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eva5667faliure 04-23-2018 05:23 AM

A chance to give Eva fun
Spent the weekend down by my baby sis place
What a different feel when just minutes from the ocean
Eva will be 7 in just a bit
We me Eva Corissa has a really good time
I got to relax
Eva had two big surprises
Both set up by baby sis
A Disney on tour event
She was in awe
And dinner out
She was so well behaved I was in awe
Asked the waitress for whatever she needed
She is growing up so quickly
I however will admit
Had a relaxing time
I needed it so badly
And what a difference it made

eva5667faliure 05-09-2018 06:03 AM

The only thing I can do is just do
So much pain in all forms
My child has landeded herself in jail
Will appear before the courts today
I hope and pray this be enough for her to leave him
Oh how cunning and manipulative he is
She just could not control him pushing her buttons
I have kept away and will not allow him near us
So mush pain
So much sorrow
So sad
And yet I must continue to do for this child
I am contemplating adopting her
I will wait just a bit and see what my child chooses

eva5667faliure 06-01-2018 05:30 AM

Having pulled back
Doesn’t take away the pain
In fact it hurts more to do so
How horrible my grandchild has no desire to speak with her mother or her horrific being of who we call the father
My child stuck on him
Not on the promises Heavenly Father gives
It hurts the worry that she will off herself
There isn’t a time that I can remember I haven’t had the fear
Someone is going to succeed
Not giving true submission a chance
When will they see this
I taught them all
I am their example
A hood one
Why can’t they see this

Just because I manage to make it through the day
However hard it be
It seems I make it look easy to them
To have my children say
I’m not as strong as you mom
What are they taking about
I’m not strong I just do do the right thing
Terrible things happen
That’s just it

I went to my dermatologist yesterday
Brought my file on my medical history
Her nam Esther
Took a look at me and said Eva you look so much better the last time I seen you
Then looks at my history
Say there is a lot of stuff going on
I wonder to myself
How am I suppose to look
I don’t understand
I wear a shirt I have that is 35 years old
A pair of jeans
Sanders that have a strap on the heal as I cannot wear flip flops any more
Take a shower wash my hair put on some lipstick and I’m done
How am I suppose to show my insides
Is the outside suppose to match
Until I can keep my body looking it’s best I will do so
What does that mean

If I let myself go to match what I’m going through
I would have crumbled a long time ago

My grandchild my daughter the two who live with me
Need me as it gets harder
Not easier
She is seven
Had her since a infant
The time just running on bye

All I’m doing is just doing
Praying every morning
Heavenly Father give me the strength to push through this day with you holding my hand and never let me go
In God I trust
In Jesus I believe

eva5667faliure 06-08-2018 12:12 PM

How can one not be depressed
As this now another something
Not so easy
As I asked
And it isn’t a genetic let down
One of the contributors is stress
How this heart cannot handle anymore of it
I will now be seeing a cardiologist
And tow test that two separate doctors ordering
Internal vaginal ultrasound as I began to bleed for 9 days and the vascular test
Enough already

eva5667faliure 06-09-2018 05:11 AM

Just the last three televised suicide
Has indeed triggered something
What I don’t know
But I understand their act
As if it were the answer
Knowing of course it is not an option
Not in my case
But I get them
Robins death is still with me
Never left
The struggles of addiction not chump change
Along with depression as we try so hard to mask it
Put it at bay
Not to deal with all the pain as there is just to much of it
And one just doesn’t know where to shove it anymore
If it’s not one thing it’s another
What had become of us
Isn’t anybody listening
All those professionals
Out for the buck
There is just a small few who really give a s**t
And we get up and put one foot in front of the other and just do
And wait for that time to come
Not a way to live
But it’s the truth in this ones case
Who will care
As there is no care now
Who will care
It won’t matter there won’t be anymore pain of any kind
All gone
I watched him cook and travel all over the world
His passion as it was mine
And that was taken from me
Take just like that
My family I have aren’t listening
They are loving their lives in a not very healthy manner
They too suffer extreme depression
But do nothing about it
My father took his life
Just like that
Out a gun to his heart knew how to do it as he was a hunter
I’m one shot
All gone
And the pain he suffered gone just like that
Where are they all going
Why are we suffering the mental pain along with addiction
I am a recovering alcoholic over three decades
Young I was when I new I had a problem
It never went away
Many tomes I think how much easier it would be to pick up a drink
As it is my drug of choice
And having to be a slave to these meds I’m on
Hate it
I so hate it all
I wish I could feel the happiness I see some experience
What happened to us

eva5667faliure 06-20-2018 04:52 AM

In that terrible funk
Oh how depressing it is to have bad news come
As life around me just gets more difficult to handle
I do what only I can
And leave the rest to my Heavenly Father
In every days prayers I ask for relief
As I know he is taking care of me and the rest
I worry and just yesterday my worst fear having the inability to get my grand baby from school
Alone my car would not start after coming out of a facility on my way to get her
My alarm to the car just wouldn’t work
I’m a panic as my heart raced to run a long distance to my home and found a cab company on the way
Having just enough strength to pull myself together and calling the school while rushing to get home for the back up alarm the cab stayed took me back to my car it was the alarm
The doors opened without the alarm going off
Yes I was able to open it but not without the alarm going off putting the key in the ignition would not start
My worse fear came to light
In the end all was okay
The school principal said never worry
She is in good hands
Where was my family to help
None to turn to in this town
The cab was $6.00 I handed her a $20.00
Told her to keep the change
She said

eva5667faliure 06-20-2018 05:01 AM


Originally Posted by eva5667faliure (Post 1264089)
Oh how depressing it is to have bad news come
As life around me just gets more difficult to handle
I do what only I can
And leave the rest to my Heavenly Father
In every days prayers I ask for relief
As I know he is taking care of me and the rest
I worry and just yesterday my worst fear having the inability to get my grand baby from school
Alone my car would not start after coming out of a facility on my way to get her
My alarm to the car just wouldn’t work
I’m a panic as my heart raced to run a long distance to my home and found a cab company on the way
Having just enough strength to pull myself together and calling the school while rushing to get home for the back up alarm the cab stayed took me back to my car it was the alarm
The doors opened without the alarm going off
Yes I was able to open it but not without the alarm going off putting the key in the ignition would not start
My worse fear came to light
In the end all was okay
The school principal said never worry
She is in good hands
Where was my family to help
None to turn to in this town
The cab was $6.00 I handed her a $20.00
Told her to keep the change
She said

So much of my message missing

eva5667faliure 06-23-2018 07:04 PM

Back from hospital stay for a couple of days
Another diagnosis
arterial fribrillation

PurpleFoot721 06-24-2018 09:58 AM

Sorry to hear that you had to spend more time in the hospital. I hope you are doing better now that you are back home again.

eva5667faliure 06-26-2018 03:26 AM


Originally Posted by PurpleFoot721 (Post 1264252)
Sorry to hear that you had to spend more time in the hospital. I hope you are doing better now that you are back home again.

You concerns so appreciated
I haven’t had a chance to collect myself
My child has taken flight with someone she met on social media
It has always been a strain
I have a difficult time with all that is happening
It is not my nature to become dependent as I have pushed so much down it now is eating away at my body
To have lost the ability to do all that I did to have lost the ability to work at 49 still haunts me
Eva is the only person left for me to raise
For the harder times are ahead
And there is fear that my last child took flight as she did
As a mother who made them first on all my decisions I failed myself
Putting myself last was the only mistake
I now pay the price
I am baffled how easily one can not care
Having to deal with all this pain both physically and more importantly mentally
I try my hardest to hand it over 100% but the Moyer in me takes back.1%
And it doesn’t work that way
I must hand it completely over
To have just been diagnosed with Raynaud and to learn number one cause be stress and two weeks later be laid up in the hospital and be diagnosed with atrial fibrillation is just like dying slowly
I have but this lifetime hoping to get it right
And I’m saddened by my own
I’m so sorry I didn’t let myself be loved for fear my children would be hurt in some way
And here I am
57 with a beautiful body that is so badly broken
My spirit to follow
My mind tells me what I gotta do but my body can’t follow
Depression is stress like pancakes on a plate smothered in sweet syrup only to make it taste good
But a killer
Silent it is
And I don’t even like pancakes
Whatever happened to me I wonder
How did I let myself into this mess
I’m fighting for my life to take care of a child who’s parents are not doing well
So here I lay praying that I get through another day with the Lords help and be careful and kinder to myself
As it is what it is
You concern so appreciated
Be kind to you

eva5667faliure 08-14-2018 12:55 PM

Nothing I can do
My body slowly rotting
Just so many things gone wrong
I remember it like yesterday
Thinking I had a stiff neck
From that moment on the list of troubles
are to many to handle
I wake meditate take my meds put one aching foot in front of the other night comes and pray
Not even in sleep can I not feel pain
Just one moment by moment
She is what give me purpose
Having to get her ready for second grade
A special little girl for certain she is in my life for a reason
I am her everything
I cannot believe how much time has passed since joining
Wishing all the very best

eva5667faliure 09-12-2018 05:54 AM

And the beat goes on
Having a body that continues to fail
Is very discouraging
But it is what it is
A doctor today
And five more in the nest nine days
It just never ends
Then to tend to the everyday things in life that makes is go round
Constant interruptions by parents who still are so ungrateful
I have come to understand I must treat my children as if they were a drug
How sad is that
And with Heavenly Father holding my hand
And the beat goes on
Eva is a happy seven year old
Her mother again disrupting her life
And I must do what I’d rather not
In Jesus I trust
Oh how I just don’t want to feel
Hoping all are well

ger715 09-14-2018 10:16 PM

In spite of everything; little Eva still is a happy 7 year old. Your trust in Jesus along with the Heavenly Father holding your hand will keep you and her in His care.

Do you still have the picture of my painting of the Divine Mercy, which I emailed to you a few years ago, with the inscription "Jesus I Trust in You"?


eva5667faliure 09-15-2018 03:41 PM


Originally Posted by ger715 (Post 1267585)
In spite of everything; little Eva still is a happy 7 year old. Your trust in Jesus along with the Heavenly Father holding your hand will keep you and her in His care.

Do you still have the picture of my painting of the Divine Mercy, which I emailed to you a few years ago, with the inscription "Jesus I Trust in You"?


Hello Gerry
Yes I do
Thank you for it
And thank you for remembering
The few thing I can reflect on
Never alone

It is sad that so much pain has a hold on this tiny family
How everything is not just minor
They are very difficult problems
And knowing I must pray that they find him sooner than later
To have the worst fears come true would be terrible
And my body has begun to reject all the stress of the worry loosing them

Eva is a happy child
I wonder having raised Corissa along with my older children from my marriage
Will she too get to that point in life when she runs to me in frustration
I have knowledge to offer nothing but precious knowledge
May they use it and apply it as I only speak of experience

I will always be mommy
And to Eva that is what I have been to her
Never to take that from her mother
However my daughter still isn’t doing what she must and put ther father before Eva
I have to make the decision of adopting her
It is all so much to deal with
Again my daughter has begun to act out on me
And I turn the phone off
I do not speak with her
And Eva doesn’t want to pick up the phone and speak to her Orr the father
But I leave the machine on so she could leave a message
Thanks for your input
Take care

eva5667faliure 09-18-2018 01:30 PM

Was at cardiologist
Told yo ho to the hospital
Nobody to care for Eva
Till I have my baby sister to care for her
Will then and only then can I have it done
I’m so sad how all is
May I hold till I get to go to the hospital
So done
With this family
Just so done
So much to talk about
Just to tired

eva5667faliure 09-20-2018 04:41 AM

I reached out
To the only child capable to care for Eva while I have the procedure done
No response
Blood isn’t thicker than water
What she did say is in time her time
She will take me and Eva from here
She has no clue
My baby sister will make arrangements to care for her
She is doing so well
I her everything
Her bff on hold for now
The day will come
Oh how I pray all will be settled when that day will come
Cannot stop my heart from doing what it’s doing
It makes me feel so helpless on so many levels
Slowly I rot
Ever so slowly
Yet I have hope
That one day I won’t feel

eva5667faliure 09-21-2018 04:53 AM

Just another day
Spent in the oncologist appointment
So sick and tired of all the doctors
So many still ahead
Blood work
So sick and tired
My body rotting quicker than I’d like
And still practice preventive health care
Since the age 49 my life has changed forever
Having to retire from the love of work and grown ups
Not that my precious grandchild isn’t priority
As it is
My adult children more than less addicts
And my granddaughter lives in fear that her parents want to take her
A gifted child since born recognized in kindergarten
High honors since her start in school
I’m her everything
Her bff Titti left for a girl w
Failed spins surgery to
Breast removal cancer estrogen driven
Implants that are deflating
Raynaud secondary finally the vascular dr has the answers to what’s going on with my hands and feet
And finally atrial fibrillation
And awaiting to schedule for a ablation as nothing seems to make my heart go back to NSR. (Normal sinus rhythm)
3D&C vaginal bleed my period stopped at 50
MTHFR dna mutation positive for teens variants

Never in a million years would I have imagined my children would be where they are in life and not do anything about it

There have been many times I thought of picking up a drink lately but that would never be a option
I worked to hard for my sobriety
And even though I know how that first three drinks would numb this body it will never happen
But for my children not to do what they must
They are all doing it THEIR WAY
We who live sober living knows what that means

So I have to now treat my children like a drug or a drink
It make me very sad

ger715 09-24-2018 12:31 AM

It's a lot to deal with. Making even heavier is as you put it; "treating your children as or drug or a drink". They, as well as you, are in my daily prayers.

You mentioned your breast cancer had been Estrogen driven. Are you on Taxmoxifen (premenopausal) or Arimidex (post menopausal) which are both to treat Estrogen driven meds to be taken daily as a preventative for recurrence of estrogen driven cancer? These are usually taken for 5 to 10 years.

I have been on the Arimidex for the past 4 1/2 months. Dealing with many side effects; which deal with leg, feet pain and swelling, bone pain/joint pain, as well as fatigue and weakness and muscle pain which are just a few of the side effects. This can add to pain already dealing with; neuropathy, etc.

You can take well deserved credit for little Eva doing so well.


eva5667faliure 09-26-2018 05:08 AM


Originally Posted by ger715 (Post 1267993)
It's a lot to deal with. Making even heavier is as you put it; "treating your children as or drug or a drink". They, as well as you, are in my daily prayers.

You mentioned your breast cancer had been Estrogen driven. Are you on Taxmoxifen (premenopausal) or Arimidex (post menopausal) which are both to treat Estrogen driven meds to be taken daily as a preventative for recurrence of estrogen driven cancer? These are usually taken for 5 to 10 years.

I have been on the Arimidex for the past 4 1/2 months. Dealing with many side effects; which deal with leg, feet pain and swelling, bone pain/joint pain, as well as fatigue and weakness and muscle pain which are just a few of the side effects. This can add to pain already dealing with; neuropathy, etc.

You can take well deserved credit for little Eva doing so well.


Dearest Gerry
Hoping this finds you well
To answer your question about the estrogen drug
I have been on tamoxifen since January 2012 and was taken off of it almost a year now because the now diagnosed Raynaud secondary
I was on it faithfully for all that time
Just was at the oncologist this past Friday
Spoke about having the ablation and having the implant surgery
My body is all over the place since stopping the tamoxifen
The estrogen in my body is at work
I on my teamage years never suffered acne
Not do I now but every once in a while I’ll get a pimple on my face have one on my chin as I write you
But a indication my body at work
And yes I to suffered the same as you
It is a poopy thing having neuropathy and or fibromyalgia
The list goes on
It’s so tiring Gerry
I hold on to Christ Jesus and pray and thank him
I know he didn’t bring me this far to fall
Was stuck in some real downpours yesterday
Having to take Eva to the dentist only to be referred to yet another dentist
Her first experience was so traumatic and doctors I find have few if any compassion towards children who had been exposed to the brutish manner
They are little people
Why can’t grown ups see this
What wrong with them
My experience so far is like a assembly line of robots
It sickens me
And to explain this to her mom would just be horrible and she wouldn’t understand

Anyhow you continue to take your meds as prescribed
Same time everyday
Be careful what you eat or drink for that matter
Such as soy anything that promotes estrogen sugar a big time no no
As the tamoxifen shuts down the overuse from feeding the body of this hormone
I have come to learn that there is a abundance of us who have this type of cancer
And have a gut feeling the foods we eat has much to do with our condition
Hoping the plastic surgeon will fix them accordingly
Left side has what is called a “double bubble”
And the right is deflating
Just my luck

Thanks for your concern
Corissa Weinstein’s me yesterday
“Mommy are you okay”
What was I going to write back but the truth
Not a response yet
I will do all I have to to keep this body going with the help from my baby sister

Much love and prayers for you and yours

eva5667faliure 10-10-2018 04:29 AM

Should edit my writing
Weinstein’s don’t know where that or how that got on
Another day
Up so early just thinking of everything
Hearing from Corissa and had words I would rather have not
But we did
I’ve been lied to and packed with it
I must not depend on her return as it will not happen in the near future
Her contacting me and in the context was just for self gratification
And that pains my soul
Having to let go and let Heavenly Father is what I must do
As difficult as it is I must
Letting go is oh so difficult
But I know it’s the right thing to do
Leaving it all in Heavenly Fathers hands
Trusting him in all he has in the future for me and my granddaughter
May I always remember to than him for all he provides us with
Given exactly what I need in my day
Sad and frightened I shouldn’t be
I’m only human and have motherly worries
This too I must leave behind
Never did I ever imagine my children would not see the help that I need
As I make it look so easy
It isn’t
And I will not beg like a dog for treats
Speaking of animals
I so mis my dog
So miss him
But life hasn’t gotten easier
In fact I have come to understand
I have gone through all I have just to give it away
I am a messenger for Heavenly Father
He did not bring me this far for it to end at my own hands
May I never forget that
It hurts
Is sad
But I must treat them all like a drink or drug
Maybe one day it will be understood
I pray my boy is doing well
Looking forward to the next chapter in our lives together
This will be the first year during holidays I will not spend with my children
And I will move on with Eva
But by the grace of Heavenly Father
I so don’t want to feel anything

eva5667faliure 10-11-2018 03:53 AM

Not a word
I get a call early yesterday morning as I take my Eva to school
Corissa text me she’s on her way to the hospital
I’m hurting
My neck she tells me
I give her her all her insurance information
Not a word
Not from her or her so called girlfriend
Distraught I am
Going to the cardiologist today after taking Eva to school
My heart just won’t stop
The fluttering pounds at times
It’s working so hard
I can feel it
Oh how frightened I am
Will be seeing the surgeon
So frightened
Haven’t had any time to relax
My mind just won’t stop
Up at four this morning
Couldn’t get back to sleep
We shall see
Alone I’ll be

eva5667faliure 10-11-2018 10:22 AM

I loved the surgeon
He was impressed with my medical history I submitted to the office
With much appreciation and expressed how he wish more people would do as I did
It helped him immensely
So I will for now not endure a heart ablation
Rather there is medication that works on the electrical charges of the heart
Will keep me on Eliquis to prevent clots
As my memory stinks I forget the name of the drug that deal with the electrical charges to get my heart back to NSR
when I get it I will post it
He will see me in a month if no problems should arise
He was informative and I was very happy with his treatment

eva5667faliure 10-12-2018 11:57 AM

All in a day
Bad news on top of bad news n top of bad news
My cancer results are showin something is wrong with my pancreas
My oncologist who I just seen two weeks ago
Wants me to come in
Doesn’t want to talk over the phone
Not a good feeling about this
Not at all

Wren 10-12-2018 12:37 PM


Originally Posted by eva5667faliure (Post 1268600)
Bad news on top of bad news n top of bad news
My cancer results are showin something is wrong with my pancreas
My oncologist who I just seen two weeks ago
Wants me to come in
Doesn’t want to talk over the phone
Not a good feeling about this
Not at all

I keep you in my prayers

eva5667faliure 10-13-2018 05:08 AM

I wake and wonder
Is this how it’s all going to end
What has it all been for
When you can’t see a end to it all
Never a break or an answer to it all
What’s happened to my life
Where is my mother
Why did it all happen like this
What did I do
Am I so bad
Do I have to have to go through this because I’m bad
It is much to take in
Life what life
I don’t have a life
Nobody to hold me
I have to take care of myself to take care of others

I don’t want to feel anything anymore
I don’t want to talk about anything anymore
I just want to hide under a rock

eva5667faliure 10-14-2018 06:40 AM

Cannot relax
My bloodwork for cancer returned with concerning findings
Where the oncologist office wants me in nothing over the phone

My C19-9 high at 80.2 the range 0-37
My T3 low at 1.12 the range 1.49-2.60
My NRBC% high at 0.1 the range 0.00-0.00
My MCH high at 32.4 the range 27.0-31.0

In the mylogram test I had back around 2014 it showed I have what is called atherosclerosis calcification of my abdomen indicating scleroderma
Then the cyst on my l5 spine active and growing the thyrogloss cyst in my throat also active two D&C within the last 5 years abnormal bleeding
What could be going on
What’s wrong with my pancreas
All indications problems with the pancreas
And I have for more days to hold on
Not so easy
Not with this woman trying to stay in check with early detection

eva5667faliure 10-14-2018 08:28 PM

What else’s is there to say
Having to hold on when my mind is all over the place
Heavenly Father controls it all
Yet this brain is all over the place alone

eva5667faliure 10-15-2018 05:34 PM

They are killing us slowly
There is the product I purchased at a local supermarket
It is biscotti almond cookies
I took notice that the package had changed
I then began to read the nutrition label
Only to find out that the formula has changed not for the better but to kill people
I purchased the product because it was extremely low in sugar and sodium and cancer loves sugar
I called the company and spoke to a woman and had given her the readings of both labels and asked why the formula had changed not for the better but to kill us
She was kind and gracious her name was Rose she put me on hold for a while came back and told me there wasn’t anyone available to explain to her why the change in the formula
She took my name and number and assured me that someone would get back to me and explain why the change
It sickens me how this country the FDA and how we all suffer from those who are making money and are slowly killing me along with my family and children
I buy organic milk as I hope there are no hormones added to it as everything being fed to our cattle along with the GMO’s owes it is a sad world we live in
Trying so hard to live preventative healthcare going to doctors and leaving with all elements that are slowly killing this body
Sad I am so sad am I

eva5667faliure 10-17-2018 03:47 AM

One more day
This feeling s***s
Big time
Of all things
This the most
Never missed a day taking my tamoxifen
Not a day
Oh Heavenly Father
So much at one time
Just so much
In your hands my you cradle me
As I say to you
Thank you for all you provide
Hold me so tight I only feel your squeeze
Remove the evil that lurks in my mind

eva5667faliure 10-18-2018 04:09 AM

This sense of doom
If that could just leave
My mind is all over the place
I had a colon test less than a year ago
Having racked my brain
There is this problem I have had and was taken off the tamoxifen because if it
That be unusual bleed
But ruled it out having a pap this year cleared
Then I have a cyst on my L5
Had an MRI back 1-20-14
Osteomyelitis and or matastatic disease
A Thyroglossal cyst in my neck all active
So sad for this beautiful body
All I could do for it
Growing a mustache
Have to bleach it every week
Used to be once a month and trim above my upper lip
Having had very short hair and it is so long now
Can’t afford to get a cut every six weeks
It all just s***s
All of it
I like how I look
It’s become a job no joke
A freaking job
All I need is my lipstick
But now the hair is in the way need to use a brush
Nothing easy
My daughter and husband will be with me today
I so hope it’s nothing major

eva5667faliure 10-18-2018 12:53 PM

Pet scan and another MRI
hoping it will all end soon
Getting so tired
I just want to sleep

eva5667faliure 10-19-2018 04:06 AM

Had such a long day I truly passed out
After tending to my grandchild
Bathing feeding homework
Come 8:00 we went to sleep
She’s in be by 7:00
We turned lights out
And I was out
Up early of course
Having to start a new day
Getting breakfast her lunch and so on
Just wish this sense of doom would lift
I just want to cut my hair
But won’t
Have to wait for clearance of pet and MRI

He hopes for me to have it by next week
I’m praying things will move quickly
Send hello to all
Prayed welcomed

Wren 10-19-2018 07:22 AM

I keep you in my prayers.

eva5667faliure 10-19-2018 04:48 PM

This just to add to the others
Will with prayer and hope bring my heart to normal sinus rhythm
It works on the electrical charges of the heart

eva5667faliure 10-20-2018 07:59 AM

It’s been a while
But the thought comes and goes
I hang in for what dear life
I live to raise my grandchild
As my body is failing me
I came to the conclusion I am qualified on so many levels
Why I wondered
Then it dawned on me
Am I being as I go through this life and all I have experienced so to give it away
Am I Heavenly Fathers helper
It is a lonely place to be
I have my Heavenly Father
my dignity
my self respect
I go through so much alone
Having cry every single day in sadness
You may wonder
But she talks of Heavenly Father
I do
Even in the lonely life for me has to be for a reason
I look at the world around me
Being who I am
Standing my ground
Not getting involved with evilness
Something that goes on like turning the light switch off to on
And if your not part of that evilness your an outsider
You don’t belong
And that’s okay
I’d rather be on this side of the fence
So much pain so much sadness and the happiness short lived
I give what I know away
Just like my sobriety
I say to myself how can this body go through so much
I keep it to myself
I am told I look awesome
And I wonder to myself
How am I supposed to look
I hurts to wash my hair but I do
The lipstick I’m never without I struggle to put on as the hairs above my lip is getting thicker as time goes on I must trim it so so my lipstick doesn’t get caught in it
Why not wax it you may ask yourself
Never did
Never will
I bleach it
I shower
Wash my hair
I make myself smell good
My granddaughter loves to smell me and use my perfume I mix myself
I put myself in clean clothes
I have come to learn
I make things look easy and it’s not
It hurts
It hurts to put my foot down on the floor and stand
Yet I put one foot in front of the other
How am I supposed to look
Four children I have
They think because I do
I’m just fine
Well there are days I’m not
Days I hurt so badly mentally and physically
Most importantly spiritually
We all know what fine means
But make no mistake even in the times I need help most it isn’t seen or understood and that’s makes me very sad
Very sad as much as I too have to treat my children like a drink or drug hurts
but I must
So I put it off for another day
And keep putting one foot in front of the other
As that day will come
Not at my hand
I have much pain healing
There is a little girl who still seeks a mother that still lives
But her life is and always has been
Regretting having us girls
And not knowing her grandchildren or her great granddaughter
It’s that little girl that’s been abandoned remembering at the age of two
Heavenly Father knows all
We are given promises should we believe
I believe

eva5667faliure 10-22-2018 04:02 AM

Not having a clue
Hard enough to beat the beast down and out every single morning
I speak of doom that comes to visit and wake me
Even before I open my eyes to darkness it so early in the morning
Heavenly Father I pray
Please don’t let it consume me
I don’t well it
It’s evil and I rebuke it
In you name I ask it be gone as I put my feet to the floor and get up to start the day
Hoping to hear from oncologist office today that they cleared the PET SCAN AND MRI
This having to wait as the system figures out if I need it or not is just the pits
So till then I’m a basket case hiding it from the world
Get up and do
Do like nobody’s business
No clue
No clue

eva5667faliure 10-25-2018 07:45 PM

Answers finally but not without screwups
Tomorrow will be cats can with contrast
First thing after dropping off Eva to school
Monday will be the pet scan first thing after dropping Eva off
After that a MRI will be scheduled spefic kind my oncologist spoke with medical team with insurance company and told them it is necessary
So glad to have a doctor to fight for me
To get the answers that is riddled throughout this body
It isn’t just one thing
So frightened I am
I don’t want to think about it yet I can’t help it
My body talks to me
I listen
Listen very closely
And I’m doing all I can to advocate for myself
Not an easy thing to do
I’m pushing through
And doctors are impressed
How I put a history of my medical explanations since birth
22 pages
you read right but factual
It helped him understand what to look for
and ask me questions
My cardiac surgeon said how much it helped him on so many levels and wished more people did the same
It pleased me to know I could help myself in such a way and not be helpless
I won’t stop as frightened and scared I may get
Depression is always with me
Keeping me company
I ask Heavenly Father hold me so tight that it be the only thing I can feel
Please let my spirit be free of it
Free to fly
I just stinks fighting it all

eva5667faliure 10-27-2018 05:06 AM

It couldn’t have been more botched ten it was
At the wrong facility
Not even in the system
Finally get to where I needed to be
And to late to start
I just broke down and cried
All flipped about this persons
And situation
Not a clue who they were dealing with
And I went off
Silence in the room
Not s word as I went off
Then the apologies
Did not want to hear it
Just give me the date and time I need to be here I said
Monday is cat scan start the liquid Sunday night
Tuesday the pet scan stat to drink excess water and fast
Wednesday the plastic surgeon
I came home and crashed after picking up Eva stopped for pizza and just crashed
I’m so broken just so sad

eva5667faliure 10-27-2018 06:07 AM

Making coffee with tears
Still in freeze mode
Nobody to hold only to ask Heavenly Father
And I don’t mean only in a unwelcoming way
I so want not to feel anything I am
Squeeze me so tightly that it be the only thing I feel
Where is everyone
Where is the authenticity of the world
I have just but to give
I want the pain to stop
Just stop
Will that only be when I don’t exist on a physical plane
I don’t want to feel anything anymore
Happiness just doesn’t seem to exist
And you may think to yourself but you have little Eva
I do
And happiness exudes from her
She is growing so fast
I can hardly believe my eyes
She will be going through puberty soon
What is wrong with me
I ran around like a chicken without a head
And my body aches like no tomorrow
My back
Hands feet my entire being just hurt so much
It is raining terribly outside
So hard the wind even harder
I’m so broken hearted
So sad and broken

eva5667faliure 10-29-2018 04:08 AM

Deep darkness
Having zero contact with my youngest
Not a care in the world
No where to be found
Utter disregard and for what
Used in everyway now when needed most not a word
Nowhere near
Sadness riddled throughout this body
Pain and suffering I have been through and it doesn’t stop
But for my child to disregard in the manner that she has hurts like heck
To see my son saddens me even more
He has to be kind to himself
They are getting older and suffer in their own way
Eva dear Eva
What will it be like for her
Today is the day all starts
Hold me Heavenly Father
Hold me so tight
Let me not fall
Hold me tightly

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