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rose 11-11-2006 02:27 PM

That long relapsing and remitting history
is not likely due to B12 deficiency.

However, the methylcobalamin form of B12 can be helpful even when B12 is not low. So, I would take it while continuing to explore.

Best wishes,


jccgf 11-11-2006 02:40 PM

Wow...I can also relate a little bit to so many of the things being mentioned here. I agree that these mystery neurological complaints and symptoms can be caused by so many different things!

I had many hand/forearm complaints... I couldn't WRITE anymore without moving my entire arm with a pen stuck in 'frozen' position in my hand. I had sharp stabbing pains in the wrists and forearms especially thumb and first finger (among other places in my body), very stiff hands, aching painful forearms etc.. I dropped things out of nowhere all the time. Vitamin B6 deficiency can cause carpal tunnel type symptoms, too, and for me...I think that was it. When my B12 deficiency was uncovered, I went on an overal supplement plan, which included extra P5P B6, magnesium, fish oil, and also a multivitamin. I had so many symptoms, too, just like the rest of you, that could "fit" with a number of fibromyagia, lyme disease, thyroid disease, etc. The only symptoms I have left are periods of brainfog and some lingering memory and concentration problems (still could not ever remember a number from a glance in the phone book to dialing it), but they are not nearly as bad as they were...still very frustrating at times. I also have very occasional and mild buzzing and twitching.

When I was at my worst, I could not, for example, add two two digit numbers together; it was mentally exhausting just to read; I couldn't process verbal conversations around me at all (just heard blah, blah, blah); I couldn't articulate well, stuttered and often dropped off mid sentence with no recollection of what I was talking about; word finding problems..wrong words popping out all the time (this still happens but not every other sentence..maybe just a couple times a day); and a couple of times I even got lost/disoriented when driving when I was going to what should be a familiar place....and that is getting into scary cognitive problems. I had the couple of vertigo attacks (lasting days each time), also episodes of feeling like I was dropping from the sky, etc, all that stuff. Just from a vitamin deficiency.

My early symptoms were on and off over the course of 3-5 years more like flares (like the urninary tract symtpoms...had several 'flares' of that over a couple of years). My ear ringing, buzzing, and clicking noises was definitely on and off over many years, but the "phantom" ear pressure and pain came near the end. I say "phantom", because on exam there was no fluid or infection. But, then, everything started worsening rapidly, with new symptoms piling on at more rapid pace during the last six months before my problme was finally uncovered.

My oldest daughter, who we now know was B6 deficient, had "morning hands" during her childhood, and especially in the morning (hence us calling it 'morning hands'), couldn't button, tie shoes, dropped things, etc.

My youngest daughter had a fleeting episode of slurred speech once just before we discovered her gluten sensitivity, but had more episodes of sporadic weakness (limp body fatigue), leg drag, staggering, droopy eyelids (she couldn't lift them open on occasion, usually in the morning shortly after arising, but it would happen, say, while eating breakfast...and last a couple of minutes) and a lazy eye. All as a result of gluten sensitivity~ all resolved on a gluten free diet. She does not have Celiac Disease. If you haven't had a chance to check out The Gluten File yet, I hope you will. Especially the pages on neurological manifestations of gluten sensitivity/gluten ataxia, and the diagnostic pages.

Alena, just keep on looking~ and I hope you will find some answers one day soon. It can be a big long process of elimination and continued testing, and very hard to keep on going to the next doctor, next doctor, next doctor. Take breaks from it when you need to, but you may need to be very persistent to find answers. I agree with rose who suggests you take B12 and supporting vitamins (multivitamin, B-complex) while you continue to search... and of course always keep in touch with your doctor and keep him informed of things you are taking, including supplements ;). Lots of information on safety/dosing on roses' pages or mine.

Do you have any family history of autoimmune disease?

Good luck!


seara 11-13-2006 07:19 PM

Alena, I know I'm late posting to this thread but I just joined and started reading.

MS is a difficult diagnosis for a number of reasons. There are so many things that need to be quantified including previous history.

My question to you is this...have you been examined by an optomologist for signs of Optic Neuritis? I had a friend who had some vision problems, only occasionally, but enough for him to make an appointment and that's how his MS was found.

Just a thought....I wish you much luck!

ConsiderThis 12-21-2006 11:03 AM

agreement about B12 : )
Hi Alena,

I agree with the many here who have spoken of B12 and how it helps.

I found this article yesterday about a doctor in England who prescribes it more than most... and was getting into trouble with the establishment, until 900+ of his patients stepped forward to talk about how much they'd improved.

I put the article on my site because when I just use links, the links often "die" after months or years.

tangye5 02-18-2007 12:41 PM

Alena Possible MS
Those were the exact symptoms I had several years ago and I had testing finally done by IGeneX Lab. It was from a tick the disease is called Babesia, I also have Lyme Disease. Took many doctors and surgeries and finally a good Lyme Literate MD and the tests confirmed my Diagnosis. Please e-mail me at if you want to correspond. tangye5

strizzlow20 07-30-2013 07:00 PM

I didn't realize Alena posted on Neurotalk, I've seen her archived posts in BrainTalk. I have the SAME exact visual problems and the only thing I have is Myasthenia Gravis. This isn't the typical eye lid drouble or double vision, but just as exactly as you describe. This all started in April for me. My doc thinks it's the Myasthenia causing it after ruling out MS and a bunch of other things. If anyone has anything to add, please let me know. i've been tested for Lyme twice, negative both times. I go to the Mayo in a couple of weeks to speak to the neuro muscular specialist.

strizzlow20 11-19-2014 08:41 PM

Im going to keep bumping this thread because its important to me that the valuable information alena has provided along with my same issue it will hopefully help someone else one day. Since i started with the exact visual issues as alena i have additional symptoms that have appeared. Alena was very creative that she created a visual simulation of what she was seeing that was grabbed by the migraine aura foundation based out of Germany. Her posts alone have given me hope abd confirmation this was not psychosomatic. Her gif is called autokinesis. Anyways, since i started ive noticed coordination problems, more noticeably in my dominant hand of course. I have to try harder to coordinate writing and other movements. Proprioception has become an issue as my heels feel like they lose sense of the ground, almost like vertigo, but more sensational. Alena complained of this as well. Mris have been normal (including dye and of spine )as well and spinal tap, eeg, lyme testing, blood work, and paraneoplastic blood tests. Ive done nothing since April because it gets tiring and discouraging. Anyways, i suspect ataxia, perhaps recessive condition rather than ms or mg. Ms is much more common than rare genetic. ataxic disorders although ataxia is a symptom. I am having another mri soon with not much optimism. I also had extensive balance testing at the university of miami that indicated a failed caloric response and possible convergence disorder. Dont give up if youre an individual that comes across this one day. I hope i can find an answer to help others because ive seen others posting on other sites. They are not recent though. I do ask that if you're an individual that reads this and feels i dont belong writng on this forum to kindly move on to another thread. When i first posted on the ms forum i was asked by a nurse with mg to not post there because i could be upsetting other members. You dont know what me and this young lady are going through and im truly just hoping this is helpful one day. I wish everyone the best and i will folliw up in time. The benefit of alenas posts gave me atleast a timeline of her progress. Happy holidays.

strizzlow20 11-19-2014 08:46 PM

Im going to keep bumping this thread because its important to me that the valuable information alena has provided along with my same issue it will hopefully help someone else one day. Since i started with the exact visual issues as alena i have additional symptoms that have appeared. Alena was very creative that she created a visual simulation of what she was seeing that was grabbed by the migraine aura foundation based out of Germany. Her posts alone have given me hope abd confirmation this was not psychosomatic. Her gif is called autokinesis. Anyways, since i started ive noticed coordination problems, more noticeably in my dominant hand of course. I have to try harder to coordinate writing and other movements. Proprioception has become an issue as my heels feel like they lose sense of the ground, almost like vertigo, but more sensational. Alena complained of this as well. Mris have been normal (including dye and of spine )as well and spinal tap, eeg, lyme testing, blood work, and paraneoplastic blood tests. Ive done nothing since April because it gets tiring and discouraging. Anyways, i suspect ataxia, perhaps recessive condition rather than ms or mg. Ms is much more common than rare genetic. ataxic disorders although ataxia is a symptom. I am having another mri soon with not much optimism. I also had extensive balance testing at the university of miami that indicated a failed caloric response and possible convergence disorder. Dont give up if youre an individual that comes across this one day. I hope i can find an answer to help others because ive seen others posting on other sites. They are not recent though. I do ask that if you're an individual that reads this and feels i dont belong writng on this forum to kindly move on to another thread. When i first posted on the ms forum i was asked by a nurse with mg to not post there because i could be upsetting other members. You dont know what me and this young lady are going through and im truly just hoping this is helpful one day. I wish everyone the best and i will folliw up in time. The benefit of alenas posts gave me atleast a timeline of her progress. Happy holidays.

strizzlow20 11-19-2014 08:57 PM

I apologize for the duplicate its difficult posting from a phone. I would like to add my doctor is not ruling out ms but my vision issues to me don't align. I don't have optic neuritis or constant nystagmus along with negative mris. Its all been disheartening though because at 28 i wish i felt normal and my vision was better. Its a struggle to perform everyday activities especially working on a computer buf im still working full time and masking my problems as much as possible. I took out a 20 year life insurance policy a year and half ago before im diagnosed with anything to protect my wife financially s and a full term policy as well. I am protected by the medical leave of absence and have short term and long term disability through work in conjunction with their life insurance. Ive done everything i can in the past 2 years to put things in order. 2015 is my year to hopefully get an answer because i am losing my EPO whichcovers everything 100 percent that is in network to a PPO in 2016.

mimimi123 12-14-2014 08:03 PM

Hello Elena!
It most certainly could be, but when you mention about the tongue and the vision, sounds a lot like a migraine as well. You can 'apparently' get these symptoms without the actual migraine. Lots of things can be a cause of this. Goodluck with everything, keep on them to do follow ups of the MS, because you are right, they are spot on symptoms <3

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