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Justice 05-16-2007 07:25 AM

I don't think anyone understands!
I feel like I'm dying,and I don't think anone gets it.Like right now,my chest hurts so bad,and I don't even get it.My Dr. wants to blame it on something it's not because he doesn't get it.I've been told that he's burnt out,and had a few patients my age,and some a little younger die lately,because he didn't get it,and gave up,just like he did me!:eek: It takes time to get a new Doctor,and all the records transferred.In the meantime,I'm getting worse by the day! My chest just started hurting out of nowhere,and I just spiked a fever again,just like 5-10 minutes ago! But since the ER won't treat me,there's nothing I can do! They did a heart study,but my Dr. said that the arrythmia was normal for people to have,and that the fact that my heart takes extra beats here and there,is normal to! I asked my friend if he was telling the truth,and she vouched for him on that,because I don't trust him! But I am miserable here,if you notice the time on my posts,I now can only sleep in the day,and I am up all night! Because of the fevers! I just don't have anyone to talk to about how I feel when my Doctor friend is getting ready to move in 3 weeks to a different state! I get to spend a few hours with her tomorrow,and I can't wait!:hug:

Wiix 05-16-2007 10:30 AM

J, you NEED to calm down. Your getting yourself ALL worked up over there.

Let's just TRY to figure this out, ok?

You say you have a fever, well, maybe you DO. If that's the case then you have caught something. Are you drinking plenty of OJ? Eating oranges?? Lots of Water?? Eating fruit?? Can you sit in the sun at all??
Direct sunlight is so healing.

I had an infected fingertip once, went to the doc about it. She said "Oh, put neoSporin on it and keep it covered." I did what she said it it wasn't getting any better, for MONTHS!! OK< so I figured out HER advice wasn't working. So I sat in an open window since this was in the winter, with the glass up and just the screen so the sunlight could get directly on it. Within a week the infection cleared up. The UV rays of the sun kill bacteria. I KNOW this yet I listened to the Doc. She was telling me just the Opposite of what I had to do.

OK, your chest is bothering you? Well, if you are anxious that can be the cause and you certainly do sound anxious. Can you take a long, hot shower and do some stretches in there?? Take your time, spread your arms back and let the hot water hit right on your chest, it will help to relax the tense muscles. When you get out, put some nice music on that is Calm and soothing. Not HeadBanging hard rock, that will NOT be beneficial. Lay on the floor in the sun if you can NAKED and try to slow your breathing down. But take long, deep breaths and exhale slowly. Stay down for a while and just relax, go to your HAPPY PLACE, you know, the BEACH.

TRY TO CALM DOWN AND RELAX, WILL YA??? ;) :wink: :winky: :hug:

Chemar 05-16-2007 06:07 PM


sure hoping you managed to get some rest and are feeling better

Let us know how you are ok

Justice 05-17-2007 05:06 AM

I Wish I could do those things........................
I'm allergic to direct sunlight,I'll break out in a rash,the COPD makes it to where I can't breath very well lying down,and the heat from the shower will spike my fever even higher,I just take baths,and even those spike my fever! But I was sick yesterday pretty bad,I tried to walk,and was found on the side of the road after 4 blocks throwing up,and brought home,and helped back inside,just to spend another 2-3 hours in the bathroom!:(

Wiix 05-17-2007 11:34 AM

Oh man. :o Well, Cool yourself down then. I once broke out in a rash from the sun but it was from some antibiotic I was taking at the time. Are you drinking lots of ICE Water?? If you are dehydrated that can make you sick to your stomach. Your fever seems to be raising hell with you. :hug: You should be resting then.

When I had Legionaire's Disease last Winter I had the same symptoms you are describing. I threw up alot too and had the big "D". And stomach cramps and fever and chest congestion and overall aches and pains. It was just horrible.

You should go read about it. I may have a link saved, hold on a minute............

Wiix 05-17-2007 11:40 AM

OK, here is one link I Know I have read before:

But there is another one that gives Symptoms. I'll look for that one now. :winky:

Wiix 05-17-2007 11:42 AM

OK, here is that one:

Aussie99 05-17-2007 09:33 PM

Hi Justice
This doesn't sound like COPD. This sounds like allergies,something autoimmune going on, even infectious. Can you go see a partner of his, maybe a female GP? here in Australia we have GP centres. That is 6-10 doctors practicing in the same building. Your records will be there. You need some treatments and some help.

Maybe if you go to a hospital, and tell them that you are having trouble breathing, and so forth. They have to take that seriously, and maybe even admit you?

I just don't feel that your GP is giving you proper care,and that's a bit stressful. You are not going to die,so stop thinking like that. There is no actual proof that you even have COPD, only his opinion??

Please relax,and seek some help fast, and not by this jerk.

Also just to add, my husband is an ex smoker and he was hospitalised with pneumonia, one of his lungs collapsed with fluid. This was in 2005. His GP at the time told us that he had a mild upper respitory infection and gave him 3 rounds of antibiotics, all which did nothing. I saw him spitting blood in bathroom basin, and forced him to go to hosptal where I demanded he be admitted, he wasn't breathing, he was dizzy with fever and lastly horrific cough with blood. I refused to take him home. He was admitted, and he had to saty for 10 days because after they finally did their testing as they should have had in the first place,he was in very bad shape. The GP almost killed him, as he refused to beleive that he needed hopital care. But once again I'd like to emphasise that the hospital kept him for 10 days!! His oxygen saturation was incredibly low.

Wiix 05-17-2007 10:32 PM

I have the feeling J that you are obsessed with the idea that you have COPD. You are blaming all your current problems on that. But if you ARE 34, I have serious doubts that you have it. If you do then I would be very surprized.

From what I understand COPD is usually a condition found in much older people who have smoked for a very, long time. But then again, like I said in another thread, Why is Everything suddenly a disease? Just being dehydrated can cause the secretions in your lungs to get very thick and make you cough when they do make their way up. Many times I get sort of congested and start wheezing myself but if I TRY to drink a lot of water that day then usually I can cough it up in one session and everything is clear for quite a while after that.

But too J, you MAY very well have SOME form of Pneumonia. People get it and are walking around miserable for a very, long time AND, I don't want to scare you now but did you know that more people die from pneumonia each year than from diabetes? I think that some form of pneumonia will probably kill me. I am not too good at handling any sort of lung infection. I DID nearly die last November. I had to go to ER 4 times for breathing treatments which helped a little. I think if I had got any worse or stayed sick much longer it would have killed me for sure.

Most doctors don't test for Legionaire's. I SPECIFICALLY DEMANDED IT. I even brought a friend with me who is a Nurse Practioner to explain to the doctor my concerns. I felt it gave my suspicion MORE credibility and it worked. Like I said before, I felt a dramatic improvement in my condition on about the 3rd or 4th day into taking Clindamycin. and I had been sick almost 4 months by then. I did give me terrible diarrhea but it was worth it getting rid of that nasty bacteria. I HOPE you read the links I posted about the symptoms, it was the 2nd one I posted.


Originally Posted by Wiix (Post 100934)

Justice 05-18-2007 07:49 AM

I wouldn't call it obsessed,I would call it scared ******** of the idea that I have it,but I only am so worried because my Doctor is telling me all these things,like I'm never gonna get better,I'm gonna have to deal with frequent Pneumonia cases,breathing difficulties,might end up on oxygen.I mean how would that effect any 33 year old! If he wouldn't have told me I had that,I would just be afraid wondering what is wrong with me.But yesterday,I was with my Doctor friend for like 3 hours,and one of my pain attacks hit me,where I spike a fever,and she saw it,and saw my face go from white to red,then back to white again,that fast,and where I couldn't breath,while the pain was still there,she thinks it's my gallbladder,because thats where the sharp pain hit me,and it's been going on like that for a few months,and my doctor has been ignoring it.So she is gonna have a chat with him about it,and tell him what she saw,and hope he listens! Plus she'll be on call at the hospital Mon,and Tuesday,so you never know,if he doesn't listen,she may even straight admit me,and test me herself.She really cares about me.:hug: I just wish my doctor still did!:(
Ya know,I appreciate your support on all this so much,I just wanted you to know that,cause I'm like a scared little kid right now,wanting to go hide behind my Dad when a stranger walks in the room,you know!:hug:

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