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ConsiderThis 01-19-2009 01:22 PM


Originally Posted by dahlek (Post 448174)
This does seem to be an issue, particularly in the winter that can go on, and on, and on....... I hope things are abating somewhat.

Consider This? I really don't think the anti-b's contributed to the PN per-se. I think that it was just such a long-term infection that my immune system programming went whacko. I was on 2-3 different anti-b's and it WAS a bacterial infection. I'd always had 'colds' as a kid thru adult and pneumonia only once before in my life; none lasting more than a week-ten days. I consider myself fortunate in that respect as I was pretty durn 'healthy' before that pneumonia! By that I mean, regular annual check-ups and everything was always disgustingly normal.

Honestly I would have preferred a penicillin type med at the time! While I'm allergic to SULFUR taken internally, SULFA is OK...apparently there is a chemical difference of only a couple of molecules and those seem to make all the difference. Some docs don't seem to understand this distinction in the chemistry....I do, and, I'm chemistry impaired!

In my case, I think it was the 'illness' combined with the liklihood of a cancer 'hatching' that set things off. Ironically, in the few years I've had the PN etc., Cancer is now being considered an 'IMMUNE" disease. Throw that into the mix and all possibilities change in terms of figuring things out.

Hate to scare folks? But I've been told that cancer[s] can be developing [I call it hatching] for 5-7 years before any real signs are found... To make things more awkward, testing-IF done- won't always show a 'positive' for it.

Our docs do the best they can [IF you have good ones] with what you tell them and what they can do for the symptoms. I really think it's up to US to do our homework and connect the dots-if they can be connected. Not that it matters after damage is done.

That is why NT is such a super resource for all of us! It gets us talking across medical problems lines and know that a-we aren't alone and b-we share a lot of the same problems!

Next time I get hint's of Pneu? I KNOW you all will hear from me! In that RED-ALERT state we all seem to get into when such stuff happens! Hugs and hope to all! - j

OMG, I didn't realize that was the new thinking on cancer... Very interesting.

What I think is that everything is not as simple as is often made out.

B12, which I go on and on about, is not a simple vitamin deficiency, it's an outgrowth of something wrong in one of our systems. Too much stress and a system crumples a bit and enough B12 is no longer produced from food we normally eat. That's just one example.

I have found it interesting that of the people I've met who have had tetanus, two others lived in hydrogen sulfide beforehand... so I think that the loss of feeling from the toxins results in a higher likelihood of a small injury we don't feel causing a terrible disease.

I sure agree with you that forums of this nature are extremely helpful in coming to a better understanding of what is going on in our bodies.


Bryanna 01-19-2009 04:39 PM

Hi Dorrie,

I have found that one of the best and natural ways to get rid of phlegm is to use a saline nose spray. You would be amazed at how much mucus you can get out of your little nose!! A product that works great is called AYR saline nasal mist. It is OTC and sold at all drug stores and many supermarkets. It gives a large amount of spray in each squeeze..... it can be a bit sloppy....... but it can be used as often as needed without any adverse side effects.

The best way to use nasal spray is to give the product a good shake, insert the nose piece into one nostril comfortably at a time and squeeze. To avoid contaminating the remainder of the spray with mucus, DO NOT release the squeeze until you have removed it from the nostril.

My family has used this product for years and has had little to no problem with that ropey phlegm and coughing jags. It is also a good idea to keep some in the medicine cabinet (no sharing with anyone else :-)) for the onset of a cold because it works great!

I don't know if you already know this but a great natural antibiotic is garlic. If you can eat it in it's purest form all the better to fight infection. But if not, then KWAI or Kyolic make great products.

Sure hope you feel better soon!!

Bryanna ~'.'~


Originally Posted by dorrie (Post 438875)
I have been sick for a month...I am on my 2nd round of antibiotics and I have never had to deal with this much phlegm ever! Mylungs are hurting so bad and I have coughing sprees (similar to bronchitis, but not bronchitis).
I manage to gag up some phlegm but I can hear and feel so much more in there. Ido believe the pills are working..slowly...but the phlegm drives me nuts. I do not get any more than 2 hours of sleep before I wake up in the middlle of another coughing fit...this goes on all night! I am so tired of it!:(Does anyone have any ideas on how to get phlegm up and outta there???
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks so much:hug:

dahlek 01-25-2009 12:37 PM

I do NOT want to panic folks about....
those pesky 'paraneoplastic' syndromes! They are RARE, REALLY Rare!
I've got CIDP = 1-50,000 to get, then combine the Cancer w/the CIDP that number changes to like 1-1,500,000 ?
So, that I wasn't tested, I've no regrets about, the docs were dealing with the IMMEDIATE ISSUE! Ironically, the cancer I got? It seems that the CIDP treatments I get, IVIG, tend to encapsulate some cancers and that's what had happened to me... I believe, tho there was only one small trial done and it was soo close to my own history it was twilight zone time? No proof tho, so, no facts to connect those dots.

Back to the issue of phlegm? I agree with Bryanna about saline sprays! They are simple solutions and not DRUGS for those who hate that concept. I also am prescribed Nasonex [what I call Nose-Teflon] which coats the nose and keeps some irritants from getting in those passages. It can help some? But before committing? Ask for samples, get the script and then READ the prescribing info to see if this med and others are compatable.... some are not.

I wake up each AM and glorb/glarb up gunk for a while-then settle down. It goes with sinusitis, allergies and a house [that while declared free]- is a allergy incubator. As long as the stuff is clear? I'm OK!

Hey! We all go on, we get by AND we survive! Let all of us beat the odds!
Hugs and hope to all! - j

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