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Join Date: Sep 2014
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Newly Joined
Join Date: Sep 2014
Posts: 1
Molar pain after wisdom tooth extraction
I've had all four wisdom teeth extracted, two at a time, in two sessions, 7 days apart.
Five and a half weeks ago, I had my left side (top and bottom) wisdom teeth removed. The bottom one was severely impacted. After a CT scan, and the wisdom teeth removal, I was told that there seemed to be little to no nerve damage as no part of my face, cheek, or tongue felt numb after the anesthesia wore off. I have been careful to make sure to not get dry socket, brushed my teeth carefully, and all that.
About a week ago (four weeks after the wisdom tooth was removed), my molar (bottom left side) started hurting. When I drink cold water (or sometimes even room temp water) it hurts. When I chew on that side, it hurts.
I read online that a lot of times, this can happen since the molar tooth also has to move? Or maybe its just the gums and tissues healing over time?
Either way, I'm worried about a cavity uncovered after the wisdom tooth was removed. But why would it start hurting 4 weeks after? I'm more worried about nerve damage, possibly from my own usage of a small floss/pick to take out food that fell into the hole where the wisdom tooth was extracted from. Are the gums receding?