. I will miss my Jake, but he is warm at home. I
have to pick Derrick up on Sunday, so its silly to go home before
that. So since I wasn't sure that I would have anytime at home
before that. I brought everything with me to his house. Except
wind was too bad on Thursday for him.

Hope all have a great weekend.

Donna :hug::grouphug:

bizi 01-07-2022 11:16 PM

Sorry your weather is frigid. yes that is normal for you. I hope you don't have a bad winter.

Lara 01-08-2022 10:58 PM

I'm happy to send up and over some of our horrid hot heatwave weather. :o
We could just swap a little. I could do with some cooler days around now. Wind I can't stand. lol.

Great that Derrick is doing the cooking class!

take care Donna.

Dmom3005 01-09-2022 10:52 AM

I hope we don't have a bad one too. But I think were due for one.

We will see. DOnna:hug::grouphug:

GeeLuv 01-09-2022 02:00 PM

Ugh! Thats so frustrating about the scheduling! Hope it gets sorted out this time!

Dmom3005 01-10-2022 10:08 AM

I'm sure hoping after getting home again. And now having
forgotten my phone adapters. But I'll figure that out.

That I don't get that call again on Wednesday night. That
there was no bus call. We will see.

Hugs to everyone. I think we all need them all the time.

Donna :hug::grouphug:

bizi 01-10-2022 08:44 PM

:grouphug:I stole some extra hugs from my hubby today felt good..

Dmom3005 01-12-2022 07:00 PM

Hello, Hope everyone is staying warm.

It finally got warm today. That is so good. Derrick seems
to have a ride this week. Which is so good. I hadn't been able
to get rid of my headache. Figured out earlier today that its
the neck tension. So I finally got parts of it out and my husband
tonight got another 2/3rds of it out. So now its maybe about
1/3rd if at all there. I think by morning it will be gone. I am not
sure I've been sleeping to good. So tonight I will.

I have been busy somewhat for work, and will get even more busy
soon. I have 3 conferences in the next week. So that will pick up.


bizi 01-12-2022 11:19 PM

(((((HUGS))))) for donna today.
queen bee that she is!!!!!

Dmom3005 01-14-2022 07:14 PM

Hi everyone

Its been a really nice week after I got rid of the murder of a neck headache.

I really need to find the neck massager I bought for christmas, from my husband for myself. We bought ourself's presents from each other that we wanted
or needed this year. This was what I really needed plus a couple
of clothing items I got. And I still need to get some more later.

I'm having trouble finding some things I like so I'm really having problems with the styles right now. But of course that is life. Derrick is on his own this
week. Mom isn't going to be there to bother him. Which I think we both
are going to enjoy the break. And he informed me yesterday he has been
talking to a new guy. One that lives lots closer to Indiana, somewhere in
Illinois so we will see.

Just life. I had a conference with a parent today, that was really emotional so I was back in my element. She was having problems with her son's disability if you ask me.


Lara 01-14-2022 08:13 PM

It's good your neck is feeling a lot better Donna.
I'm sure that the parents that you work with are very grateful. I know I would be.

bizi 01-14-2022 10:38 PM

I am glad that you were in your element! nice to love your job.

mymorgy 01-15-2022 06:57 AM

how is your neck headache. my friend linda suffers migraines and uses cbs gummy bears. they really help. how often you you get them?

Dmom3005 01-15-2022 12:41 PM

We are on holiday Monday. But even though I put my email on
the break notice. I got a email from a parent that I had been
trying to help. She is in a situation were I can't help her now.

I felt it was important to go ahead and let her know the issue
she is having isn't something I can help with. So she could
keep looking. So I did.


Dmom3005 01-15-2022 12:45 PM


Right now mine isn't a migraine headache. Its got to do with neck
tension that needs released or massaged. I quit going to my massage
therapist. Because I felt I was dependent on her. So I am working
on different ways of finding relief, this is the worst its been in a long

I need to figure out how to do the releases she taught me with something
that is strong enough to do them. That wont be harmful. My hands
will usually release most area's but they aren't strong enough to do it
all. And that right now is my problem.

And I can't find the neck massager I bought. I have to look in my car. But
it snowed a little last night. And I'm not going out much in that.

But its much better right now.

Donna :grouphug::hug:

bizi 01-15-2022 07:37 PM

I am glad that it is much better. I ordered a posture bra to help with

Dmom3005 01-17-2022 06:25 PM

Dale and I just went out to a late lunch. To a steak place.
I had a ribeye and eggs, hash browns and biscuits. And
he had a steak stir fry. With a salad.

It was a great meal. We then went and tried to get a new
remote, but he has to take it back. It didn't work.

We are trying to get the paperwork together for his retirement
so I still need to find my social security card. Probably easier
to order a new one.


bizi 01-17-2022 09:22 PM

dale is retiring. that is big news!!!!!
how does he feel about it? Does he have any hobbies?

mymorgy 01-18-2022 07:09 AM

i want to know too.

Dmom3005 01-18-2022 10:52 AM

Remember he has his rental houses. First he has to get them
ready to sale. Which is going to take a lot of work. This is
one of the big reason's he is retiring. He can't keep up working with
the work of getting all the work done on them. So he will catch
up on taxes, he is a little behind first. Which is good. I don't llke
how far behind he is. Wont go there. Its not something he lets
me help with. And then when its caught up he will concentrate
on the houses. Its going to take a while. He will definitely have
himself and dan working on them.

There are quite a few, at least 10 that need work and either sold, or
to see if someone that might be living in them wants them.

A couple the kids are in will go to them. But other than that the
others, even the one we live in needs lots of work. So it will take a while.

He then plans to travel. He wanted to know why I don't want to retire too.
I told him with him working on the rental houses, why would I want to retire.
I have 4 weeks of vacation. Paid holidays, good bosses that if I want unpaid time I can ask and take it. As long as it can be covered by others. That they wont mind. So why just sit home with nothing to do.

Donna :hug::grouphug:

bizi 01-19-2022 12:38 AM

You are right dale will be busy fixing up the rentals and what would you do. I think you would enjoy your job even if it did not pay that much, but you are happy doing what you do best. we will work as long as we are able.


Dmom3005 01-19-2022 08:54 AM

Yes Bizi

I would love to do this even as just a volunteer. I have always told
people I was so lucky when they took a chance on me. I never
thought I was good enough for this job. I even asked one of the employees
on the phone when she had called about something else because i
was an volunteer if it was even a good idea to apply. And she had
said, you will never know unless you try.

Donna :hug::grouphug:

Dmom3005 01-19-2022 02:56 PM

Its been a rough type day. Ive been uneasy since last night.

Wasn't sure why, I think I know why. When things are not going
to go right or well it will start to work on me early.
I got a email this morning, that was sent sometime last night.
That the company that does Derrick's appointments wasn't taking
him to his doctor's appointment today. Which is way to me to late.
I honestly didn't even know what time today's was. But that wasn't
the biggest problem. The thing was, that they emailed, and didn't even
even let Derrick know they weren't coming. Which is just not right.
But this girl is new.
And someone else as much as last week was supposed to take him.
And when I called right before my zoom meeting, the provider who
gets him for his groceries today. Has been supposed too. So I get another
email, later that girl, isn't working today. Then I have no clue still what
time, he was supposed to be at the appt. And whether to call or not.
So I'm just waiting trying to kind of calm down. Then I get a call about 11:15
from Derrick that she isn't there, or a text, then another one right after I let
him know I knew she wasn't. But hadn't gotten around to letting him know.

That she has covid is why she isn't cominig. Well gosh they just had to let
us know she was sick was all. And the other girl told me she herself had
been at the hospital all night and wasn't working today.

But not a thought for her client I'm guessing that was waiting.

Donna :hug::grouphug:

Dmom3005 01-19-2022 02:58 PM

Oh, and I just double checked to make sure tomorrows doctor's
appointment is still on. With my friend who was his main doctor's
person along with me. But we will see. What happens next time.

Then we will see what happens.

Donna :hug::grouphug:

mymorgy 01-19-2022 04:55 PM

i think covid doesn't make people think straight. it is so terrifying.

Dmom3005 01-19-2022 09:31 PM

Maybe so, its really irritating around here now . Its going around so
bad. The whole state of Indiana is red coded. Which I don't think
has ever happened since this started. But I'm okay and as far as
I know so are my kids. Will keep an eye out and make sure.

Derrick has a virutal appt. but its not till May 25th wow, you'd think
they could get him in sooner thatn that.


bizi 01-19-2022 10:43 PM

That is 4 months away.

If he really needed to be seen he could go to one

of those urgent care centers. I used one for my

covid test then a nurse practitioner saw me.
I canceled my MDOC appointment.
I was suppose to have my annual tomorrow,
but am still on lock down, until saturday.
I will reschedule it soon. Need to get labs
drawn before my appointment.
I hope you are able to get things settled to your liking.
I feel badly for Derrick who was waiting for his ride that never came.

Lara 01-19-2022 10:44 PM

Keep safe Donna and family.
It's all a mess.

mymorgy 01-20-2022 08:08 AM

what a long time to wait. I hope you are taking advantage of getting the free superior masks and the testing kits.

Dmom3005 01-20-2022 10:03 AM

Should have explained this is or was his endrochologist appointment.
Its for his new one. And it takes a while to just get in the first place.
So I was also shocked its 4 months to get a virtual appointment.

We will see what goes on. But his testrostrone or however its spelled
is all this doctor orders so I believe right now he has plenty of this
medicine. So we will wait.

But it sure was irritating, and if his neurologist hears that this one was missed because no one could take him, and the next one is virtual he wont be happy.
And its Derrick who gets told. Ugh, that is the big problem.

Anyway life sometimes is lemons, today I went out to start my car. It wouldn't start lets hope its just the battery. Dale will be here after work. IF its not I will not have a car for a while with no idea what it is.
But other than taking Derrick to basketball practice on Sunday I wasn't going anywhere so its okay.

bizi 01-20-2022 03:41 PM

This covid pandemic is here to stay for a while I think. It is infecting so many people, children too. My only great neice was exposed at day care so they shut down the day care for 2 weeks. so my twin will be flying out there to babysit for little emmy. She is not sick so that is good. She turned 2 in october. She will be there 8 days. Now that gretchen my twin quit her nursing job due to a bully or what ever you call it. She works at a meijers in the clothes department store. She can just ask for time off and they are so nice

to her and understanding. I think they are so grateful for her to be working for them....
I am a bit confused with the transportation issues.
But I am sure things will work out.

Dmom3005 01-20-2022 04:11 PM

Derrick gets taken to his doctor's appointments by the company that
does his waiver. Its one of the few things they can do. its also turning
out that I may need to think about whether its even necessary too.

But he needs his waiver, for other things so we will not take it away.
I just don't get why when they have a set date for month's on end
to take him to the doctor for an appt. Like this they can't find someone
to do it. Its to late the night before to get a bus to take him the night
before. We have to have notice for him to get it for him. Plus
this particular one was a new appointment, so they were taking him.
And being there for him.


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