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Old 05-19-2008, 05:53 PM #31
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Default Hello all ...

I'm new here, have found this forum by complete accident - and am glad for it! I've been nickel sensitive for the past 31 years with flare ups far and few between until recently. The past three years have been an absolute nightmare.

Rhapsody - I thank you for mentioning buckwheat as being a potential trigger (in my case at least). I've been using a sobakawa pillow for several years - I guess this explains the near-constant seborrhea. As comfortable as they are Sobakawa pillow is going bye-bye for something that is really hypoallergenic, IF such a thing truly exist.

And Lara, thank you for the mention of razor blades! This had not even crossed my mind. It could very well explain the flare ups on my legs.

Although, the discomfort I have been experiencing for the past (well, almost three years) could be of a more insidious nature. The end of August of this year will mark the third year anniversary of Hurricane Katrina. The reason I mention this is because my current dermatologist told me that following the hurricane, every dermatologist in this area was swarmed by people with complaints of eczema - which leads me (and him) to believe that there are contaminants still lingering in the soil and air - three years after the fact. Pre-Katrina, my flare ups were - as I previously stated, far and few between - and very short lived. Post-Katrina, well - since we have returned home, it has been a constant battle. I refuse to believe this is coincidence.

That being said - I'm currently on my third day of Prednisone therapy (for the second time, which I *detest* due to the side effects) and I woke up this morning with a large, nasty oozing sore on my scalp - hair, glued to my head. So again, Rhapsody - I think you've nailed it with the buckwheat - or, shall we say sobakawa pillow.

And finally, Katweena - YES, the reaction on your eyes could very well be food related. I have *never* worn makeup - and last week, I experienced the same exact thing.

Now, here is a question I wish to pose to every active member of this forum. My *former* dermatologist said that eczema can and will not effect mucus membranes - yet, yesterday - what I believed to be an eyelash turned out to be a tiny cluster of blisters on the INSIDE of my lower eyelid. Has anyone ever heard of this?! The blisters are thankfully gone today. It's definitely not allergic conjunctivitis - I've had numerous times.

Hopefully, with all the brilliant minds here - and in combining the extensive research I'm sure we've all done, we can all find a way of helping each other through this miserable disease. Even if it is only to listen.

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Old 05-20-2008, 10:18 AM #32
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Lightbulb you might find this useful...

Also chronic rashes may be due to gluten intolerance. We have a celiac/gluten forum here. Please check it out.
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Old 05-22-2008, 06:16 PM #33
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Very glad to find this place!

I'm 16, and developed a nickel reaction for various reasons when I was about 13. It started with a huge, midly uncomfortable rash all over my arms and legs, of course not knowing the cause, and beeing a typical teen, i was wearing cheap market-stall metal bangel over the rash! The doctors were pretty rubbish, took months of trips and a visit to a dermatolagist to conclude that nickel was the cause.
Since then the area coverd by the rash has lowerd majorly, but it's never gone away compleatly, and become worse in the places that it does still hit. Theres a patch just below my belly button which i think has been effected, and often infected, for 3 years straight. Apart from being horribly horribly uncomfortable, stupid rashs all the time arn't the best way to build a young girls confidence!
Other areas i've found effected badly are underarms (razors?), neck (which I worked out was from the 1cm strip of metal in hairtyes, from wearing my hair in pigtails - i HAVE to wear my hair like this for work, but discoverd tyes which are fastend by glue so are metal free =]). I don't wear earings, if i do (even higher quality ones) then after an hour I have to take them out.

Doctors have given me tons and tons of antibiotics, millions of different creams and lotions, but not of them seem to be quite doing the trick, not to mention horrible side effects of the meds. I've tried and tried to cut nickel from my life, but find it unavoidable in things like jeans and belts (although have tried covering up the buckels and studs with nail polish, tape etc.)
I'm a student, and i'm fed up of not being able to buy cheap and cheerful jelwery from New Look and the like (by the way, Claire's accesories is by far the worst, if anything from there pretty much touchs me then I flare up).

Couple of people have mentioned razors, i've looked tons of times and can't find any nickel free =/
Also, someone mentions psychosemantic (sorry about my awful spelling) rashes, what are the symptoms of such of that? I've always had heat rash as well, as long as i remember.

Very sorry for the long post, reading other peoples I can't believe you've had to resort to nickel-free diets, sounds horrible =[ *chocoholic!!*
I'm fully aware you guys have much worse conditions as me, but the chance to post and possible get advice from somewhere that people have a chance of understanding is intreiging!

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Old 05-27-2008, 07:21 PM #34
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Default pieces of the puzzle

I have been reading threads for several hours today. I have also visited the Celiac/Gluten-Sensitive forums. The majority of my medical issues began during my first pregnancy about 4 years ago. I also had symptoms as far back as 1985. I have been clinically diagnosed with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, Raynaud's phenomenon, nickel, citrus, and latex allergy. I have been evaluated for Celiac, but my endoscopy came back clear as far as the lab could ascertain. I have read from the Gluten Dr. that under electron microscope, the damage may be visible; however, the lab does not use that level of scrutiny. In January 07, after my second pregnancy, I went to my doctor for post-partum check up c/o pain in joints, especially right shoulder, left wrist and pinky joint, muscle-stiffness and muscle-spasms. These muscle spasms are not the ordinary, charlie-horse in-the-middle-of-the-night cramps, although I get those too. I can cause these cramps at will by flexing or bending to a certain degree or for an extended amount of time (10-15 sec). For example, eating my salad at lunch today, I got a muscle cramp in the palm of my right hand on the right side because I was holding the fork for too long. I could only ski 3 runs on Sat and 2 runs on Monday this weekend, because the cramps in my feet and legs were so intense/painful. I didn't have good control during my turns especially. My toes and feet will contort when I place them in certain "normal" positions. I am sure this is peripheral neuropathy, but will not be seeing a neurologist until June. I also get numbness and tingling plus vibrations in my feet like a livewire or electricity. I will have hot and cold flashes in my feet. When I do a lot of walking, it feels like blisters are forming on the bottom of my feet and they hurt intensely, but there are no blisters. The left foot tends to be worse than the right. At first I tried eating a million bananas and taking Ca supplements. I also presented gastrointestinal symptoms last January of frequent diarrhea, gas, bloating and abdominal pain. It is hard to explain everything in a forum (not enough space). My GP or PCM (DR) began testing me for lupus, thyroid, gout, bone spurs, and at my request gluten-sensitivity. My cholesterol was high, especially my HDL oddly enough, and my liver and kidney levels (she didn't specify) were high. She tested me again. My gluten blood work came back as follows: hi for AGA IgG but lo for AGA IgA. My overall IgA was not tested. I went on a gluten-free diet for 8 days and my symptoms subsided completely. No more muscle spasms - even when skiing- no more diarrhea, gas or bloating and my mental clarity improved. The funny thing is that I didn't even know about hidden gluten at that time. I went back on gluten and my neurological and gastrointestinal symptoms recurred within 30 min to 3 hours. After my biopsy I restricted gluten again and have been attempting a gluten-free diet for about 2 months now. I say attempting b/c it is difficult to eliminate all the sources of gluten. I, to my knowledge, according to labels that say gluten-free, have not had any gluten in weeks, but my neurological symptoms were quite severe this weekend. Possible cross-contamination? So I started looking into vitamin/mineral deficiency that causes muscle cramps. As I told my dr, I feel vitamin deficient. My hair has also been falling out. I lose my train of thought easily. I have the most difficult time remembering the name of something as simple as grocery car, stroller, or envelope. I can picture it in my mind, but I can't find the word for it. It is so frustrating - 10 or 20 seconds go by, embarrassing, irritating to other people. Agh! I have angry outbursts or get frustrated by simple things like dropping things repeatedly or spilling my coffee (daily). So in my research I happened to run across a thread today that mentions gluten-sensitivity and nickel allergy. An additional symptom that has flared is a rash on my arms, but worse on my neck, so I took out my earrings yesterday which were supposedly silver that I have worn for over a year now. The rash started getting worse about a month ago, I guess. My memory cannot tell you whether it was a week, a month or 5 months ago. It all blurs together and feels like yesterday unless I have a date attached to it. Another symptom that began 4 years ago at the same time as the initial allergic rash to nickel was a runny nose and chronic laryngitis. I don't know what is causing it. I had the allergy tests done, the RAST test done and came back with no positive results. When the dermatologist tested me, I was positive to nickel, but this still didn't explain my runny nose and laryngitis. Or did it? This is not psychosomatic or stress-related. I just have to put all of the pieces of the puzzle together. Why am I allergic to all of these things? I know that pregancy and other events like surgeries can change our bodies (I had 2 c-sections and an ACL reconstruction within 3 years). I have read that gluten-sensitivity can cause all of these other allergies and other auto-immune disorders. Has anyone found anything about this? The symptoms for either gluten-sensitivity or PCOS started in 6th grade with severe pain in my stomach that localized on the right side before it went away. The ER checked me for appendicitis and kept me for observation. In 12th grade this occurred again, but b/c there were no signs of anything, I was told it was a cyst on my ovary that ruptured, which is why they could not see anything during an ultrasound or in my blood work. Hmmm? Since I was 2 or 3 I have had hayfever-like allergic reactions to any citrus. If someone peels an orange or grapefruit near me, my eyes begin to burn and water.
To the guy, Mark, maybe, I read so many, who said that your nickel allergy and gluten-allergy are related. What else have you found to corroborate that? I am pretty sure that my Dad and I have the same medical problems. While my neuropathy just started about a year ago, his started 10 years ago and he is no longer able to walk without assistance. He is also going gluten-free and can attest that even the smallest amount of gluten will set his feet on fire. I believe that we have a different form of gluten-sensitivity that also causes us gastrointestinal problems but possibly without actual damage to the villi in the intestine. Could nickel also cause similar symptoms? I would not mind further testing, but am not going to needlessly cost my insurance co money. When I am off gluten, the diarrhea goes away. What about this neuropathy? I can't stand it. I will not end up in a wheel chair and I will do everything in my power to get my Dad his legs back. Does anyone have any answers? There are about a dozen other symptoms that I have that I didn't think of or have time to post. Thank you for taking the time to read my extensive posting.
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Old 05-28-2008, 06:38 AM #35
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Default skigirl--

--have you taken a long look at the Gluten Sensitivity/Celiac forum here yet?

There is a lot of info--much of it compiled originally by jcclglutenfree (cara--creator of The Gluten File, probably the most comprehensive database on the subject yet devised) that talks about non-celiac gluten sensitivity, the relationship of "tight junction dysfunction" mediated through the intestinal substance Zonulin in allowing inappropriate molecules to pass from the intestinal tract into the body, resulting in molecular mimicry autoimmune reactions, and the many different malabsorptions of vitamns and minerals that can ocur when there is intestinal damage . . .

Deficiencies of B12, B6, magnesium, iron, calcium and the like can cause neurological symptoms of their own accord, and the autoimmune cross reactivity of gliadin with nerve glycolipids can result in neurological problems (neuropathy, ataxia) in its own right . . .

And--there's info about dermatitis hepatiformis, a red, scaly, blistery rash that is associated with gluten sensitivity . . .
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Old 05-28-2008, 06:30 PM #36
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Default gluten recommendations

[QUOTE=glenntaj;288489]--have you taken a long look at the Gluten Sensitivity/Celiac forum here yet?

Yes, I have visited numerous gluten/Celiac sites. I can't count the hours of research I have done. When I go to the doctor, it seems I need to inform him/her of the current research on gluten-sensitivity. I am having neurological reactions to gluten or something without gastrointestinal reactions. I can't find a definitive source of gluten which is what prompted me to look at other possible links to the peripheral neuropathy. I googled nickel in foods, because during my gluten/celiac research I happened to catch a sentence on the subject much to my surprise. What further surprised me was a member of this forum stating that he has a nickel allergy and a gluten-sensitivity with atypical symptoms. I can deal with the dry, itchy skin, dyshydrotic eczema, and other minor symptoms. Believe me, in comparison to constant muscle cramps, my itchy skin is minor and tolerable. I will take a loot at the gluten files that you mentioned as well. Thank you for these suggestions. BTW, since Tuesday, I have gone to the extreme in restricting gluten from my diet: no grains, no vinegar, no processed foods unless I know it is gluten-free. I have also restricted liquids to tea, water, and gluten-free juice. My symptoms are improving. I don't know what soda has to do with it, but it causes my joints to become stiff and ache if I drink it on a daily basis. I discovered this last September. The plantar fasciitis (spelling?) completely disappeared after restricting soda. The stiffness and most of the joint pain also disappeared. I tested my response to soda after a couple of symptom-less days and the pain/stiffness returned within 20 minutes of drinking Sprite. I also tested diet Sprite and had the same reaction. Unfortunately, I started drinking sodas again within the past couple weeks, more than one a day. I will continue eliminating these foods/drinks from my diet until I find relief.
Thank you immensely for your reply.
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Old 07-05-2008, 11:58 PM #37
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LifeBright - you mentioned you had an irritation/infection just below your belly button. I had this for years and finally figured out that it was the metal button on my jeans causing it where it came into contact with my stomach. It's easily taken care of by painting clear nail polish over the metal part. Just be sure that you do this on all of your jeans and that you repeat it every couple of months or so. Hope it helps!
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Old 07-09-2008, 02:26 PM #38
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Default Wow i can't believe i found all of YOU with nickel allergy!!

I have been dealing with redness around my mouth that would come and go for about 4 years now, no Doctor has pin pointed what it was, until now. I went last week to the Dermatologist and the begin “patch” testing, I had to live with 127 patches covering my back for 2 days, then go a week with getting my back wet, my god was that unbearable, especially b/c it has been so humid where I live.

Well I went today to see the results of it. It was pretty plain and simple to see that I had no other reaction to any of the patches except for one. The Nickel patch! As she talked to me about the foods and all the different things I touch through the day that have nickel in them, including my engagement ring. Must say I was quiet overwhelmed at all of this and tears welled up in my eyes!

This is all happening so fast reading over the restrictions and what i cant eat or touch, i work at a library and everything is metal or has metal in it. Ive been told just to aviod touching my face after coming in contact with medals. This is going to be very hard....

The food list is crazy of what you can’t eat. If anyone has any suggestions that would be great, b/c it seems like ill be living on a Brussels sprout and carrot diet w/NO margarine. I guess easy weight loss for the wedding, lol. If anyone can help with any advice to dealing with this please, let me know.

I have some papers from my dr.s that have the dietary restrictions on it ill have to sit and post all the information plus the site for lotions, creams, medicine, soap and make-up that are ok... ill post that at a later time. not enough time right now, plus im at work lol.
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Old 07-10-2008, 01:14 AM #39
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Hey everyone....

I am the person that originally started this thread after I was diagnosed with nickel allergy last year... and now I have returned to ask IF any one has had any luck in finding a vitamin that does not contain minerals in them as this is where the nickel is found?

I am asking as I have noticed that I have not had as much of a sinus problem going on since I had to stop taking my arthritis medication and daily vitamin before my surgery was to take place three weeks ago for a bladder issue... I now believe it was the nickel in the vitamins that aggravated my sinuses these past few years - due to my allergy to nickel.

SO - Where are the Nickel Free Vitamins?
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Old 07-10-2008, 07:12 AM #40
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Originally Posted by Rhapsody View Post
Hey everyone....

I am the person that originally started this thread after I was diagnosed with nickel allergy last year... and now I have returned to ask IF any one has had any luck in finding a vitamin that does not contain minerals in them as this is where the nickel is found?

I am asking as I have noticed that I have not had as much of a sinus problem going on since I had to stop taking my arthritis medication and daily vitamin before my surgery was to take place three weeks ago for a bladder issue... I now believe it was the nickel in the vitamins that aggravated my sinuses these past few years - due to my allergy to nickel.

SO - Where are the Nickel Free Vitamins?
I would start calling the major companies... like NatureMade and NOW and ask if their products contain nickel. That is the only way you will get a complete answer.
Google them, and their websites typically have toll free phone numbers.
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