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Old 08-25-2011, 06:34 PM #21
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Originally Posted by MiaVT View Post
I don't know about the statement about old drugs being played off as pain meds. I take 2 "epilepsy" meds for nerve pain and the relief is SO much better than what I get from my Morphine OR the Fentanyl patch that I wear. I have herniated & badly degenerated discs at 3 levels. The ones in my neck cause me to have horrific headaches, and cause pain AND numbness to radiate out my shoulder and down to my fingertips. Were it not for Topomax and Zonisamide (both of which cause weight loss-- yay!) I would be in bad shape. I only have numbness in the very tips of my fingers and my arm feels pretty good. No headaches either! I'm pretty glad to be taking those meds that are meant for other things but had surprising side effects.
You're getting morphine and Fentanyl plus the anti-seizure meds? I'm very surprised they're allowing you to use them all. I got to use them as stand alone treatments.
Those meds work for some of us but I'm one who tried them all and just got more pain and side effects. My Fentanyl doesn't work as well as my morphine but it did allow me to have some quality of life. As they "wean me off" my meds I'm in constant pain and I'm NOT going to live like this. I'm glad the meds worked for you but sadly they don't work for everyone.

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Old 08-25-2011, 06:39 PM #22
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Originally Posted by ridehard2208 View Post
Hey alex44, First let me thank you for your service to this country! What priority group were you in at the VA Medical Center.

With a large amount of men and women coming back from Iraq & Afghanistan with medical needs they drop lower groups to make room, it's not by choice they just don't have the funds.

However no one Vet or not should get subsrandard treatment or treated with disrespect; the VA Medical center has a patient care office not only to report your lack of respectiful treatment but also has a patient advocate.

I go to a truly wonderful VA Medical Center and have a great medical team, who not only treat me with the utmost respect but also help me physically & mentally toward a better quality of life. And also is the best medical facility I've ever been to!!

Glad you have found a place where you feel you get good treatment with respect!

Good luck!
I know they do their best at our VAMC but I had to go to the ER on Monday because I couldn't get in to see my doctor. I waited for 6 hours before I was seen. WHY because they only had 1 doctor and nurse on duty. Before there were always 2 or 3 doctors on duty. Yet our legislators still get gold standard medical. On top of this all veterans who don't have cancer are being forced off their pain meds. What a great thank you from our country. I feel totally betrayed by my government.
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Old 08-25-2011, 06:41 PM #23
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Originally Posted by ginnie View Post
[Thank you to both of you, and to the rest of our service members who gave of themselves for our country. I have two in my family that served. My adopted son Joe, is over in Africa digging wells someplace. Nobody should ever yell at you for any reason, especially at a medical facility. Maybe for the sake of those that follow you into that same Dr. you should report it. If my boys were ever treated with such disrespect, I think I would be in DC myself to complain.
I have pain issues also and don't want to reduce further after my surgery C3-7. I am also limping now. Why is there this big push to remove a person from all meds.? I think dr.s are afraid of what this new Gov. Bill will do to them. I am afraid for fantastic dr.s there are who are willing to help with pain. How do we protect, our doctors, the patients, while getting rid of the bad guys who take to the streets? This issue is going to effect most of us with our doctors. The good doctors that are legitimate are being effected very negatively and I am not sure what can be done. In my own case, I will continue to be honest and curtious to my dr. as he really has been with me.
Maybe if the dr.s read the boards more, they could find out alot more about our real mental state regarding all these issues. Healing isn't just about the body. Thats why that Dr. who yelled at you was so wrong. I can't imagin coming home a wounded vet, to be treated bad. That should be changed. thanks again to all of you, ginnie
They say there is an increased chance of us dying early. Like who wants to live 40 years in pain??? I'd rather have 10 good years then 60 crappy ones. I think this is all coming from the DEA who want to keep their jobs even if all of us die of pain. They also say that the pain meds are causing increased pain in us not the progression of the diseases or injuries we have. My new doctor tried telling me that the opiods are causing me to develop more pain receptors and that is what is causing my increased pain not the injuries. I hate when people **** on my head and then tell me it's raining.

Last edited by ColoVet; 08-25-2011 at 06:44 PM. Reason: forgot something
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Old 08-25-2011, 08:19 PM #24
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Originally Posted by spine95 View Post
I hit the roof when the local VA hospital gave my father, a WW II vet, a hard time over needing to write an oral chemo script. It was outrageously expensive and his Medicare and supplement would not cover it. VA would. It was hard enough that he had to endure a major cancer scare and surgery. He didn't need the VA run around. The oncologist that he saw said he was tired of writing chemo scripts for patients who had their surgery in a civilian hospital. I told him if he couldn't network with doctors outside the VA system, our congressman (friend of the family) would help him find Dad one that could. We left with a script and an arrangement for him to see a VA oncologist q 12 months. I still wrote and called everyone and their dog about the treatment. If I had not been with him, he would have gone home empty handed.
According to one lady I saw at the VA ER, they are now running death panels to decide if they should treat your cancer or let you die. She was outraged when her husband was dx'd and was told that the panel would decide if he would get treatment.

How many veterans are going to die at the hands of their government? And are any of the doctors going to stand up for the vets?

What was once a good medical system is being destroyed by our legislators who act like 2 year olds and the bean counters.
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Old 08-25-2011, 08:24 PM #25
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Originally Posted by alex44 View Post
Iam a vet, I am a C/P patient, My doc wants to totally change a 13 year regiman, send me to a pain clinic,(an hour away - yes they have a shuttle) the paperwork says it is voluntary - I no longer go to the VA - I got Medicaid and get treated far better. I have NO use for a doctor that thinks he is god and Yell's - yes you heard right and will not answer questions, like I am an idiot. I know more about my conditions then he does. I got SSI very quickly, I should report him but I have learned not to rock the boat - BE AWARE - A lot of docs check this and other boards so be careful what you say.
I'm glad you found a solution. I have no other options other then the VA. I too am an expert on my condition but the doctors could care less. My VAMC doctor keeps telling me that she's not taking my meds away to hurt me but rather to help me. All this help is going to kill me.

And I have no reason to be careful. Anything I say here I've already said to the VA.
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Old 08-25-2011, 08:28 PM #26
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Originally Posted by ginnie View Post
Yes, I know about what the Gov. is doing with pain meds. I do live in fla. and it is very true that you can go doctor shopping which is horrible to do. This state has a bad rep. because there are doctors who do this and know they are doing wrong by their patients. I could have gone to one of these places, a few are less than a mile away. I chose a real pain specialist. I will gladly give my thumb print, and prove I do not abuse if I have to. I hate giving up more of my personal information, but these meds do need to be regulated more. I see the results down here, and how the good doctors now have to be so carefull. I hope my doctor does watch me and what I say on this site. I really don't keep secrets from him at all. maybe they should hearhat we have to say. I think there are real reasons for taking these opiod meds. People truely need them to have some quality of life. That is the issue as stake. Good doctors are being more carefull because the regulators are breathing down their necks. It only takes a few bad apples to spoil the whole bunch. ginnie
They really don't need antsy excuses to do what they are doing. Even if there was no doctor shopping going on they'd simply find another reason to do this. The DEA must persecute us in order to keep their jobs. the drug war is a failure that has cost us too much money and needs to be dropped. How many good doctors are now in jail because they actually gave a crap @ their patients????? Wouldn't it be nice if doctors made medial decisions without having to worry about losing their licenses?

Last edited by ColoVet; 08-25-2011 at 08:29 PM. Reason: sp error
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Old 08-25-2011, 08:32 PM #27
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Originally Posted by ol'cs View Post
Why giving chronic pain patients a chance to have a few hours a day not in twisted,life stopping pain, is a big deal. something is making the issue of the fact that americans take 80% of the worlds pain meds, like maybe the figures are wrong. Countries like Afghanistan have been producing their pain meds for centuries, because they NEED THEM. I'll bet if all countries had reasonable medically sanctioned use of pain killers they would consume vastly more drugs, for those who NEED them. I am sane, it's the chronic pain that has a chockehold on my wanting to end it.
Great question and post.

I had one doctor tell me that the Bible says we should suffer our pain and that's why he doesn't support pain management or euthanasia. I wonder if he'd feel the same if he suffered the amount of pain we do.
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Old 08-25-2011, 08:35 PM #28
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Originally Posted by Free Kittens View Post
I wonder if that 80% takes into consideration that many other contries do not require prescriptions for the lower level narcotic painmeds, like vicodin?

I have lost 2 good docs to the feds war on drugs, one packed up and went to a friendlier state, the other just stopped prescribing pain meds at all, only gave a referral to a pain clinic. I have a great GP now. I am on lots of meds and prefer they all be prescribed by one doc so as to monitor interactions.

I am hoping that the climate eases for our pain docs.

Free Kittens
As long as there is a DEA and a government that doesn't give a crap about the people (they think we will all just allow them to do what they want because we haven't done anything in the past) this kind of stuff will continue. We need to band together and start demanding that this cease. That they give up this stupid war on drug and allow us adult to make our own decisions. Anything between consenting adult or done by adults should be legal as long as it doesn't harm anyone ELSE!!

This push to get all veteran off pain meds is about saving money and hoping that we all die so they don't have to use money to treat us.

I think it's time we got the ACLU to do something that might actually get them good press. I've written both out local papers without any luck.

I been given so many different stories by the VA I can hardly keep them straight. First I was told that new studies show that we can die from the meds (like you can't die from pain) and that because a few vet sell their meds they just can't afford to allow us to take them. Then I was told that the orders came from the top. Then I was told that they looked at the amount of pain meds being given at the VA and decided they were excessive. I don't guess that it occurred to them that maybe when you send soldiers to war that alot of painful injuries are the result. You know that if it was a congressman or senator who was in pain he/she would get what ever they needed no questions asked.

I'd like to hear what other vets have to say about this issue. Is this happening in other VAMC's and if so what are you being told?
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Old 08-27-2011, 09:58 AM #29
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Default RE: hold on

We are indeed sabotaged by our government. I will not go through the kind of pain I experienced before eithor. I have had enough. I understand how you feel. My father had throat cancer, he seized in my arms on the floor more than once. His pain was so great all I could do is sit and rock him in my arms. Nobody should ever go through that ever! We are humans not animals, infact animals are treated better. I face a throat cancer right now just as my dad did. They are going to try to "hold" it off,....nice huh. Well I am not doing the prescribed treatment. NO WAY in hell will I have my throat and esophogus burned out to see what will happen. NO WAY...I have been off line for awhile because my mood is so bad. I joined final exit. If I face that kind of pain my father had to endure, there will be one less human on earth. I do understand and have made that choice to seek council. This site may not agree, and that is their right. However, pain can only be tolerated to a certain degree without going out of ones mind. After watching both my parents suffer through normal medical traditions, I have picked something else. God bless all of us. ginnie
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Old 08-27-2011, 10:10 AM #30
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Default RE: God and suffering

The God I know, does not want us to suffer. That is why he put these drugs on earth and gave us brains to use them. I do not believe our God wants us to suffer just so we can go to heaven. No, not for one minute do I believe that. We have tools these days to help. doctors are becoming more and more afraid, and less and less compassonate. I do belive compassion was one of the things stressed in the bible. I believe in the compassionate care, more in end life senerios than normal medical attention allows. Even though my father had hospice, it was not enough to control his pain. That will not happen to me. I always pray for those on this site.
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