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Bryanna 09-17-2012 09:55 PM


Antibiotics should not be used without a proper diagnosis. You could have a muscular problem which would not require antibiotics. Clindamycin can cause major intestinal upset, so it should not be taken without just cause. FYI, taking a probiotic supplement daily would be helpful in preventing or minimizing that upset.

A dentist should be able to distinguish between an infection and a muscular issue. If you were to go to the ER of a hospital that had a dental department, the dentist on call would take an xray of the area to see if anything showed up that way. He would also ask you a series of questions and perform a few muscular tests. If you feel your situation is getting worse and you feel you should not wait.... then go to the ER. Only you can determine that.... wish I could be of more help to you :/



Originally Posted by NervousMess (Post 915256)
I tried today and over the weekend to get someone to see if I've an infection, no luck whatsoever. I've been prescribed, from 500 miles away, 300 MG Clindamycin 4X(!) a day, and given that I've a rather sensitive digestion I'm not eager to take it. Anyhow, I've no idea how to verify if I've an actual infection or not - no doctor will see me any time soon, saying that I've a dental problem and a dental prescription, and there's no dentist or Oral Surgeon that has time in their schedule to see me to make a clear diagnosis. Also, I'm not entirely sure a dentist is even qualified to determine such things.

Would going to the ER help at all?

NervousMess 09-18-2012 10:12 AM

The condition is getting worse, am trying to get an appointment somewhere today. Am also taking acidophilus and eating a lot of yogurt in the event I require clindamycin. Is there a brand (of yogurt) that you'd recommend?

Anyhow, thanks very much again for your help, all this is a bit confusing and I feel a lot of rather conflicting concerns all at play at once. Whee.


- John


Originally Posted by Bryanna (Post 915305)

Antibiotics should not be used without a proper diagnosis. You could have a muscular problem which would not require antibiotics. Clindamycin can cause major intestinal upset, so it should not be taken without just cause. FYI, taking a probiotic supplement daily would be helpful in preventing or minimizing that upset.

A dentist should be able to distinguish between an infection and a muscular issue. If you were to go to the ER of a hospital that had a dental department, the dentist on call would take an xray of the area to see if anything showed up that way. He would also ask you a series of questions and perform a few muscular tests. If you feel your situation is getting worse and you feel you should not wait.... then go to the ER. Only you can determine that.... wish I could be of more help to you :/


ginnie 09-18-2012 11:53 AM

Hi John
Since you can't get into see a specialist or OS. I would indeed go to the emergency room. At least you could find out what is going wrong. Sometimes the ER docs. can get you into see a specialist faster than you could on your own. so sorry you are going through all this. ginnie

Bryanna 09-18-2012 06:13 PM

Hi John,

Hopefully you have gotten in to see someone today. Please keep us posted!

Yes, keep taking the probiotic every day. Yogurt is okay so long as it's organic and contains no sugar, sweetener or pieces of fruit. Any of those things will destroy the good bacteria in there. It's best to eat plain organic yogurt and add your own fresh fruit for sweetness.

Will check back later to see if you've stopped by....


Originally Posted by NervousMess (Post 915407)
The condition is getting worse, am trying to get an appointment somewhere today. Am also taking acidophilus and eating a lot of yogurt in the event I require clindamycin. Is there a brand (of yogurt) that you'd recommend?

Anyhow, thanks very much again for your help, all this is a bit confusing and I feel a lot of rather conflicting concerns all at play at once. Whee.


- John

NervousMess 09-18-2012 09:01 PM

This is quite a mess.

To recap the saga so far...

Act I, Scene I: I have a wisdom tooth removed last June up in Portland, Oregon where I was spending the summer (I work in Northern CA during the school year).

Act I, Scene II: I develop an infection two weeks later, which is lanced by the OS who performed the aforementioned extraction. No major problems ensue.

Intermission: I return to Arcata CA (roughly 500 miles south of Portland) for the beginning of the school year.

Act II, Scene I: Two weeks ago, I schedule a cleaning with my local dentist and also have them look at my cheek/jaw which was starting to hurt, especially after chewing. The feeling is a bit like when I was infected, but without the swelling or other telltale symptoms. My dentist tells me he suspects there is some scar tissue that might need be removed and suggests I call the OS in Portland who did my extraction.

Act II, Scene II: A day later my jaw starts to hurt MUCH worse after chewing anything remotely "chewy". I become concerned, and call the aforementioned OS, but am only able to speak with his secretary. Eventually, she calls back with a prescription for a large amount of antibiotics.

Act II, Scene III: I try and find some way to verify that I have an infection that merits said antibiotics - first, I try and make an appointment with my local OS, but cannot be seen there until mid-October. I then try an open-door clinic, but they refer me back to my dentist.

Act II, Scene IV (today): I return to my local dentist, trying to explain my situation. He is annoyed and lectures me about having gone to a remote OS for the original extraction and the ensuing complications of said decision. He stands by his assertion that there is no infection, but is unwilling/unable to to perform a blood test or any other concrete procedure to verify his opinion other than to assert that there's no swelling, temperature, or any other physical sign in my mouth to suggest an infection. He does urge me to see the OS in Portland to treat the scar tissue and in the meantime tells me that I should not take the antibiotics and prescribes Motrin instead.

I've no idea what to do now. If it is an infection (which at this point I frankly doubt) I should act quickly, but it's proving difficult to find anyone willing to do a simple blood or X-ray test to confirm it. I'll probably call the OS in Portland and try and find a way up there (which isn't a simple trek, as I don't own a car and there's no longer any direct flights) but in the meantime I'm wondering if an ER has, by default, become my court of last resort.

Anyhow, I'm going to see where I can find sugarless/sweetenerless/fruitless yogurt to match my fruitless attempts at diagnosing this increasingly unpleasant condition. Thanks again, both of you guys, for all your help.


- John


Originally Posted by Bryanna (Post 915559)
Hi John,

Hopefully you have gotten in to see someone today. Please keep us posted!

Yes, keep taking the probiotic every day. Yogurt is okay so long as it's organic and contains no sugar, sweetener or pieces of fruit. Any of those things will destroy the good bacteria in there. It's best to eat plain organic yogurt and add your own fresh fruit for sweetness.

Will check back later to see if you've stopped by....

Bryanna 09-18-2012 09:39 PM


... ^#^$^&^*^(&987!!!! ^^$&^Y*))(E#*&EW& !!!!....
I'm sorry your attempts have been fruitless :/

At this point if you go to the ER they will probably prescribe antibiotics.... but they hopefully would at least take an xray. I don't know why the dentist would not take one???!! What is his problem? I'm so sorry you are going through this nonsense :/

Have you tried taking motrin? Sometimes you can take it in small increments over a period of time and it will offer substantial relief. That may be your best bet until you can get to see that OS in Portland. Small increments meaning 200 mgs every 4-6 hours for several days. This way you are not overloading your liver or kidneys but there is a steady dose of the anti inflammatory in your system.

Can you possibly get to the OS over the holidays in december? Of course you would have to set that up ahead of time.

As for the<< sugarless/sweetenerless/fruitless yogurt>> go to your local supermarket and pick up some Stonyfield Yogurt or some other organic brand.
Oh and you can usually find some organic fruit there too :>

Don't get discouraged.... I totally understand your frustration. I wish I could be of more help to you. Keep in touch....


To recap the saga so far...

Act I, Scene I: I have a wisdom tooth removed last June up in Portland, Oregon where I was spending the summer (I work in Northern CA during the school year).

Act I, Scene II: I develop an infection two weeks later, which is lanced by the OS who performed the aforementioned extraction. No major problems ensue.

Intermission: I return to Arcata CA (roughly 500 miles south of Portland) for the beginning of the school year.

Act II, Scene I: Two weeks ago, I schedule a cleaning with my local dentist and also have them look at my cheek/jaw which was starting to hurt, especially after chewing. The feeling is a bit like when I was infected, but without the swelling or other telltale symptoms. My dentist tells me he suspects there is some scar tissue that might need be removed and suggests I call the OS in Portland who did my extraction.

Act II, Scene II: A day later my jaw starts to hurt MUCH worse after chewing anything remotely "chewy". I become concerned, and call the aforementioned OS, but am only able to speak with his secretary. Eventually, she calls back with a prescription for a large amount of antibiotics.

Act II, Scene III: I try and find some way to verify that I have an infection that merits said antibiotics - first, I try and make an appointment with my local OS, but cannot be seen there until mid-October. I then try an open-door clinic, but they refer me back to my dentist.

Act II, Scene IV (today): I return to my local dentist, trying to explain my situation. He is annoyed and lectures me about having gone to a remote OS for the original extraction and the ensuing complications of said decision. He stands by his assertion that there is no infection, but is unwilling/unable to to perform a blood test or any other concrete procedure to verify his opinion other than to assert that there's no swelling, temperature, or any other physical sign in my mouth to suggest an infection. He does urge me to see the OS in Portland to treat the scar tissue and in the meantime tells me that I should not take the antibiotics and prescribes Motrin instead.

I've no idea what to do now. If it is an infection (which at this point I frankly doubt) I should act quickly, but it's proving difficult to find anyone willing to do a simple blood or X-ray test to confirm it. I'll probably call the OS in Portland and try and find a way up there (which isn't a simple trek, as I don't own a car and there's no longer any direct flights) but in the meantime I'm wondering if an ER has, by default, become my court of last resort.

Anyhow, I'm going to see where I can find sugarless/sweetenerless/fruitless yogurt to match my fruitless attempts at diagnosing this increasing unpleasant condition. Thanks again, both of you guys, for all your help.


- John[/QUOTE]

NervousMess 09-18-2012 11:16 PM

I might try Motrin, but I'm finding that simply Ibuprofin makes things pretty tolerable (at least for now), which makes me further suspect it's some sort of inflammation. That said, I'm still unsure/worried about the possibility of an infection and will try to see my general doctor ASAP, especially as he's perhaps the only medical professional in the area that even pretends to actually listen to me.

Anyhow, once again, thanks, and I'll look for Stonyfield yogurt. :)

- John


Originally Posted by Bryanna (Post 915603)

... ^#^$^&^*^(&987!!!! ^^$&^Y*))(E#*&EW& !!!!....
I'm sorry your attempts have been fruitless :/

At this point if you go to the ER they will probably prescribe antibiotics.... but they hopefully would at least take an xray. I don't know why the dentist would not take one???!! What is his problem? I'm so sorry you are going through this nonsense :/

Have you tried taking motrin? Sometimes you can take it in small increments over a period of time and it will offer substantial relief. That may be your best bet until you can get to see that OS in Portland. Small increments meaning 200 mgs every 4-6 hours for several days. This way you are not overloading your liver or kidneys but there is a steady dose of the anti inflammatory in your system.

Can you possibly get to the OS over the holidays in december? Of course you would have to set that up ahead of time.

As for the<< sugarless/sweetenerless/fruitless yogurt>> go to your local supermarket and pick up some Stonyfield Yogurt or some other organic brand.
Oh and you can usually find some organic fruit there too :>

Don't get discouraged.... I totally understand your frustration. I wish I could be of more help to you. Keep in touch....


ginnie 09-19-2012 08:52 AM

Hi John
For your dentist not to take an x-ray, and then speak rudely to you, is not acceptable. This was not your fault. I would indeed go to the ER, with the exact list you posted, and let them take the x rays. Pain is a symptom that something is indeed wrong. Most hospitals do have a dentist, or OS on hand. There are plenty of patients who come in with some trauma to the mouth and teeth. Take action if you can. 500 miles is a long way to go, and costly to boot. I always take a different route when one fails. I don't repete what clearly didn't work before. That goes for tests, doctors, dentists, the lot of it. My stubborn streak is very evident, and I do eventually find out what is wrong. If that takes some serious squacking, well by golly I squack! I do wish you all the best John. Call the american Dental association also, ask for a referral to an OS closer to you. That is another option. Take care...ginnie:hug:

Bryanna 09-19-2012 10:18 PM


Motrin is Ibuprofen. I agree, if an anti inflammatory decreases the pain, then that may be indicative of inflammation and not an infection. A brewing infection in the jaw bone usually does not respond to Ibuprofen (ie: Motrin, Advil, Aleve).

If you think your physician can be of some help to you, then please go see him. He may do some blood work to check for inflammation and elevated bacteria.

If you go to the MD, keep in mind that it is best not to take any anti inflammatory for at least 24 hours prior to having any blood work.

Stop by and let us know how you're doing.... :)



Originally Posted by NervousMess (Post 915618)
I might try Motrin, but I'm finding that simply Ibuprofin makes things pretty tolerable (at least for now), which makes me further suspect it's some sort of inflammation. That said, I'm still unsure/worried about the possibility of an infection and will try to see my general doctor ASAP, especially as he's perhaps the only medical professional in the area that even pretends to actually listen to me.

Anyhow, once again, thanks, and I'll look for Stonyfield yogurt. :)

- John

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