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Old 10-17-2013, 06:07 PM #1
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Default Heart Palps and chest pressure from Lyrica withdrawal?

just wanted to know if others had chest pain or heart palpitations from Lyrica withdrawal. I know my BP is up but this feels more like it is caused by withdrawal since it came with many of the symptoms that Trivia listed.
Thanks, Diandra
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Old 08-02-2014, 01:25 PM #2
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Default How are you currently doing?

Originally Posted by Diandra View Post
Trivia, thanks for your post...very helpful as I am currently tapering but I was only on 100-125mg daily but for 4 or5 yrs.

You covered most symptoms and I can only add:
- Heart palpitations and chest pressure and jaw pain
- Language issues...using wrong words or slurring or stuttering
- Uneven gait, clumsy(I seem to misjudge corners in my home and walk into them like I am drunk).

I do agree that withdrawal is more difficult than expected and I have gone off all my pain meds twice before, including oxycontin. I did try to get off lyrica about a yr ago but was not prepared. This time I have joined a health club that has sauna and jacuzzi and warm pool. I find exercise difficult but am forcing myself to swim slowly and sit in sauna to get rid of toxins. I also hired a friend to help me food shop and make large glasses of veggie juice each day and I am eating really well. I don't know if Lyrica also suppresses endorphins like opiates do but, I know you are supposed to do things to help kick endorphins back into gear like listening to happy around a bit if you can funny movies...cuddle with your loved ones or pets(my cats are amazingly sensitive to my situation, it is just uncanny!)

Now this is personal and off track a bit, but, I am doing some soul searching and my pain doc has always emphasized stress makes pain worse. I have identified some issues in my life that bother me the most and I am working on reaching out to siblings I am estranged from and forgiving folks for hurt to me, etc. It is cathartic.

I wish you all well as you try to get off lyrica. My advice is very slow and steady.
My doc lets me use Lorazepam to help with withdrawal symptoms and because this has also kicked my BP into overdrive, I can use Clonidine which also helps with wd symptoms.

Take care, D
Hi, D. I have taken Lyrica for around 7 years. I have experienced some side effects, but was only taking 200mg in 100mg capsules 1 time daily. I am an exercise type person and love to eat right, so I am wondering if you were successful in getting off this drug? I am currently on the way down 25mg one month at a time. Very slow, but a pharmacologist I talked to said that this might be a good way to try. I am not a medical person, and it is only one person's viewpoint. Bottom line, were you successful?
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Old 08-02-2014, 03:34 PM #3
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Welcome Jenny Sue.


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Old 09-23-2014, 12:37 AM #4
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Originally Posted by Jenny Sue View Post
Hi, D. I have taken Lyrica for around 7 years. I have experienced some side effects, but was only taking 200mg in 100mg capsules 1 time daily. I am an exercise type person and love to eat right, so I am wondering if you were successful in getting off this drug? I am currently on the way down 25mg one month at a time. Very slow, but a pharmacologist I talked to said that this might be a good way to try. I am not a medical person, and it is only one person's viewpoint. Bottom line, were you successful?
Hi Jenny Sue...sorry it took so long to answer...have not been on this forum for awhile. I did manage to get off the Lyrica and was off many weeks and then my seizures started up again, so I went back on( it was the beginning of a weekend and my doc was not around and I did not want to do ER). I am still struggling and plan to get off again after the holidays, I don't want to be so ill during that time.

How are you doing? Wel, I hope.
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Old 01-05-2014, 11:31 PM #5
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Originally Posted by triviafriend View Post
Hi everyone...I know that there have been several threads posted by members who are dealing with difficult withdrawal symptoms caused by Lyrica. However I believe that it's time to start recording the experiences of those suffering, so we can understand which symptoms occur commonly. Many people going through withdrawal are shocked by how sick they have become. Doctors and healthcare workers often don't know, or don't believe that stopping Lyrica can be the cause of so much misery. As terrible as it sounds, Doctors often react with anger or frustration when a patient complains of suffering because they don't want to assume any responsibility or accept any blame for prescribing something that makes a patient so sick. "You must be imagining things, or even lying or exaggerating,because this drug does NOT cause this level of withdrawal!"...Well, we know better.

I was prescribed Lyrica for RSD, 450mg per day. I made the mistake of running out when my pharmacy was closed. I became so sick that I was unable to get out of bed for more than two weeks. I was unaware that Lyrica caused withdrawal, so much so that I thought I had the flu! My husband picked up my prescription by chance one day, while having his own prescription filled, and brought it home. I was blown away to find myself completely well within an hour of taking my regular dose. Then and there, I made the decision that I would stop taking the drug. I had found the side effects horrific anyway, with the weight gain, mental foginess and emotional deadness I had been experiencing while on Lyrica. I began a taper immediately.

I started reducing my Lyrica by 25mg every 10 days to two weeks. It was rough, especially when I went down in dosage, and it took days to feel even marginally better. Still, I stuck it out, beginning in January 2013, and finally finishing in July of the same year. A long, slow taper, I know, but I went as fast as I felt I could, enough to keep the withdrawal symptoms at bay so I could function. Many have found, like I did, that quitting cold turkey was virtually impossible, due to the fact that the terrible illness of withdrawal would just go on and on, never getting any better. I've heard of people sick for months while going through Lyrica withdrawal.

Reading about the experiences of others going through what I was going through was an enormous comfort to me. It made me feel that I wasn't crazy, that I was one of many who had been taken in by promises of pain relief without fear of addiction or withdrawal (that's what I was told!). The following is a list of the symptoms that I experienced during withdrawal from Lyrica. I encourage everyone to add your experiences to this thread as well. Believe me, there are lots of people suffering right now who will visit this sight and be comforted with the knowledge that they are not alone!


Exhaustion, coupled with insomnia (horrible combination)
Crying jags
Extreme episodes of sweating
Inability to regulate temperature
Stomach pain (often described as stabbing pain)
Severe Anxiety
Restless Leg Syndrome
Body aches
Muscle contractions
Vision problems
Suicidal ideation
Difficulty breathing (hard to take deep breath)
Lack of desire to socialize in any way
Mood swings

I know that more symptoms exist, and I hope that you will add your own experiences to this thread. Only by bringing this terrible issue forward will we ever convince anyone...Doctors, health-care workers or Pfizer itself to do something about the irresponsible way that this drug has been fed to us all, and force them to take measures to at the very least inform the public of the risks that taking Lyrica bring.
Ok, so here's the conundrum! I'm on 600mg of Lyrica along with methadone 10mg 4x a day (which I'm getting ready to titrate down due to a pain pump being put in) as well as 5/325 mg percocet. Now I know that I have to go off the methadone. I'll stay on the percocet as needed for breakthrough pain but I'm not sure about the Lyrica. I take all of my Lyrica at night to help me sleep through any breakthrough pain so that I can get through the night without having to wake up in the middle of the night just to take more medication for my pain, and since the 600mg does get me through an entire night, why not. However, with the fact that I have the pain pump and I'm on morphine through that pump, I don't know if I'll need to go off of it or just lower my dosage. I've never had to experience the withdrawal symptoms since I've never been without it in the first place. I've always had plenty. It's always shipped directly to me by the VA. I've also never had any side effects from it either, unless some of the weird things that have been going on are related to this, because some of the things that one of the other people posted about their side effects kind of stuck a chord with me. I have been experiencing blurred vision over the last year which come to think of it is about the same time frame that I a started on the higher dose of the Lyrica, as well as the severe joint pain that I've been having. Severe pain in the joints in my fingers, hips and knees. Maybe I need to bring this issue up with my Dr. Most people on this forum probably have issues with talking to their Dr's about this and having them believe then, but I love my Dr's because they listen to me and one that I'm not bsing them and they respect what I say to the because they know I know what I'm talking about as I use to be a nurse. That being said, I pray that I never have to find out because of you had that with the 450mg, I can't imagine what it would be like if I had to do it from a 600mg standpoint. I hope I never have to find out! Btw, the reason I have a pain pump and that I take all the medications that I do is because I have MS and I have severe chronic nerve pain from the damage that the MS causes! Just FYI

Last edited by Sissyt213; 01-05-2014 at 11:46 PM.
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Old 02-21-2014, 02:01 PM #6
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Default Lyrica withdrawal

I was only on Lyrica for three weeks and came off it because of weight gain, I tried to come off first by stopping the tablets all together but the withdrawal was so bad that I started them again and decide to taper coming off, the withdrawal is still not very nice as I got to the taking none stage. Hopefully each day will get better
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Old 05-26-2014, 09:10 PM #7
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Help Lyrica Withdrawal

First, I am beyond thankful to have found this sight.

I have had Fibromyalgia most of my life, I don't remember a time when I didn't have FM pain, fatigue began to take it's toll in 2000. I have been on a smorgasbord of medication and until I went on Neurontin nothing seemed to work. Neurontin lost it's effect after 2 yrs., I went off of it with no problem. Sometime around 2006/2007 I was in a trial program for Lyrica and figured it was an easy transition since Neurontin had worked. For roughly the last 4 years I started having a huge variety of problems but they were so sporatic my drs failed/refused to make the connection, until, my dentist told them that some mouth problems I was having had to be because of medication because my teeth were fine but beginning to decay due to severe dry mouth! Sooooo, I began titrating off of Lyrica and until this moment I had no idea there was even an issue trying to do so. I'm starting my forth week and I too am going through what Trivia and others are going through. The worst for me is nausea, a ringing in my head, severe muscle spasms, fatigue and insomnia. I had started taking SAMe (for Osteoarthritis) about 4 months prior to all this and I think that is why I am not having the anxiety & depression like others, it's there but nothing like the other issues I'm having. What a nightmare!
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Old 06-22-2014, 01:00 PM #8
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Default Help with tapering off Lyrica


So I'm all new here - after reading this and the other thread decided to post.

I got put on Lyrica after being diagnosed with pudendal neuralgia. Not long after going on I started getting suicidal - then not knowing it is the Lyrica - but rather thinking it is the pain. Either way, after a year long battle (with only a few months of relief in between) of being suicidal, I finally figured out its the Lyrica.

I was on 300mg (150/150), I asked the dr to reduce - he reduced morning dose to 75mg. This was in March. My mood nose dived even more, not realizing it is withdrawel.

I am now doing ear acupuncture, which is well known for its detox benefits, in conjunction with a slow(ish) taper. From 150mg to 75mg in about 8 weeks. But yes, the drop, oh the drop. Once you drop, so does your mood and you start crying. Considering dropping even less per drop.

But enough of that - what are the solid tips & tricks to getting "over" Lyrica? I read somewhere of enemas. Could this help in the detox?
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Old 06-22-2014, 01:26 PM #9
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Welcome RJSA.

Someone will be along to help.


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Old 06-23-2014, 03:17 AM #10
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Default Thanks

Originally Posted by Kitt View Post
Welcome RJSA.

Someone will be along to help.
Great stuff - thanks - I am glad this thread is still alive!
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