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Niggs 10-11-2016 11:33 AM

When labours cease
A recurring theme and life long obsession : the nature of the human condition and reality. If you feel inclined please interpret the image/words as you see fit.
I wrote it in the manner of a mandala or koan to try stimulate both left & right sides of the brain.


just think " jeez, not another one from Niggs !


It was sudden, so demanding it's ethereal form,
a figure there, standing still brazen against the storm,
at me so to stare.

And then, I heard his voice though he made no sound,
far across the Vale, bid me sit there upon the ground
and listen to his tale.

He said, I knew him well but that we had never met,
born on the same day, when our paths had been set,
the thirteenth of May.

He looked familiar, though his face I couldn't discern
I felt no fear, sensing for me he felt love and concern,
and had always been near.

“I have” said he,“all the answers that you have sought,
knowledge concealed, the problems you have fought,
all will be revealed”

“There will be, a time when you're finally granted peace,
mercy long overdue, and as your labours finally cease,
you'll know that I am you.”

Niggs 10-16-2016 04:51 PM

Back then
One of the privileges of getting old is to be able to wind up young folk by telling them how much better the world was "Back then"

Brolly= Umberella
Sherbet dip = a paper bag filled with sherbet powder and a lolly like a hard boiled
sugar candy on a stick.


“You see, it was better back then” folk often like to say.
sunshine was somehow brighter, there were 25hrs in a day.
snow was so much whiter.

Back then, a family treat was a trip to the Yorkshire coast,
with luck an ice lolly, food for the week was Sunday's roast,
Summer required no brolly.

It was honest, the doors in their houses had no use for keys.
Always a roaring fire, for a passing stranger to warm his knees
and journey on much dryer.

You could, drive to London for the price of a sherbet dip,
beer was the proper sort,and you were ****** on a single sip,
only a penny a quart.

It's clever, how memory makes us with fondness see our past,
moments of “remember when”, as back our thoughts are cast.
It was better back then.

Niggs 10-16-2016 04:59 PM

On social issues/morality

It's a new day with nothing to say, kinda lost their way but they can't let go.
No ones fault, like pepper and salt,they should call a halt but battle on.
An angry night, just another fight, cos' money's tight but no makin' up..
They like to dream it's all berries and cream,so it doesn't seem,things are so bad.

He asks for a sub,he needs the pub,but here's the rub she always says no,
so he goes in her purse cos' drink's his curse, what could be worse, he sighs.
When she does the math, he feels her wrath,the kids in the bath,cold & alone.
They put warm chips to their blue lips, fizzy sugar sips, always the same.

She's on the town, legs painted brown, loses her frown on a Friday night,
lads strut their stuff acting tough, a bit of rough but she wants more
she drinks too much,lets them touch, a kind of crutch that helps her through,
it doesn't last long, she knows it's wrong, same old song sung every week.

Their kisses aren't the same,there's no flame, it's a shame but that's how it is,
No love but they care, the children they share, smiles are rare in that house.
She wants much more,he asks what for,stares at the floor and now he knows,
there is no hope, on the downward slope, they just can't cope any more .


Always on the Stairs
her Life is silence
Mum sell her Wares
surrounded by violence
Though no blame, it's always the same,
You claim to cry, then walk on by.
He holds out a Cup
asks his God again
not to wake up
so no more pain
Have you a part, deep in your Heart
to forget the cost and save the Lost
The voice she hears
destroys her Mind
no help for years
til a Body they find
It's not a Game, don't you feel shame,
you want to do more, then forget what you saw
He lives in Halls
clutching his Phone
there are no calls
he sits all alone
Are you aware, do you not care
under the Skin , lies a Land of Sin

Are you aware, that you just stare

Are you aware, you're never there

Are you aware.............................

Niggs 12-01-2016 04:37 PM

Smiles, Windy days, Goodbye Summer

Be cautious, for sometimes it is nothing more than a sinister mask,
a facade of deceit, to render you off guard is it's malevolent task,
born out of conceit.

A confusing one, often well intentioned yet somehow it angers you,
with it's patronising Air, a favourite to dispense barbed pity in lieu,
of concern and care.

Yet another, has the power to lighten the darkest of our days,
make good from bad, down hearted spirits to quickly raise,
create happy from sad.

Best of all, is the one that's so subtle it's not easy to discern,
seen only once in a while, it exorcises from you all concern,
the “gonna be ok” smile.


Dogs wearing caps made from ears turned inside out,
cabals of folk huddled together but still having to shout.
With white knuckles on posts shuffle the old and the frail
while a gent in a billowing coat drifts past in full sail.
Helpless trees protest with their frantic dervish dance,
as a single bird takes to the sky leaving it up to chance.
Manic playtime children seem possessed by the gales
Old men like to tell even worse windy weather tales.
Lifting roof tiles and toppling trees is it's sordid intent,
just so long as there's damage done will it be content.


It's a shame, going so soon without a goodbye.
Though you didn't stop long,
I liked what you did with the clouds and the sky.
But the sun wasn't that strong.

And why did you bring all that miserable rain,
next year leave it behind.
Spring brought so much we were flooded again,
though the fish didn't mind.

Could you not mess with the prevailing wind,
I guess you find it fun.
And I know the ozone is somewhat thinned,
but try harder with the sun.

Now I think about it I'm glad you've left,
I'd sue you if I could,
for being both guilty of summer holiday theft
and colder than you should.

Niggs 12-01-2016 04:42 PM

To a friend
Written with recent tragedy in mind...


We hope with your final sleep there came soft tranquil dreams,
a sun washed field, scented flowers and liquid crystal streams,
a heaven that was slowly revealed.

Consoled are we, knowing that you will finally suffer no longer,
the pain is no more, there are none who could've fought stronger,
it was just time to close the door.

Though we feel grief, so saddened by that which we cannot explain,
by life's purpose beguiled, your joie de vivre in memory will remain,
for the world lit up when you smiled.

Niggs 12-08-2016 07:23 PM


Is it the movement of hands around a watch or clock,
as the seasons ever pass, the slow weathering of rock,
or the growing grass.

Maybe it only exists when we wake each and every morn,
and at death ceases,do we create it from the day we're born,
with myriad other pieces.

I wonder if mine is unique or do we all experience the same,
do we make our own path, if so we have ourselves to blame,
and not some deity's wrath.

If only we could unravel the true nature of our reality,
and open it's doors wide, we'd lose the fear of mortality,
and eagerly look inside.

Niggs 01-28-2017 12:40 PM

Generations,there's only now, cold is coming

the small boy, stands with reverence in the old man's shed
mesmerised by bits and bobs, air laden with tobacco scent
he watches the fall of silver hair still left on a tired head
awestruck he listens,glorys and stories of a life well spent

by the clock is a picture, a woman possessed of a beauty rare
a smile on his age worn face, as when the wedding bells rang
he tells the boy of finding love while tea and cake they share
listening to the record playing forever, songs that she sang

a grumpy voice greets the boy saying “do you know you're late”
he's not cross really, just a tad worried, it's for the lad's sake.
Endlessly pacing up and down until he heard the garden gate
for he promised he would show him how paper planes to make

a hand in his cardigan pocket as the old man pretends to nap,
reveals a matchbox, a small gift for the boy, seen only by a few
inside lies his personal treasure, a badge from his old army cap
he smiles as young eyes light up, for he was once a small boy too

there is only now

pay no heed to the spurious clock
as it spirits the hours from the day
it's numbers and hands that mock
with a sly intent the eyes to betray

feast on sweet memories of the past
strain not to see over future's prow
bind yourself to the present's mast
and tenderly grasp there's only now

think not of time as fine falling sand
or the endless draw of a river's flow
it changes not as ruby embers fanned
but infinite slices neither fast or slow

yesterday has been and gone so fast
to see tomorrow time can not allow
seize this moment for it will not last
fleeting instants ,there is only now

cold is coming

gone now are the skies of starling flocks,
bereft purple heather,once hidden rocks
all know cold is coming.
Time travel ritual of altering the clocks

no more garb with summer colour bright,
days that sooner surrender to the night,
feel that cold is coming
lost bottom drawer scarves pulled tight.

Arboreal cats cradle, leaves on the ground
drab brick walls by dusted crystal crowned
hear that cold is coming.
Boots on ice blanket grass, footprint sound.

Surprise solar displays from a waning sun,
revealed diamond silk traps already spun,
see that cold is coming.
For an expectant land winter has begun.

ger715 01-30-2017 08:47 PM

Scenes created, seasons change, and of course, a smile on my face. Thank you for sharing.


Niggs 01-31-2017 04:48 AM


Originally Posted by ger715 (Post 1235076)
Scenes created, seasons change, and of course, a smile on my face. Thank you for sharing.


Reading your kind words this morning Gerry has brought sunshine into my world.

Thank you.


Niggs 02-09-2017 01:55 PM

Re: my poetry
Hi just to let anyone who maybe interested know Iv set up a non commercial blog to present my Art .It's just my personal site and is not part of any other community or group and just gives me the opportunity to put a bit of glitz to my words and keep me out of mischief !
I will still post owt new here as this community means so much to me.

VOICES OF A HIDDEN SELF – poetry,prose and dopamine dreams

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