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McKenzie 06-15-2015 06:42 AM

Hope you are surviving the Lyrica withdrawal hell! Only way to safely do it is like benzodiazepine withdrawal as per Ashton Manual. Go slow ie 10% dose reduction every 2 weeks or so. Caps are now made 25mg strength. I decreased 25mg every 2 weeks. It was hell and I definitely couldn't of held anything together during this time. Many people open up the capsules and take a little out at a time. Some even get the compounding pharmacist to help gradually lower dose. I have even heard of Lyrica liquid in some countries. So just go slowly and you will make it off ok. The withdrawal is punishing. Lyricasurvivors on FaceBook are a great source of info too.

lightrailcoyote 06-26-2015 03:13 AM

I started Lyrica not even two weeks ago for vagal neuropathy. I was experiencing severe muscle and joint pain as a side effect, so was told to stop the med. I was at 150 mg/day and was told just to stop it, no tapering. That was two or three days ago. Now the biggest symptom I'm having is ridiculous itching. It was severe enough to wake me, and I had already taken 100 mg/benadryl for sleep, which didn't help at all. Googling says this is neuropathic itch, which is not histamine based. Lidocaine aloe gel all over is helping some but I'd like to find a systemic remedy. Ideas?

follini 06-26-2015 12:20 PM

I've been to many forums and they all have the horrid details of the side effects of being on lyrica. This certainly seems to be a exclusive club that doctors and even pharmacist refuse to acknowledge. I am very grateful for these forums, they have certainly gave me hope in knowing that this will pass in time.
I started taking lyrica in November 2014, for severe lower lack pain. I tried all the other remedies and none of them helped my problem. An MRI revealed that I had severe stenosis resulting in pinched nerves. The lyrica helped my problem but I knew I needed to have a permanent fix. In January I went in for surgery and had a double laminectomy at L3 L5. I continued this drug through January and weened off towards the end of the month thinking that all is good. I should also state while taking the lyrica I knew I wasn't right in the head, things like forgetfulness, bouts of depression, anxiety, loss of appetite etc. But now I'm off of it and on the road to recovery, right? WRONG, in the middle of April I started having flu like symptoms, totally drained of energy, not wanting to do anything but lay in bed, this lasted for about 2-3 weeks. I thought I was going crazy, that feeling eventually went away and all was well again. Then the 18th of June, those same flu like symptoms came back again, and of course again you start thinking something is wrong, why am I feeling like this with no other signs of anything being wrong! My wife thinks I am crazy, I should go to the hospital etc. No one that has not taken lyrica just doesn't understand what this poison does to you!
I do at times wonder myself, can this be from taking this drug after you have stopped taking it 5 months ago? Has anyone else experienced these reoccurring symptoms after stopping 5-6 months ago?
Thanks to all for all the postings about this, as others have stated it is tremendous support and assurance that this is only temporary.

Tomatogirl 06-27-2015 10:28 PM

Before my back issues, I tried both Neurontin and Lyrica for non-sciatic non-neuropathic hip pain. It totally didn't help with pain and it made me really sick. Nausea, vomiting, tonic contractions, sleeping 20 hours a day. The docs said they'd never seen anyone react so badly to it.

If you get sick from either, call the drug companies and report the side effects. They are required by the FDA to track it. It's the only way the side effects will be catalogued and eventually when enough people report problems, the FDA will flag it.

triviafriend 08-01-2015 12:41 AM


Originally Posted by follini (Post 1150938)
I've been to many forums and they all have the horrid details of the side effects of being on lyrica. This certainly seems to be a exclusive club that doctors and even pharmacist refuse to acknowledge. I am very grateful for these forums, they have certainly gave me hope in knowing that this will pass in time.
I started taking lyrica in November 2014, for severe lower lack pain. I tried all the other remedies and none of them helped my problem. An MRI revealed that I had severe stenosis resulting in pinched nerves. The lyrica helped my problem but I knew I needed to have a permanent fix. In January I went in for surgery and had a double laminectomy at L3 L5. I continued this drug through January and weened off towards the end of the month thinking that all is good. I should also state while taking the lyrica I knew I wasn't right in the head, things like forgetfulness, bouts of depression, anxiety, loss of appetite etc. But now I'm off of it and on the road to recovery, right? WRONG, in the middle of April I started having flu like symptoms, totally drained of energy, not wanting to do anything but lay in bed, this lasted for about 2-3 weeks. I thought I was going crazy, that feeling eventually went away and all was well again. Then the 18th of June, those same flu like symptoms came back again, and of course again you start thinking something is wrong, why am I feeling like this with no other signs of anything being wrong! My wife thinks I am crazy, I should go to the hospital etc. No one that has not taken lyrica just doesn't understand what this poison does to you!
I do at times wonder myself, can this be from taking this drug after you have stopped taking it 5 months ago? Has anyone else experienced these reoccurring symptoms after stopping 5-6 months ago?
Thanks to all for all the postings about this, as others have stated it is tremendous support and assurance that this is only temporary.

I had withdrawals for months. It is the most punishing drug I have ever put in my body. The suffering I went through was nearly too much. But I finally got off, and you can too!

McKenzie 08-06-2015 04:56 AM

Yes I have been off Lyrica for a year now and still cycle through all the withdrawal side effects on a regular basis. Although everything is getting dampened down more now and I am beginning to enjoy life again. Out of no where I might get a cluster of familiar GI symptoms with depression and anxiety, then that will ease to be replaced by other problems like nerve pain sensitivity heart racing etc. it is so not fun but I am sure in time I will totally heal.

triviafriend 09-07-2015 04:21 PM

There is a Lyrics Survivors Facebook page. It's a closed group, but only takes a short time to be accepted. You will find much more rapid answers to your questions, plus the community is great.

Marie33 09-08-2015 12:39 AM

Lyrica & SFN
[QUOTE=McKenzie;1160505]Yes I have been off Lyrica for a year now and still cycle through all the withdrawal side effects on a regular basis. Although everything is getting dampened down more now and I am beginning to enjoy life again. Out of no where I might get a cluster of familiar GI symptoms with depression and anxiety, then that will ease to be replaced by other problems like nerve pain sensitivity heart racing etc. it is so not fun but I am sure in time I will totally heal.

Hi McKenzie, That is pretty scary stuff. A year later and your still having some WD SE's from Lyrica. How much were you on and for how long did you take it for?
I haven't read any of your recent posts. What did you take the Lyrica for? I'm thinking it was for nerve pain (neuropathy). What are you taking for your pain now that you are off of Lyrica and are "beginning to enjoy life again"? Sounds great! Does this mean there is some hope for the rest of us.. sigh..I take 300mgs day, for three years help or just stopped working, I dk..
I have SFN, can not find a med-combo for this horrid pain. Days like today , where I had a bad on-going flare of stinging, burning , bees stinging me all over pain. I just feel like giving up. Do not know what to do or where to turn ..I do know I do not want to live with debilitating pain anymore. My quality of life is fading away...:Sob:

Cynthus 09-08-2015 01:55 AM

Down The Rabbit Hole
Hi there

I am a new member, though I have visited this site and this thread several times for advice, thank you to all who have posted. I have been on Lyrica for some time (maybe two years now? Before that I was on Neurontin) for radicular neuropathy down my leg and into my foot following a back and hip injury (repetitive stress from teaching preschool). I am on 450mg/day. I have tried to get off the Lyrica many times in the past year and it has been quite the roller coaster. Most of the time I have tried going off it has been due to not getting prescriptions refilled for various insurance BS reasons as I know many of you can relate to. The side effects and withdrawal symptoms are almost too numerous to list, essentially I literally feel as though I am dying when I try to go off, and I am depressed, disconnected and confused on it. I have a plan to try and taper off 75mg/month until I am free of it. My doctor, the only one I am able to see after months of no doctor, refuses to assist with the side effects, such as prescribing an SSRI, and as it is workers comp my primary care doc will also not help, so I am on my own. It is a scary drug; I have been on and off many meds throughout my life but none compare to the roller coaster that is Lyrica. I mostly take over the counter meds to help, such as Benadryl for the withdrawal (a huge help!), but it is scary how much this drug messes with my mind, my balance, my life. Reality and dreams seem intermingled, my pain becomes overwhelming, and I feel that I am slowly losing touch with who I am. I do not work or even drive, and though initially I blamed my injury for that, I now think a lot of it has to do with the Lyrica. I appreciate any advice and/or support while going through this. I am scared, though my life has been anything but easy, this is the hardest thing I have ever gone through. My docs' main suggestion is to switch to Topomax, but that just seems like more of the same problem. My goal is to be med free, though last time I was I was bedridden with pain. I just want my brain and my life back. I have lots of gaps in my memory, I lose time frequently, like a black out with no recognition of what happened. It is intensified with alcohol (and much easier to binge drink on it) so I will be avoiding that completely until I am off the meds, and maybe even after. I wish I had figured out the connection sooner, but many of the problems with Lyrica took some time for me to be aware of. My vision comes and goes, has anyone found anything that helps with the vision probs associated with Lyrica? I know many of you are suffering through similar issues, and I am grateful for this website. Here's hoping we all make it though this.

"I'm afraid I can't explain myself, sir. Because I am not myself, you see?" -Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland

Cynthus 09-08-2015 11:30 AM

I hope today is a better day. :hug:

Cynthus 09-08-2015 03:16 PM

That last was a response to Marie33, I am still learning how to use the forums . . .

Diandra 09-08-2015 05:34 PM


Originally Posted by Cynthus (Post 1169629)
That last was a response to Marie33, I am still learning how to use the forums . . .

Hi Cynthus,
Don't worry about it. We all had a learning curve when we started.
You are doing fine.

Just use the REPLY button at the bottom of any post you want to reply to and have a copy of what they said. For example, at the bottom of Marie33's post, just hit REPLY. Say what you want and you can use the buttons at the bottom to either PREVIEW POST or SUBMIT REPLY.

If you want, just hit the REPLY button at the bottom of this post to try it out.
( Mods...hope that is OK.)

My best,

Jomar 09-08-2015 07:18 PM


Originally Posted by Cynthus (Post 1169629)
That last was a response to Marie33, I am still learning how to use the forums . . .

The FAQ link in my siggy, or in the blue divider bar above will help you learn to use the site better.

triviafriend 12-05-2015 03:15 PM

Happy Holidays
Just want to tell you all that you WILL beat this! It's hard, it sucks, it feels terrible...but you can succeed. Remember to go as slow as you need to. **

what a ride 01-11-2016 02:43 AM


Originally Posted by triviafriend (Post 1004664)
Hi everyone...I know that there have been several threads posted by members who are dealing with difficult withdrawal symptoms caused by Lyrica. However I believe that it's time to start recording the experiences of those suffering, so we can understand which symptoms occur commonly. Many people going through withdrawal are shocked by how sick they have become. Doctors and healthcare workers often don't know, or don't believe that stopping Lyrica can be the cause of so much misery. As terrible as it sounds, Doctors often react with anger or frustration when a patient complains of suffering because they don't want to assume any responsibility or accept any blame for prescribing something that makes a patient so sick. "You must be imagining things, or even lying or exaggerating,because this drug does NOT cause this level of withdrawal!"...Well, we know better.

I was prescribed Lyrica for RSD, 450mg per day. I made the mistake of running out when my pharmacy was closed. I became so sick that I was unable to get out of bed for more than two weeks. I was unaware that Lyrica caused withdrawal, so much so that I thought I had the flu! My husband picked up my prescription by chance one day, while having his own prescription filled, and brought it home. I was blown away to find myself completely well within an hour of taking my regular dose. Then and there, I made the decision that I would stop taking the drug. I had found the side effects horrific anyway, with the weight gain, mental foginess and emotional deadness I had been experiencing while on Lyrica. I began a taper immediately.

I started reducing my Lyrica by 25mg every 10 days to two weeks. It was rough, especially when I went down in dosage, and it took days to feel even marginally better. Still, I stuck it out, beginning in January 2013, and finally finishing in July of the same year. A long, slow taper, I know, but I went as fast as I felt I could, enough to keep the withdrawal symptoms at bay so I could function. Many have found, like I did, that quitting cold turkey was virtually impossible, due to the fact that the terrible illness of withdrawal would just go on and on, never getting any better. I've heard of people sick for months while going through Lyrica withdrawal.

Reading about the experiences of others going through what I was going through was an enormous comfort to me. It made me feel that I wasn't crazy, that I was one of many who had been taken in by promises of pain relief without fear of addiction or withdrawal (that's what I was told!). The following is a list of the symptoms that I experienced during withdrawal from Lyrica. I encourage everyone to add your experiences to this thread as well. Believe me, there are lots of people suffering right now who will visit this sight and be comforted with the knowledge that they are not alone!


Exhaustion, coupled with insomnia (horrible combination)
Crying jags
Extreme episodes of sweating
Inability to regulate temperature
Stomach pain (often described as stabbing pain)
Severe Anxiety
Restless Leg Syndrome
Body aches
Muscle contractions
Vision problems
Suicidal ideation
Difficulty breathing (hard to take deep breath)
Lack of desire to socialize in any way
Mood swings

I know that more symptoms exist, and I hope that you will add your own experiences to this thread. Only by bringing this terrible issue forward will we ever convince anyone...Doctors, health-care workers or Pfizer itself to do something about the irresponsible way that this drug has been fed to us all, and force them to take measures to at the very least inform the public of the risks that taking Lyrica bring.

It will be two years next week since I went off lyrica. I am still having all the symptoms I started with. Most are a bit less but not all. Life has changed and not for the better at least for now. I am still, with my doctors help, working on reducing my symptoms. I am very careful of all meds RX or OTC since almost all give me severe side effects While I am mentally more alert, aware and happier then last year, my body is not much better. My RLS is day and night as well as involving my whole body sometimes, sleeping is hard I no longer try at night and wait until morning, less stress that way. The mental problems I got AFTER going off lyrica still come and go, but not every day a different problem. The first year off this drug my mind did funny things. Not to the point of needing to fix anything because within 3 days it would be gone and replaced by something else. I have come to the conclusion that for some of us the damage is permanent.

From your list these are the ones I had and/or still have:

Exhaustion, coupled with insomnia


Crying jags (Tears can help detox the brain I've heard. It did reduce other stmptons)

Rage (among a host of other emotional problems much better now)

Extreme episodes of sweating (had now just "Hot Flashes" no hormone problem)


Inability to regulate temperature

Headache (had)

Nausea (Thank God this one has been gone for a year)
Stomach pain (often described as stabbing pain) (had. forgot about this one)

Severe Anxiety (had)

Restless Leg Syndrome (extreme)

Body aches

Muscle contractions

Vision problems (No to this one)

Suicidal ideation (still but understanding why helps. I ran into a lady on Lyrica 1 month 9 months latter she still had this)

Difficulty breathing (hard to take deep breath) (hard to take a breath sometimes body kinda locks up)

Lack of desire to socialize in any way (may be part of depression but I know what you are talking about.)

Mood swings

Babbling (nonsense sounds without any meaning This happens as my symptoms start to escalate.)

Temporary mental illness . (like going to crazy town and visiting every address for a few hours to 3 days) This did give me a lot of understanding that sometimes behavior is in the brain and not under the control of a person. Once i stopped freaking out, about 2 weeks into it, I found it interesting

servere loss of appetite. (had)

Rebound pain (for 9 months)

Mental Fog

Good luck

caroline2 01-11-2016 01:46 PM

Every time I see the lyrica tv ad I could scream, but I mute and close my eyes. I don't know anyone personally who has ever taken it so I can't know their experiences... how they can still push it and people trust their doctors is beyond my mindset. I know there is a class action suit re: lipitor, maybe so with lyrica...don't know.

You mention RLS, is that your main issue? Have you researched alternatives for RLS.

Cynthus 03-14-2016 02:09 PM

Taming the Lyrica Withdrawal Beast, continued.
Thought I should post an update on my withdrawal in case it will help others dealing with this madness. I am still trying to titrate down, now at 25mg/month. It's still the hardest thing I've ever done, and the side effects and withdrawal symptoms are the same. I am on a low dose of Effexor to manage some of the withdrawal depression, anxiety and rage, but it doesn't help much. The crying jags and depression are one thing, the suicidal ideation is another. I wish there was some way to stop it but so far no luck, and it is very draining. The other symptoms, stomach pain, headaches, spasms, being tired etc. are uncomfortable but not as scary as the psychological side effects. I am terrified to think that some of these symptoms may be permanent. :grouphug: may the odds be ever in all of our favors.

eva5667faliure 03-15-2016 07:36 AM


Originally Posted by what a ride (Post 1192560)
It will be two years next week since I went off lyrica. I am still having all the symptoms I started with. Most are a bit less but not all. Life has changed and not for the better at least for now. I am still, with my doctors help, working on reducing my symptoms. I am very careful of all meds RX or OTC since almost all give me severe side effects While I am mentally more alert, aware and happier then last year, my body is not much better. My RLS is day and night as well as involving my whole body sometimes, sleeping is hard I no longer try at night and wait until morning, less stress that way. The mental problems I got AFTER going off lyrica still come and go, but not every day a different problem. The first year off this drug my mind did funny things. Not to the point of needing to fix anything because within 3 days it would be gone and replaced by something else. I have come to the conclusion that for some of us the damage is permanent.

From your list these are the ones I had and/or still have:

Exhaustion, coupled with insomnia


Crying jags (Tears can help detox the brain I've heard. It did reduce other stmptons)

Rage (among a host of other emotional problems much better now)

Extreme episodes of sweating (had now just "Hot Flashes" no hormone problem)


Inability to regulate temperature

Headache (had)

Nausea (Thank God this one has been gone for a year)
Stomach pain (often described as stabbing pain) (had. forgot about this one)

Severe Anxiety (had)

Restless Leg Syndrome (extreme)

Body aches

Muscle contractions

Vision problems (No to this one)

Suicidal ideation (still but understanding why helps. I ran into a lady on Lyrica 1 month 9 months latter she still had this)

Difficulty breathing (hard to take deep breath) (hard to take a breath sometimes body kinda locks up)

Lack of desire to socialize in any way (may be part of depression but I know what you are talking about.)

Mood swings

Babbling (nonsense sounds without any meaning This happens as my symptoms start to escalate.)

Temporary mental illness . (like going to crazy town and visiting every address for a few hours to 3 days) This did give me a lot of understanding that sometimes behavior is in the brain and not under the control of a person. Once i stopped freaking out, about 2 weeks into it, I found it interesting

servere loss of appetite. (had)

Rebound pain (for 9 months)

Mental Fog

Good luck

Good luck to you also
As I am coming off Xanax
It is not the drug being the point for
Just the simple fact
You speak of the
Benzodiazepines that's another drug that takes a very long time
Sometimes permanent damage

Supporting what you wrote
Thank you
For your experience
And hope

zecrich 05-03-2016 04:45 PM

Hi guys

I was on Lyrica 300mg twice a day for about six years, I wanted to come off of it because my eyesight was getting worse and a pharmacist said that can be caused by Lyrica.

So I dropped to 225mg in the morning and 300mg at night and 2 weeks later took 225mg twice a day for 2 weeks and slowly stepped down like that,

I'm now on 100mg twice a day and have been for about 6 weeks but I feel so unwell, I'm sweating for no reason, I hurt like crazy and I keep getting stabbing pains in random places on my lower half and that includes my under carriage.

I have planned to stop on this dose, my wife wants me to go back up to 150mg but I don't want to go backwards.

How long will it take for my body to level out?

zecrich 06-02-2016 08:48 AM

I ended up down to 100mg twice a day and I felt so unwell, but I stuck with it as I thought it would get easier, it didn't!

So I went back up to 150mg twice a day, i feel more human again and it is still half the original dose, the plan is to stick at this dose for six months and then try again

Gail59tx 09-22-2017 09:57 AM

I can relate!
Hi everyone, I'm new here, this is my first post. I'm currently on Lyrica, 300mg twice daily. I've been taking it for over eight years. Once or twice I couldn't get my refill in a timely manner and did I ever suffer. Here's the best way I can describe the feeling of being without it for just a few days. When taking it, it's as if a blanket covers your nerves, calming them almost like an anesthetic. Without it, my nerves suddenly awakened to a hyper sensitivity. Just the slightest breeze against my skin was very irritating. My nerves felt raw. Then there's the hot and cold flashes. Literally, one minute I'd be burning up then the next minute, I'd be freezing. Sometimes I was hot and cold at the same time, which was odd and frustrating. I would be extremely lethargic and could only eat one small meal a day. When feeling that bad, food was the least of my concerns. Lyrica withdrawal is hellish and obviously the drug reps failed to disclose this information to Doctors. Did they even mention the weight gain and swelling? Probably not. I wish I could go off of this medication but I don't know if that's possible. It really does help my fibromyalgia and nerve pain in my feet from failed surgeries. But I hate being Lyrica's slave. I've ordered some Kratom and am very hopeful that this will help my pain. If it's the miracle people say it is, I'm going to try reducing the Lyrica ever do slowly. It gives me hope that others here were able to stop eventually without too much agony. Glad to be here to share with you all.

Thereisalwayshope 09-25-2017 01:50 PM

Hey! I am no expert at all but maybe i have some ideas that can help you.
First of all, you are NOT crazy! It may seem so and it can feel so real, but it is not.

Lyrica is said to stop new synapses from forming. Maybe that is why it takes so long to recover from.
Both ashwagandha and bacopa stimulates dendrites and axons to grow in the brain. So this could be of some help.

Bacopa monnieri

Check out **

There are many reliabel sources. And remember that there is always HOPE!

If it doesn't work we must ask Elon Musk for help :)

Take care and hang in there.

And sorry for my english, it is not my first language.

Momoftwobeauties 10-01-2017 11:35 AM

I’m so grateful you’re doing needs to be addressed!

Originally Posted by triviafriend (Post 1005792)
Gosh my ego is a bit bruised...lots of views of this page, but no one posting. I hope if you have a similar story, you tell it here, even briefly. Reading posts from others who were suffering was some of the best recovery medicine I found (which is why sharing is the cornerstone of the 12 Step Movement). But even if you are just reading, I hope this thread helps you!

Thank you so much for doing this....I’ve not intentionally gotten off Lyrica but have missed just one dose at times and felt like HELL...extreme nausea, headache unlike anything I’ve ever had, and that’s only the beginning but those two were by far the worse! I have neuropathy in my toes but I’ve decided that is not enough to warrant putting up with the weight gain. I’m terrified about getting off the drug but I’ve read some really good things about both titration and things to do/take to help with the symptoms like Benedryl and sugary drinks. I’m a recovering alcoholic and hated the couple of times I had to withdraw off the alcohol but at least it only lasted a couple of days and I don’t remember it being near as bad as the ONLY ONE DOSE I would miss and want to DIE! Ugh. If you have any other tips since your post in 2015, I’d so appreciate hearing about it. I take 150 mg at night and tonight will be my first night weaning and I guess I’ll go down to 100 mg since the capsules I take are 50 mg a piece. If anyone has any other suggestions, PLEASE respond! I’m really scared and dreading this.

Thank you all,

Momoftwobeauties 10-01-2017 11:45 AM

[QUOTE=Gail59tx;1251475]Hi everyone, I'm new here, this is my first post. I'm currently on Lyrica, 300mg twice daily. I've been taking it for over eight years. Once or twice I couldn't get my refill in a timely manner and did I ever suffer. Here's the best way I can describe the feeling of being without it for just a few days. When taking it, it's as if a blanket covers your nerves, calming them almost like an anesthetic. Without it, my nerves suddenly awakened to a hyper sensitivity. Just the slightest breeze against my skin was very irritating. My nerves felt raw. Then there's the hot and cold flashes. Literally, one minute I'd be burning up then the next minute, I'd be freezing. Sometimes I was hot and cold at the same time, which was odd and frustrating. I would be extremely lethargic and could only eat one small meal a day. When feeling that bad, food was the least of my concerns. Lyrica withdrawal is hellish and obviously the drug reps failed to disclose this information to Doctors. Did they even mention the weight gain and swelling? Probably not. I wish I could go off of this medication but I don't know if that's possible. It really does help my fibromyalgia and nerve pain in my feet from failed surgeries. But I hate being Lyrica's slave. I've ordered some Kratom and am very hopeful that this will help my pain. If it's the miracle people say it is, I'm going to try reducing the Lyrica ever do slowly. It gives me hope that others here were able to stop eventually without too much agony. Glad to be here to share with you all.

Hello! Thank you for your post. Could you tell me if you’re having any success with the Kratom? I’m not familiar with it at all.

I so appreciate it!



triviafriend 02-08-2018 01:37 PM


Originally Posted by Gail59tx (Post 1251475)
Hi everyone, I'm new here, this is my first post. I'm currently on Lyrica, 300mg twice daily. I've been taking it for over eight years. Once or twice I couldn't get my refill in a timely manner and did I ever suffer. Here's the best way I can describe the feeling of being without it for just a few days. When taking it, it's as if a blanket covers your nerves, calming them almost like an anesthetic. Without it, my nerves suddenly awakened to a hyper sensitivity. Just the slightest breeze against my skin was very irritating. My nerves felt raw. Then there's the hot and cold flashes. Literally, one minute I'd be burning up then the next minute, I'd be freezing. Sometimes I was hot and cold at the same time, which was odd and frustrating. I would be extremely lethargic and could only eat one small meal a day. When feeling that bad, food was the least of my concerns. Lyrica withdrawal is hellish and obviously the drug reps failed to disclose this information to Doctors. Did they even mention the weight gain and swelling? Probably not. I wish I could go off of this medication but I don't know if that's possible. It really does help my fibromyalgia and nerve pain in my feet from failed surgeries. But I hate being Lyrica's slave. I've ordered some Kratom and am very hopeful that this will help my pain. If it's the miracle people say it is, I'm going to try reducing the Lyrica ever do slowly. It gives me hope that others here were able to stop eventually without too much agony. Glad to be here to share with you all.

Hello! Thank you for your post. Could you tell me if you’re having any success with the Kratom? I’m not familiar with it at all.

I so appreciate it!



I'm so sorry you are dealing with all the problems caused by Lyrica. Why a class action lawsuit hasn't been brought against the maker is beyond me. There is hope. Water titration was the answer for me, because I would become horribly sick when I was going through withdrawal. I literally ended my taper taking a tiny bit in took quite a long time, but if I did it, you can too. Sending you positive vibes!

EsmeHealthy 05-27-2018 03:33 PM


Originally Posted by triviafriend (Post 1005792)
Gosh my ego is a bit bruised...lots of views of this page, but no one posting. I hope if you have a similar story, you tell it here, even briefly. Reading posts from others who were suffering was some of the best recovery medicine I found (which is why sharing is the cornerstone of the 12 Step Movement). But even if you are just reading, I hope this thread helps you!

Thank you so much for posting about Lyrica! I'm going through withdrawals and omg, I can tell you, it's more than awful! Nuclear hot flashes, mental fogginess, irritability, and then, there's the itching! I am so itchy all over that I'm debating whether or not to buy sandpaper just to get some relief lol

All kidding aside though, this poison should be taken off the market. Immediately. The withdrawals and what it does to a person remind me of all those videos you see on Youtube with regards to those on street drugs. This drug wasn't even tested, it was packaged and then boom! Doctors saw how much money they could make. I have NO respect for doctors at all. I can't begin to tell you how many people I've seen suffer because their idiot and ignorant doctors never told them about the side effects and the withdrawal symptoms.

I was on 650mg a day last year, then this year, I had run out and it was the long weekend, so I was out of luck. Let me tell ya, it was horrific. When I did get my prescription and took one pill, every single symptom went away. That's when I knew I had to taper off. I slowly tapered off down to about 5mg and then last Friday was my last dose. I might be suffering right now, but it's going to be worth it just to have my body the way it used to be. I also gained over 35+ pounds in the space of about 6 months. I look like a balloon and walking became unbearable due to the extra weight on my knees.

I am so hoping that in another few weeks, all the side effects, or most of them, will be gone.

Again, thank you so much for your post! I just joined today and yours is the first I read and you are bang on! Good job!


ger715 05-29-2018 09:14 PM

Keep up the good work your tapering off the Lyrica. Early in my days of spinal pain after my fusion; a Pain Management doctor put me on Lyrica and Cymbalta. After only a couple of weeks on the Lyrica, I felt like bugs were biting my legs; I stopped the Lyrica even tho the doctor kept after me to keep on taking it. Stopped Cymbalta as well, I felt like a "zombi".

Wish you all the best on completing your withdrawal.


backpack 05-30-2018 12:31 AM

Lyrica....long lasting effects
Hello all... I am new on here and am wondering if anyone has any experience on long-lasting or lingering effects of Lyrica after successfully weaning from it? I am not even sure I am posting this question in the correct area!

A little background info...I was in an MVA in 2007 with multiple fractures including C1, C3, C5 and burst fractures of T6&T8 including many of the spiny processes from T4-L1. (This is a short list of my injuries, but the most significant ones that cause my lingering chronic pain.) After various narcotics for almost a year, I successfully weaned from Fentanyl 75mcg/patch every three days, oxycotin, and oxycodone with minor withdrawal symptoms due to a very slow weaning process.

After continued nerve pain from the burst T6&T8 (compressed vertebrae), I was started on neurotin and had severe brain fog, so I was switched to Lyrica 75 mg three times a day for a total daily dose of 225mg a day. Little did I know that my brain fog lifted only for a short time and has now over five years progressively gotten worse on the Lyrica. I've also had problems with word finding, sentence pauses, memory issues, extreme weight gain even with exercise, name recall, extreme tiredness to the point of failing a multiple latency sleep study. I am in the process of weaning off the Lyrica very slowly to hopefully prevent any of the known and unknown withdrawal symptoms.

My question is this... Can anyone give me any insight into how long it takes for the brain fog to lift after successfully withdrawing and stopping the Lyrica? Will my memory return to normal when I am off the Lyrica? If so, how long have others taken to normalize? I just need to know or be reassured that my brain will start working again! If I would have known how bad my brain fog was going to get I doubt I would have given Lyrica a trial run which ended up lasting five-plus years.

Thanks to anyone that has any insight to add!;)

kiwi33 05-30-2018 07:18 AM

Hi Karen

Welcome to NeuroTalk :).

I can't directly help you but if you describe your experiences in the TBI/PCS forum ( as well members who contribute to it may also be able to help you.

All the best,

backpack 05-30-2018 10:11 AM


Originally Posted by kiwi33 (Post 1263252)
Hi Karen

Welcome to NeuroTalk :).

I can't directly help you but if you describe your experiences in the TBI/PCS forum as well members who contribute to it may also be able to help you.

All the best,

Hi Kiwi33
Thanks for the information. I did look through most of the discussions in that group before I posted in the medication group. Is it best to start a new thread? Thanks! Karen

michaelavi 03-18-2019 05:24 PM


Originally Posted by what a ride (Post 1192560)
It will be two years next week since I went off lyrica. I am still having all the symptoms I started with. Most are a bit less but not all. Life has changed and not for the better at least for now. I am still, with my doctors help, working on reducing my symptoms. I am very careful of all meds RX or OTC since almost all give me severe side effects While I am mentally more alert, aware and happier then last year, my body is not much better. My RLS is day and night as well as involving my whole body sometimes, sleeping is hard I no longer try at night and wait until morning, less stress that way. The mental problems I got AFTER going off lyrica still come and go, but not every day a different problem. The first year off this drug my mind did funny things. Not to the point of needing to fix anything because within 3 days it would be gone and replaced by something else. I have come to the conclusion that for some of us the damage is permanent.

From your list these are the ones I had and/or still have:

Exhaustion, coupled with insomnia


Crying jags (Tears can help detox the brain I've heard. It did reduce other stmptons)

Rage (among a host of other emotional problems much better now)

Extreme episodes of sweating (had now just "Hot Flashes" no hormone problem)


Inability to regulate temperature

Headache (had)

Nausea (Thank God this one has been gone for a year)
Stomach pain (often described as stabbing pain) (had. forgot about this one)

Severe Anxiety (had)

Restless Leg Syndrome (extreme)

Body aches

Muscle contractions

Vision problems (No to this one)

Suicidal ideation (still but understanding why helps. I ran into a lady on Lyrica 1 month 9 months latter she still had this)

Difficulty breathing (hard to take deep breath) (hard to take a breath sometimes body kinda locks up)

Lack of desire to socialize in any way (may be part of depression but I know what you are talking about.)

Mood swings

Babbling (nonsense sounds without any meaning This happens as my symptoms start to escalate.)

Temporary mental illness . (like going to crazy town and visiting every address for a few hours to 3 days) This did give me a lot of understanding that sometimes behavior is in the brain and not under the control of a person. Once i stopped freaking out, about 2 weeks into it, I found it interesting

servere loss of appetite. (had)

Rebound pain (for 9 months)

Mental Fog

Good luck

I wish I never took this substance. At 21 years old, I have everything to live for and yet every day for me is incredibly painful. I used to be really sharp, was doing great last year and I had a rough point (I lost over $100K in the crypto crash). I wanted to be on top of my game for University and seeked the help of a psychiatrist. I wish I never took that advice.

I tried Pregabalin for just over 1 month. It would've been shorter, had I not started tapering from 4 pills (300mg daily) per day for 2 weeks +.

It's been nearly 2 months since I've not taken any Pregabalin pills. I still have tinnitus and hearing problems, visual snow & disturbances, I'm sensitive to light now, extreme anxiety, suicidal ideation (where I DON'T WANT TO DIE, I just can't stop thinking about it whereas before I didn't have this, OCD morbid thoughts.. again, didn't have this before. I feel like I'm going crazy every day. I can't focus on my dreams and goals, and the main reason I keep going is that I'm hoping I'll heal eventually and I want to make my girlfriend as happy as I can.

I'm now thinking I might have to resort to SSRIs as the anxiety prevents me from work or studying. I've lost so much in such a short span. Life is not enjoyable when all the good moments are filled with a big dose of fear.

At least the physical symptoms stopped a while back. I couldn't sleep at all for the first few nights. I was prescribed a benzodiazapene, but even that didn't really help so I stopped after 5 nights. I feel depersonalized/derealized quite often, like all of this is just a bad dream.

I have trouble regulating temperature, but it was way worse. I'd get full body chills. I had near psychosis, and was so scared to go outside. I feared public transport and other people. I was experiencing some weird electric shock type feeling in my left upper leg.

Joanneshera 01-12-2020 09:04 AM

4th day off lyrica. I can relate to all your symptoms

caroline2 01-12-2020 02:40 PM

Too too bad for all the distress of this drug. For me, and I take 95% supplements for nerve damage and all the OA issues I deal with, I would never take a drug splashed over our tv media as it is. Those pharma people are spending millions to get people on their lab produced drugs. To me, it's criminal.

Was just thinking today and I'm 81 and so have a lot of past and thinking about healing medicine...real medicine has been around for 1000's of years and should NOT be called alternative...but the pharma science drugs are the real alternatives and very toxic to our bodies. All $$$ driven. So much out there to help us, we just have to change our MINDS.

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