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slo life 02-17-2009 04:45 PM

Cymbalta has helped with my pain
Hello all, this is my first post here.
I am Thirty six years old and was in pretty good shape until about two years ago I was injured when I was rear ended in a car accident.
four months ago I had an artificial disc put in my lumbar spine. Where as this helped a great deal whith ny low back pain,istill experience burning and shooting pain in my legs although to a lesser degree than previously.
Also since the car accident i have suffered from excruciating constant neck pain accompanied by pain in my arms hands and face as well as incapacitaing
headaches. And the diagnosis for what was causing all of the upper extremity pain was pretty difficult to obtain.
I recently saw a DR in LA who diagnosed me with Bilateral Thoracic Outlet Syndrome.
During all of the Chronic pain and difficulties with ins, lawyers, drs, etc. As well as the fact that my life changed dramatically somewhat quicly. I became very
depressed It got bad enough that I started seeing a therapisto , and I asked my family dr to prescribe an antidepressant, which ended up being Cymbalta.
My side effects were not terrible and subsided within the first few weeks.
Cymbalta helped incredibly,I find my mood is a lot better, and i dont cry everytime i see a sad commercial on tv!!
I noticed one positive side effect of the drug is that it has helped take the edge off of some of the pain. However i am also taking Lyrica, Ultram & Motrin 800 for as well as Soma & Trazadone to help me sleep.
I do get very tire easily and mind you with my physical limitations i do very little anyway. I Forget lots of things and have a hard time concentrating.
so my point is with all of the meds i was already on its hard to know which is causing which side effects But the Cymbalta saved me from severe deprsession and anxiety!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Irishred 02-19-2009 04:40 PM

Please Hold On ......... And, Research More

....since the car accident i have suffered from excruciating constant neck pain accompanied by pain in my arms hands and face as well as incapacitaing headaches. And the diagnosis for what was causing all of the upper extremity pain was pretty difficult to obtain. I recently saw a DR in LA who diagnosed me with Bilateral Thoracic Outlet Syndrome.
My heart goes out to you when reading your words!!! Much of what you have described triggers memories of what I went through seeking an answer to the chronic pain that has gradually seeped in and taken over my life. I did not have a traumatic event that preceded my symptoms as you did; in my case a diagnosis of Thoracic Outlet Syndrome was not out of the realm of possibility but it was still always seen as unlikely.

How please can they have determined that following such a traumatic event that your pain now stems from Bilateral TOS rather than from perhaps .... Chronic Myofasical Pain where the past trauma caused muscular stress and tension that resulted in severe trigger points which can cause sharp pain, numbness, weakness, migraine like headaches, and virtually everything under the sun??

Please Look into myofasical pain, trigger points and their referral patterns. Research either subject along with headaches.

I was told many things while looking for an explanation for the pain & numbness in my hands, arms and neck to include Ulnar nerve entrapment, Carpal Tunnel, TOS, etc. ... each year it just kept getting worse - what was only on the left side has now engaged both left and right.

I declined more than one recommended surgery; four years after everything started the pain moved and centered in deep in head with such severity I could not function at all. I think I now understand migraine suffers since I call these "walking migraines". Still no solution ... no definitive reason for any of it. I have disk problems in my neck, they are the likely cause of what is now being termed cervogenic headaches.

Only my work with my Myofascial Pain Therapist has provided me any relief. In the beginning I went 2-3x a week until the pain/headaches seemed to lessen - now I go once a week. I have manual and dry needling treatments for trigger points (depending on what I can tolerate that week).

My situation is quite chronic and is likely to stay so unless/until I can remove the contributing factors that perpetuate the problem (excessive stress, computer use, poor/lack of sleep, stress computer use, poor/lack of sleep ... ) see the pattern :( ?

Seriously though, I have cut the Ultram from 100 mg every 4-6 hrs to 100 mg every 10-12 hrs (usually :))

For sleep, they've now added nortriptyline at night - the 1st night I stopped taking the Cymbalta I slept better than I had in months. After waiting a week I took the 20 mg nortriptyline and slept better than I had in YEARS!!

One small (medicinal) draw back ... I've noticed I'm becoming a bit larger:eek:??? This is not acceptable - its likely I'm going to be stuck sleepless again ... lets see, sleep or fitting into my clothes which should it be:p

BTW ... the lack of concentration ... forgetfulness ... chances are quite good this is due to the Cymbalta or Lyrica - research them - go to Ask A Patient see what others have to say. Ultram does not cause this, either does Motrin. My initial experiences with Lyrica were not all that great either ... too bad because it did control the pain too but, I'm rather fond of my hair!

Lastly, please be cautious ... Ultram should be restricted with many drugs, Cymbalta and Lyrica are included on this list.

Drs are only human, you need to be your own advocate - question what your are told - does everything add up - do all the events make sense - does it feel right? - if not research further until it does!

Okay, yes I'm projecting but, if you have any questions/doubts about this TOS diag. please follow though. I have not posted on this board enough to give you actual links to where I'd recommend you start but I can tell you that you may find the websites of Devlin Starlyl and Round Earth Publishing quite beneficial. And, if I could find links to my initial posts regarding TOS another board back when this started I'd bet you'd see your story there too ...

My hopes for many reduced pain days ahead!!

sabimax 02-19-2009 06:40 PM

hey went back to neuro, and other than neurontin, now on baclofen, for that morning stiffness stuff. HE thinks that is actually spasticity going on, and wanted me to try baclofen. Wow just took the two doses yesterday, woke like I was 36 not 99, and I am 39. I do not have fibro, or chronic fatigue (well I sure have fatigue )

anyhow, being watched for MS is my story, new MRI being done next month to check if changes, but had been on here talking about cymbalta since neuro mentioned that the first time. But then this apt he did not mention that for the morning stiffness he went for baclofen.

hugssss,sarah (anybody on baclofen with good or bad effects can share hehe)

slo life 02-20-2009 01:26 AM

Irishred, thanks for both the info and the empathy they are very much appreciated. Actully in regards to the TOS diagnosis I think that it is correct.
Reason being, initially all of my upper extremity pain was thought to be a product of small disc bulge @ C6-in my neck. I had a total of four MRI's.
With each was a different summary diagnosis of cervical abnormalities.
The types of pain i was having however, didnt fit the bill for C6-7.
My orthopaedic surgeon wasn't buying it either.

from the moment I was first injured i noticed the medial right clavicle head
had become more prominant than its counterpart. I began to research the symptoms of a dislocated clavicle and in very short order came across TOS.
I had lots of time on my hands and did lots of research for both my back surgery and what was happening with my neck. I was pretty sure based on all I found ,that it was unfortuately most likely TOS.
The more my Dr and I Talked about it the more he agreed. Then I had to go see a workers comp Dr "whoooHoo" his job of course was to say that me and my Doc were both wrong, and I was fine and should return to work immediately. He did not do so. His opinion was that I most likely had TOS.
and advised that I see one of the the top two Dr's in the field , so i did.
ergo the current diagmosis. Not sure how to procede however Scalenectomy is not on my top ten things to do list right now But as you know daily pain is no way to live.

I am however worried about all of the chemcals am subjecting my poor system to:eek:
Just curious as to your reasons for not buying The TOS dignosis for yourself?
QUOTE=Irishred;468297]My heart goes out to you when reading your words!!! Much of what you have described triggers memories of what I went through seeking an answer to the chronic pain that has gradually seeped in and taken over my life. I did not have a traumatic event that preceded my symptoms as you did; in my case a diagnosis of Thoracic Outlet Syndrome was not out of the realm of possibility but it was still always seen as unlikely.

How please can they have determined that following such a traumatic event that your pain now stems from Bilateral TOS rather than from perhaps .... Chronic Myofasical Pain where the past trauma caused muscular stress and tension that resulted in severe trigger points which can cause sharp pain, numbness, weakness, migraine like headaches, and virtually everything under the sun??

Please Look into myofasical pain, trigger points and their referral patterns. Research either subject along with headaches.

I was told many things while looking for an explanation for the pain & numbness in my hands, arms and neck to include Ulnar nerve entrapment, Carpal Tunnel, TOS, etc. ... each year it just kept getting worse - what was only on the left side has now engaged both left and right.

I declined more than one recommended surgery; four years after everything started the pain moved and centered in deep in head with such severity I could not function at all. I think I now understand migraine suffers since I call these "walking migraines". Still no solution ... no definitive reason for any of it. I have disk problems in my neck, they are the likely cause of what is now being termed cervogenic headaches.

Only my work with my Myofascial Pain Therapist has provided me any relief. In the beginning I went 2-3x a week until the pain/headaches seemed to lessen - now I go once a week. I have manual and dry needling treatments for trigger points (depending on what I can tolerate that week).

My situation is quite chronic and is likely to stay so unless/until I can remove the contributing factors that perpetuate the problem (excessive stress, computer use, poor/lack of sleep, stress computer use, poor/lack of sleep ... ) see the pattern :( ?

Seriously though, I have cut the Ultram from 100 mg every 4-6 hrs to 100 mg every 10-12 hrs (usually :))

For sleep, they've now added nortriptyline at night - the 1st night I stopped taking the Cymbalta I slept better than I had in months. After waiting a week I took the 20 mg nortriptyline and slept better than I had in YEARS!!

One small (medicinal) draw back ... I've noticed I'm becoming a bit larger:eek:??? This is not acceptable - its likely I'm going to be stuck sleepless again ... lets see, sleep or fitting into my clothes which should it be:p

BTW ... the lack of concentration ... forgetfulness ... chances are quite good this is due to the Cymbalta or Lyrica - research them - go to Ask A Patient see what others have to say. Ultram does not cause this, either does Motrin. My initial experiences with Lyrica were not all that great either ... too bad because it did control the pain too but, I'm rather fond of my hair!

Lastly, please be cautious ... Ultram should be restricted with many drugs, Cymbalta and Lyrica are included on this list.

Drs are only human, you need to be your own advocate - question what your are told - does everything add up - do all the events make sense - does it feel right? - if not research further until it does!

Okay, yes I'm projecting but, if you have any questions/doubts about this TOS diag. please follow though. I have not posted on this board enough to give you actual links to where I'd recommend you start but I can tell you that you may find the websites of Devlin Starlyl and Round Earth Publishing quite beneficial. And, if I could find links to my initial posts regarding TOS another board back when this started I'd bet you'd see your story there too ...

My hopes for many reduced pain days ahead!![/QUOTE]

Dmom3005 02-20-2009 05:50 PM

Hi all

I'm Donna and I have Fibromyalgia. And neck pain that took burning of
the nerves. And have problems that return with my left shoulder.

I am on Cymbalta for anxiety and pain, but had neurotin and zanaflex
added it has helped me immensely. I am doing much better thanks
to the combination.

I used to take loratab for the neck pain and also nexaproxin?


AmysGirl 11-17-2010 07:27 PM

Hi I've been on the Cymbalta 30mg for about 2 weeks. The Neurologist told me to come off the Zoloft before going on it but, after 2 days I started getting really nauseous. So I went back on it at 25mg a day in the PM and 30mg of Cymbalta in the AM. The first week was great! My bestfriend told me she loved the new me! I was so calm given life's hardships right now, 2 toddlers, a f/t job and being divorced. I felt it too! And even my boss was praising me. But, then the weekend came, my most difficult days, and I was very depressed so I tried 60mg. Well it made me very nauseous and dizzy, and impatient...anxious almost. Sweaty...I was a mess. But, powered through it for 2 days....and then I had to bring it back down to 30 b/c I have a job where I must be 110% always. So my question is....what is the difference between the 2 meeds? Can I take both? Should I give it a go at 60mg again in the AM? And the 25mg of Zoloft at night. Or should I continue to go off the Zoloft and then bump it up. Also, I have not read anywhere of people taking only 30mg daily for FM pain, which was my dx along with migraines, mild anxiety and depression. Any feedback would be great. I'd like to know if I should go up to the 60mg and the nausea and dizziness will hopefully go away? And that some only take that little and it works?
Thanks to all that can help.

Abbie 11-18-2010 09:46 PM

Hello AmysGirl!

The best person to ask is your doctor... You should NEVER increase or decrease your medications without direct supervision from your doctor.

Zoloft is in a class of medications called Selective-Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor (SSRIs)

Cymbalta is in a class of medications called Selective Serotonin and Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitors (SNRIs)

Please contact your doctor.

Dmom3005 11-19-2010 03:09 PM

Hi I take cymbalta. And I can say for a long time, a couple of years I think.
I took 30mgs. But we didn't know that I had fibromyalgia. But I took
it for depression.

I had it upped when my depression and anxiety started getting worse.

I also take neurotin and I can say for a fact that it has helped the fibromyalgia.


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