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Old 01-08-2016, 05:14 PM #1
concernedmom15 concernedmom15 is offline
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Default Not able to play sports-what now? Need support/ideas

My 12 year old boy has had over 5 concussions now -3 of the "real" kind in sports and the others by hitting head on car door or by being hit with ball or elbow to head. Now after taking 2 months to recover from PCS has been told no more contact sports including baseball and basketball. Soccer is the greatest loss for him--he can't even look at his soccer cleats or walk by kids playing soccer without getting emotional. Now to top it off since he hasn't been able to be active at school--he has been bullied and shunned for not being able to be active or a part of things. He has lost his friends. We are trying to work on things with the school and bullying--but he has been devastated by all the bullying, teasing and lack of support from peers. And we are trying to get him to try new sports like golf. He basically almost needs to reinvent himself for things to do. Help!! There must be other kids out there who have had these same issues. What do I do? Is there any books out there that would be good for him? We are waiting for counseling. Unable to find peer support groups in our area. What can I do?
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Old 01-08-2016, 05:47 PM #2
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Hi and welcome, though sorry to hear of your reason for being here, and hoping your son will find support and healing.

Perhaps our PCS/TBI forum members may be able to provide some helpful input?



These forums are for mutual support and information sharing only. The forums are not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment provided by a qualified health care provider. Always consult your doctor before trying anything you read here.
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Old 01-15-2016, 08:43 PM #3
pinkswede17 pinkswede17 is offline
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Originally Posted by concernedmom15 View Post
My 12 year old boy has had over 5 concussions now -3 of the "real" kind in sports and the others by hitting head on car door or by being hit with ball or elbow to head. Now after taking 2 months to recover from PCS has been told no more contact sports including baseball and basketball. Soccer is the greatest loss for him--he can't even look at his soccer cleats or walk by kids playing soccer without getting emotional. Now to top it off since he hasn't been able to be active at school--he has been bullied and shunned for not being able to be active or a part of things. He has lost his friends. We are trying to work on things with the school and bullying--but he has been devastated by all the bullying, teasing and lack of support from peers. And we are trying to get him to try new sports like golf. He basically almost needs to reinvent himself for things to do. Help!! There must be other kids out there who have had these same issues. What do I do? Is there any books out there that would be good for him? We are waiting for counseling. Unable to find peer support groups in our area. What can I do?
"Parenting Children With Health Issues: Essential Tools, Tips, and Tactics for Raising Kids With Chronic Illness, Medical Conditions, and Special Healthcare Needs" is a pretty good one, although it tend to focus on chronic life-shortening illnesses, it's still a good one for helping your kiddo have a positive attitude, have good health management, how to make the best out of what he CAN do and helps you to help him get rid of his illness or disability or whatever being his identity, and instead teaches him or her how to identify themselves as a person with an illness, disability etc (if that makes sense).

I don't know if they have leagues in your area for his age group, but have you thought about other sports like swimming and track? He'd still be part of a team, but I'm thinking his doc would approve these sports.

I'm sorry your family is going through this.
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