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Jaime_S 08-27-2009 07:21 PM


Feeling guilty all the time,
The feeling won’t go away,
It always haunts me
And there’s nothing I can say.
Feeling guilty all the time,
I can’t escape this feeling,
This guilt eats away at me,
And sends me reeling.
Feeling guilty all the time,
This feeling makes me so blue
I tried to make it right,
But there was nothing I could do...


Next tag - Sleep, sleeping.

pearl girl 08-27-2009 07:49 PM

Sleep/Sleeping Tag
a time to revive
the sleeper's gain
alludes me most nights
don't want to complain.

an ongoing battle
rarely won
oh sleep, where are you
why have you gone

it's never been easy
to stop the mind's patter
so sleep hides away
but what does it matter

I yearn for the bliss
of a night filled with dreams
instead I get nightmares
or just darkness, it seems

my daytime frustrations
go with me to bed
and keep me from sleeping
Oh, to shut off my head...

Tag: sleep/sleeping again, or MOURNING/MORNING, either

(am I playing this game right ??? )

GmaSue 08-28-2009 12:43 AM

Tribute to children who lit up the world briefly and then were gone:

In a beautiful padded and decorated whiskey box
my little babies lie
safe from all pain and hurt
safe from my nursing procedures
now a little footprint on a card and perhaps a lock of their hair is
enough to jog my memory
of their wee fighting spirits.

The precious girl whose grandma burned her under hot water
she suffered so before she died
I appreciated the privilige that was mine
to enter into her world and show her love and kindness
she always seemed to know I was just trying to help
even when I had to add to her pain.
She is there in a picture of her with a toothless grin.

In the red rose lidded box is the birth card of the baby
born with his spinal cord lying twisted on his back,
and the sweet little one with his intestines outside of his body
and oh my, now I read a eulogy of one of my special ones
who lived 35 hours with only me by her side.
some with footprints only as big as my thumbnail
some old enough to call out for their mom
some I knew for just awhile
Some I cared for so long
they glued their hearts to mine.

Next Tag: Mourning or Reasons

Burntmarshmallow 09-01-2009 06:32 AM

Gmasue I have read this tag poem over and over it is so very good. So touching.
It is like you "gave life" to those babies by sharing your words they came to visit my/our heart and mind.
I have to ask if your were a nurse? I am guessing yes.

I also have to say it is tough to follow after such a deeply touching poem. and as I need to go to post office before I go to work... I will have to come back and do a tag tonight or tomorrow.
but wow what a poem I enjoyed that one very much!!!!!!! Blessings to you Gmasue:hug:

pearl girl 09-04-2009 12:45 PM

Reasons, reasons what are the reasons?
looking for answers to unanswerable questions
trying to make sense out of a senseless world
and worse
a senseless life.
God has saved me many times
and I want
to know

what are the reasons... I can't find one.
is just living enough?
I used to think my life was worth something
just because
I had survived.
over and over again.

Reasons? what are the reasons?
tenacious? no
determined? no
will to live? no
purpose in life? no
no no no no no no no.
no reasons - yet.
I'm still looking.
I haven't given up.

TAG: ~~ Horizon -or- Sky

this is really reflective of my mood :( ... wrote it in about a minute.


GmaSue 09-05-2009 01:08 AM

Horizon-for you, Pearlie

When I was just a very little girl
In the front seat of a 1950 Chevy
The Horizon would bring fear to me
Closer, closer, it would loom
Til my heart would cease to beat

Buzzing along to the top of a hill
All of my rational thoughts would stop
On those old 2 lane highways-what a thrill-
You never knew what was just over the top

Closer and closer, til I thought I would bust
What was causing that cloud of dust?
Was it a trucker, too drunk to drive
At the top of the hill, would we still be alive?

Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, golly gee!
(That was swearing back then for me)
The top, The horizon, Here it comes
For comfort sucking, I needed 5 thuimbs
The top of the hill
It's here. It's here
Oh, I see now-
a beautiful valley stretched out below
The rest of the mountain, only flattened out low
I love it, I love it, I love nature, the trees
I'm feeling as giddy as a small Honey bee
We're safe and we're over the tall, scary hill
The Horizon was just hiding a secret-I can feel the thrill still

I hope life is like that, that in the end
We'll see why the suffering was worth it-that it was just a bend
That when we've turned the corner-of the last lonely road
The full view will show us why we lived to be old

Tag: Silly Things

GmaSue 09-05-2009 01:12 AM

Pearlie, I was just reading your words again, and especially the last refrain-

Correct me if I am wrong, but wouldn't you say that it takes a tenacious, determined, will to live to not give up? You must have all of those things after all. :Heart:

pearl girl 09-05-2009 02:13 AM

Dear Sue, I am extremely grateful for wonderful you ... I feel so deeply moved that you wrote that poem for me. You took an interest in me and you touched me - inside where it's hard to reach. Thank you for being the beautiful creature you are, so caring & giving & loving ... I will try to see through your eyes. Don't friends always see each other more kindly than the mirror?? You poem is beautiful; they all are. You are an inspired writer and I'm very glad we are friends.
Love and a BIG (((((hug)))))

GmaSue 09-05-2009 03:22 PM

:Heart: to you Pearlie and to all you Taggers- I was just telling mwa that seeing yourself like someone else sees you-such a valuable treasure and so necessary to the survival of us all-is like tickling yourself. Which is very simply why we need each other. You can't tickle yourself-just doesn't work.

Ok-silly things-someone better come up with something, or I will have to start quoting Shel. Love him-especially the head where the butt should be one-high literary genius stuff!

GmaSue 09-05-2009 06:39 PM

Now THAT was silly-giving us a tag that rhymes with flatulence! I guess we are still stuck on silly, then.

Jaime_S 09-05-2009 10:35 PM

OK, something short and 'silly' for a change! :o

Silly Things

Silly things I always seem to say,
And we laugh about them every day.
Silly things often happen to me,
Just my luck, it’s obvious to see!
Silly things I always seem to do,
And we know I look kind of silly too!


Next Tag - Teacher/teaching

pearl girl 09-09-2009 03:55 PM

I want so to write, but my mind's a mess
What will come next is yours or my quess....


Surprises can be our teacher of life;
and lessons can come from joy or from strife.

Who will, pray tell, my next teacher be?
A song, a voice, a book, maybe He...

I suck in my breath, my heart skips a beat
I've found one more piece of the puzzle not complete.

Where did THAT come from, it caught me off guard
and I find myself wiser - a tiny less marred.

The bliss of knowing, of surpassing the mind,
Is a teaching that leaves us more tender and kind.

For the teacher is here and then suddenly there,
If only I could be where I should for my share.

This crude little ditty is really a plea
for more everyday moments to teach dumb old me.

The teacher I speak of is sometimes called LUCK
but I prefer miracles, cause luck: it can suck.

he he .. got ya ****** I am LMAO....

sorry, guys, I started out with a serious mind, and it just went off the deep end --- at the end ....


Burntmarshmallow 09-09-2009 05:41 PM

:p your fun to do tag with Pearl that was funny luck can suck thats for sure hope good luck follows you around more often then not.

My BEST teacher didnt give grade
that teacher never ran a class.
My best teacher by far
has always been my past.

The vivid colors shedding
a season on the move.
Crisp rainbow carpet
crunching under foot
Air smells of cooling pies
festivals , and great memories
Autumn is my favorite time of each year.
same tag Autumn or the Fall
because I love it so much.:circlelove:

GmaSue 09-09-2009 07:21 PM

Thank you PG and BMW-those are now on printed out and in my survival purse. It is so humbling to read words put together like that.

Burntmarshmallow 11-01-2009 10:28 PM

oh yes we need a new tag
can't let this thread lag
some words of verse line by line
doesn't even have to rhyme
light or dark short or long
what ever you feel bring it on.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

free tag any subject any form...
Tag your it you can pick
FREE TAG subject of your choice.

Jaime_S 11-02-2009 10:47 PM

Yes, I haven't been around much lately, so haven't contributed to this tag game for a while.:o
But now I think we need more 'Words'!;)


Words I should have said,
But I never did,
I left it too late,
The guilt I’ll never be rid.

Words I kept inside,
And never set free,
I held onto them,
And they’ve come back to haunt me.

Words I didn’t say,
I never did try,
I kept it quiet,
Now I am wondering why…

{©2009 Jan B.}

Tag - A lesson/lessons

Burntmarshmallow 02-05-2010 03:31 PM

Lessons I have learned are this,
With T.N. it is hard to kiss.
It is sometimes better to keep
my mouth shut then to speak.
When one needs help it is hard to admit
and harder still to actually ask for it.
When you have a choice to laugh or cry
You should choose to let your laughter fly.
Many that are near and dear to me
are people I will never with my own eyes see .
----------------------- ------------------------------
BOY DID THAT JUST STINK.. SORRY just wanted to pick it up here and move the tag a bit :rolleyes:

next Tag is WARMTH

Alffe 02-05-2010 04:30 PM

His empty rocker sits by the fire,
his box of rocks on the floor.
his blonde tow-head,
his dimpled cheeks,
his head thrown back
his ageless grin,
his booming laugh
memories =

*grin...nothing rhymes with warmth!

Tag is still warmth!

Burntmarshmallow 02-05-2010 06:56 PM

Warmth -BMW '10-
Warmth of those fine words flow.
Bring warmth from long ago.
Snap shot memories flicker and play
like a movie from back in the day.
That warmth is never far away.
Match to wick a warm array .
Warmth of those fine words flow.
feeling comfort in the candles glow.
------------ --------------- -------------


Love your tag Alffe :D you did awesome :)

Alffe 02-05-2010 10:07 PM

* are such a treasure dear friend...:hug:

tag is still Food.

Jaime_S 02-08-2010 12:05 AM

Food? favourite subject!:D lol


I really love good food,
It helps to lift my mood.
I really love to eat,
I prefer something sweet.
I really love a feast,
Keeps hunger away at least.
I really love a full plate,
But it’s definitely no good for my weight!


Next Tag - Chocolate!

Burntmarshmallow 02-08-2010 10:33 PM

Chocolate - BMW '10 -
Gosh, I have a soft spot.
Oh yes, I do surely realize
nothing melts my heart like
warm chocolate chip eyes.

------- -------- ------------


Alffe 02-10-2010 12:42 PM

Dieting? the treadmill laughs,
you take me for a hanger,
Go ahead and count those grams,

The only way you're going to lose
is if you break a sweat.

What a know-it-all he is..
this usless dang machine..

Too heavy to move,
he crowds the room..

:o that sounds a lot like me

Tag is Planet

Burntmarshmallow 02-10-2010 08:26 PM

Planet-BMW '10-
Spinning twirling round and round.
More water then there is ground
Millions billions of mouths and minds ,
trillions of ideas, doings, allot mankind's .
All of it marking, tattooing dear old earth
Each of us till death from our birth
Who is up there watching looking down ?
On my spinning planet I stare up profound .
next Tag is SPIRIT

Burntmarshmallow 03-02-2010 07:14 PM

Spirit -BMW '10 -
Spirits of the oceans ashes dropped into the sea
Many shells washing a-shore some of them for me .
Spirit of waves rolling washing... tide high tide low .
Spirit dancing shimmering cashing under the moons glow

Spirits of Olympic competition go and go never giving in !
Fighting hard for a place … they were giving everything!
Spirit of Olympics on winged dreams soaring for the best
Spirit of Olympics a medal and title of better then all the rest.

Spirit of each of US reaching out with words each letter
spelling out support to make someone else “better”
Spirit of Us we leave or marks attempting help ... sharing .
Spirit of US a family of sorts reaching out and caring .

Spirit of things that have passed always close and near.
Memories playing all the time some pleasant some we fear.
Spirit of things that have passed keep me somewhat wise .
Spirit is everything everywhere if you just open up your eyes.

----- --------- -------- --------

Momma's Kids 07-01-2010 10:01 PM

I arise to put my feet in my shoes.
I around the bed I look, above and below.
I look for my shoes here, there and everywhere, but alas
Sheba took them elsewhere, but now my shoes are on my feet.
She didn't chew them up, just put them side by side, which I thought was so sweet. If only I could teach her they actually go on my feet!


outrigger 08-06-2010 05:42 PM

g'day mates
Been a long time but there must be some relics around.

standing still while
tail lights fade
left behind as hope
rides away
despair the shadow
blocking prayers
i text each day from
my abucus

outrigger 08-06-2010 05:47 PM

my spelling stinks and the tag is;

green highlander

Burntmarshmallow 08-10-2010 02:47 PM

Green Highlander - BMW '10 -
A zombie washed in green ?
a ghost that's barley seen ?
A monster truck on the prowl
Some kind of jungle foul?
Green Highlander is it true
that in streams you flew
A feather pattern on a hook
to catch that fish in the brook???
Please let me know if your green highlander is for fly fishing or .. what the heck green high lander is? Ya got a salt water fisher here .

next tag is CATCH what ever comes to your mind when you read the word catch . dose not have to be about fishing!!!!

outrigger 08-24-2010 03:47 PM

a life ago from work i snook
with line and stick
down to the brook
now i sit with feathers and thread
while a catch of a woman
shakes her head

tag on:

Burntmarshmallow 09-02-2010 01:35 PM

Bongo -BMW-
Oh Yes, I know Bongo
got one some time ago
Was for my girl Halei
when she turned
the age of three
then she grew
went to school
played 2ed drum base
she looked so cool
switched to snare
made the drum corp
x-country at 16 hard to bear.
Oh Yes, I know Bongo
got one some time ago
it is a favorite thing
when young ones come visiting.

Next Tag Jetty

Jaime_S 05-02-2011 01:15 AM

OK, I thought I would revive this thread, while I feel inspired! :D

On The Jetty

Sitting on the jetty,
Looking out to sea,
I’m always wishing,
You were here with me.

The waves are lapping,
Just below my feet,
This is where we,
Always used to meet.

Memories of you,
Still pull at my heart,
Here on this jetty,
Is where we had to part…

Next Tag : Wood

Burntmarshmallow 11-06-2011 11:22 PM


I have been waiting all year,
for the right weather to appear.
A chance at last, patience withstood
now is the night I can burn my wood .
The stars sparkling crisp in October's air
by the fire and the wood pile I sit in my chair
Gazing up at meteor showers while it crackles n smokes
coaxing the fire with wood and my jab and pokes.
All night long a majestic skyward show
in the morning the embers were still aglow .
---------- -------------- ------------
Tag is WIND (as in it is windy)

Alffe 11-07-2011 06:42 AM

The beauty of autumn blankets the grass,
and beckons me to get off my ***
I raked for days, still smell of smoke
But last nights wind
this must be a joke!!

The beauty of autumn blankets the grass. :o

New word is Patient. :wink::wink:

Burntmarshmallow 11-12-2011 11:33 PM

Patient - BMW 11-11
Be patient and the time will come,
have a deep breath or two , just hold on.
Take a step back and dont lose your cool
act patient least ye be the fool .
Losing temper off the handle there it goes
cross the line that frustration shows .
Wisely diverting any more of a anger fit,
you just need to be still and silent .
Be patient because that time will pass
you'll be looking back as they kiss your ***
------------------------------- -------------------
TAG IS MOON full moon or giving the moon either one TAG YOUR IT

Burntmarshmallow 01-31-2012 10:41 PM

A sliver in darkness dimly glowing
hovering permanence , it is all knowing .
Warped in a zillion wishes and dreams
catching my prayers , my silent screams .
The unspoken words , the ones I miss .
Yes ,Oh so small I am in this great abyss.
Next Tag is free Topic -write what ever you please -

Jaime_S 02-09-2012 12:02 AM

Free topic = anything goes? :winky: lol

Anything goes

Anything goes,
Don’t you know?
Open up,
And let you wild side show!
Anything goes
That’s what they say,
Just step up,
And do it your own way!
Anything goes,
Yes, it’s true,
Own up now,
It’s what you want to do!


Next tag.... Wild

Not my best work, just something quick! lol I've had writers block for a while now, but the painting compensates for that, surely? :D

GladysD 04-17-2013 11:43 AM

As the days go by
Life passes by
Some days are opening the sky

Reflecting on youth
Wild days they seem
What a dream

Have I turned mild
Passion revives

As the day time sky

Next Word: Life

Living_Dazed 05-24-2014 11:21 PM


Unpredictable changing energy
Energizing draining daring challenging
Fresh with possibilities of your choice

Golden hues in the morning sun
Laughter from soul to soul
Hands to heart saying goodbyes

Next word: carnival

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