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dorrie 06-16-2008 01:55 PM


Originally Posted by MelodyL (Post 302429)
WAIT A MINUTE. What is this 9 thing??

Do people in Canada have a different machine?

Do tell!!!!!

lol Melody

Yuppers!! Our numbers read different...if you look punch in blood glucose conversion you will see what I mean. I do believe it is approx 1 to you 18 so if I had a blood sugar of 5 it would be 90 to you!!! Shelley was going to call paramedics!! Thanks Shelley!!!!!!!:hug:
I think my lowest reading was in your numbers 37.8! 2.1 here

watsonsh 06-16-2008 11:17 PM

Awww carp....everytime I go somewhere I have not been I come home with a cold.

Sure enough went away over the weekend and yeppers now getting sick :mad:

MelodyL 06-17-2008 07:45 AM


Thanks so much for explaining.

Now if I could only understand the English Metric System.

When someone gets weighed, I hear that they weigh 10 Stone.

You should have seen my face the first time I heard that one.!!!

I was watching a show on the Discovery Channel, about obesity and the guy was from England and they were telling how he lost "5 Stone".

I kept asking my husband: 'People are being weighed in Stones??" He said "what are you talking about??" We watched the show and they kept saying "he weighs this stone, or that stone". I immediately got it and said: 'Oh, they measure people in Stone, not pounds".

Alan looked at me like I was nuts. I said: "no really, this is their weight measure system".

Learn new stuff every day.

I wonder what they use in France to weigh people.

watsonsh 06-17-2008 10:14 PM

Well today not so good.

I got that cortisone shot for my frozen shoulder on friday and sure enough the steroids have sent my sugar into hyper drive.

Last couple days have been bruning in hands and feet and actually around the stomach area.

Called the endocrinologost and she said that yep the burning was from the steroids and I needed to up the metformin and the cinammon for the next 3 weeks.

When I upped the metformin at lunch the burning went down somewhat.

Really makes me wonder over the last 2 years of this uncontrolled insulin resistance how much damage have I done to my body and how much can be fixed.

I am really beginning to see how bad that sweet tooth has been for my whole life. I used to have a great metabolism. Now not so much. BUt what else has suagar damaged for me. :(

Atleast the frozen shoulder doesn't hurt as much.

I really wonder if I can totally and I mean totally drop all things white and all sugar.

MelodyL 06-18-2008 09:04 AM

"I really wonder if I can totally and I mean totally drop all things white and all sugar."

Why not try this for one week. See how you feel?

If you feel much better, that will give you the motivation to this this one week at a time.

You've got nothing to lose and EVERYTHING to gain. Except weight!!! lol

Good Luck


dorrie 06-18-2008 11:26 PM


Originally Posted by shelley (Post 303700)
Well today not so good.

I got that cortisone shot for my frozen shoulder on friday and sure enough the steroids have sent my sugar into hyper drive.

Last couple days have been bruning in hands and feet and actually around the stomach area.

Called the endocrinologost and she said that yep the burning was from the steroids and I needed to up the metformin and the cinammon for the next 3 weeks.

When I upped the metformin at lunch the burning went down somewhat.

Really makes me wonder over the last 2 years of this uncontrolled insulin resistance how much damage have I done to my body and how much can be fixed.

I am really beginning to see how bad that sweet tooth has been for my whole life. I used to have a great metabolism. Now not so much. BUt what else has suagar damaged for me. :(

Atleast the frozen shoulder doesn't hurt as much.

I really wonder if I can totally and I mean totally drop all things white and all sugar.

Big Hugs for you Shelley!!!:hug::hug::hug::hug:

dorrie 06-18-2008 11:30 PM

Hi Girls....forgot my pills 2nite...if I take them now I will be up 1/2 the night trying to keep my sugar up:(
Melody....we go by kilograms...I think...I still go be pounds!!!!!:hug::grouphug:
I am rather sad gramas breast cancer as getting better but she found out today it is growing again and is now in her lymph feel very sad:(

watsonsh 06-18-2008 11:58 PM


I am so sad to hear about your grama. My aunt has had breast, bone and lung cancer for nine years and she is my hero.

I will put you both in my prayers. :hug:

MelodyL 06-19-2008 08:44 AM


Your family is in my prayers.
Take care,


dorrie 06-20-2008 08:47 PM

Thanks ladies!!! Next weekend we are celebrating my other Gramas 89th b-day!! All if us will be there including the grama with breast 2 gramas love each other so much. Our family has been so blessed to have had the 2 of them for this long.
All of the kids in the family will love it as Grama is having a big apple tent full of balls for them to bounce and play in...they are renting it. If the weather is bad we will have big tents to sit under...I am looking forward to it!!!

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