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Dmom3005 12-27-2007 03:55 PM

Thanks Bizi

Nope I am not sleeping hardly at night. But that in a way is okay. I'm sleeping through the day for a couple of hours at a time, and about 2 or 3 times a day. So its making up for the fact that I only get to sleep about the same way through the night. I also tried to chime in on my husbands conversation to ask that we let our heat go higher last night. He just isn't getting it. Someone that he talks to nightly was on the phone for maybe 4 hours yesterday, kept hearing me coughing. Made the comment someone sounded bad I told them why. And then commented it would help if our heat could go up some.
I got the following response, If I wanted to get a second job to pay the
higher heating bill then it could go higher. I just wanted to cry. He just doesn't understand and just wait till the day he has a cold and I see him
turn the heat up I'm going to turn it back down. And say sorry if it can't
go up to help me live through asthma all the time, then you better get
through your cold by yourself.

Even though honestly he makes probably 3 to 4 times a week as much as
I do. But he just mad me mad. I got my presidone, and am waiting to see
if they can get me a pulmonary appointment.


Dmom3005 12-27-2007 03:59 PM

Mari, by the way see Shelley needed that post

See that post sure was needed. ANd I'm so glad that it can help you Shelley.

And Mari I don't remember if I ever answered your question about why the
pulmonary doctor hasn't been able to understand things.

But its mainly this pulmonary doctor, he wasn't willing to listen to me. And then when I was in his office he acted like I didn't have out of control asthma, and that I was a idiot to want to feel better. So I just didn't feel it was important enough with the other sick patients.

I always saw patients with oxygen and other things there. And felt so bad taking their time. I usually got to see him in a remission type time. I would
call when I was really bad, but couldn't get in for a while.


Mari 12-27-2007 06:16 PM


Originally Posted by Dmom3005 (Post 180542)
I got the following response, If I wanted to get a second job to pay the
higher heating bill then it could go higher. I just wanted to cry.

This is sad. He could more invested in your feeling better.

For the men I've know, b*tching about money has little to do with money. It is usually because they are worried about something else or feeling threatened by something. Maybe he wants you to miraculously get better without his having to worry about you.

I had a friend with pulmonary issues that got more and more severe EVEN THOUGH SHE WAS SEEING PULMONARIES. Sometimes drs and nurses make me angry.
I hope that you find good treatment soon.


Dmom3005 12-27-2007 10:31 PM


Had to post I asked a different question tonight, I have asked about this before but never really gotten a answer. And it really wont solve the whole
problem but it would help a lot.

I asked about a electric heater for just parts of the house. That I'm
mainly in. But I asked how much it would raise the electric bill a month.
Knowing we have gas heat.

He said, maybe 20 to 30 dollars a month. So I had asked if I could buy
a electric heater, if he would help me find the right kind. He said, I didn't
have to buy one we have some.

So looks like I can get one after all.


waves 12-28-2007 04:44 AM

Dear Donna
Donna :hug:

I hope hubby will be cooperative about getting the heaters out! And that they help you... at least your home environment will be more comfortable.

And i really wish for you to find a pulmonary doctor who will care, listen to you, and respond to you... down to the meds and any emergency call.

my goodness why does it have to be SO difficult. i'm sorry. :( good luck seeing one of the partners that i think you said you liked, if i got that right.

~ waves ~ from across the ocean

Mari 12-28-2007 05:53 AM

Dear Donna,

This is progress.
You asked and you got.

Now go dig them out and plug them in before anyone changes their mind.
I'm wondering what parts of the house you mostly stay in and what parts you avoid, so to speak.

Be warm and be safe. And feel better please.


bizi 12-28-2007 11:14 AM

Am glad that you were able to get the electric heater...hopefully you will feel more comfortable using these.
It still makes me mad that he is not more supportive of you....:mad:

hugs today for you sweetie...

Dmom3005 12-28-2007 11:21 PM

Thank Bizi, Waves and Mari.

I needed all the warm fuzzes and the hugs. I probably spoke to soon.
I can't even ask for the favor of getting out the heaters now I don't
think but will have to think on it. I had a awful day. Even when I thought he was being supportive, he had to throw in his biggest complaint. He just thinks I can get out and exercise. And lose all my extra weight and then I wont have any health problems. And he wont have to worry about the wife bringing down his health insurance. I still don't get how he thinks I bring down his health insurance. We aren't connected, if I lose mine by maxing out of the life time. He still has his, and so does Derrick, till they do.

And till the company he works for decided to double the amount this year I was probably coming very close to doing just that. Other than just now
I figured it out. He plans to quit working for the union some day soon. And
do something else, and I'm not supposed to be uninsurable. Well when
I originally lost my diagnosis of seizure (epilepsy) that became less of a problem, my biggest problem now and he doesn't realize this is my asthma.

And I wouldn't dare tell him that now. But he informed me that before I would bring the family down in financial ruin he would divorce me first.
Gosh I just told him to go right ahead. As if its the first time he has threatened to divorce me in our 261/2 year marriage. Its not the 10th or 20th either. Not a clue how many I don't really care. Its always been something. We got married with someone not happy about it.

And its stayed that way, now its just him. Originally it was his mother.

My day, the big mess is next, this is just small potatoes.

Dmom3005 12-28-2007 11:31 PM

Donna's Day
My night and day started with not much fun. I was up every few hours, thanks to the pain and bruising in my left side. That was okay at 3:30
when I went to the bathroom, and took my emergency breather.

Then at 6:30 I awake to a stabbing pain, it moved from the side to my
left front, right under the breast. Couldn't move much, and breathing
was a crying spell. So I thought it was not going to get better. SO
I got dressed and took myself to ER. Decided I needed some help.

I then got back and found out I was to get a x-ray, blood work and some
pain meds, and a breathing treatment. He heard wheezing, yep I knew
that but the coughing was the worst. But it wasn't possible with the
Pain. Anyway I got the pain meds, the other stuff, all the sudden needed
a urine -catherater. So then I got back to my room, was feeling good thanks to pain meds.

Forgot as the pain meds were to be strong, was told if no one there, I would
have to have a ride. Ugh, didn't want to make that call. So asked if she
would. It was easier to get yelled at after it was over. Also knew he didn't
have the nerve to tell her no.

So then for some reason a ct scan was ordered too. Hmmm, I thought, why we are looking for kidney stones. And then they had said, a hour and
it would be all back, and home with hubby. Had even told him a hour.

Well it was 21/2 hours after he arrived about 30 to 45 minutes late, thinking okay they will be late, she will be ready. He was not mad at least.

Good mood, told Derrick he could have slept a extra 30 minutes at least.

They went to waiting room to watch tv, I told hubby to it was going to be probably at least a hour, the labs were taking a while. Not sure why it should have been back all ready.

But the diagnosis finally was, kidney stones, but not the pain, but will be one day. Going into pneumonia, and the coughing and stuff is rib cage pain probably from coughing. No ribs them self effected.

And that it was they were sending me home, but that if not better to come back. And it was really borderline to send me with the asthma.

I would probably have fought, but my mom's party at her house is tomorrow, night and I already know the meds he prescribed wont work till at least Sunday for sure. And unless they did IV really really strong I was stuck till
Sunday or Monday. ANd I didn't want him to deside to cancel on my mom.

Derrick didn't deserve that or the others.


bizi 12-29-2007 12:51 AM

I am reading this tonight and am so very sorry that your husband is doing this to you....
have you ever gone to marriage counseling?
do you have a therapist to help you cope?
what are they going to do about the kidney stones?
I wish I was there to help you...sounds like you could use some help.
Marriage should not be like this....

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