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Old 10-15-2012, 10:44 AM #11
sarahrupp sarahrupp is offline
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Default Ohio bwc

HELLO!!!!!! i am so glad i am not the only one in ohio!!! if you are in central columbus i would give mark heinzerling a call!!!! he is my lawyer and he is amazing!!! so far he has done most of it himself and is doing his best to get me the most that he can.... he gets like 10@ of the money you get but he gets you alot!!!!! his office is extremely helpful and you feel very safe in his least at the age of 22 and absolutely no legal knowledge whatsoever i feel that he has done an amazing job and my parents are both pretty happy with what he has done for me so far!!!!

Originally Posted by jbcodora View Post
I have a W/C question for lefthanded. I am an injured worker in the state of Ohio. I have been off work for 8months due to my injury. I have a C6/C7 rupture, multiple lumbar sprain (these dont bother me that much anymore) and lower lumbar discongenic disease. Then neck and discongenic disease has become pretty dibilatating for me. All these have been allowed on my claim and backed up by MRI's and EMGS. Though I need surgery my dr says with me only being 30 it would be in my best interest to not have it.. I have had 2 Epidural pain injection as well as 20 plus physical therapy visits. Today I had a dr apt with a workers comp dr for a Individual Medical Evaluation. Although it was more like a bias medical evaluation, he was very contradicting tried to catch me up in a lie over and over again. I was completely upfront and honest with him has I have been with the 4 other drs who have seen me for my case and who all agree with my diagnosis. When he wakled out of the room he was telling a lady upfront I failed 3 out of 5 test, whatever that means.
Anyway I am curious what happens now. From everything I have read these guys never give the patients a fair review, especially since they are paid by workmens comp. I am also told that whatever this guy says workers comp will go with, even though he has never seen a xray, mri, emg report, they just say his 15 minutes with me trumps everything.
So I am guessing they are going to try to force me into some sort of settlement I am curious what to expect. Prior to my injury I made $54,000 the year prior. My first 3 months off work workers comp paid me the total maximum allowed with was like $860, since they 3 month 72% is up my 66% pay is $755 a week. I am curious what to expect, my dr's have already told me that I will never be able to go back to the job I was doing previous, though I am in school taking online classes now. Can they just stop paying me bc of what a dr that has seen me once says? what type of settlemet could i Possible expect?
Little on how my injury happend. I work for a furniture store, our furniture comes in standing upright on their side arms. I basically had a 450-500 pound sofa that is roughly 7 ft tall get blown over and hit me in my upper back knocked me over fell ontop of me and all the weight hit the upper back again as well as another part hit my lower mid back. Furniture falls here all the time, and I just happend to be walking by at the wrong time.
I am extremely worried now, I have a family, a 18 month old son I can hardly play with because my back is so messed up. I can hardly drive anymore. This dr today at the IME seriously was the rudest person ever. He contradicted everything I said as if he was attempting to get me to mess up so I was lying. I was told going in to be honest and dont exagerate my injuries and that is exactly what I did. He even went as after I told him I was about to have my associates degree he 6 times asked when I would have my bachelor, over and over again. then started asking me why I couldnt just go get a job in the IT Field now. just help, anyone with any idea of what might happen next, or long term what kind of settlement could I expect with the salary information and injuries I listed would really help me out probably help me stress a little less. thanks in advance!
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Old 11-20-2012, 02:20 PM #12
bretd bretd is offline
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Originally Posted by jbcodora View Post
I have a W/C question for lefthanded. I am an injured worker in the state of Ohio. I have been off work for 8months due to my injury. I have a C6/C7 rupture, multiple lumbar sprain (these dont bother me that much anymore) and lower lumbar discongenic disease. Then neck and discongenic disease has become pretty dibilatating for me. All these have been allowed on my claim and backed up by MRI's and EMGS. Though I need surgery my dr says with me only being 30 it would be in my best interest to not have it.. I have had 2 Epidural pain injection as well as 20 plus physical therapy visits. Today I had a dr apt with a workers comp dr for a Individual Medical Evaluation. Although it was more like a bias medical evaluation, he was very contradicting tried to catch me up in a lie over and over again. I was completely upfront and honest with him has I have been with the 4 other drs who have seen me for my case and who all agree with my diagnosis. When he wakled out of the room he was telling a lady upfront I failed 3 out of 5 test, whatever that means.
Anyway I am curious what happens now. From everything I have read these guys never give the patients a fair review, especially since they are paid by workmens comp. I am also told that whatever this guy says workers comp will go with, even though he has never seen a xray, mri, emg report, they just say his 15 minutes with me trumps everything.
So I am guessing they are going to try to force me into some sort of settlement I am curious what to expect. Prior to my injury I made $54,000 the year prior. My first 3 months off work workers comp paid me the total maximum allowed with was like $860, since they 3 month 72% is up my 66% pay is $755 a week. I am curious what to expect, my dr's have already told me that I will never be able to go back to the job I was doing previous, though I am in school taking online classes now. Can they just stop paying me bc of what a dr that has seen me once says? what type of settlemet could i Possible expect?
Little on how my injury happend. I work for a furniture store, our furniture comes in standing upright on their side arms. I basically had a 450-500 pound sofa that is roughly 7 ft tall get blown over and hit me in my upper back knocked me over fell ontop of me and all the weight hit the upper back again as well as another part hit my lower mid back. Furniture falls here all the time, and I just happend to be walking by at the wrong time.
I am extremely worried now, I have a family, a 18 month old son I can hardly play with because my back is so messed up. I can hardly drive anymore. This dr today at the IME seriously was the rudest person ever. He contradicted everything I said as if he was attempting to get me to mess up so I was lying. I was told going in to be honest and dont exagerate my injuries and that is exactly what I did. He even went as after I told him I was about to have my associates degree he 6 times asked when I would have my bachelor, over and over again. then started asking me why I couldnt just go get a job in the IT Field now. just help, anyone with any idea of what might happen next, or long term what kind of settlement could I expect with the salary information and injuries I listed would really help me out probably help me stress a little less. thanks in advance!
I am in Michigan so I can only speak for our laws, but I can't believe they would be to far off from each other. I was injured in 2005, my back. I went thru plenty of therapy and injections and a small surgery to help with nerve pain. I collected comp for 2 years when they finally sent me to there doctor, and you are right that dr is not there for you they are there to find in favor of the insurance co. Before I go further get a workers comp lawyer today...... 98% of the time the insurance co will cut off your benefits based on what that dr says. Then you have to appeal and have a hearing, not sure how long it will take I think I had to suffer almost a year. When and if you win they will have to pay you all that money back and reinstate your weekly checks. You need a lawyer for this and of course they get a cut. not sure of the %. This happen to me, a few months later they offerd me a settlement, I made almost as much money as you and they offerd me over 100,000. But be very very careful about this, if you think you are going to be able to work and provide for your family then do it. but you have to be absolutly positive that you can work and wont need anymore medical care. If not by law they have to pay you the rest of your LIFE. I thought I could work and do somthing, not my old job but somthing. I was wrong, 2 years after I settled I needed a triple spinal fusion. And cannot work again. The money is gone and I have been fighting to get social security disability for 4 years. So be very careful when making your decision. Good Luck.
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Old 01-10-2013, 07:13 PM #13
GarytheSnail GarytheSnail is offline
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Been running into injured workers on TTD for almost two years with no clear timeline of returning to work or being rated P.S. I do not know why their attorneys are not telling them to "Apply For SDI", I helped a couple get their paperwork going because their attorney or PTP informed them your Insurance checks shut off after 104 weeks in California.
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