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PamelaJune 05-02-2015 01:45 AM

So tired
Having blood tests, no energy at all, disinterested in everything and everything is an effort, even to lift an arm. Mind is restless, struggle to concentrate.

Still working, it's an effort, but I'm hanging on.:eek:

Lara 05-02-2015 04:26 AM

Thinking of you Pam. You've done so much in a short period of time too so combine that with pain and any wonder you're getting exhausted. Take care of yourself.

ger715 05-04-2015 09:27 PM


Originally Posted by PamelaJune (Post 1139721)
Having blood tests, no energy at all, disinterested in everything and everything is an effort, even to lift an arm. Mind is restless, struggle to concentrate.

Still working, it's an effort, but I'm hanging on.:eek:

Hopefully, if and when working is causing you too much pain and energy to allow some enjoyment;...... with a sense of accomplishment, you will "pat" yourself on the back and say "I did it;..but now it's time to reward myself with a break from working; at least for now".

Take care dear friend:hug:


PamelaJune 01-08-2016 06:03 PM

12 months
Can you believe it, I have been there 12 months now. It was a difficult start with some challenging people, but, we have overcome the "newness" of my role somewhere along the way and work together when we need to.

I still maintain my 3 days a week, but they are not fixed. I have managed to get a job where I can go to work when I can go to work if that makes sense. I can work from home as well and so I juggle my attending the office and the duties I perform around my pain levels. Yes there are days when the pain is bad and I still have to go in but on balance I'm pretty chuffed with my effort. :grouphug:

EnglishDave 01-08-2016 07:17 PM

I cannot believe it has been a year already, I remember the start of your Journey to Work so clearly and the issues you had - the days you were down.

Huge Congratulations are in order - I hope you get a big bunch of flowers and a chocolate cake.


kiwi33 01-08-2016 09:15 PM

PamelaJune, that is great news - well done :)!

Diandra 01-09-2016 12:03 AM

Dear Pam,
It is AMAZING it has been a year. are an inspiration to me and I am sure to so many others here.
I am glad it has worked out for worked so hard to stick with it and deserve the success.

All the best in 2016.
Big hug,

p.s. Hope you are better from the parking lot "bump"

PamelaJune 02-18-2016 03:58 PM

I received a beautiful bouquet of flowers yesterday, stunning blooming pink roses with a gorgeous smell. All accompanied with a lovely note from one of the employees, "thank you for all you have done for me, you have gone above and beyond ...." It made me cry. Such a nice and very unexpected gesture.:)

EnglishDave 02-18-2016 07:30 PM

PamelaJune you big softie, getting all emotional! I am sure the bouquet was thoroughly deserved - have a hug to go with it :hug:


PamelaJune 08-20-2016 10:10 AM

Last month I got another bouquet of flowers with a message of thanks for all you have done for me. Managed her workers injuries and assisted her negotiate settlement etc, arrange super payments etc and help her embrace retirement, we have a duty of care to our people, why do so many pass judgements on people on WC. It's just too hard to fake in today's age. Anyway, I felt pleased for her and on this Friday just gone she messaged to say the chq had arrived as well. :p

It started out as such an ordinary day, there were a few odd moments I confess I didn't pay much attention to (how we missed it I don't know); then suddenly just before 4 it all kicked off. I thought my days of talking down a violent person were long gone, how wrong, before I knew it I was chasing him down, verbally halting him before I had no choice other than to physically restrain him. I don't know where my strength came from but I managed to draw him away, physically lift/jerk him 6 inches in an opposite direction and gain the upper ground to eyeball and talk some sense before a bad situation got totally out of hand. I got him back inside with his grateful wife and then escorted the two to their car within 5 minutes and saw them off property. :cool:

Why? His wife (our young receptionist) has (unbeknown to me) been systematically bullied and harassed by a male warehouse team member over the last 6 weeks and who on Friday afternoon completely overstepped his finely contrived line & she cracked. Her tears and fear palpable, we immediately began the machinations to address the issue, the perpetrator meanwhile maybe unaware of what was happening inside or that she had finally complained (or perhaps hoping he'd finally cracked her) was sat outside in his car as he has been doing now often daily for up 40 min post his shift, all to intimidate her. He had to have known her husband had arrived so I think he had made the decision to welcome a showdown. She meanwhile had obviously confided in her husband, he arrived to take her home, saw her in tears and quickly deduced what was going on. His first words were I warned you, I'm taking care if it now and turned on his heel striding outside, through the carpark heading straight for the TM. How I did it I don't know, I sprinted after the husband with the wife trailing me still sobbing begging him no along with me saying you will make it worse, and as I said got that under control, as they left the premise the perpetrator was still sat in his car eyeballing me with a grin from ear to ear, his window down, no doubt heard and obviously saw all that transpired. :mad:

After it was over I was back inside in shock, my heart pounding, my hands trembling and a tad speechless. HR came to check on me because the trainer & administrator witnessed it all from the end training room (didn't come to help) & once I was back inside loudly let the 2 remaining men on property know I looked injured, we wrote our notes and I had no choice but to let him know I've wrenched my back, no doubt when I lifted the guy, my forearms ache along with my wrist n hands. I've got lots of little cuts all over my hands, maybe from his watch? The receptionist will be safe, she was still crying and thanking me as she left, her partner blankly looking at me, I got a message from him 30 min later truly apologising and thanking me for looking after her. I replied I understood his reaction and intent to protect her and again reiterate please leave it with us to resolve without violence. I apologised if he finds he has talon finger marks prints (bruises) on his forearms where I had gripped him, my hands are so sore I had to have left a mark :(

This Monday is not going to be pleasant, fortunately there are witnesses to the TM odd behaviour this past 5/6 weeks and also those who have heard the odd things he has said. HR will have their day!

Meanwhile my husband is peeved at me, I'm in pain and trying hard to hide it from him. I acted instinctively, I used to be a DM in London and many times came up against violent situations where we gained control, I knew what I was doing, it's just 15 yrs since I've done it, it all came back in a flash, wish I had the wherewithal to realise my limitations. My hands are wrapped in linolene and vitamin e cream, my SCS up full blast and painkillers taken. :eek:

No doubt I will also get told off at work for physically restraining the guy, it's probably all on the CCTV; the talk inside, the restraining outside and the talk again once again the inside, then the getting them both in the car to leave without further issue. Her lips & teeth were shuddering like when you are freezing cold, clearly she was in shock. I just wanted to protect a young vulnerable 22yr old girl and then her young husband from doing something all would regret later. I know what violence looks like and it was in his eyes and in his face - loud and clearly transmitting!! Oh and the perpetrator - I swear I saw pennywise the clown!! I'm praying Friday will have been his last.

Sorry to offload, so needed to get it off my chest, can't talk about it back here and no one knows me on here. :hug:

bluesfan 08-20-2016 06:53 PM

Pamela June
You are one brave brave lady.

I've had the experience of having to step in when someone is in danger from another violent person and instinct just kicks in and you do what you have to do. The adrenaline surge alone is enough to upset you let alone having to physically manhandle someone when you are already in pain.

I hope you're recovering from the ordeal and taking time to recuperate gently. All the best for it all being sorted out smoothly (without more stress to you) by HR & management on Monday.

Let us know you're okay and vent away if you need to.

Gentle hugs :hug: :hug:

ger715 08-20-2016 10:46 PM


Originally Posted by PamelaJune (Post 1221139)
Last month I got another bouquet of flowers with a message of thanks for all you have done for me. Managed her workers injuries and assisted her negotiate settlement etc, arrange super payments etc and help her embrace retirement, we have a duty of care to our people, why do so many pass judgements on people on WC. It's just too hard to fake in today's age. Anyway, I felt pleased for her and on this Friday just gone she messaged to say the chq had arrived as well. :p

It started out as such an ordinary day, there were a few odd moments I confess I didn't pay much attention to (how we missed it I don't know); then suddenly just before 4 it all kicked off. I thought my days of talking down a violent person were long gone, how wrong, before I knew it I was chasing him down, verbally halting him before I had no choice other than to physically restrain him. I don't know where my strength came from but I managed to draw him away, physically lift/jerk him 6 inches in an opposite direction and gain the upper ground to eyeball and talk some sense before a bad situation got totally out of hand. I got him back inside with his grateful wife and then escorted the two to their car within 5 minutes and saw them off property. :cool:

Why? His wife (our young receptionist) has (unbeknown to me) been systematically bullied and harassed by a male warehouse team member over the last 6 weeks and who on Friday afternoon completely overstepped his finely contrived line & she cracked. Her tears and fear palpable, we immediately began the machinations to address the issue, the perpetrator meanwhile maybe unaware of what was happening inside or that she had finally complained (or perhaps hoping he'd finally cracked her) was sat outside in his car as he has been doing now often daily for up 40 min post his shift, all to intimidate her. He had to have known her husband had arrived so I think he had made the decision to welcome a showdown. She meanwhile had obviously confided in her husband, he arrived to take her home, saw her in tears and quickly deduced what was going on. His first words were I warned you, I'm taking care if it now and turned on his heel striding outside, through the carpark heading straight for the TM. How I did it I don't know, I sprinted after the husband with the wife trailing me still sobbing begging him no along with me saying you will make it worse, and as I said got that under control, as they left the premise the perpetrator was still sat in his car eyeballing me with a grin from ear to ear, his window down, no doubt heard and obviously saw all that transpired. :mad:

After it was over I was back inside in shock, my heart pounding, my hands trembling and a tad speechless. HR came to check on me because the trainer & administrator witnessed it all from the end training room (didn't come to help) & once I was back inside loudly let the 2 remaining men on property know I looked injured, we wrote our notes and I had no choice but to let him know I've wrenched my back, no doubt when I lifted the guy, my forearms ache along with my wrist n hands. I've got lots of little cuts all over my hands, maybe from his watch? The receptionist will be safe, she was still crying and thanking me as she left, her partner blankly looking at me, I got a message from him 30 min later truly apologising and thanking me for looking after her. I replied I understood his reaction and intent to protect her and again reiterate please leave it with us to resolve without violence. I apologised if he finds he has talon finger marks prints (bruises) on his forearms where I had gripped him, my hands are so sore I had to have left a mark :(

This Monday is not going to be pleasant, fortunately there are witnesses to the TM odd behaviour this past 5/6 weeks and also those who have heard the odd things he has said. HR will have their day!

Meanwhile my husband is peeved at me, I'm in pain and trying hard to hide it from him. I acted instinctively, I used to be a DM in London and many times came up against violent situations where we gained control, I knew what I was doing, it's just 15 yrs since I've done it, it all came back in a flash, wish I had the wherewithal to realise my limitations. My hands are wrapped in linolene and vitamin e cream, my SCS up full blast and painkillers taken. :eek:

No doubt I will also get told off at work for physically restraining the guy, it's probably all on the CCTV; the talk inside, the restraining outside and the talk again once again the inside, then the getting them both in the car to leave without further issue. Her lips & teeth were shuddering like when you are freezing cold, clearly she was in shock. I just wanted to protect a young vulnerable 22yr old girl and then her young husband from doing something all would regret later. I know what violence looks like and it was in his eyes and in his face - loud and clearly transmitting!! Oh and the perpetrator - I swear I saw pennywise the clown!! I'm praying Friday will have been his last.

Sorry to offload, so needed to get it off my chest, can't talk about it back here and no one knows me on here. :hug:

WOW Pam; I am sooooo impressed.:winky: You continue to amaze me.


PamelaJune 08-21-2016 07:00 AM

Pain is worse in my back today, been to the graveyard for Dad, had a late breakfast and now back in bed. Feeling very uncomfortable, had a phone call this afternoon from the RGM, says the CEO & R&M are all now involved. Wish I could turn back time and or erase. Sure the stress of its making the pain worse. DB not talking to me at all now! Dare not risk asking him to rub Voltaren creme on my back n neck.

ger715 08-22-2016 10:27 AM


Originally Posted by PamelaJune (Post 1221218)
Pain is worse in my back today, been to the graveyard for Dad, had a late breakfast and now back in bed. Feeling very uncomfortable, had a phone call this afternoon from the RGM, says the CEO & R&M are all now involved. Wish I could turn back time and or erase. Sure the stress of its making the pain worse. DB not talking to me at all now! Dare not risk asking him to rub Voltaren creme on my back n neck.

Can't help wonder if he were not going thru depravation from his "buddy" if he might have looked at all this with a different set of eyes. Maybe a scolding; but then trying to soothe and comfort you.

Your being hit with a double whammy; aches and pain, along with his being so angry with you had to hurt in more ways then physical pain.

Praying all will calm down. Both of you need to comfort one another at this time.:hug::hug:


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