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Dmom3005 12-09-2008 11:25 PM

Hi, I was just reading your post. If the camera test is what I think
your talking about I would definately find a place that does that.

Its something that I had done. And it was something that my
doctor's found very helpful for what we were using it for.

I have pain in my abdomin(SP?), and its not something I like.
I can totally relate. But I even know what it probably is, but
the surgeon wouldn't agree to take the stupid gall bladder with 15
stones out. I also need to see a Women's specialist or something
for a ovarian cyst because its bigger than I was told.

And I'm tired of waiting on the surgeon to decide. I see my primary
next week. So I'll check with them about a new person.


pabb 12-10-2008 07:41 AM


Originally Posted by MJA - TOS (Post 421594)
Yep, that's me. Severe bilateral thoracic outlet syndrome. Had the left rib and scalene muscles out about five years ago. Also have three herniated and two bulging discs in my lumbar. So unfortunately gardening is out for me. Can barely run the sweeper and fill the dishwasher some days.

Man, my side hurts tonight! Can't sit, lay down, nothing. Just took two vicaden about 8 and it's not touching it.

Had good news to cheer me up though. Our library had a tree decorating contest. We put in a tree with the proceeds to go to the SPCA. I knitted a bunch of minature ski hats and we decorated the tree with them. Also put on a few scarf/hat sets as garland, assorted sizes. We started our bidding at 20$. Some little girl loved it so much she talked her grandma into paying 50$ for our tree.


tut tut ......i presume by "running the sweeper" you mean a vacuum cleaner?
this is a big no-no with lumbar issues, and "aint no good" with TOS either...
would suggest good mats at all doors into house, and if you have a place to do it, no shoes in the house, keep slippers for every one at the door.....

MJA - TOS 12-10-2008 07:39 PM

Dmom - Had my gallbladder out two years ago. Probably didn't need to though. Was having major vomiting/diarrhea/FOUL smelling burping. Had gallbladder out and was still having above symptoms. I told my gastro that I was tired of vomiting garbage. It was like a light bulb went on in his head. He sent me for the "fried egg sandwich" test. They put a tracer in the food and you lay on a table for 2-3 hrs with an xray machine over your stomach. Turns out a normal stomach empties in 1-3 hrs. Mine was taking 10 hrs to empty so my meals were literally turning to garbage as they layered on top of each other. Turns out it was the morphine doing it. Since I didn't give up the morphine after the gallbadder went, the symptoms didn't go away. That was quite a mystery solved but it took about 4 months to do it and alot of misery.

pabb - I've got 10 (yes 10) cats that just anihilate any area rugs that I get. They seem to think they're urinals. Plus cat hair everywhere. I do have two teen age daughters and a husband. However, I never trained them to do much housekeeping. They know where to plug the vacume in and they know how to run it, but they don't help much around the house. The kids are high honor roll so I aways figured that was the trade off. Also, I felt so guilty for screwing myself up in a car wreck, that I never really forced the issue. The kids were only 8 and 7 at the time. I sweep about once a week and take lots of breaks.

pabb 12-11-2008 12:04 PM

the mats i mean are door mats. outside the doors,,,to catch some of the dirt....

ConsiderThis 12-11-2008 11:21 PM


Originally Posted by MJA - TOS (Post 421594)
Yep, that's me. Severe bilateral thoracic outlet syndrome. Had the left rib and scalene muscles out about five years ago. Also have three herniated and two bulging discs in my lumbar. So unfortunately gardening is out for me. Can barely run the sweeper and fill the dishwasher some days.

Man, my side hurts tonight! Can't sit, lay down, nothing. Just took two vicaden about 8 and it's not touching it.

Had good news to cheer me up though. Our library had a tree decorating contest. We put in a tree with the proceeds to go to the SPCA. I knitted a bunch of minature ski hats and we decorated the tree with them. Also put on a few scarf/hat sets as garland, assorted sizes. We started our bidding at 20$. Some little girl loved it so much she talked her grandma into paying 50$ for our tree.


That is SO COOL!!!!!!

It sounds so cute! Did you take a picture of it? Can we see????

ConsiderThis 12-11-2008 11:22 PM


Originally Posted by pabb (Post 421184)
Thoracic Outlet Syndrome.......if it is on her dominate side, it will interfer with all ADLs.....and any crafty sort of thing....non dominate, maybe not so bad, but the pain in and of itself, interfers....even with sleep......

Thanks for explaining, I appreciate it. ... but... what's ADLS?

ConsiderThis 12-11-2008 11:33 PM


Originally Posted by MJA - TOS (Post 423263)
Dmom - Had my gallbladder out two years ago. Probably didn't need to though. Was having major vomiting/diarrhea/FOUL smelling burping. Had gallbladder out and was still having above symptoms. I told my gastro that I was tired of vomiting garbage. It was like a light bulb went on in his head. He sent me for the "fried egg sandwich" test. They put a tracer in the food and you lay on a table for 2-3 hrs with an xray machine over your stomach. Turns out a normal stomach empties in 1-3 hrs. Mine was taking 10 hrs to empty so my meals were literally turning to garbage as they layered on top of each other. Turns out it was the morphine doing it. Since I didn't give up the morphine after the gallbadder went, the symptoms didn't go away. That was quite a mystery solved but it took about 4 months to do it and alot of misery.

pabb - I've got 10 (yes 10) cats that just anihilate any area rugs that I get. They seem to think they're urinals. Plus cat hair everywhere. I do have two teen age daughters and a husband. However, I never trained them to do much housekeeping. They know where to plug the vacume in and they know how to run it, but they don't help much around the house. The kids are high honor roll so I aways figured that was the trade off. Also, I felt so guilty for screwing myself up in a car wreck, that I never really forced the issue. The kids were only 8 and 7 at the time. I sweep about once a week and take lots of breaks.

((((((((Marcia)))))))) You made me feel so sad when you said you feel guilty about your car wreck. You are suffering from it, there's no need to feel guilty. There's nothing you can do, except be as happy as you can.

I missed a hearing yesterday that was really serious. I didn't get any notice about it, so I didn't know to go. But yesterday morning I was up before 5 a.m. because I couldn't sleep, and then during the day I was freezing cold, I mean just freezing. Now I think that somehow my spirit knew about the hearing and that's why I was so cold, because today was colder and I wasn't cold at all.

I feel guilty, and there's nothing I can do. So I made myself a coffee with Grand Marnier, which I love, and I enjoyed it. I'm trying to not feel so bad. But it's scary, so I know where you're coming from. I should have called the judge's chambers and ask when the hearing had been rescheduled for. I've been scared about it, so I feel like I had an internal warning. But, there's nothing I can do now. I wrote a thing saying I didn't know, and please vacate the order from the hearing and reset the hearing, but I don't know if that will help.

So I've been thinking since I found out about the hearing that things change so radically. We're going along feeling good, or worrying, or whatever, and all of a sudden something happens that changes everything.


MJA - TOS 12-12-2008 01:12 AM

Consider this: Sorry you missed your hearing. I hope you can reschedule.

I was driving through road construction one night. There was a break in the pylons and I thought it was the exit. I wasn't reading signs, I was reading the road constructon. On the other side of the break was a 8 ft x 8ft x 1 1/2 foot deep hole. I saw it but it was too late. Stupidly I clenched both arms on the steering wheel and braced my legs. The hole swallowed my whole car. Both air bags were blown. Car was a little neon and was totaled. As they were towing my car out, another car did the same thing further down the road. PennDOT was called out to shut down the highway and redistribut the barrels. Many other people had done this over the months they were doing the construction. Several people that were following me were saved from the same fate since I was already in the hole. Lucky for them.

You would not believe the people that blatently laughed in my face for driving into that hole. Every time I walked into a room hilarity was everywhere. I hated it. The police consistently told me it was not my fault.

The mysterious stuff was right before I made the turn, I heard a voice in my head telling me to be careful. It was too late though. I didn't have the kids in the car thank goodness. Had only had the car about three months. The previous car was old and didn't have any airbags. If I hadn't had the airbags, my face would have been crushed from the sudden stop. The old car was much longer and might have flipped when it hit the far wall of the hole. I was working three jobs at the time making them schedule around my family. My only injury that night was a sore hand. The injury just started crawling up my arms, around my neck and onward.

The sucky part was that according to the lawyers and police, if I had been the second car instead of the first, PennDOT would have been forced to pay much more than they did. After my medical bills were paid, my "winnings" were 10 grand. My husband got laid off not long after that and the 10 grand made it possible for us to use as a down payment on a house at his new job.

More mysterious? I found a pain dr in our new town. He is the one that diagnosed the TOS and found me a TOS expert. We were in this new location for about 1 1/2 years. Just enough time to find this pain guy, a TOS expert, have the surgery and leave not long after again due to another layoff.

The same pain dr helped me get my SSD through on the first round with no lawyers. When I sent in my ap, I attached every available piece of paper proof that I had. Firing/resignation letters, time sheets etc. All my medical records. They didn't have to request a thing. 3-4 months later I got the call that I'd been accepted.

So after that whole mess, I had no jobs anymore. I could spend alot more time with my kids. Was there when they went to school and there when they got home. Had my own income and income for the kids thanks to Unkle Sam. Another silver lining, I guess. The guilt comes up when the bad days kick in. Scaring them when I had to take some nasty pain meds. I think they've come through it alright. You may see them on Dr Phil or Oporah some day. But I doubt they'll be on Jerry Springer.

It's bad now with this new abdominal issue. I'm sure it freaks them out when I'm doubled over in pain and don't know what to do about it. If I thought it would help, I'd keep going to the ER for pain meds. The shots only last about 4 hrs. But then, anyone with chronic pain normally gets that look. Add abdominal pain in and the look is even harder. Sounds dumb but thank god my blood pressure shows I'm in actual pain. Plus you can't fake blood gushing out of your bowels.

We're supposed to go to the mall on Saturday for xmas shopping. My daughter is "requesting" that I make it through the whole jaunt without crapping out. I really can't guarantee this. It'll be awful but I may have to break down and rent a wheelchair to go around in. I don't know if I can stand the embarrassment of it. I'm stubborn that way. Plus I'll have to hit the restrooms for three or four rounds of diarrhea while we're there. It about a 3 hr round trip car ride as well. I don't want to be the cause of ruining their xmas fun.

Sorry this got so long. I guess I needed to do some venting. For those of you who've been chatting through this post, I thank you for your willingness to listen to me.

I'll have to scan the picture if you're really interested. It's in black and white so not real clear. Some of the smallest hats had safty pins in them for hanging on coats and such. I have this image of the little girl passing them out to her friends. Am keeping my eyes open for them around town.

There was one tree at the library that didn't get a single vote. The money was to go to the library. So we put the 25$ requested on the tree, packed it up and brought it home. It had some really nice decorations on it. Even dated ones for 2008. So now we have an extra tree for next years shindig. We have nice dated ornaments to put on our tree. The library can buy toilet paper or a nice book with our 25$ We also have the satisfaction of knowing the SPCA got their money as well. That's about all the donating to a good cause we'll be able to afford this xmas. We can start making plans for next year's contribution.

Sorry again, I'm blabbering. I best try to get some sleep. Hopefully my ambian will work tonight.

Thanks again for the ears you all offer. Hope I didn't overuse my welcome.


ConsiderThis 12-12-2008 09:53 AM

Wow, that's a really horrible accident to have had. I sure don't understand why the second car would get more. 10k isn't very much. For my whiplash accident I got 23 or 25, I forget. It's been several years, over a decade. I didn't use a lawyer so I got to keep it all.

Yes, I really would like to see the pictures of the tree. :)

I'm glad you got your SSD so quickly. That's really good.

You should call the mall and ask them if they have an electric chair that you can use. I used those all the time for years, and actually they are quite fun if you think of them sort of like a carnival ride.

The diarrhea thing makes me think you may have a B12 problem. When I was low on B12 the doctor I saw after I'd been living in the hydrogen sulfide said that I just had to get used to having diarrhea if I was B12 deficient because it was an ongoing symptom, and permanent.

Only then a woman who was a... darn it, I forget, but some kind of chemist, wrote to me because of my website and told me about this Eat Right for Your Blood Type diet, which she had been doing for some time. She convinced me to try it. Well, actually I was convinced when I read on the site that people with certain blood types are more prone to having pernicious anemia. I knew that was at least partially true because I'd read independent research saying as much. So I tried it, and brown rice was a big thing. The woman had told me she'd lost a lot of weight after she switched to brown rice. I'm so not writing clearly, I'm sorry.

Anyway, after I started eating brown rice the diarrhea went totally away.

Brown rice takes longer to cook than white rice, but it's really good and worth the wait. I try to eat some every day. It's really good with chicken.

I talk a lot about brown rice on my slimming page (weight loss) on my site. I can't remember how long it took for it to start working when I first tried brown rice, but I think it was only a couple of days till there was some improvement.

I would get that for sure, get the organic, it's so much better. I get the Lundgren's in 25 lb bags, which last a long time.

I think it's horrible that people laughed about your accident. Just horrible. It makes me so angry when people are so idiotic and mean.

That probably made the whole thing much more stressful, and that would make it much harder for your body to heal.

Get the 5mg methylcobalamin, and brown rice, and keep notes. Oh, the other thing with pain, if you eat chicken or some other protein with the brown rice, that will help reduce the pain, too. I can't remember exactly how it works, but there's research that shows that protein is involved in pain reduction ...

I wish you had the brown rice right now. I wish you could have some for lunch. Any way you can do that?

(I'm worried about the court thing. Thanks for mentioning it. That reminds me, like you were saying about the voice in your head, something about being careful, I had this feeling I should call the court and ask about a hearing, when it was scheduled for... only I didn't do it, I was thinking I was just being paranoid. I think as beings we can know a lot more than we ordinarily "allow" ourselves to know. I wish I'd listened to the voice in my head telling me to call the court.)


ConsiderThis 12-23-2008 10:43 PM

I hope you are okay, and didn't overdo it when you went to the mall with your daughter(s).

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