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glenntaj 10-13-2010 06:30 AM

I do wonder--
--if there are other factors involved, particularly gluten sensitivity (it's interesting that your symptoms idsappeared on Atkins, which wouldn't allow for gluten-containing foods) . . .

Pame 10-21-2010 09:49 PM

amount of nickel in standardized portions
I found a really helpful list in the book “Juicing, Fasting, and Detoxing for Life” by Cherie Calbom where they listed the nickel and standardized the portion sizes based on fda testing:

Micrograms (Mcg) Nickel per 100 grams edible portion (100 grams = 3 1/2 ounces)

700 Soybeans, dry; 500 beans, dry; 410 Soy flour; 310 Lentils; 250 Split Peas; 175 Green Beans; 150 Oats; 132 Walnuts; 122 Hazelnuts; 100 Buckwheat; 90 Barley; 90 Corn; 90 Parsley;

36 Whole wheat; 35 Spinach; 30 Fish; 27 Cucumber; 25 Carrots; 25 Rye Bread; 24 Eggs; 22 Cabbage; 20 Onions; 20 Tomatoes; 16 Apricots; 16 Beef; 16 Oranges; 16 Potatoes; 15 Cheese; 15 Watermelon; 14 Lettuce; 13 Apples; 12 Whole Wheat Bread; 12 Beets; 12 Pears; 8 Grapes; 6 Lamb; 6 Pine Nuts; 6 Radishes; 3 Milk
For anyone new-Chocolate is also extremely high in nickel. (Sorry)

Some of the foods listed as high in nickel on some web sites like salmon tested with no nickel on the fda website.

Fish Slayer 11-30-2010 10:15 AM


Originally Posted by Harmony (Post 420610)
Fish Slayer - In 2007, the "US Food and Drug Administration" created a "Total Diet Study" which lists the average mg/kg for various elements, including "Nickel", for a variety of foods tested. I can't post the link because I'm a new user, but if you search on those key words plus "Summary of Results" you should get it. The last column lists the average.

While this is not comprehensive, it provides more data than just a list, and has lower level information for those who are more sensitive. Of course, any food listed that has multiple ingredients will likely have different mg/kg depending on how it's made, but at least it's a ballpark.

Looking at this list, Nickel content in iceberg lettuce is a medium level. Since Ni concentration in foods will vary depending on the Ni concentration in the soil where the food was grown, possibly the USFDA list will be more representative for food bought in the US than the Danish list. I hope this helps!

Harmony, Thanks a lot for the link.

It has been a while since I last checked in on this thread, I thought that it was so old that it was probably pretty dead, but there has been a lot of good info posted since I last checked, this reference included.

Something that I took from it was the large variation in prepared foods like French fries or chicken sandwiches. I think it is probably due to the other ingredients (fried foods cooked in corn oil verses peanut oil will have a huge difference in nickel content) and even cooking utensils, stainless vs cast iron, etc. I would like to have seen more base foods on the list, but this is a great resource. I suppose most people eat out a good deal, so testing prepared foods and fast foods makes sense, then again this group is not most people and I think this group as a whole is probable resigned to eating at home most of the time.

Thanks again Harmony.

Fish Slayer 11-30-2010 10:29 AM


Originally Posted by Frustrated Mother (Post 469884)
Thank you for this community. My daughter first reacted to nickel when she was a baby from the snaps of her onsies. She is now 11, and I have let so much damage go on. She is obese, rash from head to toe, severe scars from rash near the rivots in her jeans, eczema, swollen lips, and just looks like she is retaining water. I have done everything you can think of to eliminate the contact. It has just really hit me. I make her eat nickel in high doses every day by giving her a granola bar, eating nuts for snacks, can vegetables and soups, salads, wheat bread. I could go on,... Pretty much everything on the lists. I want to cry. I have been doing everything wrong. Trying to make her eat better has only forced more nickel into her diet. I could go on and on about her symptoms and reactions and such. She is very active in sports, but is very exhausted other times. Looking back she has always experienced a lot of upset tummys and vomitting. I have wanted to help her eat right for her weight and health, and I am practically poisoning her. She has dermatologist and Peditrician. But its down to the diet and more strict no contact to nickel. I wondered if the Atkins diet would be a plan and an idea for a day to day following. I do not want to give up. I want her to feel better. Gosh the school lunches probably serve their vegetable and other things out of cans, the water fountain, WOW!!!!

I was doing a similar thing to myself, trying to lower cholesterol by eating whole grains, nuts etc. Chocolate was one of my favorite indulgences….
I don’t think any particular weight loss diet is going to be well suited. You might be better off going old school, and using common sense. Stick within the known safe foods for now. Try preparing foods yourself instead of store bought. Fresh fruits instead of canned etc. Try to avoid canned foods, especially acidic ones. Doing that alone should also help with weight control. Try not to use stainless steel cookware especially if you are cooking acidic foods. I try to use cast iron whenever possible, as some of the non stick pans use a nickel plating under the non stick surface.

After your daughter is feeling better, try to introduce some “unknown” foods, ones that are not on the list of high or low nickel foods, as the lists I have found are far from complete and a bit contradictory.

Fish Slayer 11-30-2010 10:43 AM


Originally Posted by ToxicLover88 (Post 471051)
Hi there,
I feel so much better now that i've found this site!
I've been allergic to Nickel for over a year now, most of that time was spent trying to find out what this misterious rash was!
I've been to the doctors and dermatologists time after time only to walk out in fits of tears and a perscription for anti-hystomines(?)
Ive now been told im immune to anytype of anti-hystomines and awaiting yet another dermatologist appointment.

I was put on steriod tablets for a while, this may be helpfull to some. It helped start to clear the painfull rash, but i became severly depressed on them and was advised by my doctor to stop the tablets.

I feel kind of thrown into the deep end at this stage. Being told you have a nickel allergy and then your left to just deal and figure out for yourself how to cope!

But how?!! How can you avoid contact with nickel?! its in almost EVERYTHING!
Simple tasks such as opening my bedroom door, or flushing the toilet, washing your hands. These tasks cannot be completed without touching nickel! As far as i know!

I have not tryed the nickel free diet yet, but i would like to know if anyone could reccomend any sites that explain this diet. Part of my reaction is on the corner of my lip and sometimes i can't even open my mouth in order to eat as the skin cracks deeply. Possibly a nickle-free diet could be the awnser?

I wondered if anyone knew any razors i could use for shaving that do not contain nickel?

Also does glitter contain nickel?

Can i get a peircing and what jewelry can i wear?
I used to have 7 ear peircings, but upon finding out about the allergy i have removed the earings and they have sadly closed up. sadface.

Can i have a tattoo safely?

I know some of my questions may sound stupid, but i just don't know what to do anymore. There's no way of figuring out if an item in question contains nickel as it doesn't come with a list of ingredients/componants like food does.
Ive looked everywhere and i've had no luck so far.

I also read a few months ago that a nickel allergy can be classed as a long term disability depending on the severity, does anyone know how true this is?

Id love to hear back from anyone,
thanks a bunchhh! =]


As far as shaving goes, how sensitive are you? Most of the modern razors are mostly plastic with only the blades being stainless.

You could go old school, buying a double edged safety razor. Most of these are also plated, but you might be able to find some without nickel. Some of the antique ones are gold plated, but might have a nickel layer under the gold and lacquer. Some appear to be brass, or maybe have had all of the plating worn off. There are a couple DE of razors that are made of plastic both antique and current production. As for blades, there are a couple of manufacturers still using non stainless “blue steel”.
If you research this type of razor, you will also see there is a wide variety of shaving soaps and creams that do not come in a can. Most are intended to be used with an old school brush, but most feel the lather is far superior to anything in a can. You will most certainly be able to find something that will not irritate your skin.

Google "Badger and Blade" for a site with more than you ever wanted to know about old school shaving.

Rhapsody 12-01-2010 11:56 AM

Hi there..... it me the originator of this thread and I am here today to warn others of the risk of working in the yard (soil) with out gloves on when you are allergic to Nickle... sadly I found this out the hard way.

My family and I had just recently moved into a new house on Nov 1st when about three weeks into living there my husband and I decided to do some yard work... a lot of weeding was needing to be done by hand and I could not find locate my garden gloves (prob not unpacked yet) so I preceded to pull up the weeds with my bare exposed hands..... BIG MISTAKE!!

My hands were very dirty by the time I finished pulling weeds for two hours and the rich fresh soil was all around my nails and cuticles. I cleaned up and went about my way for day and when I woke up the next morning my finger tips were sore and by mid day many of my fingers tips has become red and swollen..... by the time the second day had rolled around several of fingers tips has become infected around the nail area.

I had to have several of the nail areas lanced, cleaned out with an anti-bacterial flush (wont talk about what came out) and I was put on antibiotics to help with the long healing process..... this is the day I found out from my doctor that the infection was due to the Nickle that had made its way into my body via one of its natural sources "the dirt/soil" - - - - :eek:

What can I say, but no more bare hands when gardening.

AltaBird 12-05-2010 01:25 AM

Stone ground wheat flour
Does anyone have experience with stone grinding wheat? Our allergy dr mentioned that nickel in wheat flour is from the grinding process. I did some research and there is stone ground wheat flour. I'm wondering if that would be nickel free (or at least lower). My son was recently diagnosed with a nickel allergy and we are trying to reduce the nickel in his diet. But it is hard not to make it seem like a punishment. No pizza, bread, etc... Not something a 4 year old can wrap his head around.

Fish Slayer 12-15-2010 01:34 PM


Originally Posted by AltaBird (Post 722637)
Does anyone have experience with stone grinding wheat? Our allergy dr mentioned that nickel in wheat flour is from the grinding process. I did some research and there is stone ground wheat flour. I'm wondering if that would be nickel free (or at least lower). My son was recently diagnosed with a nickel allergy and we are trying to reduce the nickel in his diet. But it is hard not to make it seem like a punishment. No pizza, bread, etc... Not something a 4 year old can wrap his head around.

Everyone seems to have different sensitivity so my experience may be different from yours. I have been trying to avoid foods with nickel for about 2 years now. I try to use common lists on foods to avoid and have challenged some foods that I just do not want to give up. Most of the time I find that I loose the challenge. What I am trying to imply is that I can tell when I eat a food that is high in nickel, at least in my own sensitivity range.
In regards to wheat, the information that I read states that whole wheat (and whole grains in general) are high in nickel, but processed (white) wheat is OK. That would imply that there is a higher concentration of nickel in the husks or germ of many grains (my own assumption). I do not limit white flour (pizza crust and white bread included) in my own diet and have not found an issue. I have not thought about the mill and getting nickel from stainless steel parts. I would think that stainless steel would be a poor material for the part of the mill that would actually grind the grain. I would suspect that an industrial mill would have something harder for the grinding teeth, tungsten carbide or a minimum of hardened steel (which would not contain large amount of nickel). The “stone ground” label on the flour is probably more of a marketing term than anything. (Tungsten carbide is a ceramic so would you consider that a stone?).
I worry more about liquids, especially acidic ones in contact with metals. I try to avoid products packaged in metal cans, especially acidic ones like tomato sauce and have abandoned my stainless coffee mug.
I do not eat whole wheat products, but have not challenged them yet. I may as my wife is prefers whole wheat products and is pushing me to try.
I do get blindsided by things that are not listed anywhere occasionally. Beware of ginger and gingerale it took me a while to figure out that the burn in my throat that I felt when drinking gingerale was not normal…. Winter squash (pumpkins and spaghetti squash) also got me as well as pomegranates.
I hope this helps. These allergies seem to be a personal thing, my tolerance to nickel will be different than your son’s. To make things even worse, most people are allergic to more than 1 thing. I think 3 things were average for people suffering from esonophillic esophagitus (a condition caused by an allergic reaction). Myself I am also allergic to beef and some pollen that is high in late winter and early spring.
Hang in there, I do miss may foods that I can no longer eat, but after an initial drop in weight, I have found plenty of things to eat and loosing weight has not been a problem.

yellowted 01-10-2011 07:41 AM

hi rapsody, i am not allergic to nickel but am allergic to wheat, soya, dairy,tomatoes, celery, sticking plasters(even antiallergy ones and micropore tape) perfumes, sprays, all three types of pollen, plus many other things including some allergy tablets!
yep allergies suck!
I find avoidance is the best option but where you can't avoid then prepare for the reaction by taking an antihistamine tablet daily and keep antihistamine cream in your hand bag to use as soon as the reaction starts. I too have dermititis, i find a cortosone cream works during flare ups and to keep it at bay during periods of quiet time i use drapolene cream, ok it is designed for nappy rash but is fantastic for dermititis too!!!
most recipes can be adapted to just include foods you can eat, maybe it would help you to list the foods you are able to eat and work from that rather than the list of foods you can't as this just reminds you of what you are missing rather than introducing you to alternatives you have not tried before! some alternatives may turn out to be really good, ok some may not but that is just trial and error, you got to try it to find out!

Michellesatt 01-13-2011 09:48 PM

Nickel dermatitis
I was woundering dose SNUS have nickel in it. My son has a nickel allergy and he dose SNUS.

karrie0201 01-16-2011 05:24 AM

thank you

Originally Posted by VRDAMEN-UK (Post 244711)
Hi All,

Just joined this site as a nickel sufferer for 13 yrs I redcently got worse the past three years, I have had every ailment under the sun you name it I have seriously suffered that much that it put me in hospital for two weks in March 2007 because I hd poisend my body with nickel.
I took up the acoustic guitar three years ago ws fine for six months the a mate of mine told me to use nickel strings for a better sound - as I was 39 at the time I was diagnosed with nickel allergy at 27 so it will be more around 15 yrs now but I never thought about it as it never seemed to affect me that much so forgot all about it. I did suffer some allergies to cetain foods like acidity / vinegar etc but that was all but it was since I use nickel strings for 2.5 yrs that things got from bad to serious life threatening.
I have spent the last year soing y own research as MY NHS for theuk Hospital specialists did not have a clue how to treat me exzcept give me uvb light treatment which only clear the skin surface not the problem from with in-
Now I have done my research and I mean I have gone as far as possible and it turns out that Nickel and Mercury causes Gluten / MSG allergies. If you want to ease the itchy skin and get it cleared up it will tak an average of 4-6 months depending on how long/serious rash /blistering skin is I have had blistering skin disease due to nickel for at least on and off 18 monthsvery painful and distressing often thinking at times of suicide /depression which ispart of the symtoms among other things like Flu / nausea / chest pains cramp muscle spasms bloating laryngitus etc stomach acid being very tired each day.
My answer to everyone who does suffer from any of the above chnage your diet asap or you will never heal I now live of chicken / porkand ham/gammon ( do not eat steak / beef bad for your condition)anything containing yeast which is a preservative to combat food decay or any food thats been cooked and has been injected with preservatives you must only eat fresh meat you cook yourself or is cooked with no seasoming etc.
Avoid bread / biscuits dairy products eve eggs as the yoke contains nickel MSG(Monosodium Glutamate) known as the chinese takeaway disease is very bad for you it aggravates you itchy skin condition which I have no doubt you have all heard the word uracateria - well thats what I thought I had but it turns out nickel causes Dermatitus herpetiformis which is a blistering skin disease of water blisters which form and are very itchy and when knocked it turns into a very itchy spot /rash that can get infected and eitherlast for days /weeks or months at a time- know this for a fact because I have suffered badly from this and still now and again get a sudden burst when I try something new.
I have had all the creams antibiotics anti-estimenes waste of money antibotics god for infection but thats all if you want to get beeter then read on>>>>>>>>>>
Do not eat

Steak /beef eat white fish only no additives each chicken and pork ( also bacon and gammon (not ham) only eat butter ( no vegatable oil or Olive oil) as these iols are bad for you you must only use Sunflower oil for cooking onlyor butter.Do not use gravy as this can contain harmful ingredients like yeast and soya (I have tried Boulion gravey does not work as all items contain at least one harmful additative)

Do not at at any bread products. I have tried gluten free wheat free and egg free bread but it containd yeast which made my skin react so cut it out altogether only tried this bread after going 12 months without but don not miss it and the weight just drops off.

Do not at anything thats green as in vegatbles or fruit do not eat any kind of tomatoes or onions because of the acidity avoid all canned foods or foods in plastic bags like soups as the lining on the inside is nickel which containates the product which kills the bacteria in foods.

avoid barley /oats / wheat / soya and malt product malt and barley are found in most cereals and vingar products spirit vinegar is also a no go'er.
if you like your patoato chips (Crisps as we call them in th uk )then only eat ready salted or sea salt butit has to say Gluten / Msg free on the packet as I have found out many manufacturers put gluten/wheat /yeast /and msg into these foods so you must eat those crips only anything flavoured will keep aggravating the skin disorder.

Drinks - no other drinks allowed except for Cider this is safe Magners is best or Cider that only conatains suphites and nothing else other than alcohol Suphites is low on MSg plus the sugar turns to alchohol anyway so its very safe to drink bottle only no cans as all aluminium cans arenickel lined inside ( I know because its all I drink now when I decide to go for a drink with the lads and lassies. If you drink beer or red wine stop asap tried it does not work you have eliminate all the offending ffods and drinks if you really want to get this under control.
I have just been registered in the UK as a gluten free patient based on my own research which I had to prove to the medical board of Skin specialist who agred that Ihad tried and tesated foods over thew last 2 yrs on and office and writing down the effects which sometimes could take a couple of hours or two days to show.

If you drink tea/coffe and lots of it like I used to this must cease as these conatin yeasts /sugars which makes it worse do not drink coffee you can buy Green and Black tea which is a combined product which you can have with milk (the milk must be lactose free) you cannot use normal milk I changed my milk after months of eliminating and I am OK with lactose free milk

You must not eat any flour unless it states that it is gluten and wheat free which is mostly topica flour etc

This is what you can eat....

Small amount of carrots each day / small amount of potatoes (no green vegatables) you can also eat turnip (not swede)do not at any kind of sprout there all effect your condition eat plenty of fresh chicken / turkey / pork you can eat lamb but only once ina while but you must not at steak / beef tried introducing it made my sin react, all meat must be fresh and not bought cooked you must either have them cooked in a restuarant so you can eat them once its done or cook it yourself the foods must not be contaminated with any offending foods that has had wheat in in it ike batered stuff etc if you like chips like me only eat oven chips cooked in Sunflower oil will say on packet 98% sunflower 2% salt these have no effect on you condition what-so-ever if your bothered about putting on weight (don't worry)as with cutting out the bad/offending foods you will lose weight and feel healthier with in three months and your skin will start to clear up the scars will take longer but you will feel better in yourself but I will not lie it will take at east six months to nine months for it to ressolve but you must stick to the diet as I have done its frustrating at times but the outcome is a better way of life for you add me to msn if you want to chat regarding my findings avoid fruit altogether especially acidy fruite like oranges limes some apples etc but most fruits conatin knickel from natuarl resources fromt he ground there grown in if you like bakdpotatoes take the skin of befoe you cook it as I have found out the skin heats into the potatoe tried eating them fro a week and reacted took skin off then cooked them no reaction the knickel is in the skin I have rambled on long eneough like said add me to msn on the above e-mail address as my doctor says asfar as he knows I am the only person in the uk to have done my own research into my condition and allergies / or hypersensitivities to certain foods etc wghich I am thinking about writing abook next year as I have helped some people with eczema and there have done what i suggestd and there conditon cleared up afer 6 weeks - if you suffer from eczema do not eat airy products not even eggs / yougurtetc and only drink lactose free milk see ya bye Hopethis info helps

Regards Mark from England

HI Mark Your thread has beevery helpful. I have been suffering from what my doctor called "impetigo" on my chin for the last 8 or 9 years and more recently eczema and severely swollen eyes andlips. I had to demand a referral to a dermatologist,which I had to pay for and have now found out that I have a severe nickel allergy. I also suffered from hormone imbalance and depression! I now know that it was not only being in contact with nickel that has been making me sick, I have also been ingesting copious amounts of this in tea, chocolate, wine etc and eat a varied diet with lots of the foods you mentioned in your post. Ihope to use your research in treating myself.

Thank you so much!

S. J. 01-16-2011 12:38 PM

Hi, all. Another nickel avoider here.

I cut out the following, some many years ago, some more recently:

packaged/prepared/refined foods
nuts/seeds and their oils
fruits, except for lemons, olives, cucumbers, and in the summers, a few berries
milk and cheese

Can you tell I don't go out to eat? :)

i don't drink alcohol nor smoke.

I eat beef, beef fat, beef/calf/chicken liver, wild salmon, egg yolks (am allergic to whites), a few herbs and only certain vegetables, butter, cream. This winter the vegetables are: celery, turnips and sometimes, Brussel sprouts. I make yoghurt from light cream. I drink a bit of weak black tea (green tea causes allergic reactions) with cream, pastured butter, and/or beef fat in it. Sometimes with a pinch of sea salt. I eat fewer than 20 total carbs (not net) per day. I alternate days of eating vegetables and follow some of the recommendations of the FailSafe diet list.

The FailSafe diet blog at wordpress has been of great help to me. It is an elimination diet to discover sensitivities to many things, such as salicylates, amines, goitrogens, oxalates, opioids, etc.

Dr. Kurt Harris' dietary recommendations at his blog, PaleoNu, have helped me immeasurably.

I make sure there are at least 15 hours between supper and breakfast. I've been reading more about intermittent fasting, autophagy, and the benefits of a ketogenic diet for neuronal repair.

I use a Berkey water filter, including the cartridges to also remove fluoride and chlorine.

I do not use commercial grooming, laundry and dish supplies, due to the chemicals. I avoid anything with fragrances, as they are made from petroleum derivatives. I make all my own soaps and creams, for all uses.

Doing these things, among others, has given me relief from many symptoms and rarely have difficulties of allergic reactions.

I wish you all much success in your steps. :)

Abbie 01-16-2011 02:08 PM

Hello and Welcome!
Hello Michelle and WELCOME to Neurotalk!

I'm afraid I don't know what SNUS is but wanted to take a moment to welcome you to our little family.

Please feel free to roam around and join in anywhere! Pull up a chair and stay a while!

If you would like please feel free to post a little about yourself on our New Member Introduction Forum.

If you have any questions or need any assistance please don't hesitate to ask. Someone will always be along shortly to help in any way that we can.

I look forward to seeing you around the board.

Abbie 01-16-2011 02:19 PM

Hello and Welcome!

Originally Posted by karrie0201 (Post 735290)
HI Mark Your thread has beevery helpful. I have been suffering from what my doctor called "impetigo" on my chin for the last 8 or 9 years and more recently eczema and severely swollen eyes andlips. I had to demand a referral to a dermatologist,which I had to pay for and have now found out that I have a severe nickel allergy. I also suffered from hormone imbalance and depression! I now know that it was not only being in contact with nickel that has been making me sick, I have also been ingesting copious amounts of this in tea, chocolate, wine etc and eat a varied diet with lots of the foods you mentioned in your post. Ihope to use your research in treating myself.

Thank you so much!

Hello Karrie and WELCOME to Neurotalk!

Just wanted to welcome you and let you know that Mark hasn't logged in here since 7/20/09, so you may not get a response.

You can see when a person last logged by clicking on their name and then "view public profile". You will see their last activity posted under their name.

If you would like, please feel free to post a little about yourself on our New Member Introduction Forum.

Please feel free to roam around and join in anywhere... pull up a chair and stay a while.

If you have any questions or need any assistance please don't hesitate to ask. Someone will always be along shortly to help in any way that we can.

I look forward to seeing you around the board.

BarryM 03-10-2011 02:53 AM

Where can I find nature-based wedding bands?
My fiancee and I are planning on having an intimate, ideally small beach wedding in Santa Barbara. We're looking for a ring-maker who specializes in nature-based wedding bands, and hopefully local. If anyone has any wedding information regarding the Santa Barbara area, or your experiences during your wedding,any info to pass along, it would be much appreciated:)

WalkByFaith9790 03-18-2011 03:57 AM


Originally Posted by Rhapsody (Post 50343)
I was just wondering if there might be someone here in the forums that has had to deal with this allergy..... with in jewelry, food, clothing and household/work items.

I am almost 40 years old and while I have never had an allergy of this type - I have just recently become allergic to Nickel and Nickel Sulphate which is often found in jewelry and most common daily foods, especially in green food and citrus fruit.

Any HELP would be greatly Appreciated!!

... for I am tired of all the daily coughing, nasal & chest congestion, spitting up of thick phlegm... not to mention the body rash from where the metal touches my body.

I cannot wear my wedding band any more - :(

Just finished reading this whole thread lol. Took me a few days..but yeah..learned a lot about nickel allergy. I recently have been diagnosed. I'm not sure how sensitive I am to foods containing nickel but definitely I'm allergic to jewelery (even my real gold earrings and ring).

WalkByFaith9790 03-18-2011 02:54 PM


Originally Posted by Rhapsody (Post 50343)
I was just wondering if there might be someone here in the forums that has had to deal with this allergy..... with in jewelry, food, clothing and household/work items.

I am almost 40 years old and while I have never had an allergy of this type - I have just recently become allergic to Nickel and Nickel Sulphate which is often found in jewelry and most common daily foods, especially in green food and citrus fruit.

Any HELP would be greatly Appreciated!!

... for I am tired of all the daily coughing, nasal & chest congestion, spitting up of thick phlegm... not to mention the body rash from where the metal touches my body.

I cannot wear my wedding band any more - :(

Just finished reading this whole thread lol. Took me a few days..but yeah..learned a lot about nickel allergy. I recently have been diagnosed. I'm not sure how sensitive I am to foods containing nickel but definitely I'm allergic to jewelery (even my real gold earrings and ring). I have a question though, can being in contact with nickle cause multiple swollen lymph nodes?

abbycat1200 03-29-2011 08:29 AM

Skin reactions due to nickel allergy
Yes, it is possible to develop eczema/ dermatitis due to nickel allergy. I was recently tested at a dermatologist's office- allergic to nickel and cobalt. Nickel is in the food we eat, not just jewelry, eyeglasses, etc. After food journaling for a few weeks I discovered that I did get sick after eating foods high in nickel- headaches, stomachache, flushed cheeks and ears with hot skin like rosacea, welts on my neck, skin cancer like lesions, extremely dry skin on lips, nail cuticles, and soles of feet- very painful.


Originally Posted by Tiffany (Post 163109)
I to have am allergic to nickel. I think it may be causing dishydrotic eczema. I have severe blistering on the palms of my hands and the soles of my feet. The outbreaks seem to be sporadic and I can't find a common link. I am wondering if it is my diet. Does anyone else have this condition along with the nickel allergy. It is very painful.

abbycat1200 03-29-2011 08:37 AM

Nickel Allergy with Dermatitis / Food allergies
Allergies develop at any age. Check with your jeweler about a higher grade of gold with no nickel. Even gold and silver jewelry can be mixed with nickel. Maybe Titanium jewelry?


Originally Posted by Rhapsody (Post 50343)
I was just wondering if there might be someone here in the forums that has had to deal with this allergy..... with in jewelry, food, clothing and household/work items.

I am almost 40 years old and while I have never had an allergy of this type - I have just recently become allergic to Nickel and Nickel Sulphate which is often found in jewelry and most common daily foods, especially in green food and citrus fruit.

Any HELP would be greatly Appreciated!!

... for I am tired of all the daily coughing, nasal & chest congestion, spitting up of thick phlegm... not to mention the body rash from where the metal touches my body.

I cannot wear my wedding band any more - :(

abbycat1200 03-29-2011 08:39 AM

I sympathize and have the exact same reactions. Very rare as told by my doctor.

ginger61 04-12-2011 09:34 AM

Nickel food allergy
Well, I have this allergy. Been allergic to nickel in jewelry long time, so wear only gold. Few years ago discovered it in multi-vitamin and was being treated for dermatitis. recently allergy got worse and unable to find md who knows of it. Dermatoligist told me "better do research as it's only in metal." :mad: and allergist doesn't know anything either. I have yet to be tested. From info found on internet, Vitamin C helps to absorb nickel (it works!) Even got info from CVS pharmasist to back up info found on 'net. :) I can tolerate low levels of food nickel as long as I don't eat too much. My question is, does anyone have issue with raised liver enzyme with no known cause?

ducks 04-15-2011 03:57 PM


I'm new to nickel allergies! I haven't had time to read this whole thread yet, but hoping someone could answer this question for me. Are there any chemical symbols/synonyms for nickel which I might see in lists of ingredients in cosmetics etc? I mean, will it always be listed as just plain "nickel" (or NI), or are there other terms to look out for?

Thanks a lot.

Fish Slayer 05-16-2011 05:40 PM


Originally Posted by ducks (Post 762696)

I'm new to nickel allergies! I haven't had time to read this whole thread yet, but hoping someone could answer this question for me. Are there any chemical symbols/synonyms for nickel which I might see in lists of ingredients in cosmetics etc? I mean, will it always be listed as just plain "nickel" (or NI), or are there other terms to look out for?

Thanks a lot.

Unfortunately food and cosmetic ingredients do not list elemental components (i.e. which elements are in the product). For instance, a cosmetic could list sunflower oil in its ingredients and if you did not know that nuts and seeds are typically high in nickel, then you might think that this product is alright when in fact it could have a significant amount of nickel in it.

That is one of the difficult things about this allergy, you can not just look at the ingredients and tell if it will be OK for you. Even lists that I have found on the internet have conflicting data. Things that are listed as avoid on one list are reported to be Ok on another. Maybe it depends on where the food was grown and what was in the soil there…. I still get blindsided sometimes

Bluesteele 06-09-2011 07:11 AM

Hi, I have only just found out today that I have a nickel allergy. I am 33 and have suffered excema/hayfever my whole life. For the past 10 years (could be slightly more or less) if have had dermatitis on my hands. The constant dryness, itchiness, splitting and cracking over the years has been a constant source of distress. Only today have i found out the actual term, which escapes me at the moment. Dr's and pharmacists over the years have only ever provided me with short term topical treatments like cortisone creams.

A few weeks ago my hand became infected and my Dr referred me to a allergy and hormone specialist. I can tell you one thing I have never been more happy to find an answer to my issues. The specialist has put me on a nickel free/dairy free/wheat free diet which from the brief research I have done seems to be quite limiting. Other than the dermatitis there could be other issues such as hormonal and stomach issues. I came across this forum tonight and have read about half way down. My head is spinning. I can relate to a lot of people on this forum and am looking forward to gaining more knowledge in this area.

This next stage of my journey is looking to be one that will be challenging but if it will help me have a better quality of like then I am willing to do whatever it takes. To know I am not alone is an added bonus. :)

Sick & Tired 06-11-2011 09:01 PM

nickel allergy & thyroid?
I've just read most of the thread. I was diagnosed with a severe nickel allergy through the horrible patch tests last October and the spot they tested is still blistering now 8 months later. The dermatologist told me to wear titanium jewelery (I also have tested positive for a gold allergy and other things) but that it couldn't possibly be causing my constantly cracked and peeling fingertips which are getting so bad my fingernails have started to become bent and deformed. I also have many other symptoms - fatigue, mental fog, very poor short term memory, hair loss, unexplained tendonitis and bursitis and tearing in both shoulders, ridiculously heavy menstrual bleeding, burning ring of small blisters around my lips anytime I put anything on other than petroleum jelly, bloating & abdominal pain, and more. All of this started after the birth of my last child and a significant infection from a C-section. I have eliminated most nickel contact since I now have a test kit, but haven't tried the food elimination yet.

I have had many tests run for many conditions and the only thing that comes back abnormal has been my TSH but only slightly over the normal range here (5.01) and a small amount of tpo antibodies. I've been on a low dose of synthroid for 2 months and the fatigue and mental fog has improved a great deal but none of the other symptoms so far anyway.

I'm wondering if anyone else has thyroid issues as well? A lot of the reading I have done seems to link thyroid with autoimmune issues.



ginger61 06-20-2011 09:05 AM

tested for nickel
Anyone who has a doctor not believing nickel in food, the following site give info. This site is of the company who does the allergy testing. *edit* click on each item and it will give more info. So glad my allergist believed me to start with. the allefgist who took off the patch thought I was crazy.

Numbers333 10-26-2011 10:22 AM

Nickel Allergy
I am so happy I found this thread. My husband had a stent (nickel & cobalt chromium) placed in his heart in 2009. The day after, he came home with a small rash on his chest. Needless to say, two years later, he is head to toe with red skin, blisters, rashes, severe itching and burning skin. This man has not had one day free of these symptoms. We have been to every specialist, and no one knows what is wrong with him. We've tried every lotion & potion the dermatoligist suggested, Prednisone therapy for a month, twice. That kept the symptoms to a dull roar, but never took them away completely. We all know what long-term prednisone does to internal organs.

He has an appointment with an allergist tomorrow, and we are hoping to find out if he is allergic to nickel or cobalt chromium. I suspected a nickel allergy a year ago, and was told by cardiologist that it never happens. However, on the website of the company that makes the stent, they have a disclaimer about potential nickel allergy with the stents! After doing a lot of research, I am finding all of my husband's symptoms fit with a nickel allergy. When I mentioned my thoughts to the cardiologist & what happens if he is allergic to nickel or cobalt chromium, he dismissed it saying that they NEVER remove stents, that my husband will just have to learn to live with it. After two years, my husband is exhausted, drained, doesn't sleep, in constant pain, has no quality of life, and really doesn't want to live too much longer with this. Honestly, I don't know how his body will hold up under such constant inflammation. Again, if the stent stays in place, how does he cope?

Will post again when I find out for sure. Good information on this thread. Thanks so much.

nstutt 11-21-2011 09:03 AM

I had to register here just to post this message. I have had a severe nickel allergy after wearing watches with nickel in them since very young. I used to get creams to put on my wrist to remove the rash but they thinned the skin and in the end my rash spread over most of my two hands after a few years.

However I found out that eating poppy seeds which you can get from any herb/natural remedy shop removed the rash in the same way after a week. I found out about this off the internet reading how poppy seeds remove nickel out of your body. So I recommend any one with a nickel allergy tries it. Eat two teaspoons of poppy seeds every day for two weeks and you should see the nickel rash vanish and stay gone for months.

It isnt a cure but it certainly works and eating poppy seeds is far better than using endless creams and constantly watching your diet. I believe poppy seeds do have nickel in them (like all nuts and seeds) but they extract a lot more nickel out of the body than they add so I think that's how they work. So it may take a week for them to start to work. But they definitely work for me.

I would also say that there seems to be various types of poppy seeds and they all look the same. Some are quite sweetish - similar to eating peanuts - whereas some seem to be quite bitter. So look around if you get ones that taste horrible you may find some nicer ones.

Good luck.

dulcinea 12-04-2011 09:48 AM

darn nichel

Originally Posted by Pame (Post 680611)
The FDA has tested the amounts of the different metals in foods. Go to page 129 for nickel. I made my own list of foods from lowest to highest in nickel and try to avoid anything above .08. There are a lot of foods in the list and it is very helpful. Some things like nuts, beans, chocolate and oatmeal are so high I get an immediate very itchy rash when I eat them.


Also, I just learned that when they hydrogenate oils they use nickel to process the oils. I had already realized I reacted to hydrogenated oils and I'm guessing the nickel processing is the reason.

Hello, this is my first time blogging. I have nichel allergy, lactose intollerance and soon will do lots of testinf including fiinding out more about wheat, gluten and recently a sad skin depigmentation. I have been strong researching, trying to find a good allergist, dermatologist, etc here in Rome Italy or for the future in Nyc. Any contacts? Most important though is this question: What is the exact link for the FDA metals in food? you say p. 129 but I haven't found the correct link. I have several lists which I will willingly share but first want to continue my research. I look forward to getting and giving info and support. Sharing experiences could be very important. Ciao

Zanney 01-06-2012 02:50 AM

nickel in food
Great info from everyone, thank you very much for keeping this thread alive so long.

I was always sensitive to nickel in cheap jewellery and jeans buttons, etc. but only metal objects against my skin.

I had an allergic reaction to a swab with chlorahexamine while getting Iv antibiotics for lyme disease, and have become very sensitive to a lot of chemicals and even my water, and my nickel allergy is now much worse.

I have only this to add to all this great info. As a gardener, i had a problem with a lack of certain nutrients in my garden soil, as indicated by certain symptoms in the plants. I could not remedy the problem, but still had a good year in the garden which is organic and permaculture in style. (northern Canada)
I can not eat commercially grown lettuce without cramps and bloating almost right away, and as a chef I have had lettuce from many suppliers over the years.
Here's the thing, I can eat the lettuce from my garden in large amounts with NO problems whatever. I never get any problems from my own garden produce, even things on the nay nay list for nickel, like potatoes and beans, but store bought stuff is always a problem. I have come to the conclusion that it how these things are grown and fertilized greatly effects the nickel levels. My garden has been low in phosporus, and I do not use chemical fertilizers. My mother in law uses chemical npk type fertilizers and I can not eat her lettuce either.

I am hoping those who miss their veggies might try growing at least lettuce on a window ledge, and try it out. Just try to find soil that is low in minerals with nickel...
and do not use fertilizer unless you are sure it has no nickel. This is just a suggestion the seems to be working for me that may give some of you a better diet if you can grow a few things in the right soil.

I can no longer work due to Lyme disease crippling me, as I have lost my sight and my ability to work, as Canada refuses to allow me to get more treatment. As a chef, you have to taste everything you serve (if you are any good) and I was so nauseated all the time, but I had not considered that I was surrounded by stainless steel EVERYTHING all day, tables, tools, walls, sinks. I am hoping this may be part of my skin problems, as i have ACA from the Lyme, and already have severe skin problems and loss of collagen, but the itchy oozing rashes seem unrelated to the regular outbreaks of other lyme symptoms.

Thanks to one and all for offering at least the faint hope of resolving some of the constant pain I am in.

lahlah 01-06-2012 11:35 PM

Hi everyone. I have reactions to food with nickel. I have discovered that in addition to soy, nuts, beans and the other common foods I have also eliminated soybeans oil, canola oil, and other oils. The only oils I have found safe are olive and corn oils. My reactions have stopped when I keep to this strict diet. It helps that I make 99% of my meals as I tryed and couldn't do it with store bought food. My reaction and been going on so long that they have gotten very severe. I have found that I have most every type of reaction: eczema( most types), breathing problems, disoriention and gi problems. My reactions start with in an hour of consuming food and last usually 4 days. I have also found that jewlery is not an option for me. I only have one ring I can wear and it is gold. Shaving is a nightmare. There isn't a razor on the market that wont give me a rash. And lastly, coating the inside of rivets on pants makes a huge difference.

claireleon 03-18-2012 11:26 PM

My recent optimism about solving nickel allergy problem
I have been trying to figure out my allergies for years. I have "itchy skin" off and on. It can be very frustrating. I have done dozens of test. I test positive to nickel sensitivity with the "true test." I am a vegetarian and eat a very healthy diet--which means foods with a fair amount of nickel-even my vitamins had nickel. I tried eliminating high nickel content foods, but that did not really stop my itchiness. I started seeing a Naturopath. We did a different type of food test--using blood samples. We first tested 96 foods. I tested positive for nuts, sesame, dairy, and safflower. There is another test available for another 96 foods-which I plan to do shortly. One of the foods not tested in the first sample was Canola oil.

My naturopath's theory--is that my digestive system is not working properly because of allergies. So--toxins, like nickel are not passing through, they are accumulating. We need to get rid of the allergies--and foods that have some nickel won't be such a problem.

I strongly urge anyone who believes they have a nickel, or other metal sensitivity--to keep looking for an underlying problem.

I am currently tracking everything I eat in a matrix, and color code the good and bad days, based on how I feel. I am quite convinced that in addition to the four foods in the first sample, that canola oil is a problem, there may be other contributors as well. But, I feel SO MUCH BETTER after avoiding the four foods, plus wheat, and canola oil.

I never knew that Canola oil is genetically engineers oil--and it has only been around for 20 years or so. I think I can track my problems to about 17 years ago. This is consistent with the growing popularity of Canola oil in the US.

Best wishes to all who are trying to figure out allergies that cause discomfort.

phyl 04-08-2012 07:01 AM

I to am like you, the lower back pain I think is my kidneys because it happens when I try new food to my very limited diet, if the food is high in nickel I retain fluid (do not p as much). it takes about 24 hours to be able to p as normal, then the pain lessens. my doctor also made me feel like I was going crazy. does anyone know of a doctor specializing in nickel intolerance. like most people with this I am seriously lacking in vitamins. so if anyone knows of any that contain no nickel, post here. Thanks. Phyl UK.

Leshila 07-06-2012 01:24 PM

I have also read that Vitamin C helps soak up some of that nickel.

sincitychick 07-19-2012 01:31 PM

Same issue

Originally Posted by Tiffany (Post 163109)
I to have am allergic to nickel. I think it may be causing dishydrotic eczema. I have severe blistering on the palms of my hands and the soles of my feet. The outbreaks seem to be sporadic and I can't find a common link. I am wondering if it is my diet. Does anyone else have this condition along with the nickel allergy. It is very painful.

Painfull- is an understatement. Last year I missed various days of work becasue I was unable to even walk! The blisters where so bad on my hands and feet! I wore white cotton gloves to work to avoid touching anything that might have germs- I got an infection anyway. I tried EVERYTHING! I ate a rice and chicken diet... nothing... tried everything over the counter... nothing... tried various excema medications, lotions, washes... nothing! I tried homepathic stuff! Nothing! I soaked my palms and feet in vinager, bleach/ and TEA! Nothing... I litterly tried everything. I was in so much pain, the blisters were sooooooo deep and then they started cracking and bleeding.. I wanted to die.... and seemed that NO ONE could help me...

Finally my derm figured out that I am allergic to cobalt in foods... and slightly allergic to it touching my skin.... well... I tossed out my stainless steal pots and pan I had just bought- because low and behold.... they have about 30% nickel in them! No more canned food and I haven't had a blow-out-break-out since then! I do occasionally have a few small blisters... I think they are stress related, but one or two comes and then they go....

I totally feel for anyone going through this... It was horrible.

JMzzr 08-01-2012 01:05 PM

Does anyone have a link to a list of foods and the nickel content in each?

amy13 08-31-2012 03:05 PM

nickel allergy
Hi all,
My nickel allergy was triggered by my orthodontics. As an adult, I got metal braces, not knowing that I was allergic to nickel. It took two years before we figured it out... in the meantime I suffered daily with chronic fatigue, severe abdominal pain, IBS, and dermatitis. My health and life had deteriorated to a point of almost being an invalid before we discovered the connection. Once the braces were removed, I made a full recovery within a few weeks.

I started a blog about my story, in part after being inspired by this thread. Finding *good* information has been very difficult, so I wanted to share what I've learned. I'm currently experimenting with the low-nickel diet to alleviate my remaining dermatitis, with promising results.

amy13 08-31-2012 03:21 PM


Originally Posted by JMzzr (Post 902335)
Does anyone have a link to a list of foods and the nickel content in each?

JMzzr -
I'm a new member, so they won't let me post links yet, but Penn State has an online list - google 'Penn State Hershey Medical Low Nickel Diet' to find it.

You should also be able to get a list from your local dermatologist.

You can also google 'I Hate Nickel' - and that takes you to my blog where I try to list what references I've found so far.

If anyone has a better list, I'd love to know as well!

Thunder Girl 09-06-2012 05:18 PM


Originally Posted by Tiffany (Post 163109)
I to have am allergic to nickel. I think it may be causing dishydrotic eczema. I have severe blistering on the palms of my hands and the soles of my feet. The outbreaks seem to be sporadic and I can't find a common link. I am wondering if it is my diet. Does anyone else have this condition along with the nickel allergy. It is very painful.

Hi Tiffany; I have the exact same thing as you--diagnosed with dishydrotic eczema, with severe blistering on palms of hands and bottoms of feet. My hands also crack open. While I don't have a cure, I have found that soaking in a hot bath and putting vaseline on afterward has helped a bit. I'm also using Clobetasol cream for the small, bad spots. I don't know what is causing this, but I am interested in learning whatever you know. I have cut dairy out of my diet and it doesn't seem to be working. Any ideas you might have--or anyone reading this--would be greatly appreciated.

atvfan 10-03-2012 07:45 AM

Tiffany and Thundergirl
Hey there sounds like we have something in commom. Just found this site yesterday and this is the only post read yet. Tell me if this sounds familiar. Little brown dots deep in the skin. Some in large patches on the hands and feet. After a few weeks The skin comes off leaving new skin. Normal skin folds crack due to the thick patches and bleed sometimes. Itchy at times but not all the time. Very embarrasing and looks horrible.
Mine started roughly 3 years ago. Went to the dermatologist afew times. The steroid creams worked but it always came back. Went another dermatologist and more cream. Took me about a year to figure out that nickel was causing it. One day I went into my shop to get something out of a file caninet. A few minutes later my hand was tingling. That was it! All my beloved tools, all the change in my pocket, the hose nozzle, even the handles on my cabinets were my enemy. If you guys handle coins, use file cabinets, or have brushed nickel or chrome fixtures they could be the problem. Allerderm sells a nickel test kit that reveals the hidden menace. I would cover my hands in eucerin put on powderless nitrile gloves and do my thing. Sweat dissolves nickel and its absorbed through the skin. I still have problems with it and am learning alot from others posts here.

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