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JD 09-23-2006 12:04 AM

When someone has a problem with using the icons such as the "Trigger" then why not type that into the subject line "trigger" or "possible trigger" etc. ;) It probably needs to be placed first because someone only viewing partial subject lines could miss it otherwise? (Whereas the icon is always visible.)

DocJohn is quite a nice human, by all descriptions.

Sometimes people have been so caught up in having to be defensive ( and feel they need to become offensive to combat) IRL and on most boards I've found, that they aren't used to how good manners scripted out on a site can happen. I've seen DocJohn create just such an atmosphere of mutual support. I encourage everyone to continue to test the ground, it can truly be a good, safe site. Personally, I don't believe anyone has to be offensive to voice their opinions. Likewise, learning to read posts as though they are supportive and not argumentative, is another learned skill, imo. If we all do the best we can, and continue to work at doing better, it works well. ;)

I hope you all have a good day today! TC JD

Thelma 09-23-2006 12:09 AM

Your conscious mind may not be able to understand what I'm telling you, but I trust your unconscious mind to use that part that is most relevant.

Now that is a good one

annie 09-23-2006 12:21 AM


Originally Posted by hannahbanana (Post 11515)
Thanks for your thoughts and all that information, annie. I must admit that most went over my computer-challenged head. :o

But hopefully others can consider it and possibly come up with a workable solution. And then talk to me like I was a 3 year old when they explain to me what to do. :D

hannah, you don't need to understand anything, all you have to do is continue doing whatever you are doing, which is just fine.

what i am saying, to translate the tech talk, is that the problem was created entirely by the administration's idea of a trigger icon. people who are triggered by graphics cannot see any icons, they have them turned off. the problem needs to be solved at the admin level. the problem can be solved entirely by not requiring the use of a trigger icon.

annie 09-23-2006 12:23 AM


Originally Posted by Thelma (Post 11522)
Your conscious mind may not be able to understand what I'm telling you, but I trust your unconscious mind to use that part that is most relevant.

Now that is a good one

thelma, i love you.

but i don't trust your unconscious mind one little bit.

SallyC 09-23-2006 02:28 AM

I'm not sure of this, but can't you turn off graphic and pictures in your user control panel, for this forum? I'm going to look to make sure, but I think you can. Be right back.;)

EDITED TO SAY: Yes you can! Go to your CP and click Edit Options and then turn off "Show Images".

See below: You can turn of signatures and Avatars too, if they bother you. Thread Display Options

Visible Post ElementsYou have the option to show or hide various elements of messages, which may be of use to users on slow internet connections, or who want to remove extraneous clutter from posts.

Show Signatures

Show Avatars
Show Images (including attached images and images in [IMG] code

paula_w 09-23-2006 12:16 PM

Just some simple thoughts:

the less moderator involvement the better; they are here for a reason other than to moderate and won't last long if it is too demanding on them.

i understand the need to learn the different conditions. But my first reaction at being asked to writie about it was that it was giving us busy work to keep us quiet lol [sorry i was a teacher]. I do see the value of a profile of yourself, we do this every once in awhile in PD. But there are many places to learn about the actual illness.

I'm not sure it's fair to ask the moderators to know about the illness. I would kind of learn with the flow. That may not work with some forums, but after being gone for a few days and returning, I understand that everyone is trying very hard, but here we are having threads closed. Not that it needed to stay open, just that it was.

I think we should just relax and try it. I appreciate everyone's efforts!

Curious 09-23-2006 01:30 PM


the links in the various forums work well for me to learn. not just about the particular forums i'm helping with, but all of them. if anyone has something already saved and they want to post it or good links that explain, it would be helpful to anyone. especially those who have done a search of that condition.


annie 09-23-2006 01:42 PM


Originally Posted by SallyC (Post 11564)
I'm not sure of this, but can't you turn off graphic and pictures in your user control panel, for this forum? I'm going to look to make sure, but I think you can. Be right back.;)

EDITED TO SAY: Yes you can! Go to your CP and click Edit Options and then turn off "Show Images".

See below: You can turn of signatures and Avatars too, if they bother you. Thread Display Options

Visible Post ElementsYou have the option to show or hide various elements of messages, which may be of use to users on slow internet connections, or who want to remove extraneous clutter from posts.

Show Signatures

Show Avatars
Show Images (including attached images and images in [IMG] code

this is another example of a totally and completely unnecessary situation.

the entire internet is full of graphics that will cause someone with photosensitivity to go into a status seizure and die.

anyone who has problems with graphics has them everywhere on the internet. if they actually need to turn off graphics here they are already dead before they get to this site.

the solution to this problem is to turn off all graphics on your own computer. which i have done, with a great deal of help from zombie slayer and dorry.

i cannot see any icons. anywhere on the internet. i cannot see any graphics. anywhere on the internet. this site is on the internet. if i am required by the TOS to use a trigger icon, i may go into status seizures and die.

the entire problem is being caused by the requirement to use the trigger icon. the solution is to end the requirement to use the trigger icon.

JD 09-23-2006 04:52 PM

How would they?
To me it appears that those who have seizures that are triggered by icons etc already have a solution. However, how would someone with a psychological trigger mechanism know what possible trigger is contained within a post unless there is a warning of some type?

By psychological trigger I mean something written that affects them to flashback to a traumatic time. Often, just knowing that a post might contain a verbal/written trigger is enough for them to determine if they're ok reading it or not, dependant upon their emotional status at the time.

While I'm trying not to beat a dead horse (as I believe the trigger request will stay) if we post something graphic in nature (and that's not graphics of nature only) but upsetting by nature, and if we can remember to put POSSIBLE TRIGGER in the subject line, that would be wonderful, imo.

It's a learning curve, perhaps, to begin to understand how the mind and body are so interconnected, and how the needs of this site to meet the needs of all it's members as best it can, is important. TC. JD

SallyC 09-23-2006 06:12 PM

Here's a trigger for you, JD. Your colorful posts are hard for
me to read and hurts my eyes.:) Would it be possible for
you to use the default or navy?


hummer 09-23-2006 06:32 PM

I can't read them I actually pass over your words......I pass over things with the graphics, too......for the most part my brain can't focus on them, too well, so I just skip over.........

Blessings on us all......

shotspine 09-23-2006 06:43 PM

I haven't gone back to read all the previous posts, but I can't read the light green color either. I don't have problems with most graphics or colors, but light color type is OUT for me.

newbie 09-23-2006 06:47 PM

Well, I make that 4 in a row. As I can't read it either.

debtoo 09-23-2006 06:47 PM

Wow I very seldom complain, but geeezeee that light green color is more than I can handle. Got a headache now. Hopefully will be back later.
JD please no more light bright colors. Please.


Chemar 09-23-2006 07:09 PM

for those adversely affected by the color of that post...would you like me or JDPhD to edit it back to the default color? (sorry JDPhD, no disrespect to your artistic touch ;) )

JoJo6 09-23-2006 08:41 PM

Hey Chemar, How are you? have missed you but at least I can see you:)

No reflextion on you JDPHD. I hve no problem with JD's color, but I'm not to decide. I have aways thought they could do something to to let the posted put it in another color. I guess what you just said.

Anyway, behave Chemar:) my love, JoJo

snoozie 09-23-2006 08:52 PM

If you left click and highlight all the text it appears as white letters with a blue background. I have to do that alot with the different colored font. I will never admit that I am getting old and need reading glasses though so don't even go there ;) ...Sue :D

hummer 09-23-2006 08:57 PM

Dear Snoozie.......
Thank you.....that was an easy thing to do and I could read it just fine........

Good One...!!!.....

I never would have thought of that...duh........

Blessings on us all........

Chemar 09-23-2006 09:40 PM


Originally Posted by snoozie (Post 12024)
If you left click and highlight all the text it appears as white letters with a blue background. I have to do that alot with the different colored font. I will never admit that I am getting old and need reading glasses though so don't even go there ;) ...Sue :D

thanks you so much for that very helpful info Sue! :)

(`?? :o ;) )

debtoo 09-24-2006 06:41 AM

Thanks for the offer but not necessary. Sue I am so glad you gave us that extremely helpful hint. This will definitely go in my How to list. Thanks.


reverett123 09-24-2006 08:33 AM

Research prohibition

This one is giving me heartburn:
These forums strictly prohibit any research being conducted on them for any purpose whatsoever. Any user of this forum is prohibited from conducting research on the forums in any form, whether it be as a group or on an individual poster. You are welcomed to post announcements of clinical trials or other research topics you believe are of interest to other members in the community.

In the Parkinson's forum of BT1, a small group of us routinely tried to gather information that didn't exist elsewhere, tried things that sounded reasonable, and reorted and discussed our experiences. A recent example was a survey I did on how many of our number had problems with childhood constipation. I had checked with at least one high level doc and the data simply did not exist. It turns out that over half of us remembered such a problem. Given the fact that toxins are resorbed into the system that may be a big clue.

My point being that there is value in that type of interaction among ourselves. Now I don't want outsiders treating us as white rats but I feel that it is a huge mistake to ban us doing it to ourselves.

Can this be reconsidered? Or perhaps a special area marked off for it?

Also, what is the reasoning for prohibiting referring people to similar sites?

BEMM 09-24-2006 09:11 AM

Off topic must stay!
Off topic discussions are vital to a forum.
The accumulation of knowledge a forum gathers about our specific illnesses is priceless, and the chance to vent and to find compassion is enormously important to all of us, but the off topic discussions give life to a forum.
Off topic discussions make a forum a meeting place for thoughts and ideas and humor and creative thinking. Off topic discussions allow us to get to know each other as people, not just as fellow patients by reminding us that there is still life beyond pain and suffering.


BEMM 09-24-2006 10:03 AM

Inter-forum polls are of greatest importance.
Everett's research is of immense importance to all of us who have Parkinson's disease. One of the main reasons a great number of us participate in the PD forum is that we feel we may make new discoveries about cause and cure by polling and comparing symptoms and reactions. Everett, as well as Ron Hutton, have done a massive amount of research, and we are all more than eager to participate in any poll or trial they propose. We happily volunteer as white rats. The idea that a cause and even better, a cure may be around the corner is what keeps many of us going strong still. You must not take that hope away from us. Everett's and Ron Hutton's ideas and labor make us feel we are actively participating in fighting back the PD monster.


DocJohn 09-24-2006 10:30 AM

The ban on research is specifically focused on outsiders coming on here and studying what people are doing on the forums themselves (e.g., using the forums as an in-vitro experimental environment and "studying it"). I don't feel one can be supportive and helpful if one is worried one's words might end up in a journal somewhere, out of context and non-anonymously.

So I will clarify that guideline to specify what I'm really trying to get at there. You, of course, can do all the "in house" research you want and have always done here. People helping people is what it's all about.


reverett123 09-24-2006 10:43 AM

On behalf of White Rats everywhere...
...a big THANK YOU, DocJohn. Now, if you will excuse me i will get back in my squirrel cage - there's a reward out there somewhere. :)

Chemar 09-24-2006 10:46 AM

Thanks DocJohn! Once again you are demonstrating the flexibility and understanding we have come to so appreciate here, while still looking out for us in terms of exploitation etc!


Originally Posted by DocJohn (Post 12277)
The ban on research is specifically focused on outsiders coming on here and studying what people are doing on the forums themselves (e.g., using the forums as an in-vitro experimental environment and "studying it"). I don't feel one can be supportive and helpful if one is worried one's words might end up in a journal somewhere, out of context and non-anonymously.

So I will clarify that guideline to specify what I'm really trying to get at there. You, of course, can do all the "in house" research you want and have always done here. People helping people is what it's all about.


annie 09-24-2006 10:57 PM

how to turn off colored fonts

Originally Posted by snoozie (Post 12024)
If you left click and highlight all the text it appears as white letters with a blue background. I have to do that alot with the different colored font. I will never admit that I am getting old and need reading glasses though so don't even go there ;) ...Sue :D

you can turn off colored fonts and colored backgrounds in your browser, and then you can set the colors for whatever you want to see. your choice will override anything a web page wants you to see.

i choose black type and white background because that has the least flicker and besides my brain is used to reading this way. i also have all type bolded.

to set your own look in internet explorer, go to Tools, then Internet Options. toward the bottom of the window you will see four buttons: Color... Fonts... Languages... Accessibility...

to set Color, click on the Color button. you will see two boxes, one for text color and one for background color. click inside these boxes on the color shown and a choice of colors will appear. click on your preferred color and click OK.

to set Fonts, click on the Fonts button. Scroll down the list on the left until you find the font you can see the best. this will be the font you will see on all web pages. the list on the right controls the fonts you see, for example, in this text box. there aren't many choices. click on OK.

to set both colors and fonts so that you will see them instead of what the web page sends, click on Accessibility. there will be three check boxes. Ignore colors specified on Web pages will make your color choices always show. you must check this box to make it happen. Ignore font styles specified on Web pages will set your preferred fonts only if you check this box. Ignore font sizes specified on Web pages will always allow you to see the larger font that you set in the Fonts button. check all three of these boxes.

check OK and when you are back to Internet Options check Ok again.

you will have to refresh to see your changes. while your browser window is the active window, press F5.

and no more light green text.

i have no idea what the background color is of this site, i have never seen it in the raw.

if you don't have Internet Explorer, one of the BrainTalk 2 geeks will come along and put in the rest of the instructions. (Bobbi, where are you?)

Bobbi 09-25-2006 01:15 AM

Right here, Annie :). Excellent info. you posted!

Doody 09-25-2006 09:12 AM

Geesh, Doc John. Are you married? 'Cause you seem awfully nice and easy to get along with. *blush


Oh, sorry, lost track of myself. LOL!

Speaking of off topic. That one had me worried at first 'cause in Survivors of Suicide, it isn't exactly the place where we come in everyday and do updates on how our 'surviving' is going or how bad our suicidal thoughts are that day. We'd have OT in front of a lot of posts.

What am I trying to say. :o Like in Chronic Pain, or Headaches, or Fibromyalgia, a lot of us have updates for the day on how our bodies are doing. In SOS we have a lot of off topic. And at OBT that fact took a hit a couple of times. That we'd drive off people who were feeling suicidal.

I still say I'd like to see Alffe put something together for newcomers in there and to be used as a 'sticky' to let newcomers know to jump in and post.

JD 09-26-2006 11:30 PM

Question about search engines
Ok I'll try again. :) with the color. I wish everyone would use something different than default, as I have a doost of a time reading plain type...even bolded would be easier for me, too :)

DocJohn, are these forums open to outside search engines? :confused: JD

DocJohn 09-27-2006 05:36 AM

Thanks for the kind words, Doody!

JD, yes, like the original BT1, these forums are open to outside search engines.

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