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Lara 09-05-2015 03:43 AM

Goodnight Debi.
I hope you are able to get some restful sleep now.


Kitty 09-05-2015 07:34 AM

Debi, my sleep pattern is all messed up, too. I tend to wake up every 2 reason other than my body is just used to it and I usually need to visit the restroom. :rolleyes: Since I can nap if I need to I just go with reason to get all stressed about it.

I'm so glad to hear you had some good times. I miss going out to eat. My hubby loved to go out and eat and at that time I was able to go.....wasn't diagnosed with MS until after he passed. I guess God is watching out for me because I would probably gain way too much weight if I ate now like I did then! :o

Picking up his ashes and Urn is something very personal and however you felt or reacted is just right for YOU. Grief is such a personal thing and everyone goes through their own journey with it. Nothing is right or wrong......whatever works for you is what you should do. And please give yourself time.

I hope your pain is at a more tolerable level today. You're in my thoughts and prayers. :hug:

uglogirl 09-05-2015 09:58 AM

I am so sorry Deb
Hi Deb,

I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your beloved husband. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

I went and am still going through the hospital delirium with my husband from surgery a year ago.

About a month ago I started back with the group and was looking for you and today your post came up. I am happy you have family with you that is a blessing. You also have God who is walking with you now.

Any time you need to talk I am here for you we all are.
God Bless you.

Uglogirl. Gloria

DejaVu 09-05-2015 03:49 PM

Hi Debi,

Just a note to say: You are doing it all just the way you need to do it. There is no "weird," no right and no wrong. Tears will often come at seemingly odd times. Comfort will follow suit. Simply "allow" the process -- whatever you need. No judgment upon how your grief expresses itself. Self-compassion is very helpful as you allow yourself to grieve and to heal. :hug:

For what it's worth, I believe you feel your husband's Presence because he is Present with you during this very difficult time. :)

Continued offerings of Love, support and prayers for you, your mom and your family.


ger715 09-05-2015 10:14 PM


Originally Posted by St George 2013 (Post 1168747)
This is the 2nd time I've been up tonight. The first was about 1:30 and I was in AGONY. I can't remember the last time my pain was that bad. I actually called Christina and she and Jonathan walked up here (dragging poor Lane with them who had been asleep). Not sure why I called her other than I didn't want to be alone with my pain and the tears that Bubba wasn't here to comfort me and offer to get up and get my meds and a cold ice pack.

I took a pain pill and a 1/4 of another (something I've started doing when the pain level is high) and then sat at my dining room table and basically rocked back and forth until the pain slowed a bit. I was still moaning when I laid back down and asked God and Bubba to please let me sleep and get away from the pain. Thankfully I feel asleep quickly with sweet Lane asleep by my side.

Remember I washed the dogs and cleaned the tub ?

Break-----my mom woke up and came walking in here wanting to know if we'd eaten breakfast Bless her I don't even eat breakfast. Finally got her back to bed. Thinking her pain probably woke her but she didn't complain about it.

Ok...the dogs and tub.......the reason the tub had not been cleaned is because it always sets off my hands and feet and then I hurt.....bad.....which is what happened. So going forward I will go back to washing the dogs in the kitchen sink and asking someone to do the tub. Shoot Luke and Jonathan are both strong young men, 35 and 32, and should be quite easy for them to do in less than 5 minutes.

I'm good now. Pain is about a 4 which I can deal with.

I did go to dinner with Christina, Evan and Lane. We went to Red Lobster and I ate WAY too much......before we left the restaurant I started feeling guilty for even going......that feeling just grew until I was in tears.......both Luke and Christina said I 'couldn't go there' and that Bubba would want me to go out when I could. I know that but it still didn't make me feel any better. Bubba was not big on going out to dinner. Of course if you asked him to go to the Golden Corral he was the first person in the car ! But normally we would stop by Long John Silver's on the way home and get him a plate. I would come in and he'd be laying across the bed on his stomach. His favorite position for years due to lower back pain. I would get him something to drink, ketchup and a fork and napkin and take to him on the bed. I never could understand how that man would eat laying on his stomach :) He didn't ask me to do that for him I just did because I wanted to.

Think I'll read a few new posts and try to go back to sleep. I probably need to set the clock and get up and take another pain pill later this morning so I don't end up in the same shape I was earlier.

So goodnight friends......for what's left of it anyway.

Debi from Georgia

Glad to learn you went out and had a nice dinner. It will, for some time, continue to remind you of times Bubba would have been there; or even some times feeling guilty for enjoying the little things. That's wouldn't want it any differently for him if things were reversed.

I recall getting tearful at the grocery store passing up a special toothpaste that I no longer needed to buy. Things just creep in at the oddest times. These are fond loving memories.

Just a little FYI:
I set my alarm for 6:30 a.m.every morning so I don't let my pain get out of control. Better to get ahead of it; otherwise it gets out of hand and as you know, much more difficult to get to a tolerable level.

Please be careful not to overdo too much.:hug:


St George 2013 09-05-2015 11:27 PM

About my Saturday
I was able to sleep a few more hours and woke up to my sweet Angus kissing me all over my face ! Had to laugh at him he was so darn funny :)

Got up, dressed in old shorts and an old t-shirt, brushed my teeth and hair. That's all I had the energy for. I met my neighbors at our very old and very big oak street in the front yard. Not 12 feet from my screened side porch that we use for entry/exit to the house. These neighbors have a beautiful yard and love working in it. They are giving me their labor to do Bubba's memory garden with plants from the funeral. Many received were outside plants. There was a bit of urgency due to the fact that these needed to get into the ground asap.

We decided on a 9 inch high circle of stone around the tree, fill with garden/potting soil and covered with brown cedar to keep the bugs down. Poor Luke.......I drug him to the Home Depot dressed like I was. Never in a million years would I have normally left the house dressed like that. We took Bubba's old beat up but runs wonderful truck. Met Ron and Rosalind in the plant/flower dept and picked everything up. Sweet Ron went to the front of the store and got me an electric cart to ride/drive which saved me from another night of agony.

What a wonderful feeling it was to pick these items out that will be my husband's Memory Garden.....Bubba's Memory Garden. I met a lady there while looking at a beautiful plant and I told her what we were doing. She was about my age and stayed with me to talk for a few minutes. She thought what we were doing was great and kept asking me if I was ok....and you know what ?...for that hour I was ok. My heart filled with joy knowing how much he would have loved this.

We came home, parked Bubba's truck close to the tree so Ron and Rosalind would have everything close at hand. Both are disabled. They were so excited about doing it they started laying the stones to see what it would look like. Oh it's perfect. Nothing fancy just like my husband. They will be working on it the next couple of days and when finished and I can get Christina to help me I will take a pic and post here for all of you to see and enjoy with me.

This is a true labor of love and feel so Blessed to have my friend/neighbors want to do this for us.

I then sat down with Luke to watch some football.....could not keep my eyes open and finally went to lay down on the bed. With my sweet dogs and my grand dog Bella. They are so comforting to me right now.

My mom is hurting....I can see it in her face. She doesn't look good. The dr said 3 or 4 weeks before she gets some pain relief. We've got her on pain meds twice a day plus valium which she has taken before. Not sure if I told you but she had gained 2 lbs in a week and a day. She's now up to 81.8 lbs or close as I can remember. I pray the Lord lets her heal from this and stay with me a while longer. She's so dang stubborn......was washing dishes when I got up from resting :)

I'm so sore in my chest. The chest wall feels bruised to the touch. I guess from bending over that bathtub. Actually everything is sore. My feet and hands, arms and legs.

Went to Christina's to eat and it made me so sad not to be bringing something home for Bubba as would be usual. He would go to Christina's sometimes but months before the surgery, when his arm, back and neck hurt, he's usually stayed home and assumed his position on the bed.

The closer next week gets the more I dread it. So many places to go with those death certificates. I know each day will end badly for me. I want to throw up when I think about it.

I need a transport chair instead of this heavy wheelchair I have. May ask PM dr to write me a prescription for one and see if insurance will help pay for it.

And that's my feelings and how my day went.

I pray everyone has a peaceful night of rest.

Debi from Georgia

Hopeless 09-05-2015 11:34 PM

The memory garden sounds soooooo wonderful.

A living tribute.

Can't wait for you to post the photo when completed.

Sure hope you can get some good quality rest and sleep tonight.

DejaVu 09-06-2015 01:05 PM

Hi Debi,

The joint effort between you and your neighbors, in planting the memory garden is... incredibly beautiful! :D I was trying to picture the gardening team in my mind as I was reading your post. You are so fortunate to have such outwardly loving neighbors! :grouphug:

I am sorry to realize I have not known you here on NeuroTalk, as it's abundantly clear you are so very loved and deeply respected by so many members here.

I don't want to be intrusive.
I do, however, consider it an honor to offer support, Love and Prayers to you and to your family.



Hopeless 09-06-2015 05:19 PM


Originally Posted by DejaVu (Post 1169125)
Hi Debi,

The joint effort between you and your neighbors, in planting the memory garden is... incredibly beautiful! :D I was trying to picture the gardening team in my mind as I was reading your post. You are so fortunate to have such outwardly loving neighbors! :grouphug:

I am sorry to realize I have not known you here on NeuroTalk, as it's abundantly clear you are so very loved and deeply respected by so many members here.

I don't want to be intrusive.
I do, however, consider it an honor to offer support, Love and Prayers to you and to your family.



I think Debi will be very glad to see your postings and would NOT think them intrusive in the least bit. She needs all the love and support she can receive from the community. You don't have to be "up to date" on Debi to offer your support. I thank you for your posts, too.

EnglishDave 09-06-2015 05:50 PM

Hi Debi,

I noticed your response to dancinglady's Thread, and must say I find your compassion limitless that you could still reach out in such a fashion at this time.

May these forthcoming difficult days run smoothly for you and your family.


ger715 09-06-2015 07:04 PM

Looking forward to seeing the pictures of Bubba's Memory Garden. Your neighbors appear to be thrilled to be able to do this "labor of love". I can picture you with them in the store exchanging ideas. Your input is so important to them.

Thanks again for sharing.


St George 2013 09-07-2015 08:26 PM

Dear DejaVu

Originally Posted by DejaVu (Post 1169125)
Hi Debi,

The joint effort between you and your neighbors, in planting the memory garden is... incredibly beautiful! :D I was trying to picture the gardening team in my mind as I was reading your post. You are so fortunate to have such outwardly loving neighbors! :grouphug:

I am sorry to realize I have not known you here on NeuroTalk, as it's abundantly clear you are so very loved and deeply respected by so many members here.

I don't want to be intrusive.
I do, however, consider it an honor to offer support, Love and Prayers to you and to your family.



The garden is finished and oh my gosh it's absolutely beautiful. People are slowing down at they drive by to see such a beautiful site. They did an awesome job and even my son, who was hesitant about it, says it is truly an honor to his dad.

DejaVu........I would never consider you intrusive. As I've said before I'm pretty much an open book. I've always been a happy go lucky type and like to make people smile. I've just not been my normal self this past week and not sure when I'll feel normal again or if I ever will. I was pretty active on here at one time but things changed in my life and I hardly posted but kept reading posts when I could to catch up.

But I'm back and hope to be conversing with all of you on different subjects.

I actually slept all night last night. Woke up once, saw my sweet Lane in bed beside me and went back to bed. Woke up about 10:30 and let Luke in. Took my meds and still felt horrible so I went back to be for a couple hours. When I got up I felt better.

Everything reminds me of Bubba.....I washed the sheets today but could not wash the pillow cases.......I feel like I would be washing him away and it made me so sad. I just sat and hugged his pillows trying to smell him again. I still feel him around me....around this house. I think of him in every room I walk into.

I have a PM appointment tomorrow. Luke says that is the only thing he wants me to do tomorrow. He has taken this week off too so he wants to spread things out which I already figured I would have to do. I know everywhere I go is going to be hard since it will all be connected to his passing.

Thanks for being here my friends. I read all your responses and it makes me feel good that I am cared for on here and they you are praying and thinking of me and my family.

Debi from Georgia

Diandra 09-07-2015 10:55 PM

Hi Debi,
I am so glad you were able to get some sleep last night. It is 11:30PM and as I check on you before I go to sleep, I am so glad you have kept us updated.

The garden sounds so beautiful. What a lovely reminder of how much Bubba was loved by so many people. When my father passed a few years back, I was amazed at the outpouring of affection and all the lives he touched, that I had not known about, and I have feeling Bubba touched many lives in the same way.

I certainly understand not wanting to wash pillowcases. It may be too soon to do this but there is a lovely way to remember a loved one by saving alot of their favorite clothes like flannel shirts, sweaters, sweatshirts, ties, tshirts, work clothes, jackets, jeans, a favorite blanket, etc and have them cut into small pieces and made into a a quilt (and maybe have them made for your kids as well).
I had a friend who had that done and she did not wash the clothes because she wanted the smell of her husbands cologne and the woman who made the quilt for her said she completely understood. If someone in your circle of family,friends or neighbors can sew, I am sure they would feel honored to do that for you all. Or some organizations like church groups, etc have quilting groups and they may do it for you as well.

Hope you sleep well again tonight Debi...Lord knows you need some solid rest.
In my heart, prayers and thoughts,
God Bless you and your entire family.
Love, D.

P.S. How is your mother doing?

I looked up those Memory quilts. many folks on make them. A VERY wide array of prices.

Kitty 09-08-2015 06:42 AM

Debi, after my husband's passing I would go and stand in our closet and bury my face in his shirts because I could still smell his scent on them. Sometimes I'd take his cologne and spray it in there just to be able to get the feeling that he was close by. So many things I did that I thought were "odd" but now realize that it was just my way of coping. There are no wrong ways to cope.

One thing that surprised me......and nobody mentioned it to me.....were the "grief bursts". I'd be having a relatively good day and something would trigger my memory or otherwise remind me of something that had to do with my husband and that was all it took. Wherever I was I'd have a mini-meltdown. I'll never forget once in the line at the post office the man in front of me had a package with a return address on it and it had the same first name as my hubby. Something as simple as that. I had to leave. I was fine after a couple of minutes but random things will trigger you for a while. And it's usually things that only mean something to you personally.

I'm looking forward to your pictures of the garden, too. What a sweet gesture for your neighbors to do. Sounds like you have lots of good friends. :)

ger715 09-08-2015 11:11 AM

I have mentioned in the past, your relationship with Luke reminds me so much of my son's. So good and understanding of him to take this week off giving you the time to space all that has to be done. His being with you will be so comforting.

Really looking forward to seeing pictures of the Memory Garden. Such a thoughtful and beautiful gesture.

Even now when I hear music from the Phantom of the Opera brings back so many memories. (All good.) Early on, was in the store one day shopping and the background music of the Phantom was played throughout the store; the tears flowed. We had gone to see the play with my daughter and her husband on a Thursday, he passed that Sunday.

Debi, eventually these memories become a beautiful treasure. I'm sure you will have many.


DejaVu 09-08-2015 08:49 PM

Hi Debi,

Thank you for your kind words.

The garden sounds wonderful! :)

Continued Love and Prayers,

St George 2013 09-09-2015 03:16 AM

Up for the 3rd time (I spoke too soon !)
Guess I should not have bragged about sleeping all

Update on my mom: The xray dept called this morning from the clinic we use asking for me to bring her back in for additional xrays. Not sure what the radiologist is looking for. I took her to a satellite office last Thurs that is closer to our house and where our dr's are. They did the original xrays there....this call came from the main clinic that is in the downtown area of the next city over. I'm guessing the radiologist looked at mom's films from last week and wanted more ? Hoping they don't find anything else. Not sure I'll be physically or mentally able to cope with something else right now. I took her around lunchtime for these.

On the way to put the wheelchair back up from getting her out of the car. (she absolutely hates a wheelchair as much as I do) the lady at the front desk remarked that I looked so tired....well that was it.....tears started rolling just like some of you said they would. This lady remembered me from coming in for chemo treatments in 2013. I felt the need to tell her about my husband and she was so sweet and stunned at the news.

Then Luke drove me to the PM in the afternoon......since I've become so close to all of them I started crying again. One lady in particular that has helped me on many occasions came into the room and talked to me and Luke before the dr came in. So sweet....she cried too. And then the dr came in and hugged me and wanted to know what happened. Tears again. Said he wasn't going to check me too much since I am sore all over. He said the added stress is why my pain is spiking. Already knew that but was nice of him to say it. I asked him to write me a prescription for a transport chair. I don't need a wheelchair since I can't wheel myself around. Just a transport chair for the kids to push me in when needed. Hopefully the insurance will pay for some of it.

Got the COBRA paperwork from my husband's insurance. I will need it for part of Sept and all of Oct. My medicare kicks in Nov 1st and from what I'm reading I can't use his insurance if I have medicare. I need to check into that since all deductibles have been paid and it pays for all my meds with a small co pay.....would be nice if I could use it until the end of the year while I'm looking for supplemental ins to go with the medicare. The few times I've looked at supplemental in the medicare paperwork it looks like something in another language ! Going to have to get Hope to help me on that stuff so I can understand what I'm doing.

A man I know at the funeral home suggested I call an 800 # he's given me before going to the SS Office....said to try and get as much done over the phone as I can. Going to try that in the morning as well as pay Sept bills which I'm going to have to use my mom's checking acct to do. 2 of our 3 accts are whole SSDI check is in one of them from the end of Aug. Going to have to change rep payee from Bubba to Christina and then open a new acct for SSDI check. All this is so crazy...when can't they just take him off and add her ? I need to look for my SS card since his work needs it to process all their stuff. I need to listen to phone messages and then we're going to try and see the lawyer in the afternoon. I already feel the tension rising in my body just typing about it.

I'm so tired....I mean done to the bone weary. Is everything just settling in now and my body is trying to tell me something ?

Thank you all for posting....I've re-read all these posts several times and they have been so helpful to me. So caring and I get a nice feeling of warmth when I read them. Your thoughts and prayers are coming through to me.

Please keep the posts coming....I need them :)

Debi from Georgia

Hopeless 09-09-2015 09:08 AM

Oh my dear Debi,

Yes, so very much to take care of without any time to get your head wrapped around it all.

Not sure if it is good or bad that one must deal with all the financial aspects so quickly. It makes one wonder: Does it help to be so occupied with it that it takes your mind off your grief and forces one to avoid the desire to just shut the world out, ...or would it be better to have the time to grieve FIRST, then deal with all the details. I don't know which would be better for the person that must handle all the details. I think either way is difficult. Some things can not be postponed but who wants to deal with those matters when one's heart is breaking. We don't always realize just how complicated life gets until we have to untangle all the mess. Makes me wish for simpler times.

Your FIRST and foremost task is to change the rep for your benefits so you will have access to your disability benefits.

It sounds like you have plans to get everything taken care of and are right on track.

I will reserve the "health insurance and Medicare" topic for a later post.

We are here for you and really appreciate you keeping us updated as you travel this road.

You don't have to be strong every moment. Allow yourself to grieve. Cry whenever you need. We share your tears. Sleep is something that will be hit and miss, especially when you are not only fighting pain but also sorrow. There will be times when you can't sleep and times when you can't get enough sleep. Be kind to yourself. There is no right and wrong. Sleep whenever you can to allow your body the recuperation it needs.

Your messages are so welcome and we look forward to hearing from you whenever you are up to the task.

I am so sorry that you have so much to deal with and so immediately. It is hard enough when one is healthy and fully functional but when you add disability to the mix, it is beyond difficult.

Hopeless 09-09-2015 09:16 AM

Hi Debi,

About your Mom's broken ribs. I have been told by many in the radiology field that rib fractures are not always easy to see on x-ray films. It is not unusual to have repeat x-rays.

Hope there are no additional injuries discovered. Your Mom must really be stoic. I could not lay down with my fractured ribs. I had to sleep in a chair for a LONG time. Every breath hurt but breathing was a necessity. :)

ger715 09-09-2015 09:21 PM

So much to do and think about. Maybe just sort and do the priorities first and some of the things that can; let them slide for a little while.

There might be a chance that your husband's insurance may be able to be your secondary insurance with Medicare as your primary. You will most likely be responsible for the Cobra/insurance expense. Possibly Luke may be able to call your husband's place of employment to get information rather than you dealing with it at this time.

Just seeing certain people makes holding back the tears next to impossible. These are good for you; don't try to hold back your feelings.

Hopefully writing and sharing with us at NT gives you some sense of release knowing how much we care.

With love & prayers,


Diandra 09-10-2015 01:46 AM

Just wanted to say goodnight Debi ( or is it good morning? )
I can't to get sleep either.

Thanks for the updates on your Mother.
I don't know how you can lift her wheelchair in and out of the car.
Like you and your Mom, my Mother and I don't like using it but, it is a necessity for both of us.
She used to fight me using it but she would tire after walking 15 paces and need to sit. you think you could delegate some tasks to the kids or other family or friends? to take the load off you? You seem to have the loveliest family and friends...I know people who care are looking for ways to help at a time like this and some my be very glad to step up.

I would like to mention, if you can, maybe your husbands insurance could provide a Medicare Gap type plan? I got a gap plan for the first time myself this year and it has been incredibly helpful. I have has some serious / expensive health issues and I have not paid a dime beyond what my deductible at the beginning of the year. Just a thought.

A big hug and hopefully a visit from the sand man.


DejaVu 09-10-2015 04:04 PM

A Potential Resource
Hi Debi,

You have a lot on your plate. :hug:

My dad had passed just a couple of years ago. This left too much for my mother to deal with. My dad still had a business, etc.

My mother's attorney had suggested a person he often recommends to widows/families in these situations. This person took over handling the finances, the insurance claims and more, immediately. In addition, she is "bonded."

She is a member of a national organization, " American Association of Daily Money Managers." (AADM)

I do not know if all of the certified representatives/money managers for AADMM are bonded or not. I also do not know if they each offer all of the services she has offered to my mother.

The AADMM suggests many questions be asked of any of their members/representatives :

She has been able to go over Social Security information. She has gone over Medicare and many "medigap" insurance policies and explains them to my mother, helping my mother to make choices on these. She has been able to review insurance claims and explain them.
She has made calls to insurers to clarify coverage, to appeal decisions, and also to assist my mother in choosing new plans, etc.

She also deals with the banks, the tax attorneys, etc.

She was able to come into the situation immediately, deciphered my dad's business accounting, set up a more comprehensive and easier accounting program for the business, as well as for household accounting (and budget). She had this all done very quickly. She has helped my mother and our family in a truly significant way, during a very trying time.

I want to mention this organization to you, incase this is something you may find helpful. Your attorney may know of a similar type of a professional available to assist you, should you desire assistance.

Love and Prayers,

St George 2013 09-11-2015 06:15 AM

Thank you DejaVu :)
[QUOTE=DejaVu;1170114]Hi Debi,

You have a lot on your plate. :hug:

My dad had passed just a couple of years ago. This left too much for my mother to deal with. My dad still had a business, etc.

My mother's attorney had suggested a person he often recommends to widows/families in these situations. This person took over handling the finances, the insurance claims and more, immediately. In addition, she is "bonded."

She is a member of a national organization, " American Association of Daily Money Managers." (AADM)

I do not know if all of the certified representatives/money managers for AADMM are bonded or not. I also do not know if they each offer all of the services she has offered to my mother.

The AADMM suggests many questions be asked of any of their members/representatives :

She has been able to go over Social Security information. She has gone over Medicare and many "medigap" insurance policies and explains them to my mother, helping my mother to make choices on these. She has been able to review insurance claims and explain them.
She has made calls to insurers to clarify coverage, to appeal decisions, and also to assist my mother in choosing new plans, etc.

She also deals with the banks, the tax attorneys, etc.

She was able to come into the situation immediately, deciphered my dad's business accounting, set up a more comprehensive and easier accounting program for the business, as well as for household accounting (and budget). She had this all done very quickly. She has helped my mother and our family in a truly significant way, during a very trying time.

I want to mention this organization to you, incase this is something you may find helpful. Your attorney may know of a similar type of a professional available to assist you, should you desire assistance.

Love and Prayers,

I'm going to read up on this....if not to help me then hopefully someone else in the future.

Debi in Georgia

St George 2013 09-11-2015 06:24 AM

Heading out early this morning
Good morning everyone :)

I called the SS 800 # yesterday afternoon and most of the stuff I need done has to be face to face in a SS Office. The first appointment I could get would be Oct 2nd. The local lady I talked too was very concerned for me and my funds and asked me to come in this morning at 9 when they opened.

So here I am waiting on my daughter to pick me up.

I was able to get a transport chair after Luke and I left the lawyers office on Wed. Insurance paid for it 100% thankfully. Will be nice to use at the SS Office this morning.

It's been rainy here and my body is not happy with it. Everything seems to hurt worse when it rains.

My body and mind are still just exhausted and I know I'm going to cry this morning when I start talking about Bubba. Not looking forward to that at all.

Take care everybody and I'll let you know how the visit with SS goes this morning. Hopefully smooth and quick :)

Take care.

Debi from Georgia

Kitty 09-11-2015 07:31 AM

Debi :hug:

I'll be thinking of you today. I remember those visits to all the necessary places. You'd think they could figure something out to where you didn't have to go in person but I guess they do it to protect you from fraud. Not feeling well physically just seems to add to the emotional pain.

It's been rainy here, too (North Georgia) but next week Fall weather arrives!! It's going to be a relief to my body as rainy warm weather doesn't get along with me.

I hope things go as smoothly as possible for you today. Hoping you get to deal with kind folks who will take the time to explain things to you. I found most people to be very nice and patient with me. I'm glad you're taking someone with you today. I went alone to most places and found that I couldn't remember a thing I had been told. :eek: A second set of ears is always a good idea.

Hope you'll check in later when you get back home.....and as you feel able let us know how things went. :hug:

Diandra 09-11-2015 11:57 PM

Good night debi

Originally Posted by St George 2013 (Post 1170235)
Good morning everyone :)

I called the SS 800 # yesterday afternoon and most of the stuff I need done has to be face to face in a SS Office. The first appointment I could get would be Oct 2nd. The local lady I talked too was very concerned for me and my funds and asked me to come in this morning at 9 when they opened.

So here I am waiting on my daughter to pick me up.

I was able to get a transport chair after Luke and I left the lawyers office on Wed. Insurance paid for it 100% thankfully. Will be nice to use at the SS Office this morning.

It's been rainy here and my body is not happy with it. Everything seems to hurt worse when it rains.

My body and mind are still just exhausted and I know I'm going to cry this morning when I start talking about Bubba. Not looking forward to that at all.

Take care everybody and I'll let you know how the visit with SS goes this morning. Hopefully smooth and quick :)

Take care.

Debi from Georgia

Good night Debi.
Here's hoping the visit to SS went smoothly and I am sure they are used to people who have lost loved ones, becoming emotional.

Hope you are sleeping better. I can't recall but if you are not getting any good sleep, perhaps a tranquilizer or sleeping pill are in order for a bit. When we had my father at home on hospice care, my pain doc gave me lorazepam and it not only helped with sleep, it helped take the sharp edge off the stress induced pain.

Thinking of you:)

St George 2013 09-13-2015 01:46 AM

Can't sleep .... again
These last 2 days have been brutal. So many tears.....I think the numbness has worn off. Maybe I want it back.

Social Security office Fri morning:
We were the first ones in line. I was so hoping to get the lady I've had the last 2 times and I did ! She is such a sweet person and was so helpful. We made Christina my representative payee.

For clarification I did ask her if I had to have a representative payee. (The first visit with her after I was approved for disability she asked me if I thought I needed to have one and I said yes and she put my husband down who was will me at the appointment.)
She said no I was not required to have one (some people are) but she likes to ask everyone. She says people should have a choice even if they are not required to have one. She said I can call at any time and they will take Christina off as my rep payee. But honestly after going through all this paperwork I feel better having Christina on there. I've added her to my joint account and am going to add her to my savings acct.

I'm of the opinion now that no one should have any type of acct without the name of someone else on it.....someone you can trust.

Even when Bubba was on my SS account I paid all the bills. And will continue to do so. But if something happens to me then Christina can pay the bills for me.

Then Sat morning we went to the bank. The lady we deal with there saw Bubba every week as he went through the drive thru. Even if she was at her desk as soon as she heard his voice she would go to the window. She said he never came through without a smile on his face and happy words to all of them. This lady has also known us for years.
So the three of us sat at her, Christina and Tammy, and cried and changed the accounts. I was told to begin with that I would have to have new accounts set up.....Thank goodness that was not true. I was dreading that as you all would know what that entails...especially with drafts coming out.
They closed at noon and she stayed with us until 1:00.
Came home and laid down until I had to get up and ready for Evan's 15th birthday party.
It was at his other grandparents cabin/pond and such a beautiful place. They live on a country road and then about 1/2 mile down is a dirt road that Evan lives on......the property runs from one road to the other and they have made a road through the property so they can drive to each others place or walk. So beautiful and quiet going through the woods. They had a fire pit set up and lots of seating. It was just the immediate family on both sides. Luke and Evan's mom are divorced but so thankful we can all be together when needed for parties and especially the passing of Bubba.

Christy (Evan's mom) sent me a beautiful text yesterday. Here is what she said:

15 years ago today! Can you believe it ? Just wanted to tell you thank you for being so good to me thru the pregnancy and loving Evan so much. He has been so blessed with good grandparents even when his parents were crazy. LOL. When I went in to see Bubba alone on Friday night @Hospice, I told him thank you for loving Evan so well and all of the time and love he gave him and for being so good to me over the years. He said "you're welcome. That's my boy". Then Evan came in and we all hugged. I'm so glad I got to tell him that. Evan wouldn't be 1/2 of the person he is if he hadn't had y'all helping raise him. Love you !

And the tears flowed. So thankful she is Evan's mom and such a wonderful mom and person. She's always been here for us even when her and Luke were not getting along at ALL.

I cried when Luke and I left the party......I was sad that Bubba wasn't there and Luke said "mom....he was there".....such powerful words.

Now I have to get through going to see the people in HR where my husband worked. My son in law will be taking me on Monday afternoon. He also works for the City when bubba worked.

My husband was the maintenance supervisor at a waste water treatment plant for the next city over from us. I'm going to see if they will let us plant a tree in his honor and call it "Duck's Tree" which is what the guys at work called him. We still haven't gone and cleaned his office out. I cannot do it. Hoping Christina and Luke can go one day at lunch and do it. Christina had many lunches with her dad at his desk. Good memories.

I was exhausted when I got home. Didn't realize just how tired I was until I sat at the dining room table. Lane has spend the night with me for 2 nights. Sweet boy all curled up on Bubba's side of the bed. He's 10 but when he was younger he would run in the bedroom with Bubba and get on my side and either fake sleep or actually go to would sleep on the couch ! He thought that was soooo funny. But Bubba loved it. If he happened to fall asleep on the couch you could be sure when he woke up during the night he was coming in the bed with us....right smack in the middle.

My mom is doing ok.....still in a lot of pain but she keeps on the energize bunny.......she's adamant that she is going to wash my dishes and wash the clothes....something she has done for years. She says that is her job. I can get her to sit down after I give her the pain meds because I tell her they will work better if she'll rest about 45 minutes. Most of the time she dozes off and I let her sleep until she wakes up. She's eating good and home health came and signed her up on Friday. She was NONE too happy about that I can tell you. She wanted to know WHO sent them to her house. The doctor we kept telling her and because she puts all faith in a doctor she said ok even though she doesn't want people in her house 2 times a and and RN visit each week. They are also going to replace her scale with a new one so they can weigh her every week.

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for the messages. Such heartfelt caring and love I feel every time I read a post.

I miss my Bubba so much.

Debi from Georgia

ps....I'm 45 minutes south of Atlanta. About 20 minutes from the Alabama line....we're talking about renting a place in North GA for Thanksgiving as no one wants to be here during that time. Chicken and dressin' in the mountains......WOW is all I can say.

Kitty 09-13-2015 10:28 AM

Good Morning Debi,

That text from your DIL was so sweet. She sounds like a good friend to you regardless of her and your son's differences. It's hard to take a neutral stance when you love them both. I hope things will go smoothly for them and for you.

It sounds like you got to deal with some kind folks on all your different visits. You know, in hindsight, I think you will realize that all of it helps with your acceptance of Bubba's passing. I didn't realize a lot of things until time had passed and I thought back to some of it.

I had a similar experience at the bank we had accounts at. The folks who worked at the branch he always used were so shocked the day I showed up with the terrible news. They were very nice and offered such sweet words of comfort.

When my hubby passed away we didn't use the Internet for banking. I'm not sure if it was even available back then but he liked to write checks and mail them the old fashioned way so that's what we did. He also liked getting a paper paycheck and physically depositing it at the bank. Well, things have sure changed since then because everything I do is electronic from getting checks deposited to paying my bills. 99% of it is due to the fact I don't drive anymore and the other 1% is convenience. I have to admit I think I'd be doing it this way regardless of my health! I can even deposit paper checks via an App and never have to leave the house. ;)

I'm glad your Mom is feeling better. I can relate to how she feels. I don't like strange people in my house either.....even if they're there to help me! My Mom was the same way. She'd clean the house before the housekeeper came. :rolleyes: Didn't want anyone to think we ever had dirt in our house!! :eek:

I agree with you about having someone you trust on your accounts. My boys are both on my bank accounts and savings accounts. I haven't needed their help...yet...but if that day ever comes it will be so much easier on all of us not to have to deal with financial issues. If I need to at some point my DIL might also be put on one of them but that will have to be OK'ed by the attorney. What on earth did folks do years and years ago when we didn't have all these rules and attorney's to take care of them and advise us?

Ahh, we learn lots of things about ourselves during difficult times like this. We also learn how much family means to us. I do hope you're having more good days than hard days. I can attest to the fact that time will be your friend.....maybe not right now but it will.

:hug: Kitty

St George 2013 09-14-2015 09:27 PM

Hey Kitty

Originally Posted by Kitty (Post 1170749)
Good Morning Debi,

That text from your DIL was so sweet. She sounds like a good friend to you regardless of her and your son's differences. It's hard to take a neutral stance when you love them both. I hope things will go smoothly for them and for you.

It sounds like you got to deal with some kind folks on all your different visits. You know, in hindsight, I think you will realize that all of it helps with your acceptance of Bubba's passing. I didn't realize a lot of things until time had passed and I thought back to some of it.

I had a similar experience at the bank we had accounts at. The folks who worked at the branch he always used were so shocked the day I showed up with the terrible news. They were very nice and offered such sweet words of comfort.

When my hubby passed away we didn't use the Internet for banking. I'm not sure if it was even available back then but he liked to write checks and mail them the old fashioned way so that's what we did. He also liked getting a paper paycheck and physically depositing it at the bank. Well, things have sure changed since then because everything I do is electronic from getting checks deposited to paying my bills. 99% of it is due to the fact I don't drive anymore and the other 1% is convenience. I have to admit I think I'd be doing it this way regardless of my health! I can even deposit paper checks via an App and never have to leave the house. ;)

I'm glad your Mom is feeling better. I can relate to how she feels. I don't like strange people in my house either.....even if they're there to help me! My Mom was the same way. She'd clean the house before the housekeeper came. :rolleyes: Didn't want anyone to think we ever had dirt in our house!! :eek:

I agree with you about having someone you trust on your accounts. My boys are both on my bank accounts and savings accounts. I haven't needed their help...yet...but if that day ever comes it will be so much easier on all of us not to have to deal with financial issues. If I need to at some point my DIL might also be put on one of them but that will have to be OK'ed by the attorney. What on earth did folks do years and years ago when we didn't have all these rules and attorney's to take care of them and advise us?

Ahh, we learn lots of things about ourselves during difficult times like this. We also learn how much family means to us. I do hope you're having more good days than hard days. I can attest to the fact that time will be your friend.....maybe not right now but it will.

:hug: Kitty

Sometimes I just want to speed up time so it doesn't hurt so much.

And I totally understand your husband using paper checks....we still do too ! Our Post Office is around the corner so no big deal to drive thru and mail the bills once a month. Well......actually one of the kids drives through for me.

I refuse to get a debit card. My daughter says I'm probably the only person in the world that doesn't have

I don't know why I don't get up to speed with checking.....I was in the business sector for years and I know change is good.

I was in bed all day yesterday. I guess Fri and Sat really took a toll on me. I was up and down, sleeping and just laying there. At 6pm my daughter called and said dinner was ready....told her just to bring me a plate.....And she get up and get down here.....We grilled steaks and I made you shrimp scampy so you are coming down of course I went.

So the Panama City Beach trip is on for this weekend. It will be me, Christina and my 1st ex daughter-in-law, Christy. I've been hesitant to go but I think it will do me good. We'll leave on Fri afternoon and come back Sun night...Just a short trip. Jonathan and Luke are going to take care of grandma while we are gone. I haven't told her I'm going yet.....I'm going to wait until Thursday afternoon to tell her because when I do she is going to ask me 100 questions before I leave....maybe 200. And I'm not kidding :)

Today Jonathan and I ran several errands....probably 10 in all. I sat in the car for most of them but had to go into my husband's HR to discuss everything. I didn't get as upset as I expected to and I'm thankful for that. The amount of paperwork is astounding ..... one paper leads to another having to be done. It's like all the paperwork is having babies.

I hope all of you are doing well. I'm sure some are and some aren't. Please know that I think of my NT friends often during the day and night.

This is the first thing I've ever joined on the internet and I could not have picked a better site.

Goodnight everyone.

Debi From Georgia

Diandra 09-14-2015 10:40 PM


Originally Posted by St George 2013 (Post 1171066)
Sometimes I just want to speed up time so it doesn't hurt so much.

And I totally understand your husband using paper checks....we still do too ! Our Post Office is around the corner so no big deal to drive thru and mail the bills once a month. Well......actually one of the kids drives through for me.

I refuse to get a debit card. My daughter says I'm probably the only person in the world that doesn't have

I don't know why I don't get up to speed with checking.....I was in the business sector for years and I know change is good.

I was in bed all day yesterday. I guess Fri and Sat really took a toll on me. I was up and down, sleeping and just laying there. At 6pm my daughter called and said dinner was ready....told her just to bring me a plate.....And she get up and get down here.....We grilled steaks and I made you shrimp scampy so you are coming down of course I went.

So the Panama City Beach trip is on for this weekend. It will be me, Christina and my 1st ex daughter-in-law, Christy. I've been hesitant to go but I think it will do me good. We'll leave on Fri afternoon and come back Sun night...Just a short trip. Jonathan and Luke are going to take care of grandma while we are gone. I haven't told her I'm going yet.....I'm going to wait until Thursday afternoon to tell her because when I do she is going to ask me 100 questions before I leave....maybe 200. And I'm not kidding :)

Today Jonathan and I ran several errands....probably 10 in all. I sat in the car for most of them but had to go into my husband's HR to discuss everything. I didn't get as upset as I expected to and I'm thankful for that. The amount of paperwork is astounding ..... one paper leads to another having to be done. It's like all the paperwork is having babies.

I hope all of you are doing well. I'm sure some are and some aren't. Please know that I think of my NT friends often during the day and night.

This is the first thing I've ever joined on the internet and I could not have picked a better site.

Goodnight everyone.

Debi From Georgia

Hi Debi,
I am so glad this is your weekend away. It is understandable you are hesitant but, it will be good to have a change and just get away from the house for a couple days.

You are running around so much, you are making ME tired...10 errands in one day! I couldn't do 10 errands in a week!!!

You are smart to wait to tell your Mom you are going away...less stress for both of you. Glad to hear she is doing OK.

Good night Debi,

P.S. There are two of us left on the planet that don't have debit cards.

ger715 09-15-2015 12:42 AM


Originally Posted by Diandra (Post 1171075)
Hi Debi,
I am so glad this is your weekend away. It is understandable you are hesitant but, it will be good to have a change and just get away from the house for a couple days.

You are running around so much, you are making ME tired...10 errands in one day! I couldn't do 10 errands in a week!!!

You are smart to wait to tell your Mom you are going away...less stress for both of you. Glad to hear she is doing OK.

Good night Debi,

P.S. There are two of us left on the planet that don't have debit cards.

p.s.....There are three; count me in.....


ger715 09-15-2015 12:51 AM

I hope all will go well with this weekend; but please, should you begin to feel you cannot handle it, I'm sure everyone will understand. Iit's good that you're holding off telling your Mom about this upcoming weekend.

Not sure you realize how much you have really accomplished in so short of time. Thankfully you have a great family as well. All of you are in this together; they are grieving too. Spending time doing errands and just being there with you is healing for them as well.

Your daughter is quite wise. I'm glad she insisted you come down to eat. Good for you for obliging her request.

As always, you and your family are in my prayers.:smileypray:


EnglishDave 09-15-2015 07:46 AM

Dear Debi,

Thinking of you and your family often throughout the days.


Kitty 09-15-2015 08:54 AM


Originally Posted by St George 2013 (Post 1171066)
I refuse to get a debit card. My daughter says I'm probably the only person in the world that doesn't have

I don't know why I don't get up to speed with checking.....I was in the business sector for years and I know change is good.

Well, it looks like you have some company here with the debit card issue!! I don't know how I'd survive without mine. I order everything I need online and have it delivered so it's a necessity for me. It's not hard to get used to it so if you ever want to get one it won't be a hard transition for you.

My husband and I both had one to the account we shared and he was forever telling me to be careful and not leave it in the ATM if I got cash out. I hardly ever used the ATM and usually got whatever cash back I needed when I bought groceries. Well, don't you know that HE left his card in the ATM one day when he was getting some cash out and the person that came up behind him took it and used it at the Kroger!! And the shoe store and the Farmer's Market!! Luckily we discovered it and called the bank and they fixed our account but he never ever reminded me to be careful with my card again!! ;) I didn't mention it to him after that day but I know he remembered it and was mortified about it!

Hopeless 09-15-2015 10:08 AM


Originally Posted by Diandra (Post 1171075)
Hi Debi,
I am so glad this is your weekend away. It is understandable you are hesitant but, it will be good to have a change and just get away from the house for a couple days.

You are running around so much, you are making ME tired...10 errands in one day! I couldn't do 10 errands in a week!!!

You are smart to wait to tell your Mom you are going away...less stress for both of you. Glad to hear she is doing OK.

Good night Debi,

P.S. There are two of us left on the planet that don't have debit cards.

Make that THREE !!! :D

St George 2013 09-15-2015 01:23 PM

debit cards / credit cards
Kitty, my husband is exactly the same would warn me of something and then do it his self ! Of course I didn't mention it after that. I use my credit card quite a bit. Have ordered Christmas the last 2 years with it and other stuff. My husband was getting a check every 2 weeks until right before he passed so I'm going to have to get use to his ck not going in. We are pretty much cash people. Just take out what we need every 2 weeks.

I will be getting a retirement check from his work. The different in getting in now and waiting until he would be 65 is not a whole lot so I think after his birthday in Jan (it will go up 4%) I'll start taking it. That might now be a good idea either. Due to what I will draw I'll probably be losing out on not getting these 3 months of his retirement pay. So many decisions !

Anyone have an opinion on whether I should go ahead and draw now (if I do I can get my first check on Oct 1st) or wait for his birthday and the 4% increase ? I guess I should wait because the 4% increase will be there for the rest of my life.

I know I'm not suppose to make any big decisions but I've decided to take over my son's payments on his new truck. It's exactly what me and Bubba wanted and we were in the process of getting it from him when Bubba went into ICU. I can afford the payments and no more driving than I or my kids do for me it will probably last me 20+ years.

Us girls are taking it to PCB ! Whoo Hoo ! We will be so bad I just know it. Of course all I want to do is get in my floaty chair and float all over the pool or lay on the beach for hours :) Thank goodness for my new transport chair. That is going to make things so much easier. Guess I need to get a lock so I can lock it up like a bike before going onto the beach.

Gotta go......the RN from home health is on her way to see my mom. Need to prepare her.

Debi from Georgia

Kitty 09-16-2015 04:40 AM

Good Morning,

Up at my usual ridiculously early hour :rolleyes:. Don't know why I wake up so early (well, I do go to the potty! :o). Once the cats hear me up that's it.......everybody is hungry and can't wait.

I'm glad you get to take the truck to PCB......that will be a good trip and I hope you get to relax and unwind. I remember I went to TN about six months after my DH passed away. I went back and forth about going right up to the day I went but I'm glad a did. It was a welcome distraction to the seemingly endless reminders that my world (and life) had changed so drastically.

How did Mom do with the visit from the nurse? I know she might take a while to get used to it but it's so much easier than having to pack up and "go" to the doctor's office.....especially for simple things that could be done at home with a quick visit from a nurse.

What's your weather like? Up here in N GA we're having cool nights and relatively cool/warm days. It's that time of year where you almost have to turn your heat on at night and your AC on during the afternoon.

I hope you're having some good days and some fun things to look forward to. :hug:

RSD ME 09-17-2015 03:32 PM

i am so sorry for your loss Debi. i am sending prayers and healing thoughts your way.

St George 2013 09-21-2015 12:20 AM

Just got back from the beach
Well I have to say the guys (my son and son-in-law) took great care of my mother while we were gone. They can function without us ladies after all :)

It was a very nice, relaxing trip. The weather was beautiful and the gulf was calm. I was even able to get out in the water and float around on my float. We laughed and cried and told funny stories about past trips with Bubba. There were dragonflies everywhere and we all felt he had sent them to us as a message. Dolphins playing close to shore and I even saw a flounder swim by.

The hardest part was the drive down and back. I could check off every gas station/convinence store and restaurant we had ever stopped at in years past. That was sad and also coming home to no Bubba waiting for me :(

The future looks bleak without him by my side. I know I'll get by but will it be enough without him ? I'm scared really of what lies ahead of me. I guess I just need to put it all in God's hands. He knows best doesn't he ?

Thanks to all who took the time to read my latest update. I know I will not have to travel this road alone with all my friends here anytime I need them.



Kitty 09-21-2015 11:26 AM


Originally Posted by St George 2013 (Post 1172455)
The future looks bleak without him by my side. I know I'll get by but will it be enough without him ? I'm scared really of what lies ahead of me. I guess I just need to put it all in God's hands. He knows best doesn't he ?

There were days when I wondered how I'd ever do it alone. Those days seemed to last forever. Then I'd have a day where I seemed to be coping well with the changes in my life. It's just getting used to a new normal. It won't happen overnight.....some days it seems like it'll never happen. But it will. When you look back over the days and months you'll realize how much stronger you've become. I think the trip to PCB was a great idea and it probably did a lot for you towards helping you heal and cope. I was scared, too, but have since gotten stronger or better able to cope or both. :rolleyes: Sometimes you surprise yourself at the situations you can cope with and the things you can do.

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