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RJSA 06-22-2014 01:00 PM

Help with tapering off Lyrica

So I'm all new here - after reading this and the other thread decided to post.

I got put on Lyrica after being diagnosed with pudendal neuralgia. Not long after going on I started getting suicidal - then not knowing it is the Lyrica - but rather thinking it is the pain. Either way, after a year long battle (with only a few months of relief in between) of being suicidal, I finally figured out its the Lyrica.

I was on 300mg (150/150), I asked the dr to reduce - he reduced morning dose to 75mg. This was in March. My mood nose dived even more, not realizing it is withdrawel.

I am now doing ear acupuncture, which is well known for its detox benefits, in conjunction with a slow(ish) taper. From 150mg to 75mg in about 8 weeks. But yes, the drop, oh the drop. Once you drop, so does your mood and you start crying. Considering dropping even less per drop.

But enough of that - what are the solid tips & tricks to getting "over" Lyrica? I read somewhere of enemas. Could this help in the detox?

Kitt 06-22-2014 01:26 PM

Welcome RJSA. :Wave-Hello:

Someone will be along to help.

RJSA 06-23-2014 03:17 AM


Originally Posted by Kitt (Post 1077369)
Welcome RJSA. :Wave-Hello:

Someone will be along to help.

Great stuff - thanks - I am glad this thread is still alive!

Jenny Sue 08-02-2014 01:25 PM

How are you currently doing?

Originally Posted by Diandra (Post 1022923)
Trivia, thanks for your post...very helpful as I am currently tapering but I was only on 100-125mg daily but for 4 or5 yrs.

You covered most symptoms and I can only add:
- Heart palpitations and chest pressure and jaw pain
- Language issues...using wrong words or slurring or stuttering
- Uneven gait, clumsy(I seem to misjudge corners in my home and walk into them like I am drunk).

I do agree that withdrawal is more difficult than expected and I have gone off all my pain meds twice before, including oxycontin. I did try to get off lyrica about a yr ago but was not prepared. This time I have joined a health club that has sauna and jacuzzi and warm pool. I find exercise difficult but am forcing myself to swim slowly and sit in sauna to get rid of toxins. I also hired a friend to help me food shop and make large glasses of veggie juice each day and I am eating really well. I don't know if Lyrica also suppresses endorphins like opiates do but, I know you are supposed to do things to help kick endorphins back into gear like listening to happy around a bit if you can funny movies...cuddle with your loved ones or pets(my cats are amazingly sensitive to my situation, it is just uncanny!)

Now this is personal and off track a bit, but, I am doing some soul searching and my pain doc has always emphasized stress makes pain worse. I have identified some issues in my life that bother me the most and I am working on reaching out to siblings I am estranged from and forgiving folks for hurt to me, etc. It is cathartic.

I wish you all well as you try to get off lyrica. My advice is very slow and steady.
My doc lets me use Lorazepam to help with withdrawal symptoms and because this has also kicked my BP into overdrive, I can use Clonidine which also helps with wd symptoms.

Take care, D

Hi, D. I have taken Lyrica for around 7 years. I have experienced some side effects, but was only taking 200mg in 100mg capsules 1 time daily. I am an exercise type person and love to eat right, so I am wondering if you were successful in getting off this drug? I am currently on the way down 25mg one month at a time. Very slow, but a pharmacologist I talked to said that this might be a good way to try. I am not a medical person, and it is only one person's viewpoint. Bottom line, were you successful?

Kitt 08-02-2014 03:34 PM

Welcome Jenny Sue. :Wave-Hello:

dusty7949 08-19-2014 06:06 PM

Lyrica Withdrawal Syndrome
I'm back on my regular Lyrica dose (400 mg per day). My withdrawal pain wasn't any different than fibromyalgia pain, with a couple of different effects. I was reducing because i lost 80 pounds and I'm reducing on all my meds. Not my Dr's decision, we decided together.
I've already reduced two psychotropic drugs with no problem and they're supposed to be the worst. Lyrica has been a godsend for me and I stopped reducing my dose because it wasn't worth it for now. I've already talked to the Dr.s office and I'm going to go on to my next planned reduction after I recover from again the fibro setback.

Just to tell everyone Lyrica can be great , I would have been a wreck without it. I will get my dosage down. I've read a lot of smart things here that will help next time. I'm just going to work on other drug reductions and then go back and take my time with Lyrica. Hope that helps someone! dusty

Lara 08-19-2014 06:26 PM

Hello dusty7949,

I just wanted to welcome you to the NeuroTalk Support Groups.

Kitt 08-20-2014 08:55 AM

Welcome dusty7949. :Wave-Hello:

Hope_floats 08-26-2014 09:25 AM

Plz help, 8 wks and still suffering
Hello everyone. I sincerely pray that you are all doing well and congratulate those who have made it to the other side.

As I write this, I am so desperate for help. If you can offer a couple of words of support and advice I will be eternally grateful.

Let me introduce myself. I am a 37 year old female, professional, wife, and mother to a 3 year old boy. I have been on Lyrica for over 3 years on and off. This had been prescribed to me for neurogenic pain. I was diagnosed to have fibromyalgia plus had a traumatic back injury due to a faulty epidural during my c-section three years back. And several doctors believed that Lyrica would be the solution for both problems. They started me on 75 mg, increased to 150, then 300....etc.

I must admit that that even though it didn't do too much for the pain, it made me "care less" about the pain. It also helped with my anxiety which wasn't at a morbid level, only part of my slightly anxious personality. By this I mean that I would feel anxious if giving a presentation , going to crowded places, meeting new people for the first time, etc. Otherwise was completely normal. I found that Lyrica would help me feel more at ease and talk easier to others...kinda give me some courage I guess. I also must admit that it gave me a bit of a head-buzz that I enjoyed. I have never smoked, drank alcohol, or ever experimented with any recreational drugs whatsoever. My whole life I have been on the straight and narrow, even during high school and college. So I never knew what it meant to have a head buzz or feel "high". But I enjoyed the feeling that Lyrica made me feel.

I started to up my dose by myself as I grew tolerant to it. Towards the end I would be taking around 10 capsules of 300mg per day!!!!
I know this is a ridiculous amount and I don't know what got into me?! I feel like the Lyrica in my system made my judgment go bad and I would accept things I usually would never taking dangerously high doses of Lyrica!!

I did get off Lyrica once in January and the withdrawl lasted for maybe 10 days and wasn't that severe. So I guess I didn't learn enough of a lesson and went back on it when. My back pain became worse.

Now I have made a firm decision to stop Lyrica once and for all. I didn't really taper off properly. My last capsule of 75 mg was on June 29 (58 days ago). And I still feel like I am not myself. You will not believe the roller coaster of a nightmare I was on! I was admitted to the hospital initiall for 2 week with a diagnosis of "Acute Confusional State". I was disoriented to person, place, and time. I had amnesia, dyskinesia, total insomnia, and hallucinations. I couldn't even use the bathroom by myself or bath myself. I was completely dependent on others. Incidentally they discovered that I was extremely low in Vitamin B1 which I believe was depleted by the Lyrica. Apparently I had Beri Beri and Wernicke's Encephalopathy (sever B1 deficiency leading to both physical and mental consequences). This occurs in alcoholics but I have NEVER even had a sip of alcohol. So I my best bet is that this was caused be the Lyrica!

A month after I was a bit better but as of today I still have the following symptoms: insomnia, anxiety, PANIC ATTACKS, a sense of depersonalizations and derealization, depression, and a general sense of uneasiness and tension, and memory problems. I always feel Iike I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop, absence of impending doom. I'm too frightened to go out of the house where there are crowds for fear that it will be obvious that I am "abnormal". My close family who knows about what happened to me say I appear completely normal on the outside, but God knows that's NOT how I feel on the inside. On the inside I'm SCREAMING and my heart is racing and find it difficult two breath. But on the outside you wouldn't have a clue.

In desperation I started Cipralex (an antidepressant of the SSRI group) and am on day 8. Unfortunately things get worse on it before they get better ( it takes anywhere from 2-8 wks for a positive effect). My panic attacks are worse at night when I try to sleep and they keep me up FRIGHTENED TO DEATH with palpitations. I also would wake up repeatedly drenched in sweat and having panic attacks throughout the night. Again in desperation I added on Seroquel (an atypical antipsychotic/antidepressant which helps with anxiety and insomnia and actually augments the effect of Cipralex). This helps only at night when I'm unable to sleep from the panic attacks. It gives me only 4 hours of sleep (both when I tried 100mg and 200mg). And I know I NEED TO SLEEP because I noticed my panic attacks get worse when I'm sleep deprived.

I apologize for the lengthy message but I feel an obligation to let others know what Lyrica has done for me. I'm not a psychiatric patient, but had so many mental symptoms due to severe B1 (Thiamin) Deficiency brought upon by the Lyrica. So if ur having mental symptoms PLEASE INSIST THAT YOUR DOCTOR CHECKS YOUR VITAMIN LEVELS, ESP B COMPLEX!

In addition I was hoping, really praying, that someone...anyone...could chime in and say that they felt the way that I did and came out the other side. I'm desperate to feel "normal" again. Can anyone tell me how much longer it will take? I never expected to feel this way 8 weeks out!!


God Bless You All,

PS: forgive me for posting this in different threads cuz I'm not sure exactly where I should post it. And I'm desperate for any answer. =(

amigh 08-28-2014 06:43 AM

Most horrible indeed
First of all of I knew what I know now I would have never started regardless of my situation.
I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia because they didn't know what was wrong with me. They started me on a parade of pills nothing seemed to be working. The pain was horrible and I just wanted to feel normal again. I started taking Cymbolta three times a day I would feel fine for awhile then the pain came back again. So I did what the commercial said and I asked my Doc about Lyrica. She was very hesitant about putting me on Lyrica bit I insisted and she wrote the prescription. Well insurance only covers so much Lyrica and Cymbolta are very expensive and I came to a point where I couldn't afford the monthly cost of my prescriptions. It has been a week and a half and I seriously can't handle this anymore. I can handle most of the withdrawal symptoms it's the constant dizziness that makes me want to lose my mind oh and that I cry over everything. I have had the vertigo for a constant week and a half. On top of everything else I am a walking time bomb. I have taken so much time off of work for the Fibro that if I miss anymore I am going to be fired. Any suggestions please? I don't know what to do...

Dr. Smith 08-28-2014 11:24 AM

Hi amigh...

Your symptoms & experiences sound very much like what my DW has been going/gone through (it's ongoing, but we believe the worst is now behind us).

She tapered off of an SSRI this past spring after being on it for several years for fibro, neck pain, & job stress. For months after being off of it completely, she was still suffering with vertigo, the emotional rollercoaster, pain...

At first, we thought it was SSRI discontinuation syndrome.

SSRI Discontinuation or Withdrawal Syndrome

Antidepressant discontinuation syndrome

She tried treating it with supplemental L-tryptophan (You can find info on this on the web or in the archives here), which did (and does) help, but only to a point.

The vertigo was adversely affecting her ability to function in day to day activities, so she saw an otolaryngologist (Ear, Nose, & Throat specialist) who suggested it may be silent migraine, which she may have had right along since meno, but the symptoms were being alleviated/masked by the SSRI.

She then embarked upon an elimination diet to rebalance her system and begin identifying "triggers" that can cause this type of migraine and the symptoms that accompany them.

Since then her improvement has been dramatic. Instead of having one good day in ten, she now has (approximately) one bad day in ten.

Of course I can't say this is what you're going through, but if any of it sounds reasonable to you, it might be worth bringing up with your doctor and pursuing.

If it can't hurt to try it, then it can't hurt to try it.

Best wishes,



Lyrica (pregabalin) and Cymbalta (duloxetine) are both now generic. Their prices may not have come down appreciably yet, but should within the next year or so; insurance companies should be less averse to covering them. I mention this only in the event that they were of some benefit and you felt taking one/both was/were in your best interest.

McKenzie 08-30-2014 06:18 AM

Wow. I could have written this exactly. I am so shocked this drug is being prescribed without doctors knowing about this terrible withdrawal symptom profile. I had taken Lyrica for over 10 years and before that Gabapentin for 6 years. The nerve pain from brain tumour surgery is still with me but I am going to try to live with it as I never want anything like Lyrica again. The thing that helped me most was steaming hot baths. The aches and pains all over was/is unbearable. A heat wheat bag has been my best friend. Finally off Lyrica 28 days now.

McKenzie 08-30-2014 09:35 PM

Lyrica Withdrawal Syndrome is similar to Protracted Withdrawal Syndrome from Benzodiazepines. Severe-nerve pain in legs, balance & gait disturbances, nausea, depression. Moderate-anxiety & also a lack of care for myself, heavy limbs like walking with concrete, felt like I was drunk, loss of mental clarity, lethargy. Mild-difficulty swallowing & breathing, rapid heart & breathing rate, headache, blurred vision, confusion, lack of bladder & bowel control, urinary frequency, personality changes, suicidal thoughts, trouble hearing, tinnitus & more

Perky 09-11-2014 07:45 PM

Lyrica Symptoms
I too am trying to reduce or eliminate Lyrica from my regime of medications. My side effects (on the med) include edema in my leg and hand (left side), which did not exist to the degree it does now prior to this medication. I suffer from neuropathy that appears to have been caused by a bruise in my spinal cord (myelomalacia).
The symptoms began as some numbness and tingling, but the real pain started after I had a Myelogram (lumbar) procedure, which was to seek out the impingement that was believed to be causing pain in my left leg. The nerve pain after this procedure was unbearable. After a neurologist suggested I have an MRI of my neck (which never bothered me before this procedure), it was discovered that I had several disks migrating into my cervical spine area.

It was also the first time they noticed a bruise on my spinal cord. I quickly had a multilevel fusion (ACDF) in c4.5, c5.6 and c6.7 to prevent my spinal cord from being severed, or further compromised. I was EXTREMELY active before my Myelogram procedure (rock climbing in Yosemite, surfing, biking, etc...) The Neurontine I was prescribed did not seem to quell the pain. I was subsequently given Lyrica, which seems to have cause edema in my left leg, causing further pain in my foot (which I never had before the drug) as well as burning in my hands and arms.

I am now taking 150MG of Lyrica, reducing 75MG every week. It may be too fast as the nerve pain is creeping up again. I am going to look into PeaPure, which was mentioned earlier in this post.

triviafriend 09-19-2014 10:26 AM

A Message of Hope
After starting this thread, and finally managing to put Lyrica behind me, I moved on, feeling oh so much healthier and happier. I checked back and saw the additional posts and wanted to tell all of you still suffering that there is hope. You will eventually be able to break free from the nightmare of Lyrica, but it will take time, if you want to get through it with the least discomfort.

My biggest issue with cold turkey or tapering too fast is that Lyrica can cause withdrawal issues that linger for months with no decrease in levels of symptoms. As terrible as an opiate withdrawal is, it lasts a week or two, with symptoms decreasing daily. You can actually TELL you are getting better. Not so with Lyrica. Even after my very long taper was over and i was off the drug, I continued to have drenching cold sweats for months, although eventually these left me too.

If your Doctor tells you that your withdrawal symptoms are all in your head, all I can tell you is FIND ANOTHER DOCTOR. This is very real, horribly uncomfortable and altogether unpleasant. Taper slowly, be committed to getting off the drug, and be good to yourself.


robs246 09-22-2014 10:39 PM


Originally Posted by triviafriend (Post 1006481)
Oh, the horror...the horror! (My nod to Dr. Smith and Lost in Space)

Thanks Dr. Smith! Of course you are right in that there are plenty of people who have gone off Lyrica with no trace of withdrawal. My husband spent many months in the hospital getting IV Dilaudid every two hours, and was weaned off within a week and seemed to have zero withdrawal symptoms. Lucky him, and lucky you, whoever you are, that stops so easily. This post is not for you. If you read my first post, I was dead sick for two weeks before I even knew I was in withdrawal, so precipitous fear wasn't a problem.

I thought rather than scare everyone to death, I'd tell you a few things that helped me a lot, or a little. I did crazy research online to find some solutions. I am not in any way recommending anything. Do your own research, and try what you will at your own risk. This is information widely available online, that I found with Google searches. I didn't have blurred vision, so I don't know about that.

OVERALL: GABA. GABA is an amino acid available over the counter. I came upon it by accident at GNC, and thought hmmm...gabapentin/GABA. I bought a bottle, brought it home and did some reading before trying it (***-backward, I realize). Web M.D. states that GABA works by inhibiting brain wave signals. Lyrica is believed to work by inhibiting brain signals. GABA is analogous to Lyrica (chemically very similar, also from Web M.D.) While there are many who believe that GABA doesn't cross the blood brain barrier, the consensus is that some of a dosage does cross. I took mine with grapefruit juice, hopefully to potentiate crossing the bbb. GABA is believed to relax you, help you sleep, aid in fat burning, help with PMS, relieve pain and aid in balancing blood pressure. I was concerned about taking another version of Lyrica, even natural, obviously because I was trying to get off it, but could find no evidence that GABA caused any of the problems of Lyrica, especially withdrawal. I took GABA every night (makes you sleepy) and darned if it didn't make everything easier. I wish I had found it at the beginning of withdrawal, because it did help me very much. GABA was the first (and only) thing I tried that made me forget that I didn't feel well, often for hours at a time (and when I'm ill, I have this OCD habit of constantly reevaluating my current state). Everything else helps, but this was the most helpful. It cost around fifteen dollars for 60 at GNC.

Anxiety: Many people suggest a benzo like Valium or Clonopin (sp?). I didn't go that route, because I was afraid of going through withdrawal, which I've heard is brutal. I occasionally used Valerian (tastes terrible) in an oil form. I'm not sure that it really helped. As much as you don't feel like doing it, getting some exercise is good medicine. I tried very hard to walk for 45 minutes every day, and I always felt better after.

Flu-like symptoms: This was pretty obvious with ibuprofen, acetaminophen and aspirin available everywhere. Helped the body aches.

Stabbing stomach pain: I used loperamide occasionally, which is the active ingredient in Immodium, and can be purchased in any drugstore. Opiate users all have this in their cupboards for withdrawal. It's actually an opioid which has a molecular composition too large to pass through the blood brain barrier. That means it doesn't affect your central nervous system (there are many arguments about this, but I'll go with the science). However your body has many opiate receptors, especially in the gut. 4 mg took care of this every time for me. Once again, I took with grapefruit juice. Pepto Bismol also helped.

Sweating: Oh, my most hated symptom! I would break into massive, drenching sweats where water would roll down my face and my clothes would be soaked. I once again found help from those handy opiate users (some of them could be biochemists...and maybe they are!). The biggest help was benedryl, hands down. But it made me so sleepy, I could only take it before bed which kept night sweats away and gave me the added benefit of extra sleep. Afrin nasal spray was helpful during the day. It contains a chemical similar to the blood pressure med Clonidine, commonly prescribed for alcoholic withdrawal. Lots of people get a prescription for Clonidine for withdrawal, but I didn't, so I don't have first hand knowledge. Beware though...Afrin can be highly addictive too. I tried to use it sparingly. There are a number of prescriptions for hyperhidrosis (sweating) which I also did not try. If you have used them, please post and let us know. Finally Sage oil, in tea or capsules, which I got at GNC. I'm not a big natural remedy person, but this did help. I rubbed sage oil on my wrists throughout the day.

Insomnia: I used everything I could find that was available otc. As I mentioned earlier, I took benedryl every night for sweating, great for sleep (but druggy aftereffects in the morning were a price I paid). Variously I tried Unisom, Tylenol PM (especially when my body was aching) and some of the newer preparations like Tylenol PM with no pain reliever, just sleep meds). I can also highly recommend Sleepytime Herbal Tea, which can knock me out if I make it strong (I use 4 tea bags!). There are many other drugs available with a prescription, so go to your Doctor for these. I was scared off Ambien by stories of people driving off of cliffs in their sleep.

Exhaustion: I KNOW that what I used was not good for me. I drank Monster no calorie energy drinks. There is a ton of evidence that energy drinks are terrible for you. But I'm just being honest. However, my Dr helped me by switching me from Prozac (I took for depression) to Wellbutrin, which gave me energy and had the major added benefit for me of curbing my appetite, which helped me lose all that lyrica weight. This is absolutely a conversation to have with your Dr. after doing lots of your own research. Never again make the mistake I made, by not thoroughly investigating what you put in your body.

These things helped me. PLEASE add your own tips. Everyone who reads this, however, must understand that these are things that helped me. I'm NOT a Doctor, and these are related to you not as recommendations, but as my personal experiences. Be your own advocate and research what might help you. Let me know if it does.

Hey triviafriend,

thanks for the great post on how to deal with these symptoms.
I just wanted to ask about GABA, how safe it is to use to help with anxiety,depression and are you still taking them? Do these amino acids also have a withdrawal symptoms? Also, did GABA affect your memory, intelligence in any way. I realized that Lyrica interfered with my short term memory while I was on it.
Again, thank you for the great post.:) It has helped me tremendously.


Diandra 09-23-2014 12:37 AM


Originally Posted by Jenny Sue (Post 1086745)
Hi, D. I have taken Lyrica for around 7 years. I have experienced some side effects, but was only taking 200mg in 100mg capsules 1 time daily. I am an exercise type person and love to eat right, so I am wondering if you were successful in getting off this drug? I am currently on the way down 25mg one month at a time. Very slow, but a pharmacologist I talked to said that this might be a good way to try. I am not a medical person, and it is only one person's viewpoint. Bottom line, were you successful?

Hi Jenny Sue...sorry it took so long to answer...have not been on this forum for awhile. I did manage to get off the Lyrica and was off many weeks and then my seizures started up again, so I went back on( it was the beginning of a weekend and my doc was not around and I did not want to do ER). I am still struggling and plan to get off again after the holidays, I don't want to be so ill during that time.

How are you doing? Wel, I hope.

Dr. Smith 09-23-2014 10:07 AM


Originally Posted by robs246 (Post 1098462)
I just wanted to ask about GABA, how safe it is to use to help with anxiety,depression and are you still taking them? Do these amino acids also have a withdrawal symptoms? Also, did GABA affect your memory, intelligence in any way.

Hi Rob, welcome.

You can find more answers to your questions (and more info) in the archives.

For starters, type GABA in the Keyword(s): window, select Search Titles Only from the drop-down menu; Show Results as Threads.

You may already know, but please be careful not to confuse GABA with gabapentin—they are not the same thing. (Some people refer to gabapentin as 'gaba', which can be confuse/mislead others).


Kitt 09-23-2014 01:05 PM

Welcome robs246. :Wave-Hello:

TeeGee 01-01-2015 10:04 PM

Well, I'm in big trouble if these symptoms are true....
I have been on Lyrica for 4 years for pain after a massive spinal surgery. I was up to 300 mg at night (it helped me sleep) and once the doctor took me off all opoids, he DOUBLED the dose to 600 mg. I have never taken more than 400, regardless of his instructions.

I am going to start taking ONE 200 mg tab at night for a month or so. Then, I'll have to start opening the capsules and skim off a little until I'm down to 100 for a month or so. After that, I will tell the Dr. to prescribe a small amount and that I want off.

My visit today? He put me off all Lyrica and wants me on Gabapentin. He says it is less expensive and will give me the same benefits. After reading this thread, I want nothing to do with these drugs.

I have to have another massive spinal surgery at the end of February where I'll be in Hospital for at least 3 weeks with patient pain button (push the button and you get a dose). I think I'll quit Lyrica then. After all, I'll be on all these opoids that should help mask the Lyrica withdrawal symptioms. OMG I haven't been able to figure out where the weight gain came from, the ringing in my ears, the blurry vision, loss of memory, etc. Now I know and I'm furious! (and scared).

Isn't there a way too sue somebody, something for not disclosing withdrawal problems? I realize that doesn't help you get through the process but I just went through a year long process to get off opoids and now have to do it all over again with Lyrica. I'm keeping a "drug log" from now on, recording what I take and when. Plus how I feel It will be a diary of sorts. I hope it helps in this journey to get off this damn drug!!

lyricaBR 01-18-2015 02:58 AM

Help me please!!
Hi everyone! First of all, english isn't my native language and second i'm having problems on focusing due to lyrica withdrawal, but i'll try my best for your understanding.

I took lyrica for weakness on my left elbow (muscle injury), well, i didn't know lyrica was a medication for problems i never had, i just trusted in my doctor, he told me lyrica was a very "light" medication so i took it for ONLY 2 weeks, twice a day, 75mg each capsule. When all my capsules was gone i just stopped taking it, the doctor didn't say anything about tapering down and the nightmare was beginning.

In the first 3 days i had:
  • extreme headache in one side of the head (can't remember wich one)
  • dizziness
  • head pressure
  • tearing
  • lack of breath
  • trouble to take a deep breath
  • weight in the legs
  • insomnia
  • suddenly wake up in panic

Ok, today i completed 2 months off lyrica, some symptoms gone, and some appeared, the ones that still remain are worse.

Current symptoms:
  • extreme dizziness the whole time
  • head pressure
  • tingling in the head
  • sensitivity to sound
  • feeling heavy (as if gravity had increased)
  • weight in the upper body
  • some days i wake up sneezing

I've been a little anxious my entire life, so i think my anxiety is "normal". Symptoms seems to get worse the more active i am, also sitting or/and looking down makes it a LOT worse in seconds. Everyday i think i'm dying and my parents don't deserve that, i'm only 25y. I'm drinking camomile tea everyday, lots of water, eating healthy food, but can't walk everyday because i'm too scared to get off home. My parents aren't the most supportive and they keep pushing me to do things. What else can i do? Should i start lyrica over again? Does anyone know about a similar case? I found some, but not including all my symptoms. Please help me, i'm desperate! The dizziness and head pressure are driving me crazy to the point i'm thinking about suicide.

Did i mention that doctors in my country are all about the money? My doctor prescribed lyrica for nothing, my elbow was healed.. Help!

lyricaBR 01-18-2015 05:09 PM

I forgot to mention that i'm also dealing with "brain zaps", it always comes with dizziness, head pressure and sound sensitivity (actually my entire head gets sensitive, my jaws, my teeth, and the moving of my eyes...

buckeye71 01-20-2015 11:35 AM

Off Lyria But Headaches Persist
Hi PDK -- I've been of lyrica over 4 months but my headaches continue. Like you, I wonder if I'm dying from some unknown affliction. Any words of wisdom you have on continuing side effects from lyrica and how to cope would be welcome.


Originally Posted by pdk2026 (Post 1050044)
Hi there. Just reading through some of your posts and I think what you are doing for people going through this is wonderful. I am about a month and a half off Lyrica after tapering off 600mg at my highest dose. Your post on GABA and how it helped you to feel better really helped to connect the dots. You see, I was put on benzodiazepines back in 2008 for mild generalized anxiety.
I was feeling ill about 6-8 months later and didn't know it was that little pill making me sick. Long story short it took about another year to realize I wasn't dying from some odd disease (all work ups were 100 percent normal) and no doctor caught it was the clonazepam and Lorazipam causing such ill effects. Little did I know that the real horror would be when I went cold turkey and the nearly 15 months of relentless withdrawal that makes my Lyrica withdrawal feel like a walk in the park!!

What I'm getting at and what we need to spread to these folks out here is that Lyrica is thought to act on the same receptors that Benzodiazepines do. This is why many of the symptoms are similar when withdrawal hits! These receptors take months (and for some years) to "reset" and regain affinity to attract GABA and cause the nervous system to calm down and the odd symptoms people feel to dissipate.

I did a LOT of research while in benzodiazepine withdrawal and have educated myself FAR beyond what your run of the mill physician will tell people. I was told I was crazy, that NO DRUG can cause withdrawal months after cessation. What they don't know is that it's the ADAPTION AND CHANGE in the brain that is causing the problem, not the actual drug which had left the body months ago. Same holds true with Lyrica.

If you have any questions or would like me to help anyone on here (I am new on here) please let me know. Like I said, I am only a month and a half off Lyrica and am experiencing about half of the symptoms you have listed but compared to what I have been through, this is something that can be tolerated and put up with because it does get better it's just that people are quite surprised to find that these class of drugs can create such a long and painful withdrawal syndrome. No other class of drugs, even opiates, cause such a long drawn out withdrawal.

If anyone needs help or questions answered let me know. I'm not a doctor, just someone that has been severely injured by big pharm and a medical community that is completely unaware of what the drugs they so freely dispense can do to people.

lyricaBR 01-20-2015 11:17 PM

Still no answers :icon_cry:

Correcting my first post, it will be 2 months off lyrica in 7 days. I'm thinking in restart lyrica and reduce it correctly. Please someone help me...

KLSUMMERS 02-02-2015 04:28 PM

thank you!

Originally Posted by triviafriend (Post 1006481)
Oh, the horror...the horror! (My nod to Dr. Smith and Lost in Space)

Thanks Dr. Smith! Of course you are right in that there are plenty of people who have gone off Lyrica with no trace of withdrawal. My husband spent many months in the hospital getting IV Dilaudid every two hours, and was weaned off within a week and seemed to have zero withdrawal symptoms. Lucky him, and lucky you, whoever you are, that stops so easily. This post is not for you. If you read my first post, I was dead sick for two weeks before I even knew I was in withdrawal, so precipitous fear wasn't a problem.

I thought rather than scare everyone to death, I'd tell you a few things that helped me a lot, or a little. I did crazy research online to find some solutions. I am not in any way recommending anything. Do your own research, and try what you will at your own risk. This is information widely available online, that I found with Google searches. I didn't have blurred vision, so I don't know about that.

OVERALL: GABA. GABA is an amino acid available over the counter. I came upon it by accident at GNC, and thought hmmm...gabapentin/GABA. I bought a bottle, brought it home and did some reading before trying it (***-backward, I realize). Web M.D. states that GABA works by inhibiting brain wave signals. Lyrica is believed to work by inhibiting brain signals. GABA is analogous to Lyrica (chemically very similar, also from Web M.D.) While there are many who believe that GABA doesn't cross the blood brain barrier, the consensus is that some of a dosage does cross. I took mine with grapefruit juice, hopefully to potentiate crossing the bbb. GABA is believed to relax you, help you sleep, aid in fat burning, help with PMS, relieve pain and aid in balancing blood pressure. I was concerned about taking another version of Lyrica, even natural, obviously because I was trying to get off it, but could find no evidence that GABA caused any of the problems of Lyrica, especially withdrawal. I took GABA every night (makes you sleepy) and darned if it didn't make everything easier. I wish I had found it at the beginning of withdrawal, because it did help me very much. GABA was the first (and only) thing I tried that made me forget that I didn't feel well, often for hours at a time (and when I'm ill, I have this OCD habit of constantly reevaluating my current state). Everything else helps, but this was the most helpful. It cost around fifteen dollars for 60 at GNC.

Anxiety: Many people suggest a benzo like Valium or Clonopin (sp?). I didn't go that route, because I was afraid of going through withdrawal, which I've heard is brutal. I occasionally used Valerian (tastes terrible) in an oil form. I'm not sure that it really helped. As much as you don't feel like doing it, getting some exercise is good medicine. I tried very hard to walk for 45 minutes every day, and I always felt better after.

Flu-like symptoms: This was pretty obvious with ibuprofen, acetaminophen and aspirin available everywhere. Helped the body aches.

Stabbing stomach pain: I used loperamide occasionally, which is the active ingredient in Immodium, and can be purchased in any drugstore. Opiate users all have this in their cupboards for withdrawal. It's actually an opioid which has a molecular composition too large to pass through the blood brain barrier. That means it doesn't affect your central nervous system (there are many arguments about this, but I'll go with the science). However your body has many opiate receptors, especially in the gut. 4 mg took care of this every time for me. Once again, I took with grapefruit juice. Pepto Bismol also helped.

Sweating: Oh, my most hated symptom! I would break into massive, drenching sweats where water would roll down my face and my clothes would be soaked. I once again found help from those handy opiate users (some of them could be biochemists...and maybe they are!). The biggest help was benedryl, hands down. But it made me so sleepy, I could only take it before bed which kept night sweats away and gave me the added benefit of extra sleep. Afrin nasal spray was helpful during the day. It contains a chemical similar to the blood pressure med Clonidine, commonly prescribed for alcoholic withdrawal. Lots of people get a prescription for Clonidine for withdrawal, but I didn't, so I don't have first hand knowledge. Beware though...Afrin can be highly addictive too. I tried to use it sparingly. There are a number of prescriptions for hyperhidrosis (sweating) which I also did not try. If you have used them, please post and let us know. Finally Sage oil, in tea or capsules, which I got at GNC. I'm not a big natural remedy person, but this did help. I rubbed sage oil on my wrists throughout the day.

Insomnia: I used everything I could find that was available otc. As I mentioned earlier, I took benedryl every night for sweating, great for sleep (but druggy aftereffects in the morning were a price I paid). Variously I tried Unisom, Tylenol PM (especially when my body was aching) and some of the newer preparations like Tylenol PM with no pain reliever, just sleep meds). I can also highly recommend Sleepytime Herbal Tea, which can knock me out if I make it strong (I use 4 tea bags!). There are many other drugs available with a prescription, so go to your Doctor for these. I was scared off Ambien by stories of people driving off of cliffs in their sleep.

Exhaustion: I KNOW that what I used was not good for me. I drank Monster no calorie energy drinks. There is a ton of evidence that energy drinks are terrible for you. But I'm just being honest. However, my Dr helped me by switching me from Prozac (I took for depression) to Wellbutrin, which gave me energy and had the major added benefit for me of curbing my appetite, which helped me lose all that lyrica weight. This is absolutely a conversation to have with your Dr. after doing lots of your own research. Never again make the mistake I made, by not thoroughly investigating what you put in your body.

These things helped me. PLEASE add your own tips. Everyone who reads this, however, must understand that these are things that helped me. I'm NOT a Doctor, and these are related to you not as recommendations, but as my personal experiences. Be your own advocate and research what might help you. Let me know if it does.

So helpful my mom is going through major wirhdrawls, and we realized three days in. Thank you for all your research and info we will try it

rnl50000 02-15-2015 05:12 PM

A reply from the husband of a suffering mate

Originally Posted by triviafriend (Post 1005792)
Gosh my ego is a bit bruised...lots of views of this page, but no one posting. I hope if you have a similar story, you tell it here, even briefly. Reading posts from others who were suffering was some of the best recovery medicine I found (which is why sharing is the cornerstone of the 12 Step Movement). But even if you are just reading, I hope this thread helps you!

I am brand new to any online posting, I have been reading all over the web for help understanding what my wife is going thru. After reading a few scattered blogs that addressed the symptoms and my wife going thru a week and talking to the doctor he said to go back on and start a taper after a week. this is what we did and she got better in one day. She stayed on a dose of 2 50mg per day for a week then 50mg per day then 50 every other day and only made it thru the second day and the symptoms returned in full. I spoke to the doctor again this past friday 2/13/2015 and he felt because of her having a 102/3 fever that something else is causing this ! I do not think so. any suggestions as this is 2/15 and we are due to see him on 2/16

rnl50000 02-16-2015 04:45 PM

benefits to going back on lyrica
Hi: I am a new poster and in reading , I came to the conclusion that for my wife's withdrawal symptoms i would try starting her back on ! Low and behold 2 hours 80% improvement symptoms greatly reduced. Doctor wanted to treat her for some other infection because he could not believe that the symptoms she was experiencing could be from Lyrica. It was almost a magical way of seeing what was the cause of the horrible symptoms she was having. going back on will identify if you are sick or suffering from withdrawal. I think a taper of much longer time is needed. I am going to go for 10% reduction every 10 days and see how it goes. The doctor said a week or so is good!

rnl50000 02-18-2015 12:16 PM

Some help for withdrawal symptoms
Hi: I would try some of the natural suggestions(b12,Gaba,benadryl ect. as suggested early in one post by 'trivafriend" I did try and am feeling positive about results like periods of relaxed rest,more alertness,more positive attitude and no negative results. Followup reading about these naturals suggest strongly of other people having some positive results also. My wife is the patient and as her care taker I can see changes in her that were amazing with stopping the drug first cold turkey and getting nasty reactions, she thought she wanted to die and I put her back on and within 2 hrs she was very much improved. I then started a withdrawal routine suggested by the doctor for 3 weeks the last week was supposed to be 75mg every other day. She only mad it one day on and the second day off and all the withdrawal symptoms started over!!!After a brutal 4 days of extreme sweats,nausea,dry heaves,small fever,pain in back and legs,in ability to sleep, could not eat for days, in coherent,garbled speaking, whimpering,tingling calls to doctor over weekend and a office visit to doc. Together to try to Identifiy her problem we put her back on lyrics 50mg twice per day, After 2 hours she was feeling wonder full !! We sat in bed talking for 3 hours with her , and she did not even remember things that went on. I started giving her "gaba", B12,Benadryl, and she surely got some relief for various periods of time but all were quite welcomed, as I and her got some rest, we are going to go back to doctor in 1 week after her being back on full dose of Lyrica while the doctor does some research on a much longer discontinuation recommendation. 2/192015


Originally Posted by lyricaBR (Post 1119394)
Still no answers :icon_cry:

Correcting my first post, it will be 2 months off lyrica in 7 days. I'm thinking in restart lyrica and reduce it correctly. Please someone help me...

GAR2KAT 02-19-2015 02:05 PM

I found the way to do it!!!
I,ve been taking Lyrica for 10 years. I have NEVER experienced such hell in my life as when I run out. Get yourself some Gotu Kola. It helps with ALL the horrid symptoms. Coming off this Lyrica is a terrible thing to experience and want to help anyone else experiencing it. Gotu Lola and Lyrica are very similar. :D:hug:

Corinne 02-21-2015 09:20 AM

withdrawl also

Originally Posted by buckeye71 (Post 1119312)
Hi PDK -- I've been of lyrica over 4 months but my headaches continue. Like you, I wonder if I'm dying from some unknown affliction. Any words of wisdom you have on continuing side effects from lyrica and how to cope would be welcome.

Hi ... I am in the process of weaning off lyrica. I have nerve damage after a hysterectomy 3 years ago. I was put on lyrica but have decided to go off because of the side effects. I have done books for 20 years and now am making mistakes like u would not believe. My memory is awful and nothing makes sense anymore. Going off the medication with doctors ok. But I cannot believe the withdrawal effects!!! and no the nerve pain is starting again. I am at loss with what to do. HATE the drug ... helped with 75% of pain but what is worse. Side effects or pain. HELP

McKenzie 02-27-2015 04:17 AM

Help for Lyrica withdrawal

Originally Posted by lyricaBR (Post 1119394)
Still no answers :icon_cry:

Correcting my first post, it will be 2 months off lyrica in 7 days. I'm thinking in restart lyrica and reduce it correctly. Please someone help me...

I have been Lyrica free since August 2014. I still have lots of problems from it.**

TimBo266 03-08-2015 01:34 AM

Long term user having WD symptoms
I have been taking Lyrica for about 7 or 8 years now. I am diabetic and have been since 1969. Before Lyrica I was having pains in my wrists and in my fingers. They were so bad I could not sleep very well. My fingers would go to tingling and then go numb anytime I held a pencil or an eating utensil. For a while Lyrica helped with the pain of my ankles. Now all that is gone with the help of Lyrica. Lately the pain in my ankles has returned with much intensity. I am now on three 75 mg pills a day. I can tell in a short while if I have forgotten to take my Lyrica. I get chills and I get irritable at anything or anyone. Even if I am taking it on time and don't forget to take it, I have memory loss and my common sense is awful. My book sense is still sharp but my life memory and immediate memory is unreliable. I am so forgetful. I can do something and in a moment do not remember if I did it or not. My memory is such that sometimes I can not tell between a dream and reality. The always sleepy thing is my daily life. I can fall asleep in a minute at any given time if I am not busy doing something. On occasion I find myself waking up here at my desk. I can be sitting here thinking of something and soon those thoughts are what I am dreaming about. I have paranoia spells once in a while. I had no idea Lyrica was the culprit to all this until I looked it up recently. I put up with these things because the pain in my wrists and fingers was incredible. Just recently my doctor told me my constant sleepiness could be caused by Lyrica.

triviafriend 04-12-2015 08:53 PM


Originally Posted by rnl50000 (Post 1124797)
Hi: I would try some of the natural suggestions(b12,Gaba,benadryl ect. as suggested early in one post by 'trivafriend" I did try and am feeling positive about results like periods of relaxed rest,more alertness,more positive attitude and no negative results. Followup reading about these naturals suggest strongly of other people having some positive results also. My wife is the patient and as her care taker I can see changes in her that were amazing with stopping the drug first cold turkey and getting nasty reactions, she thought she wanted to die and I put her back on and within 2 hrs she was very much improved. I then started a withdrawal routine suggested by the doctor for 3 weeks the last week was supposed to be 75mg every other day. She only mad it one day on and the second day off and all the withdrawal symptoms started over!!!After a brutal 4 days of extreme sweats,nausea,dry heaves,small fever,pain in back and legs,in ability to sleep, could not eat for days, in coherent,garbled speaking, whimpering,tingling calls to doctor over weekend and a office visit to doc. Together to try to Identifiy her problem we put her back on lyrics 50mg twice per day, After 2 hours she was feeling wonder full !! We sat in bed talking for 3 hours with her , and she did not even remember things that went on. I started giving her "gaba", B12,Benadryl, and she surely got some relief for various periods of time but all were quite welcomed, as I and her got some rest, we are going to go back to doctor in 1 week after her being back on full dose of Lyrica while the doctor does some research on a much longer discontinuation recommendation. 2/192015

I'm so glad some of my ideas helped. It gets better! Prayers to you both. Triviafriend

imkelley1972 05-11-2015 04:52 PM

Preparing to taper....
Hello, I'm so happy to have found this thread. I am 42, diagnosed with fibromyalgia in June, but I'm not sure anymore that that is what I have. Anyway, a few months ago, I stopped lyrica, questioning the benefits. I didn't feel it was helping my pain.

I started going through horrible withdrawals, and for some reason, didn't make the connection to the Lyrica. I was off of the drug for close to 3 weeks, and thought I was losing my mind. i couldn't sleep for more than an hour at a time, muscle spams, nausea, severe depression...beyond depression. I couldn't do anything at all. I just laid on the couch all day and stated into space. I work from home and somehow didn't lose my job.

I started to wonder if it was the lyrica. I'm not sure how I even managed to have the thought...but I took my dose, and bam! Everything cleared up. I went back on it because I was about to get married and couldn't go through the wedding like that.

So, now that the wedding is over, I want to get off of this drug. As I said, it isn't helping with my pain, and I want to be rid of it.

This time, I will taper off. Hopefully my doctor is supportive. If he isn't, I will find one that is.

I just want to say, though, that I feel very deceived by the whole process. I was put given lyrica samples last June and at first, I thought it worked great. Then my insurance company wouldn't cover it until I failed gabapentin at 3600 mg a day. So, I was dosed up to that. Finally, I was put on Lyrica in December (200mg 3x daily), but never taken off of the gabapentin. So until March, I was on both. I have since gotten a new doctor, who told me I never should have been on both. I have been going through issues going off of the gabapentin as well. I will confess that at times, I've had to take some of the gabapentin I have left.

I'm going to try everything that triviafriend suggests to make things easier, plus I ordered the Gotu Kola as well. I will go down slowly and just do the best I can. I've been reading everything I can find, looking for hard and fast answers, but it seems like there aren't any. The withdrawal is different for everyone, I guess. The timing and severity vary greatly, from what I'm reading.

I'm not sure exactly when I will start, but I will post my journey here. I have found many people post when they are going through the withdrawals, but not when they end. I know for me, that would be helpful.

Wish me luck!

Lara 05-11-2015 05:09 PM

Hello imkelley1972,

Welcome to the NeuroTalk Support Groups. :)

All the best to you with your taper.
Look after yourself.

EnglishDave 05-11-2015 06:02 PM

Hi imkelley,

Know that we will be with you as you set off on this journey. If you can bear to detail it here you will help those that come after you without doubt.

I trust, at least, your Wedding was a glorious occasion.


imkelley1972 05-13-2015 12:43 PM

Gabapentin instead of Lyrica?
I realized that, by accident, I only took gabapentin a few days ago. The next day, I had that lyrica-withdrawal zombie feeling all day, plus IBS, a few other symptoms. I stuck with just the Gabapentin, though, and the next day the zombie feeling was mostly gone. I've continued just on the Gabapentin and my symptoms are less and less.

I know the two drugs are chemically similar, but... would one completely take the place of the other? Today, I will go down on the gabapentin and see what happens. If I can, I'll not take any more lyrica and just taper off on gabapentin. My use of gabapentin has been sporadic and when i've taken it in the past and stopped, I didn't experience withdrawals.

Fingers crossed.

chrisp 05-25-2015 05:15 PM

I was on a 50mg dose for about 8 months and have been tapering since December. I'm particularly sensitive to withdrawals on this med, so after a couple of failed attempts to drop by 25mg, I had my doctor call my pharmacist. The pharmacist compounded the powder into a liquid suspension so I could very carefully lower my dose.

At first we started with a 10% decrease every two weeks. I managed two steps down when I had a vacation from work. But I finally settled in at dropping 5mg every 4 weeks or so (unless I get sick, have a deadline, or a lot of travel). The worse side effects (fatigue, irritability, and increased pain) peak 2 days after the decrease and last for a few more.

While this pace is slower than I wanted, it allows me to keep working full time, and give me enough space between weeks of feeling like crap (from the decrease) that I don't get beat down by it.

I've seen other recommendations to try and compound it into a suspension yourself. I tried that and the dose was pretty irregular. Find a local compounding pharmacy and have your doctor write a prescription for the taper (ignoring what pill sizes are available from the manufacturer). The pharmacist will find a solution for you.


caroline2 05-31-2015 08:42 PM

It's amazing, I've read so many negative issues with Lyrica and yet every other tv ad is lyrica it seems. I have posted around here on various posts about the great benefits of grape seed extract and I just posted some comments on another post here...

Google: Grape Seed Extract and Nerve Pain

I have a friend who tried Lyrica and got so sick with it, she had been on Neurtonin for 8 yrs with it's side effects and now off that one too.

She's on grape seed extract about 3 yrs and only wishes she knew about it a long time ago. I'm headed into my 20th year on this "miracle" antioxidant. Do some research...

Here's is one good link:
Medical News Today
Sep 8, 2014 - Grape seed extract is a supplement made from grape seeds, with a ... macular degeneration, poor circulation, nerve damage, as well as ...

Jeanne9876 06-05-2015 10:57 AM

Help with Lyrica Taper please
I have been on Lyrica for three years for neck pain from c5/6 fusion. I've been reducing from 150mg to 100 pretty well. I stopped cold turkey and had severe stomach issues, restlessness, and landed in ER for fluids.

Pain clinic says they are not aware of such symptoms when stopping Lyrica. They suggested a taper of 50mg for two days and 25mg for five days - that seems too fast. I restarted 50mg and don't have night sweats but have Gerd issues with nausea. They also said I could add back 25mg to see if that makes me feel better.

Has anyone been in this position? It's been a month since I've restarted on 50mg and I still feel sick. Should I go up and add 25mg? Or will the side effects go away with time and will I eventually stabilize? Concerned as I have a job interview next week as well as a move. I appreciate everyone's feedback on their tapers, I have never felt this sick or unwell in my life. I am a mom and am trying to keep it together for my kids. I'd so appreciate any advice!

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