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Bryanna 02-04-2015 11:05 AM


Bone grafting is common in those cases where the wisdom tooth was in a location that resulted in a huge void in the bone once the tooth was removed.

It is also common in cases where there is no second molar or where there is bone loss around a second molar.

In some cases the wisdom tooth is located in mostly soft tissue and very little bone in which bone grafting would not be necessary.

Just a mention.... Anytime bone grafting material is placed in a tooth socket it is important for the bony socket and tissue to be healthy and free of infectious bacteria. Otherwise the graft, the socket and the bone can become a festering bacterial problem.



Originally Posted by Cleo (Post 1122059)
Bryanna, How common is immediate bone grafting with third molar extraction?

kmd1019 02-04-2015 11:20 AM

I'm sorry if my information is not clear. My original OS is out of the office, on vacation, whether he's in town or not, I don't know, I just know he is not available. The last time I spoke with him was Sunday via email. I called his office and they referred me to the on-call surgeon covering for him while he is out and he agreed to see me yesterday. I have called other OS offices and have been refused because they do not want to see me with an active issue from a surgery by another OS as it is a liability.

Different information is coming up, because different things are happening. Some things that I was originally experiencing (zingers), I am no longer experiencing, and other things (this hard, immoveable lump) I have been experiencing since my very first post. Other things, I just don't know because I'm getting conflicting information (i.e. the bone graft: OS 1 never said anything about it being gone, OS 2 tells me it was "probably washed out," in the meantime I am still rinsing pieces out). The waking up in the middle of the night from pain has only been going on for 3 days. Another example of something new that has popped up is this morning the lump hurts when I swallow, not my throat just the actual lump. The constants have been: pain, numbness, this lump, and trouble chewing/ fully opening my jaw.

OS 2 called last night and stated that I "may want to have a conversation with OS 1 about jaw debridement." I still have yet to receive a diagnosis or explanation other than infection. When I asked OS 2 last night specifically if it was an abscess, bone infection, tissue infection I was told and I quote "tomato, tomatoe it's infection all the same and the treatment is the same." I even tried asking his assistant when OS 2 had left the room for a more accurate explanation of the infection and she repeated exactly what he had said. The lip/chin numbness continues, but at this point I don't even care about that anymore, I'm more concerned with the infection. Still can't chew, literally surviving off of oatmeal, ice cream, and mashed potatoes. I am able to open my mouth a little more today, but still not fully open it.

At my appointment with OS 2 yesterday, he did administer an x-ray, which I didn't see and he didn't discuss with me, so I'm assuming it was fine.

Here is my main treatment: antibiotics, steroids, ibuprofen, and saline rinses. With the exception of trying one-off home remedies (one time a tea bag, one time clove oil, etc.) to try to fix my situation, I've only been doing what was instructed. I do hot compresses multiple times a day. I am currently on my second round of antibiotics, and my second round of prednisone. I have been taking 2400mg of ibuprofen a day for three weeks now. This is day 20 post-op, 7 days of Amoxicillin initially (which I am assuming was prophylactic as it started one day prior to surgery and OS 1 never told me of any infection) and then when I presented with infection to OS 1 last Thursday he started me on a 10 day round of Clindamycin. OS 2 has now extended that and added a probiotic and prednisone. OS 2 stated he would like to do more about the lump, but he can't without putting me to sleep and I just need to follow up with OS 1. He tried to lance it, it was too painful, but he did manage to get a little bit of stuff out of it and said it was "bloody, milky, and soupy." When I asked what the lump is I was told "infection."

No one can seem to give me an answer as to what's going on, the OS's are tap dancing around questions and not giving me straight answers, and in the meantime, the problems continue and they just keep giving me drugs that seem to be doing nothing. I get that it is an infection, but I disagree that all infections are the same and get treated the same, and even if they were, the infection isn't going away so obviously the treatment isn't working! My medical doctor requested my records from OS 1 this morning and I am going to be seen by her hopefully today as it seems like no one in the dental profession can or wants to give me an answer. All of this for a tooth that wasn't even bothering me.

Cleo 02-04-2015 09:19 PM

You need to go back to OS 2 in the morning and have them show you on the xray why they think you need this cleaned out... What does the xray indicate is your main concern! Why didn't OS 1 take one last week?

kmd1019 02-04-2015 10:30 PM

I'm not sure why OS 1 didn't take one as soon as it was determined that I had an infection that popped up even though I had taken Amoxicillin, especially since I have a lump on my jaw bone. I know Googling medical information on the internet doesn't do much but hype you up, but from what I read it seemed like there were a number of things he should've done, but didn't do. After being to OS 2 and having him asking me all these questions and explaining everything to me, I realize now that maybe my OS 1 wasn't as capable as I thought he was for my situation. I will stop short of saying negligent, but let's just say I'm not happy. I actually want to transfer care to OS 2, but I'm not sure if OS 2 will do that. I'm going to call their office tomorrow and talk to them about it, because if I need to have a debridement done, I'm certainly not going to the same OS. I'm still seeing my PCP tomorrow because I would like my vitals checked and she wants to do a blood work up and I'm hoping between her and OS 2 maybe there is a light at the end of the tunnel. I'm just happy my PCP got my records from OS 1 so she can review them because she said she would give me a copy and maybe I will finally get some info!!

Cleo 02-05-2015 10:32 PM

How did your day end up?

Ymelissa1fish 02-06-2015 12:45 AM

Hi. I had my teeth taken out last year. All four. I am sorry to hear you are having such issues with your post op. When they took the X-rays for my pre surgery they said that the roots of my teeth inter twined with the nerve in the jaw, and they wouldn't be able to remove all due to the fact that it could cause numbness and such problems similar to your discription. So they had to leave a small amount of tooth in not to bother the nerve. I think you should ask to get a copy of your pre surgery X-ray and bring it to another OS and just even ask if it looks intertwined if they won't see you. The only other real problem that I had was a dry socket, the blood clot didn't stay and it felt as tho my bone was rotting, they put this strip in that caused amazing relief within 30 minutes. Best of luck to you. I would deffinetly look into a lawer to at least even consult with and get the xrays with. You could try a pay only if you win lawer.

kmd1019 02-06-2015 10:31 AM

The original OS office called to see how I was doing and scheduled me for a possible incision and drainage on Monday (under anesthesia). I went to my PCP and she checked my temp (I wasn't running one) and she checked the skin color and made sure it wasn't hot and everything. She said it definitely wasn't cellulitis, she thinks it's an abscess but she said it wasn't really behaving like one. My lymph nodes are swollen on my right side so she was thinking it might be an aggravated lymph node, but obviously there was a presence of infection so she felt I should have an MRI so she could see exactly where the lump is. She said there's a lot going on in that area, salivary gland, lymph node, jaw bone, etc. and she felt an MRI would provide a much clearer picture than an x-ray. I haven't decided if I want to do that just yet.

Ymelissa1fish: you bring up a really good point because my other bottom wisdom tooth had the nerve wrapped around it and that OS had a really difficult time extracting the tooth. I'm going to ask my OS about the possibility of a tooth fragment still being in there when I see him on Monday. Sounds like you had a really rough time, as well!

I really think once the lump is drained, I will feel so much better. It's the source of the pain, and even my extraction site is almost healed up now, I think there's just a build up of pressure in my cheek. It's like I have a golf ball on my jaw. When OS 2 attempted draining it, I had a bunch of tingly sensations in the numb area of my lip, so I think the inflammation is aggravating the nerve, which is making this so painful. I'm just so ready to eat normal food again, lol! Thanks for the support, I really appreciate it!

Cleo 02-07-2015 12:18 AM

Since OS 2 has the current xray they should be on call right now to answer all your concerns.

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