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mymorgy 07-31-2022 03:25 PM

fantastic. you must feel a lot better.

bizi 07-31-2022 07:18 PM

At least I know that I am not impacted.I will take another double dose tonight.

bizi 08-03-2022 09:17 PM

I have lost 7.5 pounds in a months time.

It is a start, lots more to lose.

29 days AF. This is the only way I will lose weight is remaining AF
I think I told you ladies I was going to imbibe in alcohol

while on vacation,no dieting in pensecola.What 3 days can

I do just be mindful of foods and eat low carb.
The drink of choice is bush whackers think

rum frosty's out of a machine premixed.

They are so good.

I have been limiting my AF beer to 2-3 a day
stop drinking at 8pm
so I don't get up half the night going to the bath room.
the lactulous seems to be working I take a double dose

of this and go 18 hours later.I am trying to eat more
fiber in my diet. The cereal challenge was too much

sticks..Maybe I will have that in the morning.
It has 18grams of fiber don't know if that is the
right kind of fiber?
Thanks for reading!

mymorgy 08-04-2022 04:51 AM

that is so fantastic about your weight.
love you,

mymorgy 08-04-2022 06:07 AM

i have to get this off my chest. Do you think I am an idiot or are you the idiot to tell me you can get pain killers over the counter. That was so dumb or thoughtless of you. I asked you what pain killer you take for your knee and you didn't answer. I find aspirin really has helped in the past but since I have so many stomach aches I don't want to take aspirin.
also I really don't get it. You seem to have such an easy time of losing weight. Why can't you in the future just give up drinking. you found a substitute and you can easily get thin instead of being always on a roller coaster. Is pleasure that important to you that it rules your life? That is very sad. please think of what is really meaningful and important.
yes I really do love you and I hate to see you self destruct..
love you and please give it a lot of thought.

bizi 08-04-2022 03:49 PM

dear bobby,
It was not me who told you that you can get over the counter pain meds.The only thing I take for pain is mobic which is usually meant for arthritis The creams I suggested are over the counter. Asper cream I have used but the only pain I have is getting better finally. I got up this morning and my knee was not hurting. The process of getting up and out of bed was painful, not this morning. I asked you what you used for your aches and pain. salon paus have 8 hour relief patches. they also make a roll on with lidocaine.
I was taking advil but I know you can't take that due to your blood thinner.
I stopped taking advil it did not seem to help. I was using blue emu at night but that did not help so I stopped that.
are you getting angry again?
I would never suggest some illegal that is just not me. Is medical pot allowed in NY. If it is maybe you request that. It helps with pain issues and anxiety.

I love you too.

Dmom3005 08-04-2022 05:41 PM

I also am not sure who told you pain meds are over the counter.

Unless its tylenol or ibprofen I've not taken anything in probably two
or maybe three years for pain. Except for blue emu and some of the
patches I can buy at Dollar general that are linocaine I believe its spelled
in them. These don't work to well for me so I only use them for a day
or two if the pain is really bad.

The thing that I use that helps me the most is a heating pack or a thing
to go in the microwave.

They seem to really help me.

Donna :hug::grouphug:

bizi 08-04-2022 08:26 PM

What I failed to mention is that after our 4 day vacation

I will go back to AF, I won't have alcohol control my life.
Thanks for caring about me bobby. Using alcohol is dangerous.
I also know that you took care of your dad who was an alcoholic
if I remember correctly so maybe I am triggering you.
I am sorry if I am.
love you,

mymorgy 08-05-2022 08:21 AM

i just took four tablespoons of lactulose and will take two more today. is that what you take? How long before it worked?
love you,

bizi 08-05-2022 07:59 PM

4 tablespoons is 60 ml

I answered in your thread
love bizi

mymorgy 08-06-2022 02:56 AM

okay i took a total of 4 tablespoons

Dmom3005 08-06-2022 01:43 PM


I think you will need a little time for it to work. If I remember correctly
Bizi says her's always takes at least 12 hours to work. So I would think
it will be at least that if its going to be close to hers.

But no way of knowing.

Donna :grouphug::hug:

mymorgy 08-06-2022 02:12 PM

i just hope it really works. it would make quality of my life so much better.

mymorgy 08-07-2022 06:42 PM

bizi are you following what your doctor said or doing your own thing?
all i care about is going no matter what.

bizi 08-07-2022 09:25 PM

I called her office to let them know that I doubled her dose and would need
more lactulose called in and she agreed and called me in some.
I went finally after 21 hours of my last dose. it was formed and I had to strain to go.
getting ready to take my night time only dose.
love bizi

bizi 08-18-2022 09:22 PM

After drinking on our vacation, I am right back AF.

I have to say it was difficult I went to the total wine
and more store and bought The partakes NA beers

that I like and bought 3 -6 packs of pale ale

and 4 - 4 packs of the 0.0.0 no alcohol no calories

which sort of taste like a beer. my tab was $79.
We can easily spend that on a night out with drinks.
One night I showed restraint, budweiser makes an AF
beer that is good only 50 calories.
I drank one of those in between bush whackers.
I stocked up on the partakes because I was

afraid they would not carry

them again like a couple of months ago.

I have quite the towering six packs in my utility room.
I had 3 peach gose Which were pretty good.

I will only have the 3 and then switch to the 0.0.0 "beers".
but no more drinking after 8 pm.
I know this is over kill of partakes

but am afraid that I will start drinking again if I run out of them.
I weighed my self this morning. 186.8 so I gained a pound I think.
Had a veggie wrap at lunch time then for dinner leftover pork stew
with a few black beans and spinach. I over ate.1 dark chocolate
truffle, I can stop at 50 calories a ball or 5 carbs It is a luxury
that fits any diet except keto.
Thanks for reading along.

Dmom3005 08-19-2022 01:57 PM

Your doing great Bizi.

Keep it up.


bizi 08-19-2022 07:45 PM

3 partakes before 7;30. Think I will quit for the night.
Thanks for the encouragement.

bizi 08-20-2022 07:32 PM

185.4 this morning. 3 partakes before 7;30pm
I took a dose of 3 tablespoons equals 45 ml which is exactly my shot glass full
took that this morning and have had a lot of gas. did not hurt just a lot of farting no stool. What should I expect after being cleared out. I will take another dose tonight but will only try this for 2 days if no bm then I will take 5mg of biscodyl I hope to never ever get impacted again.

mymorgy 08-20-2022 09:17 PM

that is what i was taking

bizi 08-20-2022 10:10 PM

I am going to take some stool softeners.with my night meds.

Dmom3005 08-21-2022 01:06 PM

Good luck. I have no ideas for you.

Donna :grouphug::grouphug::hug:

bizi 08-21-2022 02:32 PM

I wrote about my gas issue on bobbys thread.
thanks donna.

bizi 08-22-2022 08:10 PM

This is day 3 with out a bowel movement.
I already took a biscodyl 5mg last night and
I bought some prunes which are tasty.

don't know how many to eat though.

I have eaten a higher fiber diet the past 2 days.
brown rice ,teryaki chicken with veggies and

collard greens and smothered purple cabbage.
I also had some hearty daves killer bread everything.
also ate a bowel of fiber one sticks I like them and they
have 18 grams of fiber in 2/3 s of a cup.
last night I bought some prunes and I will take 2

of the biscodyl.My MD ordered linzess for me in the

strongest dose it will be here tomorrow after 2 pm.

mymorgy 08-23-2022 06:14 AM

i still don't have a clue if fiber helps me or makes things worse. i just bought amia powder that might be good for constipation. i ordered fiber capsules. have you thought of joining facebook chronic constipation and ibs? it is an incredibly supportive and compassionate group. prunes just added calories and i tried prunelax or something like that and another waste of money. i think i need a strong saline solution to work.
love you,

Dmom3005 08-23-2022 04:56 PM

Sorry ladies,

I wish I could help but I don't know any answers. I'm glad the fiber
capsules work for me. I hope they do you Bobby.

Prune juice always helped me after I had a baby and needed to
have a bm before I could go home. I know to much information.

Donna :hug::grouphug:

bizi 08-23-2022 08:15 PM

still have not gone. Think I will go get an enema, mineral oil one.
bobby have you tried taking metamucil?

love bizi thanks donna no it is not TMI.

mymorgy 08-24-2022 07:12 AM

not yet. i don't know if fiber helps or makes things worse. i went this morning. yesterday i had a lot of fruit, flaxseed oil and the 6
Bisacodyl Tablets 5 Mg 1000Bisacodyl Tablets 5 Mg 1000
1000 Count (Pack of 1).
they hadn't worked in the past.
love you,

Dmom3005 08-24-2022 09:27 PM


I hope things keep working for you. And Bizi I sure hope things start
working for you.


bizi 08-24-2022 10:16 PM

I finally went today.
I think the 3 biscodllyls worked I did not take an enemaI picked up the linzess at the pharmacy to day and took my first one since I was all cleaned out I don't know if it will still be effective.
I will take one every morning like ordered.
My stomach hurt a bit after I took it. I guess that is a common side effect. it went away after I ate lunch.

Dmom3005 08-25-2022 12:36 PM


I'm glad you felt better this morning. I hope it keeps up this
way. I also remember Bobby saying the Linzess caused her having
stomach problems.

Hope you keep feeling better

Donna :hug::grouphug:

mymorgy 08-26-2022 01:17 AM

that med did nothing but made me feel lot worse.

Dmom3005 08-28-2022 12:40 AM


I think its the same for Bobby.

So I'm thinking you both are having the same reaction to this

Keep trying things that work for each other.


bizi 08-28-2022 11:14 PM

It is now day 2 of no bm. just stomach girgling.I took myralax tonight to see if I could add some bulk I already take extra stuff.
7 prunes twice a day, 2 fiber gummies twice a day 1 linzess in the morning,
2 stool softeners twice a day. and I am not going.If I don't go tomorrow then I will take 2 biscodyl, 3 was too much.
fun conversations.

mymorgy 08-28-2022 11:34 PM

why do you say three is too much? I am taking five now and nothing else except liquid.
love you,

bizi 08-29-2022 09:50 AM

for me 3 biscodyl caused diarrhea. that was just me. who knows what worked. I was taking so much stuff. I was hoping for a miracle drug linzess was supposed to help me. well so far it has not been helpful.
it the biscodyl has worked for you?

mymorgy 08-29-2022 10:41 AM

i always have diarrhea. all i care about is going. i hardly went today and got very sad. you never complain of stomach aches etc. i guess they are from my ibs which you don't have.
i thought linzness took seven days to work but it made feel so lousy i had to stop taking it with no results after about 4 days..
do you take peppermint capsules?
you are really stable now right with your meds? i am not stable.
love you,

bizi 08-29-2022 11:34 PM

bobby, if you always have diarrhea then you could be dehydrated which could contribute to your falling...
sorry that this is still a worry some.
I just took some milk of magnesia. i hope you get some relief.
as do I , nest I am going to try prune juice. sigh
am tired off this.
tell me there is a magic pll
love bizi

mymorgy 08-30-2022 08:05 AM

i drink a lot of liquid and since my stroke i don't limp but my right leg is weak. i have tried so hard to be careful. i am doing my p.t. exercises again. i tried milk of magnesia but that didn't work. i hope the mag o will work. i am so very frightened about not being able to go. and i don't know what to eat without getting pain etc. i take flaxseed oil three times a day. i might just eat oatmeal for a while. i took three of those pills but haven't gone. i just took an antacid and antigas. i started taking that enzyme to break down lactose. i have no quality of life. my bipolar is so bad.. way to much stress which also makes the ibs worse..I cancelled a food delivery. last night i went into bed early. i am terrified of ac bill. Last night i felt as if i were dying. that was a first.
love you,

bizi 08-30-2022 09:23 AM

Dear bobby,
Nope I don't have stomach pains just a little from the linzess which is very common from what the literature said.
the milk of mag did not work no urges day 4 for me no bowel movement.
I hate this!!!!!!!:mad:
think I will take the biscodyl. that seemed to help but they are laxatives and I was trying to get off those.
love bizi

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