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Join Date: Mar 2018
Location: Fort Covington, NY
Posts: 2
Newly Joined
Join Date: Mar 2018
Location: Fort Covington, NY
Posts: 2
Metformin and insulin?
New to these forums and am dropping by from the Myasthenia Gravis Forum. I was diagnosed last summer and have been dealing with that. I am however a type II diabetic and that has been challenging. I was taking 60 mg of prednisone daily and had been cautioned about its impact on blood sugars. I thought things were going OK because my levels were good in the mornings and evenings when I tested. One day I was in seeing my PCP (late morning) and they tested me and my BS was 500! That landed me in the hospital for a couple of days to sort things out and I was discharged with a “poor man’s” pump. Novolog (short acting) and Basaglar (long acting) insulin. I have managed to get things well under control with a typical day of around 6 blood tests and 7 injections. With all that said, I am still taking 1000 mg of metformin morning and night. I am being weaned off of the prednisone VERY slowly and hope to drop the insulin once I get through with it but at this point it seems redundant to be using both. I do not have an endocrinologist (yet) so I was wondering if anyone had any experience or thoughts about using both control methods simultaneously?