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ConsiderThis 07-22-2007 10:15 PM


Originally Posted by shiney sue (Post 113818)
I'm going through this now i'm 60,have Micro Valve Prolapse,and
Sjogren's Syndrone,so all infection must be taken care of before
anything can be decided. And i'm in fear of Dentist's in a big way.
Lot's of dental problems with Sjogren's :eek: indeed. Sue

Gosh, thank you for telling me about this thread. Though I must say I am extremely tense just reading it.

The information is good.

I was scared last year when I told a friend about the infection around my old dental implants and she asked why the dentist hadn't given me an antibiotic...

When I didn't have any idea it made me nervous.

I know that the vitamin C that I'm taking is holding the infection in check.

When I don't take it (that was quite awhile ago that I ceased for a short while) the infection gets a lot worse, at least that's what I blame for the swelling that happens and the intense pain that accompanies it.

I just found myself saying, "Oh.... darn it!" I had really been hoping that the vitamin C could lick the infection... I mean, it is so much reduced.

It does scare me.

Well, thank you VERY much for directing me to this thread. I appreciate it.

I'm going to have 3 grams of C right now...




Bryanna 07-26-2007 04:45 PM

Hi Sue,

I hope this reply is informative to you and doesn't cause you any distress, but it needs to be said here that vitamin C cannot lesson or eliminate an infection in the jawbone. I am a firm believer in supplementing with vitamin C and lots of it!! It's great that you take it daily and realize the important health benefits from doing so. However, if you have an infection in your jawbone, especially around a dental implant, the vitamin C is not holding it in check.

Your symptoms of swelling and pain subside when you take the vitamin C because the supplement stimulates your immune system to send out white blood cells, etc. to the site of the infection temporarily reducing the inflammation, thus reducing the pain. The longer an oral infection is present, the more proliferated it becomes because the jawbone is extremely vascular allowing the infectious bacteria to travel via your blood into your main organs.

As I said before, this is not to distress you but to inform you of the seriousness of any chronic oral infection. It may behoove you to do some research on oral infections and how they affect other areas of the body if they are not eradicated.

I hope you and anyone else reading this takes this message seriously as I have personally witnessed life altering situations due to chronic oral infections.

The best of health to you,

Chemar 09-24-2007 10:04 AM

ack! well, it is done...this morning the offending tooth with it's neighbors on either side of it were extracted.:eek:

I am one lopsided Chemar right now but all went well and I am following all instructions with care

phew, glad it is over:o

Bryanna 09-24-2007 04:39 PM

Hey Chemar!
Well YEH! for you! I too am glad that this day is finally over for you. I know you have been anticipating it for quite some time now.

It is very important to follow the post op instructions. What really helps to keep the area clean of debris and also aids in the healing is the warm salt water rinses. As I'm sure your instructions say, begin rinsing with warm salt water 24 hours from when you had your teeth extracted. The first two days of rinsing you just want to "gently" swish the salt water around and then by the third day, rinse a little more vigorously. Rinse 3-4 times a day, especially before you go to bed at night. We recommend that our patients rinse with salt water for at least 2-3 weeks post op........ sometimes longer if the patient tends to build up alot of plaque. This rinsing really does wonders to heal the extraction sites!

I also have patients that tell me they use the homeopathic, Arnica, under their tongue to reduce pain and swelling. This worked so well for some, that they never needed a pain pill! They take it every 4 hours or less, depending on their level of discomfort, for about 3-5 days. It does not interfere with any meds so it can be combined with whatever else you are taking. Arnica is actually used post operatively for various surgical cosmetic procedures because it reduces inflammation and promotes tissue healing. So it's great at healing the gum tissue as well!

I also wish to emphasize that a nutritious diet, along with some extra vitamin C will help you feel well and it will speed the healing along.

Please keep in touch and let us know how you are doing!


Chemar 09-25-2007 07:13 AM

thanks Bryanna :hug:

yes, I got the homeopathic arnica pillules a few days ago, and have been taking them since shortly after the extractions, and started rinsing with the salt water this morning, which the dentist agreed is the #1 post op treatment

I am actually very pleased overall as with a row of three extractions I anticipated a lot of pain and honestly havent experienced much, even sleeping relatively well last night with just half a pain pill

Not only pleased to have the infected teeth gone, but also pleased to have the mercury fillings they had in them outa me too:p

Bryanna 09-25-2007 11:15 AM

Hi Chemar!
Well excellent! I always remind our patients to keep up with the salt water rinsing even though the area seems to feel ok. Sounds like that is already what you intend on doing!! Generally but not always, the third to fourth day post op can be when the most discomfort occurs. This is when the body accepts the trauma and the immune system starts to send those healing cells in abundance! Just keep doing the rinses and the arnica several times a day and the areas will heal just fine!

I meant to ask...... was there a sinus exposure??


Chemar 09-25-2007 11:31 AM

Hi Bryanna
yes, the root was partially in the sinus cavity, and she did some "cleaning, tidying and mending in there" is the way she described it, but it seems to have been not as severe as dentists in the past made it sound. I also have sutures in the gum. I go back Wednesday next week for a checkup, and for her to see if I would be ready for the other side where thankfully only minor extraction needed and no roots where they shouldnt be!
It's a bit stinging still but not the throbbing pain I anticipated so we will see what the next few days bring least I am ready with lots of healthy soft foods, arnica, supplements and kosher salt water:p and,,,tho I am always loathe to take any...if needed the pain pills, which she insisted I keep here, just in case it got real ouchy. hope I wont need 'em.

a special thanks to you again Bryanna:hug:
The care you show us all here, and the time you take to explain and help really played a big part in helping me to summon up the courage to just go get this done. Thank you :)

Bryanna 09-25-2007 06:37 PM

Oh Chemar.... you are very welcome ~'.'~

I know the information that I give can be a bit overwhelming.... but I always hope that whomever is reading it will see the relevance of being better informed. I want everyone to do well and have more positive dental experiences!!

Sounds like you are off to a great start! Let us know how it goes next week ;-)


Chemar 09-29-2007 01:44 PM

so far so good :)

still no pain and honestly the most irritating thing is the sutures.....

seems to be healing well and that ick taste has gone too

keeping up with the rinsing and the arnica pills


Bryanna 09-30-2007 09:11 PM

Hi Chemar!
SO glad to hear that you are doing so well!!
At your post op appt.... tell the dentist the sutures are irritating and depending on how healed the area is, they may be able to be removed!

Keep up the rinsing for at least another 2 weeks......... even if the sutures are removed to keep the area clean and promote healing.

Thanks for updating us............. hopefully all will remain well!


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