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Linda Ann Starr 01-20-2012 05:33 PM

Foot pain and Fibromyalgia and Neuropathy
Fibromyalgia is not damage to the nerves, rather it is a disfunction of the nerves. the nerves do not get worse or deteriotate, though the pain level may get worse over time. No damage to the tissue occurs. When the pain signal moves from a point in the body, say your hand, it travels up, and is amplified by the time it hits your brain it is much more exagerated that it should be. For more information about FM contact the website of Dr. Jonathan Kuttner. This doctor is very knowledgeable and most everything on his site is free.

I have had fibromyalgia for over 40 years. My problems with my feet have progressed through the years getting better and worse at times. I also have developed neuropathy which makes it difficult to separate symptoms. What I have learned is that the most pain is from severe planar faciatis which causes the burning, stabbling pain and inability to walk with any comfort.

Getting to a very experienced Podiatrist who can help you with the symptoms is crucial. You can have cortizone shots in your feet, wear night splints, take anti-inflamatories, get good orthotics, do excersizes to strengthen your feet, and above all, wear good shoes that do not bend at the toe but have a "rocker" sole. When heel pain is the worst, wear shoes that support your ankle like hiking boots. The best I have found is "Dansko" shoes. For me, they work as well as orthotics. Your Pediatrist will give you a list of good shoes for your specific problem. Never walk barefoot until feet are completely healed.

I have also had alot of problems with certain medications making both the planar faciatis and the neuropathy much worse, to the point that I have had to use crutches. So be aware of medications you are taking and check the internet for lists of drugs that are especially troublesome to tendon pain.

Good luck. There is help out there but is often very hard to locate.

L. A.


Originally Posted by nubiene (Post 786996)
Hi everyone
I am trying to seperate if I can the problems I have fybromyalga being one and monoclonal gamampathy igG with kappa lights and intemittent neutopaenia. Recently diagnosed to find out what is causing what gasp... I was told my fibromyalga was nerve damage for 27yrs without ant tests so I dont know if I still have nerve damage it was not dismissed.

Now my feet ache so much if I walk it aggrivates more if I dont walk it still hurst so much pain everyday in the soles of my feet just wanted to know if anyone has the same thing in either diagnoses. I have been looking for shoes that are made for these problems. i.e clarks which are not to flattering as I believe that wont stop the pain maybe just a bit mor cushiony or maybe when I get on the right medication it may help I dont know as Lyrica does nothing and the medications I have had for my mental ilnesses have so much side effects so there is going to be a review all i take now is diazepam for relax and sleep ive been on them for a week, which I will have to stop in the next couple of weeks due to adiction.

Dmom3005 01-22-2012 01:11 PM

Welcome Linda

And good job writing up about Fibromyalgia.


Geraldine 03-29-2012 02:44 AM

I am very interested in this because my feet have been ALL SORTS of messed up since this past July. I have fibro and mixed connective tissue disease.

My TOES starting hurting/seeming to grow in after using antibiotics for wisdom teeth in July. Then I developed neuromas in both feet, although worse in my right. Then my toenails started getting red around them, and painful, like they were sharp daggers. I got 3 cortizone shots in right foot. I got custom orthotics. Podiatrist told me I have no structural foot problems (but this is not true as I have bunions on both feet, come on!) My chiropractor started adjusting my feet and got me the orthotics. Recently, I had asked why my left foot was never comfortable, and they rescanned me. I had to send my orthotics back in and wait a couple weeks for the new ones. I used over the counter orthotics, and my feet have completely turned back to worse. Turning red again, cold then burning, then numb again, and now I feel my neuroma in the right foot again.

One of my big complaints is the soles of my feet hurt and get so tender. Is this fibro or is this plantar fascitis? Is this caused by the neuroma? I saw the podiatrist a bunch of times and they can't seem to tell me anything. The last few weeks my right foot has hurt worse outside bottom right side. Not my heel, but in the outside arch of my foot. And suddenly I'm noticing how much my toes look curved. The years I wore only sandals they never looked like this.

Arthritis? Fibro? Neuropathy? Neuroma? Plantar Fasciitis? Something is not right here... I don't know what to do next. I cannot wear sandals anymore, and walking barefoot feels best. If I wear shoes I need my orthotics. Hmmm...

MalindaK 03-29-2012 07:42 AM

Darlinda, me too, no meds (except after suyrgery.)

Originally Posted by darlindeb25 (Post 813580)
I do not do any meds. I find they all make me so ill, it's easier to deal with the pain!:( The meds all cause a flare up with my leaky gut/candida issues, so I have to weigh which pain is worse. I gave up the meds and do the best I can with diet and exercise.

With the IBS and other problems, I do not tolerate pain meds at all. They just cause other problems. So I do with relaxation techniques, stay away from chemicals in food (like I use fresh bacon with no nitrates or nitrites in it) and mild excercise when I can get my chronic fatigured butt to move .

My IGF1 test (human growth hormone) came back so low, I was the lowest in our group.,.. and that causes you to not recover from exercise or exertion. So I just breath... and try to take my mind off the pain. I mentally put bubbles of pain into a champagne glass until I offload my pain and can go to sleep. (well, sometimes that doesn't work.) I have a lot of restless nights and I can't sleep too well or at all.

I do have a great pain specialist though who keeps my back and neck from hurting through internal things instead of narcotics. Thank God for her.

Now I am facing an 8 evel C-spine surgery in April and that is not helping me to focus on being being pain free.

It's a never ending battle. Hang in there.

Spiney95 04-05-2012 07:28 AM


Originally Posted by darlindeb25 (Post 813580)
I do not do any meds. I find they all make me so ill, it's easier to deal with the pain!:( The meds all cause a flare up with my leaky gut/candida issues, so I have to weigh which pain is worse. I gave up the meds and do the best I can with diet and exercise.

Does anyone walk in a theraputic pool for that type of exercise? My feet are a mess with PN to the extent that I can't wear shoes. It's flip flops and slippers for me now. Anyhow, I can walk in a theraputic pool. Best wishes.

disillusioned 04-05-2012 08:32 AM

have you had an ultrasound on your heels at all? I have plantar fasciitis and it sounds very similar to what you are describing. If the pain is most extreme immediately after rest once you put weight on your feet again (and its usually excruciating) then it could well be. plantar fasciitis is inflammation of the plantar fascia ligament with inserts at the heel bone and attaches at the other end of you foot sole (again to bone) if the ligament has lost its elasticity (a degenerative condition) then it will shorten with rest and tear when weight is placed on the foot again. heel spurs will eventually develop as the body tries to compensate for the shrinkage in the ligament by growing new bone at the ligament insertion point in the heel. It is not uncommon to feel as though you have jumped of a rooftop and landed on a small stone right on this part of the heel (very very painful) it will usually ease somewhat with movement (once all the tearing is over) but with prolonged standing the pain can be likened to having someone belt the soles of your feet with a baseball bat :( an ultrasound will easily confirm whether or not your plantar fascia ligament is inflamed. the treatment options are limited in their effect. you can get a proper gait scan done and spend a small fortune on orthapedic insoles to correct the flattening on the sole of your feet, a special method of taping commonly used by physiotherapists will provide some relief, or you can get an ultrasound guided steroid injection (of course the need for all of these will be determined by your doctor)
really feel for you foot pain is a real bugger - there is no way to really avoid the aggravation caused by putting pressure on them especially if you want to get from a to b like getting from the bed to the toilet.
by the way i have not found any pain medication including narcotics to be helpful for plantar fasciitis in any way - im not really sure why the drugs have no effect? but for me at least they do absolutely nothing :(
i hope your doctor can get to the bottom of the cause for you really soon. :)
all the best!

almondjoy 04-27-2012 06:47 AM

Pain in the soles of your feet

Originally Posted by nubiene (Post 786996)
Hi everyone
I am trying to seperate if I can the problems I have fybromyalga being one and monoclonal gamampathy igG with kappa lights and intemittent neutopaenia. Recently diagnosed to find out what is causing what gasp... I was told my fibromyalga was nerve damage for 27yrs without ant tests so I dont know if I still have nerve damage it was not dismissed.

Now my feet ache so much if I walk it aggrivates more if I dont walk it still hurst so much pain everyday in the soles of my feet just wanted to know if anyone has the same thing in either diagnoses. I have been looking for shoes that are made for these problems. i.e clarks which are not to flattering as I believe that wont stop the pain maybe just a bit mor cushiony or maybe when I get on the right medication it may help I dont know as Lyrica does nothing and the medications I have had for my mental ilnesses have so much side effects so there is going to be a review all i take now is diazepam for relax and sleep ive been on them for a week, which I will have to stop in the next couple of weeks due to adiction.

Get checked for Tarsal Tunnal. It's a pinch nerve in your ankle. I have it, very painful.

Telepyleia 05-14-2014 12:24 PM


Originally Posted by MalindaK (Post 864913)
With the IBS and other problems, I do not tolerate pain meds at all. They just cause other problems. So I do with relaxation techniques, stay away from chemicals in food (like I use fresh bacon with no nitrates or nitrites in it) and mild excercise when I can get my chronic fatigured butt to move .

My IGF1 test (human growth hormone) came back so low, I was the lowest in our group.,.. and that causes you to not recover from exercise or exertion. So I just breath... and try to take my mind off the pain. I mentally put bubbles of pain into a champagne glass until I offload my pain and can go to sleep. (well, sometimes that doesn't work.) I have a lot of restless nights and I can't sleep too well or at all.

I do have a great pain specialist though who keeps my back and neck from hurting through internal things instead of narcotics. Thank God for her.

Now I am facing an 8 evel C-spine surgery in April and that is not helping me to focus on being being pain free.

It's a never ending battle. Hang in there.

Hi, I wonder if you would share some more information about the IGF1 test, where to get it and what it shows. You mentioned you were part of a group of some kind..any details you are comfortable to provide would be most helpful!

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