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PamelaJune 02-11-2017 04:35 AM

Pain ratcheted back up to a 9. IBe just taken a Targin 20/10., I've increased my movicol to allow for the increase in opioids but there are no gurgling sounds at all. Usually one of the first signs a blockage is coming. Just taken another movicol sachet. Drinking lots and lots of water

ger715 02-11-2017 09:08 PM


How is your pain level now?? Also, has any gurgling sounds, or matter occurred?


PamelaJune 02-12-2017 07:30 AM

Pain has remained high all day, really sharp and targeted to one area almost. Took the Targin and a temgesic, which dropped it back to about 7, from 4 onwards it's up there at 9 with no relief in sight. I've resorted to a smidge of Xanax in hope I will gets some sleep. See the PM at 1.30 tomorrow afternoon. Fingers crossed he can come up with a plan. Had some odd gurgle sounds Gerry, I'll take them as a good sign and keep the movicol and water intake high. I spread out taking the movicol across the day.

ger715 02-12-2017 02:26 PM

After trial and error (still working on it) found for the most part working doses about 2 hrs. apart seems to work best. If I am unable to take the 3rd as planned and have to tak it a little later, that often takes it away from add onto the 2nd on and does not quite work as well. Glad the pain has gone done a bit and do hear some gurgle sounds.

I mentioned having taking Amitriptyline for several years (the brand name here is Elavil) I use the Amitriptyline (generic ) myself. I have up until last you taken 25mg's before going to bed. Last year I asked my Primary/doctor/endocrinoligst if okay to cut in 1/2. So for the past year have been taking 1/2 of a 25 mg Amitriptyline before going to bed, It is a Tricyeti(sp.?) antidepressant used for mental/mood disorders. Helps relieve anxiety and sleep better.

Thanks for keeping us in the "loop".


PamelaJune 02-13-2017 06:46 AM

I've got to go back into hospital this Friday for another procedure, apparently the X-ray revealed some spine fractures. No idea how I sustained these ones, I don't recall a fall or a significant jarring event recently. Blood tests came back all good so no infection. He's going to do an epidural and something else, it's to late / far gone for vertoplasty (which I won't have anyway). So with the epidural hopefully it combined with the yet again today increase in medication I can get it under control. I have to be well enough to be in the office next week, conference is coming up and we have a few busy months ahead.

ger715 02-14-2017 07:43 PM

Under DB's Sobriety thread, I mentioned the incident you had at work some time ago when you chased someone that was harassing an employee. I think I recall something about you mentioned later being in quite a bit of pain. Wonder if this may have started something that has been deteriorating over time. Just a thought.

Pray all calms down. It appears there are work pressures that will be needing your attention and participation.


PamelaJune 02-15-2017 07:16 AM

I had completely forgotten that, I wonder like you if it was the beginning of a compression fracture? I guess I'll never know for sure, it could even be the time I fell in the front yard last year in April and broke my hand/ finger and 2 ribs. Had also forgotten about that as well. And I had another fall in the laundry one time last year also. So yes maybe there a combined instances that have lead to it and the SCS unit when working was masking it. As you know since November I've being saying it's not working so that would fit with a reasonable time line, although compression fractures usually take 3 to 6 months to heal. Maybe it's was even then violent vomiting. So many to wonder over, and just not worth it, have to accept it's happened and trust the epidural on a Friday will provide some relief xxx


Originally Posted by ger715 (Post 1236626)
Under DB's Sobriety thread, I mentioned the incident you had at work some time ago when you chased someone that was harassing an employee. I think I recall something about you mentioned later being in quite a bit of pain. Wonder if this may have started something that has been deteriorating over time. Just a thought.

Pray all calms down. It appears there are work pressures that will be needing your attention and participation.


PamelaJune 02-17-2017 02:04 AM

Keeping me overnight night again, same heart complications as last time in 2016. So, that is 3 AV blocks in the last 2 years, a cardiac arrest in 2012 and a heart arrest in 1966. I'm not happy, not happy at all. Wish people would fricking listen to me and stop brushing me off as a hysteric. Luckily the anaesthetist this time is the same one as at Hollywood last year in 2016 and remembers me.

Now I've told work I'm in hospital having a reasonablly serious procedure today Friday 17th February and told them not to bother me AT ALL. one of the AM' has phoned me twice and emailed 3 times over something he could have picked up the phone and checked with our ES payroll himself, or if he actually read his emails where I've provided him with the info earlier this week of what he is today chasing.

I've just seen an additional left phone message from our HR consultant who has also phoned at 10.17am on behalf of another AM asking if I have a copy of a document. This would be the document I emailed that AM yesterday afternoon before I left the office making sure everything is up to date and there being no need for me to be disturbed today, or at over the weekend before next Monday. People are just too lazy to check for anything themselves, phone Pam first, she'll help. I'm super disappointed. I've forwarded the email I sent yesterday to the AM & HR. I'm sure they will be a little red faced.

I've also said as much to the other AM who has phoned & emailed me so now there is a record of it as well. You know had he contacted payroll in the ES when he first tried phoning me this morning they will have been there & given him the answer as I had also contacted them, now due to time difference, they have gone home, so I've told him to speak with them next week. I have additionally provided him with a screenshot of the message I sent him, payroll and his store manager (SM) on Tuesday. I've not given him a nicely nice rely today, it's short sharp & terse. Do you think he will get I'm annoyed. I HOPE SO.

I have 4 AM's the 2 female AMS have sent messages good luck, don't work, stay safe. I've heard nothing from the men!

My machine is beeping, my BP is 87 over 60 my stats are 11 & my heart beat seems to showing an erratic pattern, better go xxx

They also aren't giving me any pain relief, my PM has left & didn't realise I had the heart complication and staying in and has nothing charted for me. They've given me 2 panadol

ger715 02-17-2017 08:07 PM


Hope you are home and resting today. Are you under the care of a cardiologist???


PamelaJune 02-19-2017 12:21 AM

I'm home, I forgot to add my stats dropped so low they ended up putting me on oxygen & I was connected to the heart monitor all night. I was put in the Observation Ward which is connected to the nurses station, it's like PCU. The embarrassing thing is I had to share with a male, a very nice man who it turns out we knew each other as children, went to the same school and still know many of the same people. Anyhow what's embarrassing is with the epidural it affects bladder control. At 3am I awoke and knew I needed to go, leapt out of bed but because I was connected with a drip, heart monitor and oxygen by the time I managed to disconnect everything the bladder had begun to flow. So there I am stood frantically trying to disconnect, stuffing the hospital nightie between my legs along with towels they have hanging on the bedside table. And of course I crying. The male patient trying hard to pretend he is not aware of the embarrassing situation occurring. The nurse came, helped me, but it was too late. She kindly helped me wash, got me a new nightie and gave the floor a quick wipe. The good news was I didn't wet the bed as I'd managed to get out in time.

The bad news is the problem is still occurring & yesterday afternoon here at home I leapt from the couch but didn't make it in time so I then had to mop the floor from the living room to the toilet. Then last night about 2am same thing again, leapt out of bed & as soon as I stood it just started to flow, by the time I got to the toilet it had flowed down my legs and to the floor, so at 2am there I am again up with the mop & bucket washing the floor, having yet another shower and in general hating myself. I don't think the epidural has worked as well as they had hoped, I've got the same stabbing sensation in my upper back only it's not as bad as it was. It keeps coming in waves and I would say the pain score at present is about a 5. Yesterday I thought it seemed to be working, maybe having had to mop the floor twice has exacerbated it??

I didn't know where to go from here, will go see my GP this week and request she refer me to a cardiologist. I'm so over everything right now. DB made me breakfast then put himself back to bed, he made no effort to help me yesterday clean up nor again last night. I got up to find the kennels hadn't been tended to so I did them along with the cat run, did a load of washing, emptied the dishwasher, tended to the 2 older dogs injuries (cuts that flies won't leave and we can't afford for them to become fly blown). I'm beyond empty, I can't see the point in anything anymore, I'd rather he did the dogs than make me a cup of tea and crumpet. It's like the old days when he was drunk and didn't get up, so I got up and took care of everything so the pub could open, even on occasion opening and running it until he put in an appearance. Drink is no longer the excuse, he doesn't drink. Maybe he's just bone idle lazy. He tells me his psych has said it's ok to lie in bed, I'm sure she doesn't mean all day long, eat every meal in there, but because she has said it's ok I'm mean if I say anything.

Feeling very very sad, the pain has returned & nothing has changed.

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