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KimS 04-04-2007 07:06 AM

I'm so sorry to hear that.

I know that a couple of years ago with my son, he had a tummy ache that lasted for weeks!

We ended up getting no help from docs (of course) and finally did 3 days of soup/juice fasting. His tummy was fine after that. We did no grain/sugar for another week and then began to add things like rice back in.

He has been fine since... but I had fed him a popular brand of icecream... which I am positive did in his sensitive tummy.

NancyM 04-04-2007 09:35 AM

Have you thought about using L-glutamine with her? It sure has helped my gut. Everytime I have something "iffy" I am taking at least 2 grams of L-glutamine, if my stomach/gut is bad I use 4grams. It really does seem to help. It is supposed to help with "leaky gut".

We had something posted here recently about L-glutamine. I resisted using it for a long time but now I realize that was foolish of me.

sleepingbean 04-04-2007 10:33 AM

I don't know what it is, Nancy, but I'll look into it!

And Kim, you're right that the soup and no grain diet will be best! I have been trying to stick to SCD for her, but it is really hard with public school. If I only send her with SCD food and the other kids are having birthday parties and cupcakes with frosting (of which there are two parties this week at school)...It is just very hard for her, emotionally, to be without. So I still let her have special snacks and the Breads from Anna that she enjoys and such, but we are keeping the sugars way way down and sticking to as safe of foods as we can without causing a meltdown!

I'll look up the LGlutamine now!
(is it safe for 6 year olds?)

NancyM 04-04-2007 02:57 PM

Here's the article I saw:

I'd heard L-glutamine was recommended (it's an amino acid) for IBS/leaky gut and then this study was very interesting, and done on children!

KimS 04-05-2007 06:15 PM

Could you keep her home on those days? Just for the first two week period to cleanse the tummy?

I agree, those parties are tough on kids when they have to really pull back on diet to heal an aching tummy.

I know that you're a whiz in the kitchen... but what about something like a coconut macaroon that comes off more like a cake?

My kids didn't mind so much if they had cake but no icing. But no cake at all was a real bummer! :(

Nancy: You've got me really thinking about that glutamine thing. I've got so much research to do right now that I'm not going to get to it for a while... but I will be coming back to it as you've really piqued my interest now. Wish I had heard about it years ago! Thanks for the heads-up. :)

NancyM 04-05-2007 06:45 PM

I just ran out of L-glutamine but I've been taking it when my bowels get icky. It seems like in a day or two I'm back to normal. Corn seems to be an issue for me and I went wild on popcorn a few days back. Total binge. So I took a couple of glutamine tablets while I was in the middle of the frenzy and it seemed to keep my reaction limited. I ran out unfortunately before I ran out of popcorn so wasn't able to completely prevent my problem but I think it wasn't as bad as it could have been.

sleepingbean 04-05-2007 08:13 PM

Kim, I don't really feel like I can keep her home more. She has already missed eighteen days of school this year! The schools have new policies with the No Child Left Behind laws that they really keep count and follow up with notes and reviews when a child misses that much. And then she will be out early once a week for vision therapy and sometimes twice a week when we have doctor appointments. I do make a ton of great low allergen desserts, but those are our normal foods at home so they don't really seem very special to her anymore (in terms of competing with blue frosted cupcakes with toys in the frosting!) BUT she does love the sugar free brownies I make with gifts of nature flour, so I'll have to make batch of those and keep it sliced in the freezer for these events! A tip on frosting, whipped honey makes a great low allergen frosting. If you put it in the fridge it sets up and can pass (in looks) as regular frosting. White-cream in color and very sweet!

I read through the PDR reviews of L Glutamine, and I don't see how it pertains in usage to her symptoms because she isn't really having diarrhea or intestinal issues that they discus there, but I haven't read the link you provided yet, so I'll check that out next and see what they have to say! Thanks :)

NancyM 04-05-2007 10:56 PM

Maybe it doesn't pertains but I think the whole food sensitivity thing is SO much worse when the gut is leaky and it seems to help with that. Best of luck to you both!

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