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watsonsh 05-24-2008 02:53 PM

Well thats frustrating Dorrrie. I think looking at the glycemic index is a good idea. You need some long lasting protein like snacks. Have you tried almonds and thinkgs like that?

dorrie 05-24-2008 03:02 PM

I have a heck of a time just eating a few almonds...I love them as much as chocolate!!! I do need to learn some control!!!

watsonsh 05-24-2008 03:04 PM


Originally Posted by dorrie (Post 286136)
II do need to learn some control!!!

DOnt we all! I have a serious love affair with candy and choccy :p

Keep trying Dorrie! You will conquer it.

dorrie 05-24-2008 03:46 PM

Yup! I am in this for the long haul! ave have lost 50 pounds before( that has all came back!) I kept it off for years and felt so good about myself! I need to get back to that mindframe.
I should attempt the diet I was on......watching calories and fat. It is a little harder with the diabetes but I think that is a good idea. I kept a food journal and counted calories.....if I really investigate the GI of foods and their calorie content....I could make it work.
I did not have the internet then with calorie counters etc. I am going to make up a pln and will share it with you soon!!
Shelley....thank you for your support..I really do appreciate it!!!:hug:
How are YOU doing on SB???

dorrie 05-25-2008 02:47 PM

I picked up my salad...some chicken breasts....snap peas and celery.......sticking to 1 sweetner in my coffee....did not even look at red meat in the store............sugars were on an even keel today because I remembered to snack!!!

dorrie 05-25-2008 08:36 PM

I just had the most delightful dinner!!!
Read all about it in the weight loss forum encouragement thread!!!
I have not taken my sugar today but have felt good all day!!!!!:)

watsonsh 05-25-2008 08:38 PM

Way to go Dorrie!. I have been pretty good today too. :D

dorrie 05-25-2008 09:03 PM

Thanks Shelley! The big thing I did wrong was not eat untill9:30 or so...I took my pills then as well. This means I wil have to stay up for a bit to have a snack to keep my sugar up enough for the night:( I think I will wait a while and then have some crackers with peanut butter...that usually heps maintain my sugars for the night.
Glad you had a good day!!:hug:

Dmom3005 05-25-2008 11:28 PM

Shelley and Dorrie

I have found this such a interesting thread.

Ive enjoyed ever bit of it. And Dorrie your dinner sounded very good.


dorrie 05-26-2008 07:50 PM

Had a great day!! Did plenty of walking at the mall....did not eat red meat....only took 1 sweetner in my coffee....and ate a lovely salad for dinner.....AND

I LOST 4 POUNDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am a happy lady tonight!!!:):):)

watsonsh 05-28-2008 09:14 PM

Way to go Dorrie.

I did ok today. Was bleh the last two days. :(:(

Although I did go to my fave sushi place today and ate very rice. :)

How's everyone else?

MelodyL 05-28-2008 09:27 PM


Originally Posted by dorrie (Post 287561)
Had a great day!! Did plenty of walking at the mall....did not eat red meat....only took 1 sweetner in my coffee....and ate a lovely salad for dinner.....AND

I LOST 4 POUNDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am a happy lady tonight!!!:):):)

Wow.Congrats to YOU, my dear.

4 lbs is no small accomplishment.

Tonight I had something for dinner I have never had before.

I rarely eat Turkey burgers. I just don't like the taste of meat. I eat chicken, I eat turkey, and fish, etc. But no burgers.

I they had a big sale on Ground Turkey, so I made patties, froze what I wanted to freeze, and made myself a turkey burger.

I added a bit of liquid smoke (if you've never tried this, YOU GOTTA TRY THIS)). and a dash of Low sodium Teriyaki sauce.

As I cooked the turkey burger (it actually smelled like a beef burger), well, I tried one of those low-carb low fat wrap thingees. The whole thing is 100 calofires, it's multi-grain, and I wanted to try it.

So I placed the smokey, teriyaki turkey burger on the wrap, added a dash of ketchup, and wrapped it. Never wrapped anything before (for me).

Well, let me tell you, I LOVE WRAPS. That was my whole dinner. I didn't feel like anything else. I had a small salad at about 2, and my turkey burger at 5:30 p.m. It was a nice size (because of the wrap).

I felt full, and now it's 10:20, and I feel perfectly fine (because I'm used to not eating after dinner).

I've had the wrap with scrambled egg beaters (for breakfast), but this was my first turkey burger wrap.

And for Alan, I made him a chicken wrap. This was sooooo easy.

First I took some shredded carrots and shredded zuchinni and I sauteed them.

Then I threw in some Purdue Short cuts chicken, added some tomato sauce, and threw in the cooked carrots and zucchini.

I took the wrap, put everything in the wrap and wrapped it.

Alan devoured it.

You better believe that I'm going to be wrapping stuff from now on.

You gotta love these things.

And my sister in law told me she bought a 60 calorie, zero carb, zero fat wrap.

I haven't seen that near me, but when I do, you better believe I'll buy it.

A zero carb, zero fat wrap???

Good Lord. lol

watsonsh 05-28-2008 09:31 PM


I was once on a meal plan delivery service that had a lot of turkey on the menu.

Try using that ground turkey for some tukey chili - it was my fave.

Sure wish I could eat dinner at your house every night.

You do a great job on eating right! :hug:

MelodyL 05-29-2008 06:05 AM

Thanks my dear.

I honestly have no idea why my brain changed the way it did. I see LOTS of diabetics (at flea markets), sitting behind their tables. Feet all swollen, they can't get their shoes on. (Alan and I used to do flea markets ourselves for many years, but had to stop because he can't drive because he has neuropathy).

So there went the Flea Market Income. It really did come in handy, believe me.

But these poor women (they were always women and they were always over 70). well they were morbidly obese. Those images stayed with me. Maybe they were stored in my subconcious. The image of a particular woman who was in pain from her swollen feet (she had diabetic neuropathy). And I was speaking to her and I said 'are you on insulin"? This was over 15 years ago (way before I was on Lantus.)

She replied: 'Oh, I take 3 shots a day". Then I saw her chug a lug a big bottle of regular Coke. I said 'excuse me, aren't you NOT supposed to be drinking that, it's full of sugar". She said: "Oh, I know, but I can't help myself".

I remember walking away saying to myself "why can't she drink Diet Coke". (which is not the best thing either". But I don't drink soda. Nothing carbonated. If I have to drink something it's something with Splenda. Or I drink filtered water.

And we just ordered a whole bunch of Stevia, so when that happens, I'll be making Stevia drinks. Don't know how to do this yet. I'll probably find a recipe on the internet.

The point I'm trying to make is that, for some reason, I don't need food at night anymore. And believe me, that was my downfall.

I only wish I thought like this when I was 40. I had a small son then who gave me lots of problems, and I used food to cope. I could have easily become an alcohlic or drug user (if that had been my "food" of choice).

but it was plain old chips and dips, and mostly anything salty. And hero sandwiches, and Bacon eggs and cheese on bagels. (Oh you gotta love those, right).

So somewhere, along the years, I was able to re-look at food. And something in my brain just switched. I have many overweight friends. They look at me like I'm nuts. I don't speak about what I eat. I know the looks you get when you start preaching. My mother did that to me and I couldn't stand her for that.

I actually had one friend tell me the other day "God Bless You, for how you control your weight." I just said "Thank You". That was the first compliment I got from ANYONE (who was overweight), in over 7 years.

Sadly, you find some jealousy going on. Can't be helped.

But I just try to smile and carry on, and not let my arthritis get the better of me. Somedays, I can't move, somedays I move better. When I can move, I go for a walk. When it's hot. Oh, do I love when it's hot outside.

I really should move to the Sahara Desert.

Oh, I took my sugar before I went to bed last night. I took it at 10:30 p.m.

It was 120. I said "whoa". Something I'm doing is working.

Now the big test was what would it be this morning when I got up.

I just got up (early for me, by the way). I took it at 6:45 a.m.

It was 119.

I have not had a reading of 119 in, well, I can't remember when I had a reading of 119.

The thing I can't understand is when I read posts about people being pre-diabetic if they are 95 - 115.

So if they are considered pre-diabetic at 95 - 115, what the heck are they supposed to be? My husband (who has been tested up the kazoo), never goes over 83. Never. In 18 years of his neuropathy. They know he is not a diabetic. No one in his family has diabetes. He has CIDP. Chronic Inflammatory Demylinating Polyneuropathy. He gets IVIG.

Me?? I just take my Lantus. and watch every single thing that goes into my mouth.

What is the goal (a good reading in the morning) for someone with diabetes?. Is it different for people with Type 1? The reason I ask is that I know MANY people with Type One (some are thin and some are not thin), and we sit on the porch, and one time I was having a conversation with one of my neighbors (she happened to be severely overweight), and she said "what's your sugar"? (this was a LONG time ago), and I said 'oh it's high this morning, it was 185". And she sadly shook her head and said "I wish MY READING WAS 185".

I said "what do you mean, you wish your reading was 185, you're on Humalog (or novalog or whatever short acting insulin she was on). She took pills too. She said "My sugar is usually 400, it's hard to get down".

I could never understand how someone who took 3 shots a day and pills too, couldn't get their sugar below 400. I thought once you took the insulin, your sugar went DOWN. I guess I'm still learning about diabetes. She also admitted she eats everything she wants to eat. She said "I just can't do a diet".

Oh, don't get me wrong. I have a bagel with cream cheese once in a while for Breakfast at my local Dunkin, along with their delicious coffee.

I'm like Oprah. She said 'Have anything you want for breakfast, you have ALL DAY TO WORK IT OFF"

So my guilty pleasure is that bagel. Sometimes it's a multi-grain bagel, sometimes it's a low-carb bagel. sometimes, it's a toasted english muffin with egg and a slice of cheese.

But after that, it's all protein, and salads. And now that I've discovered wraps., well, I wonder what else I can wrap??

Oh my, from a house that used to make Pot Roasts, Beef Stew, Southern fried chicken, sweet potatoes with marshmellows, and Romanian Tenderloin steaks, LOOK WHAT I'VE BECOME???

Someone who wraps a turkey burger!!!!!

lol lol lol


watsonsh 05-31-2008 11:47 AM

Checking in Hi guys.

I did really well with food yesterday. High protein and low sugar. Gonna try to keep it going.

How ya all doing today?

watsonsh 06-01-2008 08:25 PM

Yooooo Hoooooo (echo echo echo)

Where is everyone? :(:(

I was not as good as I should have been today. My treat was popcorn at the movies.

Back on the program tomorrow.

MelodyL 06-01-2008 09:18 PM

If it was plain popcorn, what the heck. You need a treat now and then, right?? What movie did you see??

I just saw the new Indiana Jones movie.(on the net). It was a good movie.

watsonsh 06-01-2008 09:21 PM

:rolleyes::rolleyes: well there might have been a little butter :rolleyes::rolleyes:

Today I saw Made of Honor. It was cute. Wanted to see it before it was out of the theaters

On Friday I saw sex and the city. Was Fab!!!! Gona go se again tomorrow night.

I want to see INdy, maybe next weekend. How did you see on the net?

dorrie 06-02-2008 06:28 PM

I am here!!!!! I had no computer at home for days and days....honey was sick and left work without it last week Wed I think. I MISSED EVERYONE!! I have did well! I kept my committment Melody...I ate salad every day....only took 1 rather than 2 sweetners AND ate no red meat!! I tell you it was not easy to pass up a yummy hamburger!! I roughed it out with the sweetner too but now I would rather just have 1. I have not weighed myself since the 4 pound loss..I don't think I have gained any and do not know if I lost any but I feel good!!:) Glad to be back!!!!!

MelodyL 06-02-2008 09:32 PM

I'm proud of you. Let me tell you something interesting about my husband.

He's a night-time eater. I only have fruit in the house, but he goes looking anyway. He used to munch on cereal bars, 100 calorie stuff, etc. But that's stuff is FULL of ingredients that his body does not need.

So what is one to do??

Well, today, we stumbled upon a solution. Very nifty if you ask me.

He was in the popcorn aisle. I saw all the Orville Redenbacher and Jiffy Pop and Smart Pop and low-fat this and smart pop that. 3 bags were $3.49. Three bags?? Were they serious??

I looked at Alan and said: "How much sodium is in all this stuff. (Alan has a stent, so he has to watch his salt intake). There was sodium in EVERYTHING.

So I looked at the bottom of the counters, and there were bags of popcorn kernels. I immediately remembered WAY BACK IN THE OLD DAYS, when I would take a bit of the popcorn kernels and put them in the bottom of a big pot, put a bit of oil and then cover and shake the pot. ALL THIS POPCORN WAS MADE from these little bitty kernels.

So I said 'we are going to pop our own Popcorn tonight, and if you like it, I'll invest in an Air Popper.

So I bought a 3 lb bag for $1.99. Do you know HOW BIG A 3 LB BAG OF UNPOPPED KERNELS, well how big the bag is?? BIG!!!

I took my measuring things, and I grabbed the 1/3 cup thing. I measured 1/3 cup of kernels. I took a pot, did my thing, AND IN ONE MINUTE I HAD THIS BIG POT OF POPCORN.

I took my recently purchased bowls (with lids). And I made 3 nice size bowls of unsalted popcorn.

Then I took some Olivio Spray and sprayed just a dash. It gives a buttery flavor without any calories, and just a dash of salt.

Well, he loved it. Cost me about one penny for the whole POT.

YOU CAN'T BEAT THAT FOR VALUE. You also can't beat the fact that it's no cholesterol, no fat, no trans fat, no sodium no nothing.

I can't eat any of this because I'm diabetic, but I have no problem doing this.

So he had the first bowl, Tomorrow he'll have the second bowl, and I'm going to go and price a hot air popper on Ebay.

Alan can now snack at night, and it really shouldn't impact anything.

He has no diabetic issues so this is perfect for him. And he's eating much less calories because he was consuming ALL THIS FRUIT AT NIGHT, and it was costing me a fortune.

I mean, for the price, you can't beat this as a snack, right??

dorrie 06-02-2008 10:04 PM


Please check out my 3 new baby steps...they are posted on the weight loss support forum!!!
Thank you so much for the advise and encouragement....I was able to manage the 3 baby steps and will continue with them and add three more this week!! I love the baby step seems to be working for me!!
I can eat popcorn without my sugar going crazy!! I think I am going to check out the popcorn idea!
Thank you again Melody!!!:hug:

MelodyL 06-03-2008 09:43 AM


If Popcorn does not raise your sugar, I'd go for it.

I have a rule that I don't eat ANYTHING after 7 p.m. Works for me. This will NOT work for ALL OTHER diabetics. Most have to eat a bit of something before they retire at night.

But for me, it works just fine, so I'm sticking to it. Alan, on the other hand, has to snack so the popcorn thing is just dandy for him.

A long time ago, when he and I went to see a nutritionist for HIM (after his stent), we needed to find a good eating plan. When the nutritionist found out that I was the cook in the house and also a diabetic, she addressed all her counseling to ME because, after all, I'm the cook in the house, right?

She then gave me a list of foods that were on a glycemic index. I had never really known about glycemic indexes.

I laughed when I read the two foods that were HIGHEST on the glycemic index. One was Popcorn, and the other was Alan's favorite thing to snack on of all time RICE CAKES (God I hate these things, they taste like styrofoam)

But they now have cheddar, and chocolate and various other flavors.

But there was a circle around the Rice Cakes and it said 'NOT FOR DIABETICS.

Thank goodness I hate these things.

So here's to a successful weight loss.

By the way, did you get to see Oprah yesterday. She ran a repeat show of DRAMATIC weight loss stories.

Oh my god, some lady lost 530 lbs. Good Lord. Without any surgery.

Just dieting. I gather she had to have a lot of skin removed.

Hey, she looked great and many of the people got to go off ALL their meds.

Wouldn't that be a kicker? If someday I get to go off of my Lantus.

I can only try to achieve my weight loss to it's ultimate goal. I'm not going to beat myself up over it.

I've lost most of it. I'm 60. And if I hit 61 and weight what I want, I'll take a photo wearing something foxy. (Not frisky), but foxy!!! lol lol lol

watsonsh 06-04-2008 09:29 PM

Heheheheh Foxy Mel!

I was very good today food wise!
Hope everyone is doing well. :hug:

dorrie 06-05-2008 08:45 PM

Hi Foxy Mel!!!!!!...Hi Shelley!!!
Hope you are doing well!!
I am hanging in there! The water thing has not been good. I manage a bottle a day and will try harder tomorrow...I have been in bed by 11pm....10:15 last night!! I have NOT touched chocolate!!of any sort!!!!!
Still on 1 red meat but the salad everyday I have been slacking on!! I weighed myself yesterday but the scale was no different...4 pounds still.
I am now down to 1/3 of the dose of effexor...I have much more energy!! I have started reading a bit more so that I don't smoke as much...its working too!!!
Over all baby steps are working Mel!! I surely would have given up if I tried all these things at once!!!:):grouphug:

MelodyL 06-05-2008 09:18 PM

Baby Steps. One step at a time.

I'm very lucky. I don't smoke, never have. I DO come from a whole FAMILY who smoked.

My mother was one of ten children. EVERYBODY SMOKED. My father smoked.

So weekends at my house, was coffee and cake get togethers, and everybody lighting up. And we played a game called Contract Gin. Everybody smoked then too!!

I will always wonder why I never smoked.

I do however have the lungs of a smoker. I was told this YEARS ago by a doctor who listened to my chest. She told me 'how long have you been smoking??"

I just looked at her and said "I don't smoke".

She said 'oh you grew up in a household where everybody smoked"??and I said: "how do you know that'?

She replied "I can hear it". But that was YEARS ago.

I've been away from smokers since I'm 24 and my parents moved to Florida. No one has smoked in my home. My landlord knows to put out his cigs before he comes in.

I know it's a VERY hard addiction to over come.

I give people BIG KUDOS when they quit.

So just keep doing BABY STEPS.

You'll get there.


dorrie 06-05-2008 09:27 PM

It is amazing how much easier it is to make little changes Mel!! Thank you so much for your posts and your wisdom and encouragement!!
I mentioned on the weight loss forum that I like the idea that "I" can decide what I want to change....if I feel like tackling something big one week I can...if I am not ready for that there are plenty of other things I can work on! I think that the change in my meds and the extra sleep I am getting has helped me to want to keep at it as well!!!
I just feel wonderful!!!!!!!:hug:

watsonsh 06-06-2008 12:32 AM

Ugh I was bad today.

Bad with water and bad with food. Had a quesadilla for lunch and went to the movies and had popcorn again.

But I was good with my metformin and have been all week. :D

Ok only healthy good food tomorrow :D

MelodyL 06-06-2008 05:30 AM

Hi, It's friday morning. Just woke up early.

I like to make changes to myself all the time. Never could do THAT before. I guess I was just not ready to do this.

This week I cut out my, well let's call it my SOUP THING.

Every few days, I would walk around the corner and order Won Ton Egg Drop Mix, and a vegetable Egg Roll!!!

Now I didn't do this every day, but I did it a few times a week. I usually have grilled chicken over bright greens for lunch, but I like to change it every few days. So I really enjoy my Soup and Veggie Egg Roll for lunch.

It really didn't have a big impact on my sugar, BUT, if you really think about it, WHAT DO THEY PUT IN THAT SOUP??

I watched them while they made it once. I said to myself 'do you really want all that stuff in your body". They had the fried wontons, of course, then they beat up an egg, then they take their utensils and they have at least 5 big bowls of SOMETHING!!! (One was sugar, I asked them).

Then they put it all together in a chinese soup container, and give it to you with a bag of noodles. Then I would get a veggie egg roll (which, again, is fried).

So I simply decided "Hey, you are so strict with everything else you put in your body, why on earth are you putting ALL THAT other nonsense in your body?" So I went to the fish market and bought a piece of turbot fillet and had THAT for lunch instead.

It really does change the routine when you make fish for lunch instead of simply going around the corner and getting the soup and an egg roll.

I had simply gotten into the habit of doing that. Well guess what, I changed one more bad habit.

Been doing this for about 4 days now. Some days I have my grilled chicken, some days I have fish. I'm going to add some new stuff to my menu.

I might have a low-carb, low fat wrap with sliced Boars Head turkey, and add some greens to that salad.

It's all about habits that we have established. It's extremely hard to break these, I know.

But I think of it as a challenge.

Like we said ....BABY STEPS.

Now I also say "BABY CHALLENGES". lol

P.S. Just took my sugar reading. It was 109. I almost fell on the floor.

dorrie 06-06-2008 02:57 PM

Hi Gals!!! Mel..I just love these baby steps!!
Last night I did not go to bed on I am dragging by butt and wishing I had of! I am going to take some melatonin tonight to reset my clock!
It is hot here today and very humid...makes me even more sluggish. I did get some sun today for a while...nice change from chores! I think that one of my next baby steps will be taking my sugar regularly!!
Shelley....I have a thing with water too:confused:

dorrie 06-07-2008 02:46 PM

HeyAll!!! Nothing too great to report....a blah day so far for me...I will pop back later!!!:D

MelodyL 06-07-2008 08:59 PM

Hi Dorrie:

I made a pot of Turkey Meatballs yesterday. I also made some Ronzoni Whole Wheat Pasta.

Now I rarely, and I mean rarely, eat any kind of pasta. I just stay away from it.

Well, I decided to taste what I was giving my husband for dinner.

He was enjoying it immensely, so I said 'have a small portion".

Thank god, I only put a small portion in my bowl. It was absolutely disgusting. I said 'jeez, this has no taste, it tastes like cardboard".

I threw the whole thing away.

I gave him a meatball sandwich for dinner, and I had my grilled chicken and zucchini.

I have used Dreamfields low carb pasta AND THAT TASTES JUST LIKE PASTA.

But this whole wheat stuff??? YUCK.

Have any of you tasted this?

dorrie 06-07-2008 10:21 PM

Hi Melody!! I still eat plain old pasta but I am finding my sugars are not as happy after I eat it!!!
I need to make your tukey meatballs soon!!!!!!
I am not trying to nag Melody but please be careful with all that is going on with your friend....if it at all upsets you too much then take a breather from your sugars!!!!!! When I am stressed my sugars tend to rise!!! You are a lovely lady Melody and I am enjoying our online friendship...I care and don't want you to get overwhelmed with all that is happening with your is very stressful to be close to alcoholism in any way
:hug:Hugs for you Melody!!!!

watsonsh 06-07-2008 11:03 PM


Originally Posted by MelodyL (Post 295362)
Hi Dorrie:

I made a pot of Turkey Meatballs yesterday. I also made some Ronzoni Whole Wheat Pasta.

Now I rarely, and I mean rarely, eat any kind of pasta. I just stay away from it.

Well, I decided to taste what I was giving my husband for dinner.

He was enjoying it immensely, so I said 'have a small portion".

Thank god, I only put a small portion in my bowl. It was absolutely disgusting. I said 'jeez, this has no taste, it tastes like cardboard".

I threw the whole thing away.

I gave him a meatball sandwich for dinner, and I had my grilled chicken and zucchini.

I have used Dreamfields low carb pasta AND THAT TASTES JUST LIKE PASTA.

But this whole wheat stuff??? YUCK.

Have any of you tasted this?

Hi gals,

Mel can I come to your house and live. You make such yummy meals, I salivate everytime you post. :D

I was ok today. Had a little treat with a hot chocolate from Starbucks but otherwise was average.

Have a good night :hug::hug:

dorrie 06-07-2008 11:05 PM

Oh My Goodness!!! I am not having so much luck with the going to bed by 11 thing!! It is12:03....I am not ready to retire to my beautiful comfy bed!!!!
I think that after a full day with the baby and the boys I need time to watch TV and come on there and just relax...don't get me wrong...I love spending time with Saffy I just need some me time and get it at night....I will try harder to go to bed earlier!!!!:)

MelodyL 06-08-2008 06:24 AM


About the bedtime thing. I take 2 melatonin about 20 minutes before I want to go to sleep. Now I don't know if Melatonin works for everybody. Alan has been on it for YEARS!! He also takes something else but it does not work unless he takes melatonin.

I started melatonin about 2 months ago. Oh my goodness.

I am so drowsy by 11 p.m. I can't tell you.

Usually I wake once during the night to go to the bathroom.

Last night I slept straight through the night.

Good Lord, that is terrific.

About my friend. Don't give it a second thought about it upsetting me or raising my sugar. I learned how to put up boundaries in my emotions, and I learned how to distance myself from toxic things.

My son is lost to me. I've learned how to control my emotions as far as dealing with stuff. I had no choice. So I did it.

I also lost my best friend to cancer last year. It was a two year struggle.

I have the ability to stay calm in storms if you know what I mean. When my friend was going through her cancer battle (she was also anorexic), I phoned her mother all the time to see how SHE was doing. She was 82. She once told me "You have no idea how your support helped me".

I learned this from coming on message boards, listening to people and helping others. It's how I survive. It's good for ME.

I also learned how NOT to enable my friend with her drinking and what she is going through with her son.

I once told her "Let me tell you, when you call me every night and you are drunk, the fact that i even listen to you, well, I'm not doing it for more than 5 minutes. I told you what you need to do. You need to find a meeting and get clean and sober". She apologized.

Then she called me once, and her husband was on the other phone. It was a 3 way conversation. I have never seen such venom between two people. Each blaming the other.

I said "The toxicity in this house is disgusting. You two better go to a marriage counselor because you are destroying each other"

You see, my husband and I have peace in our house. There is laughter, There is fun. We needed to get to this particular place because of what our son put us through.

I will never go back to that horrible place (in my mind), ever again.

Sometimes, you'd be amazed at what you have to do to survive.

I learned.

Oh, about eating pasta and your sugar doesn't like it.

Dorrie, I'll give it to you straight. 1. Take your sugar reading every morning. Just do it. No matter how you don't want to see the number. You need to know what's going on in your body. 2. Buy Dreamfield's low carb pasta (that is if you can find it in your store. You can't tell the difference between Dreamfield's and the white stuff from Barilla. Believe me, it's delicious.

Take care,


dorrie 06-08-2008 04:30 PM

Hi Melody!!! I do take melatonin sometimes....that is probably what I need to get on track again!!
I think you are like me when it comes to being able to detatch from things emotionally...came with alot of heartache and suffering but it is worth it! I am glad to you wil be ok thru your friends ordeal.:hug:
Gotta go for now...will pop in later today!!!:)

watsonsh 06-08-2008 09:31 PM

Hi Ladies,

Well I was very very bad today. I treated myself...girls day brunch, it was a massive buffet

I took my meds but they had everything at this brunch and well I tasted one bite of a lot of things. Also had very healthy stuff but one bite of pancakes, one bite of eggs bendict (ok two of that), and the rest was good stuff, well except for that two bites of choccy pudding and lemon meringue.

Good tip on that pasta mel...thanks!

I sure hope you get some sleep dorrie. Saff needs ya :wink:

Ok I'm depressed, in another thread Mrsd was talking about diabetics only having 1/2 their pancreas..I have to go find my other half. :(

dorrie 06-08-2008 10:33 PM

I am BAD! I am still is 11:20...I just took my pills now and I am yet to eat dinner.BAD DORRIE.
Today has been shi**y. I took Saffire for her regular visit with her Dad(my son) and her mom and her brother. The visit is supervied by Saffire maternal grama. I do not like having to let Saff go but I have to according to our court order. I have told the Childrens Aid Society workers my concerns...if it is not Saffs bum not being changed often enough its they do not feed her much or give her enough to drink. Saffy comes home and shows signs of aggression....we have a happy calm home and she just does not see anything negative...just love and the occasional "don't touch" ...there have been 3 times in the last few months that she has came home with a fat, cut lip. Today it was the fourth time and I am so ticked off about it. They have her to visit there 2 times a month....there have been apporx. 7 visits there and 4 split lips!!!!!!!! Saff has bonked her chin 1 time here at home....she has lived with us for 5 1/2 months! Out of about165 days of being here with us she got that 1 bonk...out of 7 visits with them she has had the 4 split lips. Tomorrow I will be on the phone to our CAS workers asking if they find that rather odd too. I really think they should be going back to having supervied visits with a worker for my Saffys sake....poor baby looks sore...there are 2 cuts on top of the scars from the last time and her lip is still fat from earlier today!! Sorry for ranting..I am just so peed off!!!:mad:

MelodyL 06-09-2008 09:00 AM


What does the child's mother say when you quiz her about the cuts on her lip, etc.??


dorrie 06-09-2008 11:08 PM

They chalk it up to....she just tripped and fell. I did call CAS and reported the injuries today. We have a visit with a worker on Thursday and I will voice my concerns face to face!!! The swelling is down in her lip today but there are 2 cuts on her upper lip.
Every time Saff goes there we have a hard time that day and that evening. Last night was no exception...she woke up after 1/2 hour screaming and crying like she had a dream....this type of thing happens every time they have a visit when I am not supervising. It is crazy!! I was extra extra affectionate to her last nite and today so she would feel safe...lotsa huggie and kisses today...more than the usual. So far she is sleeping quite soundly...hopefully the water pooped her out!!
I forgot to take my AM sugar today Melody....will do it tomorrow AM!!!!!!!!:hug:

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