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AZjanie 08-03-2008 11:34 PM

Well; we are up to fifty cents and I think DH may be getting suspicious??:confused:

Anyhow; I may "throw" one we'll see...:rolleyes:

I am thrilled Jessie is up again. Glad I am not in the house; I'd be voted out for smacking a few of them!

Bearygood 08-04-2008 08:10 PM

Right on, Janie! You might be right -- and tomorrow night's show might be a good one to throw. Spoiler for spoiler lovers below:

A good one to throw BECAUSE...who would think that Jerry would actually WIN something? (I'd throw in a big smiley right here but it would appear in the text!) So right now there is BIG BIG news!!! First of all, Jerry did NOT use the POV. YAY YAY YAY!!! I am yaying because a big move is going down!!!

April is acting like the HOH queen (no surprise) and being more bossy than usual. The big move though is that Libra got a big clue! BIG. Just like one of those "Oh I should've had a V8" commercials where the person slaps themselves across the forehead. I saw the aftermath on Sho Too last night although I'm not sure exactly what happened. Essentially, Libra realized that April was planning everything in an attempt to stack the jury house in her own personal favor. So, to make a longer story short, Libra re-jumped on board with Keesha (after trashing her many, many times I might add) and agreed that she would rather see Jessie leave than Memphis. Keesha got Dan to agree so IF this doesn't change by Thursday, they'll have the majority vote (Keesha, Renny, Dan and Libra) and Jessie will be the one evicted! And if played correctly, April will be COMPLETELY blindsided. (As well as Manchelle aka Michelle, Oily aka Ollie and Jerry (you don't want to know what they call him because I'd have to tell you why). Ooohhh....FINALLY! The game might be getting good.

**end of spoiler**

Becky21 08-04-2008 09:26 PM

I agree with you. I would love to see Jessie evicted. He is one rude kid. I'd smack him and Memphis and Libra for yelling and cursing. They act like they want to physically tear someone up.

Tomorrow will be very interesting for sure.:)


Originally Posted by AZjanie (Post 338641)
Well; we are up to fifty cents and I think DH may be getting suspicious??:confused:

Anyhow; I may "throw" one we'll see...:rolleyes:

I am thrilled Jessie is up again. Glad I am not in the house; I'd be voted out for smacking a few of them!

Becky21 08-04-2008 09:30 PM


Excellent spoiler! I can't help myself....I have to peek. :p:hug:

Bearygood 08-04-2008 09:32 PM

Maybe WE can be the twist this year and storm the house. We can call it the "Smackdown" alliance. While we're in the house (I'm taking a cue from an Angie post-eviction interview I saw) I'd like to hide the girls' make-up.

Okay, I like Renny and she is of a "certain age" so 'Crazy Auntie' can keep hers.

Bearygood 08-04-2008 09:34 PM


Originally Posted by Becky21 (Post 339308)

Excellent spoiler! I can't help myself....I have to peek. :p:hug:

Yeah, uh, like who are you fooling, Becky? I know what you've been doing all day! :rolleyes: You're going to be able to write them all yourself pretty soon! :p

Becky21 08-04-2008 09:40 PM


I admit I have been a complete slug today but after all, I have horrible pain and it was 106 again today.:( What else can I do but surf the Internet and try to find spoilers to certain reality TV programs?:p:rolleyes:

I did get a nap, shower and changed pj's. :p:p LOL

I would never be as good as you are at writing the events that go on in the Big Brother House. Keep up the good work!:D:hug:


Originally Posted by Bearygood (Post 339312)
Yeah, uh, like who are you fooling, Becky? I know what you've been doing all day! :rolleyes: You're going to be able to write them all yourself pretty soon! :p

Bearygood 08-07-2008 09:32 PM

So crazy! I found out at about 4 PM today that BB was supposed to air here at 2:07 AM :eek: because of the Jets game! For some reason I switched to CBS about 8:35 and saw the show was on! (I must have psychically known, LOL.) The game was interrupted because of bad weather. YAY! (Sorry, sports fans!) I obviously missed the first part of the show but I saw the eviction and then the game resumed right before the HOH comp. :mad: I do know who won though and all I can say is it's going to be quite a week! :D Apparently there's lots of screaming going on already!

Becky21 08-08-2008 03:03 PM


I can't believe you missed BB!!! I bet that freaked you out!! LOL

I am so glad they finally got rid of Jessie, I am thrilled not to have to see him flexing all the time. UGH

It is going to be quite a week with Manchelle being HOH. OMG, I want her gone ASAP. I bet it has been wild in the house now. It's really getting good.:p:)

Did you miss seeing PeePaw? LOL:D:D:D:hug:


Originally Posted by Bearygood (Post 341551)
So crazy! I found out at about 4 PM today that BB was supposed to air here at 2:07 AM :eek: because of the Jets game! For some reason I switched to CBS about 8:35 and saw the show was on! (I must have psychically known, LOL.) The game was interrupted because of bad weather. YAY! (Sorry, sports fans!) I obviously missed the first part of the show but I saw the eviction and then the game resumed right before the HOH comp. :mad: I do know who won though and all I can say is it's going to be quite a week! :D Apparently there's lots of screaming going on already!

JessieSue 08-08-2008 03:21 PM

Excuse me.......sorry......sorry.......excuse me.......*plops fat butt down on sofa* Okey dokey ladies! I missed a good bit of the show, but I think I'm all caught up now, however I still haven't formed any real likes or dislikes yet. Oh, and what the hay is PeePaw???

Doody 08-08-2008 03:33 PM

Crikies, posted a bunch and lost it. :mad:

I can barely believe I've missed about 2 shows just because I forgot!

Last night I nearly stumbled across the floor for the TV remote when I realized it was on! I got on just in time to see Jessie be evicted and I was jumping for joy, cheering and applauding! Good grief he was just AWFUL! Have you EVER seen anyone that full of themselves? That boy has a lot of growing up to do. :rolleyes:

Anyway, that made me very happy. Since I've missed a couple of shows I missed out on quite a bit. I'm still not sure who is stabbing who and when the heck did April turn against Keesha and Libra??? I thought they were all buddy buddy.

The only person I think I can stand so far is Renny, and well I kinda like the guy who is America's player right now. he seems fairly harmless. Can't STAND Manchelle or the bartender guy whatever his name is. :o Oh I forgot, he has a special name for his 'profession'.

All in all I'm disappointed with this season's picks for Big Brother but then they sometimes they are pretty bad.

Doody 08-08-2008 03:42 PM

LOL! Oh, I think my head hurts after reading this hilarious interview with Jessie.

SandyC 08-08-2008 03:50 PM

Don't look if you don't want to know about BB After Dark
I have Showtime after Dark and watch these guys every night. Jim and I are addicted!!! Last night was one big huge B%^%chi fest about both alliances. lol It comes on here from 11-2am. God help Jim and I, we're going to be tired for awhile.

If you want to know what happens when the show goes off just ask me. Sometimes they are boring as all get out, just chatting and blah. But last night, my goodness! Michelle got some wine from home and April helped her drink it and they were dropping f bombs all over the place. Ollie just sits there and acts like April swearing isn't a big deal. Isn't he the son of a preacher man? You can tell it bothers him but he likes the blondie more I guess.

Keesha is out to basically ruin and or beat up April for sure. She literally talked non stop last night about her. Apparently a huge argument happened right after the show went off that none of us got to see. Renny, Libra and Keesha are tight but not so sure about Dan or Memphis. Memphis was playing each side last night while Dan slept. Libra, Keesha and Renny asked if Dan was America's Player. lol

If they find out he doesn't get the money right? I felt bad for him because Michelle, Ollie, April and Colonel were not so friendly about him. Wait until they find out he is America's Player. I think some will feel bad about it.

From what I could understand, Michelle hates Libra but is not sure about Dan. It will be one of them for sure I think but she may put a pawn up next to one so they can get them out in two weeks.

Oh and many are starting to think April is playing Ollie to get him to vote whatever way she wants. *rolleyes*

That's it! I'll report again after tonight. lol

PS: April turned on Keesha and Libra when they refused to not vote Jessie out. April promised Michelle and Jessie she wouldn't put them up after the all night HOH contest. In my opinion April turned on Keesha and Libra when she made that promise you know?

I also found out when they are evicted they go to a hotel where they are sequestered. They are calling it the vote house and apparently all those voted off get to come back and vote for the winner. At least that's how I understood it.

Oh and Renny is my favorite!

Bearygood 08-08-2008 05:42 PM


Originally Posted by JessieSue (Post 342060)
Oh, and what the hay is PeePaw???

Good to see you here, JessieSue.

I'm ONLY telling because you asked.

Jerry doesn't wash his hands after going to the bathroom.

Bearygood 08-08-2008 06:27 PM

Aw, Doody -- you jinxed me, LOL! I had a long post but I got logged out!! Will try to recreate it later.

SandyC 08-08-2008 06:47 PM

Thanks Beary!

Bobbi 08-08-2008 07:05 PM

I got a question: I'm a BB fan, and it baffles some people why I watch :D. For me? It's escapism; the show has no bearing or impact on my life so it's a diversion or just something to watch when I don't want to have to think.

Still: I wonder...

How many people would want to give up their RLs and hole-up with total strangers (going in). Not meeeeee :).

SandyC 08-08-2008 07:26 PM

Not meeeee either Bobbi!

Bearygood 08-08-2008 08:48 PM


Originally Posted by Bobbi (Post 342241)
How many people would want to give up their RLs and hole-up with total strangers (going in). Not meeeeee :).

Not me, either! :eek: The 12 strangers wouldn't bother me so much but putting my every move out there for the world to see? No sirreee!!

The show is a diverson for me and I have to admit that I have fun goofing on these people. I kind of feel guilty about it sometimes but then I remember that THEY put themselves out on display and they KNOW that we're going to do that! (And besides, Becky told me it was okay. :D) There's always one or two of those "Oh, I never watched the show" people but most of them are HUGE BB fans. They know the previous seasons inside and out and have visited the spoiler sites. They know what goes on although I don't think any of the players are ever really truly prepared to see the aftermath.

JessieSue 08-08-2008 08:59 PM


Originally Posted by Bearygood (Post 342153)
Good to see you here, JessieSue.

I'm ONLY telling because you asked.

Jerry doesn't wash his hands after going to the bathroom.

EEEWWW!! I just got a nasty image burned into my brain! LOL

I have no qualms with talkin' smack about the Big Brother folks. If they're gonna put themselves out there, I'm gonna rag on them. Makes me feel better about myself. LOL I need therapy, I know! Actually, I think I'm just a mean, nasty little person! LOL But I love my board buddies!!:grouphug:

BTW, am I the only one shocked that Dan coaches high school football? He looks like he would snap like a twig. :D

Bearygood 08-08-2008 09:00 PM


Originally Posted by Doody (Post 342068)
Since I've missed a couple of shows I missed out on quite a bit. I'm still not sure who is stabbing who and when the heck did April turn against Keesha and Libra??? I thought they were all buddy buddy.

I can't believe this but I'm not a Manchelle hater anymore, LOL. She's definitely not a favorite but I'm starting to find her endearing in a freakish kind of way. :D The "mixologist" is Memphis. I know people hate him too but he doesn't bother me. I'm with most of you though -- Renny is my fave!

The Keesha/Libra/April stuff we saw actually started happening before the vote. Libra finally had an epiphany that April was not truly acting for the group but doing what was solely best for her. This included stacking the jury house with people whose vote she could secure. Keesha and April have disliked each other for a while but it's just now coming out on the show. Behind the scenes there's been lots of trash talking. I like Keesha because she appears to truly be a good person but I think she and April tend to be a little jealous -- I absolutely believe that was a big part of wanting Angie out.

Not the best season ever but it's definitely starting to get good! :D And it's WAY better than that LAST one! :eek:

Bearygood 08-08-2008 09:09 PM


Originally Posted by JessieSue (Post 342329)
EEEWWW!! I just got a nasty image burned into my brain! LOL

I have no qualms with talkin' smack about the Big Brother folks. If they're gonna put themselves out there, I'm gonna rag on them. Makes me feel better about myself. LOL I need therapy, I know! Actually, I think I'm just a mean, nasty little person! LOL But I love my board buddies!!:grouphug:

BTW, am I the only one shocked that Dan coaches high school football? He looks like he would snap like a twig. :D

LOL. I just posted about the fact that they put themselves out there before I saw your post. I agree. Actually, I agree with everything you said, especially the EEEWWW!! :D

Dan is a good motivational speaker though you're right, he doesn't seem very rugged. :eek:

Bearygood 08-08-2008 09:34 PM

Okay, here's a spoiler to end the evening. Highlight the text below only if you want to see!

Less sexy thing is the food comp. Colonel PeePaw is on slop AGAIN! Seems like April is on some sort of food restriction until Sunday -- other than that I'm not sure who is and isn't eating. As we saw previewed on the show, old HGs came back to challenge the new crew. It was some sort of true and false game about news stories since the HGs entered the house. They found out for the first time that the earthquake was real.

Earlier this afternoon it looked like Manchelle was definitely thinking of putting up Libra but less sure about the other nominee. She was leaning towards Keesha or Dan. Memphis was trying to work on Manny to put up April, rightfully pointing out that she was the reason Jessie was in that situation in the first place. April nominated Jessie and also instructed Jerry not to use the POV. It feels like Memphis and others are a little uneasy that Manny might be doing a switcheroo over to the Oily and April alliance. Well, speculation no more -- the noms are in! Keesha and Libra on the block.

One last word about Dan. I really feel badly for him and this AP thing. His faith is being questioned by people in the house because he went back on his word and Jerry is being especially disgusting. Boy, I really wanted to like Colonel PeePaw but I just can't!

**end of spoiler**

Becky21 08-08-2008 10:24 PM


Please do not tell me that you like Manchelle!! Why, Beary, why would you like her? OOOHHH!!!

I'm glad Jess asked you about PeePaw. That was funny! Poor Little Jess got grossed out but she will get over it.:p It takes a lot to really gross her out, I have an email that from her that did the trick. LOL:p

I would never ever go on a reality program. My life has so much drama that I like to get away from it all. It really helps watching these crazy, mindless shows that show people who are so disfunctional and so fun to make fun of.:D

I admit that I told you it was perfectly normal to make fun of them since they put themselves out there for all the world to see.:D

SandyC 08-09-2008 07:23 AM

Don't look! BB After Dark spoiler
Oh man, something big happened during the day. Keesha and Renny have now pulled away from Libra. They still talk to Libra but only to play the game and get rid of her. As stated the food competition was held with previous members of BB. Apparently everyone except Michelle is on slop for the next five out of seven days. I guess they lost?

Last night I tuned in to Michelle and Keesha talking and it was all about Libra. I soon found out Michelle put up Libra and Keesha as Beary stated. The strategy is that no one will vote Keesha out and if there is a tie, Michelle can break the vote. Now, this is all dependant on who wins the POV. It is not likely to go bad for Keesha since no one really likes Libra at this point.

I couldn't stay up for the whole show since I had to get up early. I do know Jerry and Dan are absolutely not talking and must have had a fall out earlier in the day. Libra did go up and talk to Michelle and admitted she called her a two headed snake that had a head cut off, meaning Jessie.

That's all I have. Enjoy!

Bearygood 08-09-2008 10:57 AM


Originally Posted by Becky21 (Post 342375)

Please do not tell me that you like Manchelle!! Why, Beary, why would you like her? OOOHHH!!!

I admit that I told you it was perfectly normal to make fun of them since they put themselves out there for all the world to see.:D

Yes, thanks, Becky! I needed a conscience check to rationalize my behavior. :D

Re: Manny, she's absolutely not my numero uno but I think that she's a good person and I really do NOT like the character of some of the other HGs. She's also made a few observations in which she's now managed to convince me that she's not as clueless as I originally thought. :D

Here's a little non-spoiler item. I don't know that we'll see it on TV and it's too funny not to share. (Well, it made ME chuckle!)

Some of the HGs were speculating about what would happen if Jerry happened to make it to the final two. (You know that at this point the sequester house gets to interview the F2.) Dan said that he would ask Jerry what his biggest move in the game was and all he would hear in response was crickets. :D

Bearygood 08-09-2008 07:33 PM

Remember, tomorrow night's the nomination ceremony! I'll leave you tonight with a spoiler. Highlight only if you want to know!

I'm a little conflicted. As I mentioned, I started to like Manchelle -- except for one thing but it's a biggie! After a series of continuing meetings which I saw on Sho Too (as I'm sure Sandy did) she made some very astute observations about the HGs -- except for one. She does NOT see April's true colors! Memphis was even speculating that she might go over to the "other side". It unfortunately looks like he might be right. Manny's been pretty truthful about everything to everybody - not necessarily divulging all but not lying about what she does say. However, she's been the MOST forthcoming with Ape. April and Libra pretty much take the prize for the most trash talking about everyone behind their back (except Oily) but April is the worst. OOOOH -- I do NOT like this girl! I don't like Manny's plan for this week on a personal level but it's not a stupid one. I just hate that she's playing right into April's slimy little hands! I want April out even more than I want Libra out!

Libra is Manny's target this week. She's made that clear to everyone and if for some reason Libra or Keesha wins veto and takes themselves off, Dan will go up. She said she chose Keesha to go up next to Libra because she feels she's the best way to ensure Libra leaves, stating that she knows there's no way the house will vote to keep Libra over Keesha.

So now let's fast forward to the POV. The worst thing that could've happened did happen. Jerry won POV -- again!!! @#*!!!!?! See, Jerry has replaced his former #1 target Memphis with the new #1 target Dan. The irony is that they all actually suspect that Dan may be America's Player so if they believe they're right, how could they blame him for casting America's vote?? But it matters not because Dan is now hated by all who wanted Jessie to stay. Jerry has cussed out Dan and given him the figure a few times. Poor Dan. April thinks he should lose his job for being such a liar and noted that he's not wearing his cross. So where I'll leave you tonight is that Jerry is already trying to convince Michelle to allow him to use the veto so she'll have to put Dan up. Jerry to Michelle: "I want that prick to feel it." Nice, Grandpa PeePaw.

We'll see where this goes but once again, poor little Dan. I think his mother was right when she said he shouldn't have accepted the AP challenge!

**end of spoiler**

Bearygood 08-10-2008 12:15 AM

Well, I got reeled in and turned on the tube. Note to Sandy -- I hope you and Jim are watching Showtime because I'm not sure I could even begin to recap this drunken mess, LOL. I'm not sure if it's a good or bad thing that the houseguests got alcohol tonight!!! :eek:

JessieSue 08-10-2008 12:17 PM

Becky! You sold me out! LOL Don't believe her BG! Oh wait, I guess she sent you hard evidence, huh? LOL So I don't gross out too easily, but I can scare easily over certain things. Again, I've been playing catch up this season and really have yet to form strong opinions about anyone. However, loud transvestites in red unitards scare me.
Manchelle = scares Jessie LOL
I'd actually rather trade her in for that bawl baby with the silly putty mush face from a few seasons back.......I think Amber was her name. :D

SandyC 08-10-2008 01:55 PM

OK, only highlight if you want to know about last night!
Oh dear, the first thing BB should do is eliminate alcohol from the house! Everyone except Ollie drank at the Surf and Turf dinner. They went around the table kissing butt left and right, you know, first drink love fest. lol Oh man, after several drinks all he11 broke loose and the women are screaming at each other like crazy! Now, the men are staying cool, even Peepaw and Memphis are talking! Dan and Peepaw laid it all on the table and they are cordial. lol It was crazy man!

Michelle goes off on everyone yelling how if she wasn't the HOH everyone would have voted her off. Keesha is yelling how she hates April and Libra, yet when alone she is trying to convince April that Libra is wrong. When alone with Michelle she tries to convince that April is wrong and Libra. It's all so confusing.

Lesson number 1: Never drink alcohol because the truth comes out and the next day your screwed.

Lesson number 2: Don't try to keep up with a show when the cast is drunk.

The bottom line is Jerry does have the POV and he is going to use it on Libra I think. The only reason I think this is because at the end of the show Jerry is talking to Ollie alone and Jerry jumps up and starts mimicking someone from the house. Ollie is egging Jerry on to do it. The only person I can think of that danced around like that is Libra. I think she danced like that when April became the HOH or something. So, while we all thought Jerry would put up Dan, and he still may, I think he'll let Keesha out and leave Libra on the chopping block.

I will say Libra is pretty much the only one who has owned up to the stuff she has said and done. I also agree with her that she does not have the power over everyone to get them to vote her way. This is apparently why everyone hates her. It was Keesha that went after dan to vote out Jessie, not Libra. In her defense, she was not alone and seems to be taking the fall. That's the game though right?

Anyway, I'll update after tonight because this was a drunk fest and I think once they are sober it's going to get real interesting. Plus, I had a real hard time keeping up with all the fights. It was so loud I had to turn my tv down for fear the neighbors would think it was us! lol

Renny cracked me up last night and said no more alcohol in this house. lmao

Bearygood 08-10-2008 04:19 PM

YouTube Links
Comment to what Sandy posted above and some links from the craziness last night. Highlight only if you want to see!

Sandy, I so agree with what you said about the lessons. In regard to #1 about the truth coming out though I'm not so sure who's going to be screwed. I haven't looked at the spoiler sites today but I saw last night's events a little differently. I see Keesha as the drunk who loves everyone -- I actually think she was sincere. (Maybe I feel this way because I'm that kind of drunk too, LOL!) For me, Libra was ultimately the liar. I don't think she owned up to what she did at all. I saw her referred to as the Omarosa of BB, LOL. Like Omarosa, Libra scares me because I think she actually believes what she says and has a really skewed paradigm of the truth! I can't figure out why April seems to come out unscathed but if I hadn't seen anything previously she would have gotten me on her side last night! Although I don't like her, maybe she IS the best game player! She's now said several times that her "heart is too big for this game". Wow -- I so do NOT see that! Anyway, just my opinion and I think it's absolutely fascinating that we can see these things differently.

Michelle was crazy and while it was uncomfortable, it sure was good entertainment, LOL! I couldn't believe I wound up watching until it went off the air! If anyone has the interest or stamina to go through these, here are the events of last night as appeared on YouTube today. If you want to see any of these and can't click from the hidden text, just copy and paste it somewhere else and change the font color.

How this all started was that Keesha suggested that they all go around the table and say something nice about someone. Memphis is wearing onions as a result of the POV comp. April won designer clothes in the comp -- that'll come into play during one of the arguments. The clips are in the sequence they appeared.


Part 1:

Part 2: (includes Jerry comments about Dan being America's Player)

Part 3:

Part 4: By this time Keesha is REALLY drunk. This is where the designer outfit comment was made. IMO this was later blown out of proportion by Libra.



Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

Part 4:

Part 5:

Part 6:

Part 7:

Part 8:

Part 9:

Part 10:

ETA: edited to add that today's consensus about last night, at least by Michelle, is that Libra tried to throw Keesha under the bus. She feels more sure now than ever that she wants Libra out.

**end of spoiler**

SandyC 08-10-2008 06:11 PM

To Beary. Don't look if you didn't read the spoiler. :-)
Yeah, I see what you mean Beary. It's hard to say who is trustworthy at this point. Like I said before I hope Renny wins because she just cracks me up!

Libra, to me and Jim, seemed to be the only one telling what she did and apologizing. I think your right about Keesha, she's a drunk who loves everyone. But mercy, April isn't one of them or is she? Maybe it's Libra? lol

I can't say until I see tonight how she acts when sober. hahaha!

I laughed everytime I saw Dan though. When someone said anything about Jessie he looked at the camera. lol

Becky21 08-10-2008 10:46 PM

Little Jess,

I didn't sell you out! What I told Beary was all true, wasn't it? :eek: Little miss innocent? She did get the hard evidence via email. LOL:):)

I do believe you do scare easily because Manchelle scares the carp out of me!:eek: I would hate to run into her or him in a dark place. She or he could really hurt somebody big time.:D:p:p



Originally Posted by JessieSue (Post 343527)
Becky! You sold me out! LOL Don't believe her BG! Oh wait, I guess she sent you hard evidence, huh? LOL So I don't gross out too easily, but I can scare easily over certain things. Again, I've been playing catch up this season and really have yet to form strong opinions about anyone. However, loud transvestites in red unitards scare me.
Manchelle = scares Jessie LOL
I'd actually rather trade her in for that bawl baby with the silly putty mush face from a few seasons back.......I think Amber was her name. :D

Becky21 08-10-2008 10:54 PM


You are doing an excellent job of keeping us up to date on BB when Beary is too busy.:) You and Beary are the best and I don't know how in the world you two can keep up with all that is going on.:eek::eek: I forgot what I had for breakfast so it's good that nobody is counting on me. LOL:p

Love ya,

Becky21 08-10-2008 10:57 PM


I love the nickname for Libra. LOL I am getting ready to watch all of the youtube clips as soon as I log off.

Tonights show was pretty darn good.:D My fav's are Keesha, Renny and Dan.:) It doesn't seem like Ollie is even part of the show.:confused: What's up with that?? :confused:


[QUOTE=Bearygood;343674]Comment to what Sandy posted above and some links from the craziness last night. Highlight only if you want to see!

Bearygood 08-10-2008 11:04 PM

As Zoila from "Flipping Out" would say, it's "chocking"! :eek: I don't want to blow it for the folks who don't do the spoiler thang but suffice to say, the fight on TV tonight was nothing compared to what's happening after hours. :mf_argue: I hope they don't have a lot of sharp and pointy objects in the house! :mf_swordfight:

So what'd y'all think of Manchelle's nominees? And who's your personal favorite and also favorite to win it? (I know this could change by next week!)

Bearygood 08-10-2008 11:10 PM


Originally Posted by Becky21 (Post 344016)
My fav's are Keesha, Renny and Dan.:) It doesn't seem like Ollie is even part of the show.:confused: What's up with that??

Becky, you're pyschic! You answered part of the question I asked before you saw it, LOL! I'm with you but I'm telling you, I do think Manchelle is a little impressive now that she's not joined by the hip to Tool Boy! I think that voting Jessie out was the best thing that could've happened for her game! I like Ollie as a person a lot -- I hope there's trouble in Paradise and that he splits from the Ice Princess soon.

Serious question -- does anyone on here like April?

Becky21 08-10-2008 11:25 PM

ROTFLMAO:p:p:p Zoila saying it's "chocking". Ok, Beary you are making me laugh too hard again. Stop that!:D:ROTFLMAO::ROTFLMAO: ROTF makes my body hurt and it is very hard for me to get up off the floor!:D:D


Originally Posted by Bearygood (Post 344023)
As Zoila from "Flipping Out" would say, it's "chocking"! :eek: I don't want to blow it for the folks who don't do the spoiler thang but suffice to say, the fight on TV tonight was nothing compared to what's happening after hours. :mf_argue: I hope they don't have a lot of sharp and pointy objects in the house! :mf_swordfight:

So what'd y'all think of Manchelle's nominees? And who's your personal favorite and also favorite to win it? (I know this could change by next week!)

SandyC 08-11-2008 10:21 AM

I fell alseep watching bb after dark so I have no updates. I am sorry.

PS: I do not like April.

Doody 08-11-2008 11:10 AM


Originally Posted by JessieSue (Post 343527)
... I'd actually rather trade her in for that bawl baby with the silly putty mush face from a few seasons back.......I think Amber was her name. :D

Oh ICK! who could forget Whamber, LOL!

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