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Old 08-20-2007, 10:36 PM #1
TrentB TrentB is offline
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Default 4yr old son - Tics started after taking Keppra for seizures?

Anyone hever heard of Tics being brought on by Keppra?
Below is the story of my 4yr old son. I posted this awhile back and just wanted to repost.
It just seems really strange to me that he went from Seizures to Tics??? (according to neurologist).

This is the story of my wonderful 4 year old son Brady.

Outside of the below discussed conditions, he is a normal boy with the typical childhood issues. (Except for his eardrum ruptured once due to a sever infection several years ago.)

I am confused, depressed and deeply saddened by what is going on with him. Can you offer any suggestions? Can all of his conditions be related? Will he get better, worse?

(June 2003)

At birth (June 2003) he was diagnosed with a heart arrhythmia but has had no complications from it.

Shortly after birth, Brady was diagnosed with Colic.

(May 2006)

Brady had his first seizure. One week later, he had 4 more at which time he was diagnosed with Epilepsy by a neurologist at Children’s Hospital. (We stayed at the hospital for 3 days for evaluation.) His type of seizures were diagnosed as Partial Complex Seizures. He was placed on Keppra (anti seizure medication). To the best of my knowledge, nothing abnormal has been detected by EEG.

After returning home from the hospital, we saw only one more seizure. The medication seemed to be working. This seizure seemed shorter, so we assumed the medication was “kicking in”.

We seemed to go for a long time without seeing any seizures. Then, we started seeing “something” again. The “something” that we were seeing seemed to be like the seizures he originally had…but much milder and only lasting 1 or 2 seconds. Upon the advise of the neurologist, the medication was increased and we followed-up with a visit to his neurologist.

At this point, we were under the impression that he was having “break-through” seizures. Again, they resembled the original seizures (which would last approx 30 seconds to one minute), but were only lasting 1 or 2 seconds. During these what I will refer to as “spells”, Brady will shrug his shoulders forward and upward, make a frowning expression, and his eyes seem to look upward. This happens so fast, its hard to catch it.

**At some point during a visit, his neurologist said that he was not totally convinced that what we were seeing were seizures. He thought maybe they were something else.

Over the past year (since onset of first seizures) we have gone for days, weeks, and even a month or longer with no signs of the “seizures / spells”. Other times, he would have multiple “spells” per day. Sometimes he has them almost daily for a number of days.

We visited a Pediatric ENT to see if there was a possible connection between epilepsy and sinus infections. The ENT suggested that there was no link.

(May 2007)

Around May of this year, we decided to visit another neurologist just to get a second opinion. Upon our initial visit with her, we gave her all of the background information we could as well as the medical records from the previous neurologist. She also examined Brady.

**She told us that she thought that what we seeing were “tics” and not seizures. (The previous neurologist had also said that he was not convinced that he was still having seizures.)

She decided to do blood work to see if the medicine levels could be safely increased. The blood work showed that the medicine level was at a low level, so we increased the dose. (She did this in order to see if the medicine was making a difference.) The dose increase didn’t seem to make a difference, thus we returned it to the previous levels.

She also wanted us to try to capture his “spells” on video. This was going to be extremely difficult as we never know if/when it would happen. As he was lying in bed one night, I noticed him having his “spells”. (I never noticed this until then.) I taped him four nights in a row as he was falling to sleep. I noticed that his “spells” would begin right before or just as he was falling asleep. His “spells” happened during the first 15 to 20 minutes of falling asleep. Sometimes more noticeable that others.

(July 2007)

Our most recent visit to our neurologist.

The neurologist actually saw one of his “spells” during this visit !!!! She said that it was her opinion that these were “tics” and not seizures.

The neurologist reviewed the tape of Brady falling asleep and having “spells”. She concluded that the “spells” he is having at falling asleep are not the same as what he is doing during the day. (“tics”) She says that what he is doing at night is probably what a lot of people do “jerk” as they are falling asleep. (This seems coincidental to me since the “spells” seem so similar.)

During this visit, the neurologist also may a comment about Brady being “active”. Thus leading into a conversation about ADHD. So now we (the parents) are scared that he also has ADHD which can open a whole new group of challenges.

So based on this most recent visit, we are lead to believe Brady has the following conditions:

1.Epilepsy - Initially 6 seizures over a 2-3 week time period, then...based on new diagnosis....not really sure if mild seizures or tics are what he has been having.
2.Tics - After being put on Keppra for the initial 6 seizures, he still had what we originally thought were mild seizures,,,but now are being told that these are "Tics". Thus for about a year now, what we thought were seizures may have been tics ????!!!!! (Physical appearance of the "tics" closely resemble the below description of the "Spells" at falling to sleep.
3.“Spells” at falling asleep. (Shoulder shrug, Facial expressions which resembles a frown, Sometimes his eyes open.) Sometimes mild and sometimes more pronounced.
4.And now possibly “ADHD”. (This is based only on 2 comments....1 from his neurologist & 1 from a church worker who has experience with ADD/ADHD. Both comments were based on his "Activeness".)

His seizures were mild -- not the jerking type.
His tics are motor -- no vocal.

I’m sure I have not included every bit of information, but this is an overview of where we are now.

At this point we are confused, depressed and deeply saddened. Can you offer any input based on the information I have provided? Can all of his conditions be related? Will he get better, worse? Will this turn into TS? Any chance that the seizure were really tics? I am having a difficult time believing that this is not all related.


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Old 08-21-2007, 09:23 AM #2
kenausril kenausril is offline
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My son has horrible tics while he was o Zonegram, they were constant, they were even going to evaluate him for tourettes, we switcheds meds and within a day the tics were gone....

So it may be the meds...we tried Keppra for about a week and my little guys couldnt handle the Keppra it turned him into a rage monster....
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Old 08-23-2007, 09:24 PM #3
TrentB TrentB is offline
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Thanks for the info. I appreciate any/all input.

May God Bless you & and your son.
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Old 08-24-2007, 07:16 PM #4
Cedar Cedar is offline
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I would just say that the meds can do weird things that can look like restless leg, tics, etc. Each person can often be sensitive to meds different than another.

So all you have done is great. You cna ask to have him put on a different med to try and see.

I would also ask do you know what may be the cause of the seizures?
I would like to suggest given he has seizure sometimes and other times not. To keep a journal of daily food he eats, stresses that might cause them(tics or seizures)

I have had seizure for 38plus years and still keep a journal as it helps me to see what I need to avoid orchnage to help me avoid seizures.

Things like diet(wheat, sugar etc) stress, anxiety, lights flashing or fatigue etc. can all be triggers that can cause seizure to come on. The more one learns what might have led to it will help you to help him avoid it.

I know this is a very hard time for you and your family. Know we are here to be of support. Also, love, gentleness, encouragement and compassion for all of you is important!

Best to you and keep us posted.
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Old 09-21-2007, 06:39 PM #5
Footprints Footprints is offline
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I have epilepsy and my son has Tourette's, so I know a bit about this topic I am on keppra and that worked to control my tc seizures, but after a year or two I started having breakthrough seizures. These were not as severe, so were I guess Partial seizures. My doctor didn't increase the keppra (which, yes, can cause mood disorders all by itself); she added lyrica, which is good for treating partial seizures. I could really tell that it relaxed my brain, and did a great job on top of the keppra to control the breakthrough seizures. Maybe adding a different drug like that instead of just increasing a drug-since, as you said, the seizures are not like the initial seizures-would be a better route to try.

Tourette's is diagnosed when you see both vocal and behavioral tics. My son has both, so he has the fullblown diagnosis. I had behavioral tics as a child, so "just" had tics. What you describe sounds more like seizures, imho. Either way, hopefully a drug would help to control them. My son takes tenex for the tics/TS.

FWIW, when ds experienced "spells" for a short period of time, the neuro wasn't sure if they were migraines or seizures (he said migraines can present without pain in children). He said the only way to really tell was to try a medicine and see if it helped (I think they were stress-induced due to state-mandated testing-true!-and went away after it was all over).

Anyway, the last point I have to make is that you can have seizures without ever testing positive on an EEG for seizure activity. I even have ended up in the hospital with status epilepticus, so there is no doubt I have a seizure disorder. Yet, on even a two-day VEEG, my brain was calm and happy. Only when it is spazzing, is it spazzing, iykwim.

Good luck figuring it out! It's so hard when it's a child!
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Old 12-08-2009, 07:32 PM #6
HolyMoly HolyMoly is offline
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Confused Keppra caused tic's in autistic child


I know this is a qustion to an older post. But hoping you can share your experiences.

My daughter started having rage and extensive tic's after starting Keppra. We completed a 48 hr EEG, and it showed no seizures, so we lowered the Keppra, and the tic's, dissappeared, but returned, once was back in her system @ lower dose. The tics are not as severe and constant, as before. They are less and milder. Before she would tic constantly, bless her heart she couldn't even hold a pencil. I knew it was the Keppra..But we have had bad days and weeks more lately, more aggressive, which is not good with autism as well. Keppra causes her a lot of rage and anger tics. She is currently taking B6 along with the Keppra. And it does seem to help with seizures. I have increased the B6 to her weight. I do not want to change her seizure med again, but may have to. Has anyone else expereince this with keppra?? Thanks!!

Originally Posted by TrentB View Post
Anyone hever heard of Tics being brought on by Keppra?
Below is the story of my 4yr old son. I posted this awhile back and just wanted to repost.
It just seems really strange to me that he went from Seizures to Tics??? (according to neurologist).

This is the story of my wonderful 4 year old son Brady.

Outside of the below discussed conditions, he is a normal boy with the typical childhood issues. (Except for his eardrum ruptured once due to a sever infection several years ago.)

I am confused, depressed and deeply saddened by what is going on with him. Can you offer any suggestions? Can all of his conditions be related? Will he get better, worse?

(June 2003)

At birth (June 2003) he was diagnosed with a heart arrhythmia but has had no complications from it.

Shortly after birth, Brady was diagnosed with Colic.

(May 2006)

Brady had his first seizure. One week later, he had 4 more at which time he was diagnosed with Epilepsy by a neurologist at Children’s Hospital. (We stayed at the hospital for 3 days for evaluation.) His type of seizures were diagnosed as Partial Complex Seizures. He was placed on Keppra (anti seizure medication). To the best of my knowledge, nothing abnormal has been detected by EEG.

After returning home from the hospital, we saw only one more seizure. The medication seemed to be working. This seizure seemed shorter, so we assumed the medication was “kicking in”.

We seemed to go for a long time without seeing any seizures. Then, we started seeing “something” again. The “something” that we were seeing seemed to be like the seizures he originally had…but much milder and only lasting 1 or 2 seconds. Upon the advise of the neurologist, the medication was increased and we followed-up with a visit to his neurologist.

At this point, we were under the impression that he was having “break-through” seizures. Again, they resembled the original seizures (which would last approx 30 seconds to one minute), but were only lasting 1 or 2 seconds. During these what I will refer to as “spells”, Brady will shrug his shoulders forward and upward, make a frowning expression, and his eyes seem to look upward. This happens so fast, its hard to catch it.

**At some point during a visit, his neurologist said that he was not totally convinced that what we were seeing were seizures. He thought maybe they were something else.

Over the past year (since onset of first seizures) we have gone for days, weeks, and even a month or longer with no signs of the “seizures / spells”. Other times, he would have multiple “spells” per day. Sometimes he has them almost daily for a number of days.

We visited a Pediatric ENT to see if there was a possible connection between epilepsy and sinus infections. The ENT suggested that there was no link.

(May 2007)

Around May of this year, we decided to visit another neurologist just to get a second opinion. Upon our initial visit with her, we gave her all of the background information we could as well as the medical records from the previous neurologist. She also examined Brady.

**She told us that she thought that what we seeing were “tics” and not seizures. (The previous neurologist had also said that he was not convinced that he was still having seizures.)

She decided to do blood work to see if the medicine levels could be safely increased. The blood work showed that the medicine level was at a low level, so we increased the dose. (She did this in order to see if the medicine was making a difference.) The dose increase didn’t seem to make a difference, thus we returned it to the previous levels.

She also wanted us to try to capture his “spells” on video. This was going to be extremely difficult as we never know if/when it would happen. As he was lying in bed one night, I noticed him having his “spells”. (I never noticed this until then.) I taped him four nights in a row as he was falling to sleep. I noticed that his “spells” would begin right before or just as he was falling asleep. His “spells” happened during the first 15 to 20 minutes of falling asleep. Sometimes more noticeable that others.

(July 2007)

Our most recent visit to our neurologist.

The neurologist actually saw one of his “spells” during this visit !!!! She said that it was her opinion that these were “tics” and not seizures.

The neurologist reviewed the tape of Brady falling asleep and having “spells”. She concluded that the “spells” he is having at falling asleep are not the same as what he is doing during the day. (“tics”) She says that what he is doing at night is probably what a lot of people do “jerk” as they are falling asleep. (This seems coincidental to me since the “spells” seem so similar.)

During this visit, the neurologist also may a comment about Brady being “active”. Thus leading into a conversation about ADHD. So now we (the parents) are scared that he also has ADHD which can open a whole new group of challenges.

So based on this most recent visit, we are lead to believe Brady has the following conditions:

1.Epilepsy - Initially 6 seizures over a 2-3 week time period, then...based on new diagnosis....not really sure if mild seizures or tics are what he has been having.
2.Tics - After being put on Keppra for the initial 6 seizures, he still had what we originally thought were mild seizures,,,but now are being told that these are "Tics". Thus for about a year now, what we thought were seizures may have been tics ????!!!!! (Physical appearance of the "tics" closely resemble the below description of the "Spells" at falling to sleep.
3.“Spells” at falling asleep. (Shoulder shrug, Facial expressions which resembles a frown, Sometimes his eyes open.) Sometimes mild and sometimes more pronounced.
4.And now possibly “ADHD”. (This is based only on 2 comments....1 from his neurologist & 1 from a church worker who has experience with ADD/ADHD. Both comments were based on his "Activeness".)

His seizures were mild -- not the jerking type.
His tics are motor -- no vocal.

I’m sure I have not included every bit of information, but this is an overview of where we are now.

At this point we are confused, depressed and deeply saddened. Can you offer any input based on the information I have provided? Can all of his conditions be related? Will he get better, worse? Will this turn into TS? Any chance that the seizure were really tics? I am having a difficult time believing that this is not all related.


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Old 12-10-2009, 06:15 PM #7
Porkette Porkette is offline
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Hi Trent,
I've been taking keppra since August 2009 and it's has helped stop my complex partial, and clonic sz. I've been working with the FDA putting reports in on any seizure meds (AED's) and nothing has been mentioned about keppra causing tics. If I may ask has your child been outside in the woods or fields wearing a short sleeve shirt or shorts because it has been proven that tics can cause nervous disorders and sometimes lead to seizures.
Over the 37 yrs. that I've had epilepsy along with 2 brain surgeries I've found that seeing an Epileptologist (Dr. specializing in epilepsy) has been the best thing I've ever done. They are way ahead of any neuros. I've ever seen plus they have me on the least amount of AED's. You should look into taking your son to an Epilepsy Center which are often found at University Hospitals. The neuro that wanted you to tape your sons seizures should have ordered a veeg (video e.e.g.) this is done in the hospital and a persons is having an e.e.g. while they are on camera around the clock. By doing this the neuro can see what the seizure is like and also check the brain wave pattern to see if the person is having a real seizure.
Try putting your son on vitamin B12 once a day it has done wonders reducing my seizures. Also keep him away from anything with nutra sweet in it because it will trigger seizures do to the aspartame which causes more electrical activity in the brain. I would also keep your son away from cell phones this has been proven to cause seizures do to the frequency the cell phone is using. Keep a journal by getting a calendar and write down what time your child has any seizures along with a discripition. Take note if your child is sick or if there's a low pressure in the weather often this can trigger seizures for many people especially during colds and viruses. If your son is going through puberty take my word it's the hormones that can really cause a lot of seizures. I had a really hard time during that period. You may also request the neuro to do a DNA blood test on your son by doing this you will be able to find what AED's will help him the most with the least side effects. I wish you and your son the best of luck and May God Bless You Both!

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Old 12-10-2009, 07:39 PM #8
HolyMoly HolyMoly is offline
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Smile Great info~

Great Info Porkette..My daughter who is 10 and lives HF autism, tic's from Keppra..!000mg QD, she was not able to do anything, but tic and grimace and face turn red with rage. Brought down top NON XR.. And the rage and tics are still present but not as severe. But she has lots of rage. Thanks for any info! Shannon

Originally Posted by Porkette View Post
Hi Trent,
I've been taking keppra since August 2009 and it's has helped stop my complex partial, and clonic sz. I've been working with the FDA putting reports in on any seizure meds (AED's) and nothing has been mentioned about keppra causing tics. If I may ask has your child been outside in the woods or fields wearing a short sleeve shirt or shorts because it has been proven that tics can cause nervous disorders and sometimes lead to seizures.
Over the 37 yrs. that I've had epilepsy along with 2 brain surgeries I've found that seeing an Epileptologist (Dr. specializing in epilepsy) has been the best thing I've ever done. They are way ahead of any neuros. I've ever seen plus they have me on the least amount of AED's. You should look into taking your son to an Epilepsy Center which are often found at University Hospitals. The neuro that wanted you to tape your sons seizures should have ordered a veeg (video e.e.g.) this is done in the hospital and a persons is having an e.e.g. while they are on camera around the clock. By doing this the neuro can see what the seizure is like and also check the brain wave pattern to see if the person is having a real seizure.
Try putting your son on vitamin B12 once a day it has done wonders reducing my seizures. Also keep him away from anything with nutra sweet in it because it will trigger seizures do to the aspartame which causes more electrical activity in the brain. I would also keep your son away from cell phones this has been proven to cause seizures do to the frequency the cell phone is using. Keep a journal by getting a calendar and write down what time your child has any seizures along with a discripition. Take note if your child is sick or if there's a low pressure in the weather often this can trigger seizures for many people especially during colds and viruses. If your son is going through puberty take my word it's the hormones that can really cause a lot of seizures. I had a really hard time during that period. You may also request the neuro to do a DNA blood test on your son by doing this you will be able to find what AED's will help him the most with the least side effects. I wish you and your son the best of luck and May God Bless You Both!

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Old 12-11-2009, 06:59 PM #9
Porkette Porkette is offline
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Default Sorry : (

Hi Trent,
I wanted to say I'm sorry when I read your post yesterday I was really tired and the first thing that came to mind when a saw the word tics is the insect but that's spelled "ticks" (real swift). As I mentioned keppra has helped me greatly by stopping my clonic sz. and complex partial sz. I no longer jerk around when I have a sz. and now I only have aura (simple partial) and absence (petit mal) sz. The only thing I don't like about keppra is that it has caused a rapid heartbeat for me when I first wake up in the morning or sometimes when I'm just sitting down relaxing. I had to have a 48 hr. EKG done and my Dr. feels it's the keppra that's causing this problem.
I do know that keppra can cause a person to have a very hot temper, become irritable, and more moody. some people have thoughts of suicide while others have tried to commit suicide while on this drug. I just leave everything in God's hands He won't give me more than I can handle.
Here's wishing you well and May God Bless You!

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