Years ago someone I know experienced a strange medical episode in which he was just writing something and then extremely suddenly I saw his eyes go in little circles and the pupils dilated so big his eyes looked black and he got super pale and weak to the point where I thought he was going to pass out. He said “I’m dizzy”. I asked him if he wanted help but he just left and when I asked about it the next day he said "I was just tired" .
I found out later that he was diabetic and sometimes got dizzy if he was low enough, but never mentioned this particular incident as he doesn't remember it, and I also don't want him to feel forced to disclose to me if he doesn't want to because that would be incredibility rude. I just wonder in a very general sense: Was he just really embarrassed? Did he think I would judge him for having low blood sugar? Did he think I could not physically help him because of my Cerebral Palsy??
Do diabetics who experience this type of episode have trouble talking about it?? Does this sound like a low blood sugar reaction? Or something else??